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13440790 No.13440790 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good anti-intellectual quotes?

"“[...] intellectualism (as understood by Fascists) divorces thought from action, science from life, the brain from the heart, and theory from practice. It is the posture of the talker and the skeptic, of the person who entrenches himself behind the maxim that it is one thing to say something and another thing to do it; it is the utopian who is the fabricator of systems that will never face concrete reality; it is the talk of the poet, the scientist, the philosopher, who confine themselves to fantasy and to speculation and are ill-disposed to look around themselves and see the earth on which they tread and on which are to be found those fundamental human interests that feed their very fantasy and intelligence.”
- Giovanni Gentile

"Do you imagine that men of genius or, let’s say, men of science in history walked around clear-headed, “disenchanted,” reasonable, with the tight-assed attitude of the science cultist and materialist? No great discovery has ever been made by the power of reason."
- Bronze Age Pervert

"Each great historian was setting out to outdo his predecessor as a rival. Do you think they made some things up?"

"The assault is very heavy in Silicon Valley where there wasn’t any serious innovation being done in the first place: already technology had been reduced to the development of dick pic apps for adolescents. Science has long ago ceased and been castrated… Will it be born again?"

""Every new form of life among mankind seeks to blot out the memory of its predecessors, to rewrite the history, and maybe does so literally, corrupting the texts themselves."

"Stop reading books"
- Quentin "The Book Club" Lastname

>> No.13440799

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

>> No.13440801

Read Guenon. He is anti-intellectualism, though note that he does use the word “intellect” in a positive way, but he is not referring to rationality or any mental faculty, the intellect he is talking about is an intuitive faculty that is located in the “heart”

>> No.13440811
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i see you bap

>> No.13440819

Are these actual quotes? If they are, bro, that's kinda cringe...

>> No.13440834
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Good one. Very cool.
I have his entry-level book on Hinduism. I didn't know he had that attitude towards intellect. I would apply the same thing in an animist way to animals (and plants and mushrooms) and physics. Ineffable tendencies of things. The higher animals have more of this. I would call it spirit as well.
I'm not bap lol.
Stop cringing start living.

>> No.13440836

Nietzsche did that much better than Gentile and BAP. He could understand precisely the limitations of intellect and deride it with great sarcasm while understanding its power.

See also Chesterton's take on the Poet, the People and the Professor.

Céline and Bloy have some very anti-intellectual writings iirc, but for Bloy it's both a romantic and christian criticism, while Céline was more talking shit about the bourgeois who have closed themselves off from life.

>> No.13440842

So, OP, would you say pretending to have read the BAM is a good way to lay edgy thots?

>> No.13440844

Yup, for Guenon intellect and spirit are interchangeable terms

>> No.13440857

>but he is not referring to rationality or any mental faculty, the intellect he is talking about is an intuitive faculty that is located in the “heart”
the way you worded that it makes him sound like he's a plain old rationalist. OP probably is looking for people who are anti-intellectual because they see pure intellect as being divorced from the heart/intuition.

>> No.13440864
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I'm scared to read NEETsche without working myself through all the big prior philosophy first cause I tried reading The Gay Science as a teenager and it didn't work.
2)It's the most fun I've had reading anything, so read anyway.
3)If you can take it to heart, you will be able to fuck thoths, but this is hardest part.
I've come to the same conclusion as him on that then, most probably through indirect influence on Dan McCoy (https://norse-mythology.org/))

>> No.13440869

(I'm just trying to dab on nerds and the inner nerd)

>> No.13440878

That chick is going to murder someone and get some poor dude to take the blame.

>> No.13440882
File: 292 KB, 870x1636, EA750D1E-AC70-4CCC-A2B3-1C4BB0463DC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will be able to fuck thoths
based and hermeticpilled

>> No.13440884

Not really, women rarely turn killers. More likely is that she'll marry an incel and absolutely destroy his psychological well being, cheating on him with CHADs and divorce raping him.

>> No.13440892

that kind of girl would never marry an incel. a beta, probably, but not an incel

>> No.13440898
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Apparently she goes by femcel and is an anti-racist leftist, so probably a heretic. I enjoy the aesthetics of her big forehead and tiny chin though. Big brain. Hold many recipes in better times.
Thoth = bird god
Bird = British for broad


>> No.13440903

"Quarry the granite rock with razors, or moor the
vessel with a thread of silk; then may you hope with such keen and delicate instruments as human knowledge and human reason to contend against those giants, the passion and the pride of man."

>> No.13440913

i don't know who this Guneon faggot is but i suspect he's a bit like Atheism Is Unstoppable who sees something like philosophy as mental masturbation whenever it debunks materialism using sound reason.

>> No.13440939
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Guenon is the daddy of Traditionalism lole. Very much not an atheist or materialist. Pretty sure he was a convert to Islam but studied many religions

>> No.13440948

he didn’t consider himself a convert, though. he said it was adopting an exterior role, nothing more

>> No.13440953
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>> No.13440977

Go to bed Linus

>> No.13440990
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Close enough. Like I said, I haven't read Guenon, but knowledge of Guenon and some of his ideas has come to me secondhand.
I am btfo by Jewish genre fiction! You win again!
I am hyped up on ginseng and other things.

>> No.13440994
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>> No.13441016
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Heavy. I believe myself to be implicated here (in art specifically). I will save this to remember.

>> No.13441035

>I am btfw by Jewish genre fiction! You win again!
Well, you've certainly got this whole anti-intellectualism thing down.

>> No.13441092

Hot desu.

>> No.13441095

Amusing that vessel are carried by essentially big pieces of cloth and granite is cut essentially by big enough razors.

>> No.13441103

Thank you for the book, BAP. It's a riot and very, very insightful.

>> No.13441127

Last I saw granite being cut, it was being done with a string saw wit abrasive liquid.

>> No.13441131
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The notion that democracy means my ignorance is as good as your truth is not even a false one. The ancients knew, and the ancients of ancients* were not even dumb enough to entertain it.
* I name dropped song of my second favorite current death metal band.
My first favorite before it is asked.
I can think of many worse ways to go that are much more likely.
You should be able to tell I'm not BAP by me quoting Gentile, unless you are just typing this in hopes his eyes will grace it. I think the closest he's come to talking fondly of fascism was by calling them "the people who attempted to put philosophy of Nietzsche into practice" and saying that the military state is the right direction.

>> No.13441132


>> No.13441154

Sounds dumb desu

>> No.13441177

I responded to three people, homeskillet.

>> No.13441194

BAP is such a gifted writer. His style has so much power. I doubt the author can summon quite the same energy in another book, BAM being a once in a lifetime gift to that author, conceivably.

>> No.13441200

True. I wouldn't underestimate him though. You know of his twitter, right? And he recently wrote a thing on neopaganism.

>> No.13441230

what the fuck is this tripe? is all of his writing this bad?

>> No.13441248

This "bad writing" is what anon is referring to when he says " His style has so much power."

>> No.13442046

Can I get a quick rundown on this BAM meme book?
It's interesting that it seems to appeal to two groups who usually I would assume to have quite diverging opinions on this sort of thing.

Instathots and Roosh clone internet PUAs

>> No.13442091
File: 14 KB, 480x360, UGKrishnamurti-interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read U.G. Krishnamurti?
>There is only the one thought, "How?" The one question that this organism is interested in is "How to throw off the whole thraldom, the whole strangling influence of culture?" That question is the only question this organism has -- not as a word, not as a thought -- the whole human organism is that one question. I don't know whether I make myself clear. That is the one question, you see, which is throbbing, pulsating in every cell, in the very marrow of your bones, trying to free itself from this stranglehold. That is the one question, the one thought. That is the saviour. That question finds that it has no way of finding an answer, that it is impossible for that question to do anything, so it explodes. When it has no way to move, no space, the 'explosion' takes place. That 'explosion' is like a nuclear explosion. That breaks the continuity of thought.
>Actually there is no continuity of thought, because thoughts are disconnected, disjointed things; but something is linking them up. What you call the 'I' or the 'self' or the 'center' is illusory. I can say it is illusory, because it the knowledge you have about the self that creates the self when you look at the self. So all the talk of 'selfknowledge' or 'self- knowing' has no meaning to me. It is within the framework of knowledge. It is playing tricks with itself.
>So, this continuity comes to an end, and thought falls into its natural rhythm. Then it can't link up. The linking gets broken, and once it is broken it is finished. Then it is not once that thought explodes; every time that a thought arises, it explodes. It is like a nuclear explosion, you see, and it shatters the whole body. It is not an easy thing; it is the end of the man -- such a shattering thing that it will blast every cell, every nerve in your body. I went through terrible physical torture at that moment. Not that you experience the 'explosion'; you can't experience the 'explosion' -- but its aftereffects, the 'fall-out', is the thing that changes the whole chemistry of your body. Then thought cannot link up any more: the constant demand for experiencing things comes to an end.

>> No.13442095
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>That somebody, that artificial, illusory identity is finished. Then, you see, and even now, there is nobody who is feeling the feelings there, there is nobody who is thinking the thoughts there, there is nobody who is talking there; this is a pure and simple computer machine functioning automatically. The computer is not interested in your question, nor in my question. The computer is not interested in trying to understand how this mechanism is operating, so all those questions that we have as a result of our logical and rational thinking have no validity any more; they have lost their importance.
>So, the mechanism is functioning in an automatic way, but with an extraordinary intelligence that is there. It knows what is good for it. Don't call it 'divine'; there is an extraordinary, tremendous intelligence which is guiding the mechanism of the human body, and its interest is protection. Everything it does is to protect its survival -- that's all it is interested in.
>Then, the senses become very important factors: they begin to function at their peak capacity without the interference of thought except when there is a demand for thought. Here I must make one thing very clear: Thought is not self-initiated; it always comes into operation on demand. It depends upon the demands of the situation: there is a situation where thought is necessary, and so it is there; otherwise it is not there. Like that pen you are using -- you can write a beautiful piece of poetry or forge a cheque or do something with that pen -- it is there when there is a demand for it. Thought is only for the purposes of communication, otherwise it has no value at all. Then you are guided by your senses and not by your thoughts any more. So all this talk of controlling the senses is tommyrot, absolute rubbish. The senses have a built-in mechanism of control; it is not something to be acquired. This talk of yama, niyama, (controlling the senses), and all that, is rubbish; it has a self-controlling mechanism of its own. You can try to control, say, the sense of taste, but here, (in this state) you don't have to discipline yourself or control yourself. This physical organism, or human organism, or whatever you want to call it, is guided by sensory activity alone, and not by thinking, not by mind at all.

>> No.13442127

>e-celeb books

>> No.13442128

So basically a small cylindrical blade and some liquid, even less solid than a thread of silk. The remark stands.
People also use lasers to design metal parts -so essentially a fine thread of light.

>> No.13442131

begone shill

>> No.13442743

>Giovanni Gentile