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13440712 No.13440712 [Reply] [Original]

Is psychology a racket? Are therapists just a bunch of hacks? It's having an expensive conversation, and you're paying to spare your friends and family the burden of listening to your shit. What could they possibly say to fix issues that stem from a material deficiency? Are you going to make my dick bigger or my body any less disgusting so I don't stress about it 24/7? Or a emotional deficiency? Are you, Mrs. Therapist, going to somehow replace years of lack of touch and validation? Of feeling wanted and loved? Are you going to somehow revert time and un-divorce my parents and fix my relationship with my mother?
>finally reached out to get some help
>they double booked me with someone else so I gave it up and went home
>kinda mad

>> No.13440722

yes it’s a racket and they are hacks. societies with more psychologists and psychiatrists also have more widespread psychological issues. it doesn’t work.

>> No.13440725

i have never gotten anythign out of therapy. I have serious issues though, kind of beyond just talking to someone, i need the pills, which I dont have because Im useless, so i dirnk instead.

btw anon get into working out. It helps a lot with mental state. You can do a set of pushups right this moment. You can do knee pushups if the full ones are too hard. Just do some every day, and youll build up and can add in other stuff later, the essential thing is doing them every day.

>> No.13440743

I work out 5 times a week for over a year now. Weights and kettlebells. Could barely do 2 pull ups and now I do 20. That's how much I stress over my body. I find myself contemplating the calories in an apple before taking a bite. Sometimes I go to the toilet in the middle of a workday to take pictures of myself shirtless just to make sure I didn't lose any progress after a rest day.

>> No.13440746

It’s not a racket. Properly done, the conversation is led so that it exposes to you that your issues stem from how you view yourself/how you have constructed you own identity. You can then change this and perhaps overcome your issues.

>> No.13440750

Oh my bad I took your post to mean that you were unsatisfied with it because you were weak or fat or whatever. Do you have body dysmorphia? It sounds sort of like you do

>> No.13440764

Not body dysmorphia but just shitty genes. Puffy nipples that make it look like I have man-tits even though I got hard pecs when it's cold or I work out, wide hips that mess up the whole shoulder:waist ratio, disgusting pale skin, hairy in the shittiest spots. It always fucked me up and I directly associate it with my lack of success with women.

>> No.13440772

you don’t need to look good naked. if you’re already at the point with a girl where you guys are taking your clothes off she isn’t going to backtrack because of puffy nipples lol. just look good in how you dress and groom

>> No.13440781

I live in a country where it's summer for like 8 months a year. T-shirts don't go well with my body.
Yeah I'm fucked and I don't how a therapist can fix that lmao

>> No.13440784

As with everything else, there are many bad therapists. Among the minority of excellent ones, you have to find one you can develop a genuine rapport with over time, which narrows it down more. But, if you can get there, the benefits of a therapeutic relationship are substantial.
Science wise as a field it leaves a lot to be desired. But there are some treatment methods that are well researched and borne out by repeated experiment. CBT, as an example, seems to be effective at overcoming cognitive distortions.
A lot of therapists have a lot of experience with body issues, so it's entirely possible that you could benefit. Emotional issues like you described too, are comfortably within the wheelhouse of many therapists.
Anyway consider it. It's not fast and you have to use your judgement as to what's best for you, but in the right circumstances it can be effective.

>> No.13440793

I was forced to go to a psychologist by my uni last year and it was an unbelievable waste of time. Guy just told me to do pushups when I woke up to "get my blood pumping" and that I should "think through things harder."
Yes, I know exercise helps depression, but I was already actually exercising by running every day and he knew that.

>> No.13440797

Not only is it a racket, but it is a mentality that has completely annihilated the moral backbone of the occident. We have replaced the solid self with the cult of self-help. The therapeutic sensibility has made us the epicenter of cultural degradation in the world. You would be better off reading a book than wasting time and money on therapy.

>> No.13440803

Also, op: read The Last Psychiatrist's blog, especially the posts where he discusses his field. He thinks most of his peers are hacks, especially in what medications they prescribe.

>> No.13440813

yeah, i mean you gotta realize therapists are just wagies who are just as bummed about their work as macdonalds employees. they studied psychology because they were too brainlet for other studies and because they vaguely feel that they “want to help people”, but they are cunts who have no more idea about how to help you than you have yourself. they dont even like you. they’re waiting for the session to be over so they can go home and netflix. they are in no way qualified for what they are doing. taking university classes does not qualify to be a healer of men’s souls. that’s a very unique vocation that maybe .00001% of people can do, and none of them are psychologists lmao

>> No.13440818

really women do not care to the autistic level that guys who get into working out do about your body. If you are like sub15% body fat and you have some upper body mass, then theyll just place you into the "muscular" category. Theyre barely even going to notice your nipples or hips m8. Do you obsess over the minutiae in girls bodies or do you just make a kind of general assessment like 'ok her tits are nice and her ass is alright and shes not fat".

that is just one piece in the equation when it comes to sexual attraction anyway, body isnt everything

>> No.13440833

Elbows too pointy

>> No.13440865
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x790, racket for the jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a racket for the jews

>> No.13440926

Yeah it's not like men are being reduced down to their dick size, sexual performance and looks in this day and age, that's crazy haha..

>> No.13441068

They mostly aren't among normal people
Not all women are sorority girls

>> No.13441106

Honest question, why would you be interested in girls of that ilk? I am not saying they don't exist but either you are attracted to them or they are attracted to you.

>> No.13441128

Some psychologists are good, but they are rare. You have to do most of the job by yourself.
Go see a psychiatrist to get the pills, and avoid women because they can't understand men.
Be strong my friend.
Once you beat depression you can lose everything and still be good (t. me).
Fix what you can fix and accept everything else

>> No.13441153

therapy is a niche treatment for a very specific type of illness in a quite specific sort of environment and situation.

in other words, psychology continuing to grasp at straws. the circumstances so rarely align that a person's mind can benefit from any particular treatment, that our actual best approach to treating mental illness is to throw things at the wall and see what sticks. Lots of people end up getting hurt more in the process.

>> No.13441158
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Depends on the therapist. I’ve experienced really good ones and really bad ones.

But therapeutic culture as a greater phenomenon is not positive, but symptomatic of a late modern predicament that entails the erosion of community and atomized individuality. In lack of identity, the outside becomes an occasion for reflection rather than connection. We are all alone standing before the therapeutic state.

Pic related is a truthpill.

>> No.13442062

But most women are like that

>> No.13442117

Got to gym

>> No.13442133


>> No.13442162


>> No.13442170

yes youre paying hundreds of dollars for confession without the theological significance

>> No.13442176

im inclined to say the psychology is a pseudo-science, psychiatry is were its at.

>> No.13442410

Psycharicity is even worse. It's pseudo science that prescribes medicines for wrong reasons. Only neurologists should prescribe brain medicine after having some physical evidence.

>> No.13442465

I go to gym regularly
I feel good for half our after work out and then back to shit

>> No.13442471

good argument

>> No.13442526

The only people who think this are the ones who have limited contact with women

>> No.13442667

Therapists aren't meant to fix your problems, they're meant to aid you in learning how they affect you and how to cope with that pressure, retard. They don't magic away your trauma. It's still your responsibility, not theirs, to get better, they just provide or act as a useful tool.

Also if you require therapy get off of 4chan, now, faggot. For your own good.

>> No.13442786

Most people aren't going to want to love you. You don't just walk outside and find someone to love at the mailbox. My gf likes to squeeze my fat stomach, doesn't mean all women like that kinda thing.

>> No.13442805

Pretty much this.
Especially the part about qualifications.
Psychology isn't a science. It fails repeatedly in experimentation, it has no fixed language and terminology, it has zero predictability and the same for reproducibility.
It is the very definition of a pseudo-science and it's harmful because it drapes itself in academic language to give the illusion of scientific authority, drawing judgements and "treatments" based on air.

>> No.13442812

Even psychiatry is fumbling in the dark most of the time even though it's more qualified than psychology (which is all speculation with no evidence).
Neurology is the only field that has any right determining mental problems/issues.

>> No.13442841

>Therapists aren't meant to fix your problems
Just like doctors aren't meant to fix your problems, or accountants, or engineers, right?
Get the fuck outta here with that kundalini "well you just didn't BELIEVE enough to wish the cancer away" bullshit.
You answered none of the OP's questions or put any weight or validity behind why therapy can be useful except:
>they can parrot any 4$ airport self-help book
>it's your fault you can't fix it not theirs
You're the type of moron who keeps psychology alive, instead of it shriveling and dying like any other holistic approach to actual mental health problems.

>> No.13442915 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 200x303, 49BB2D1B-4085-40C6-9781-6A690D840F39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. If the dead talk to you, you are a spiritualist; If you talk to the dead, you are a schizophrenic.
Is he right

>> No.13442916

I don't know. In any event, I can't speak for anyone else. That said, I ended up in front of a psychologist after a nearly successful suicide attempt and it was kind of shocking how quickly he understood me and my bullshit problems. His diagnosis was fucking spot-on. It hasn't exactly made my life easier but it certainly helped me understand the core of my thoughts and feelings.

>> No.13442940

> It hasn't exactly made my life easier
That's pretty much how psychology operates. It may give you reasons for why you might have done it and those reasons may sound great and spot on, but beyond that it's a fart in the wind sadly enough.

>> No.13443049

That guy's whole career was a truthpill.

>> No.13443092

>societies with more psychologists and psychiatrists also have more widespread psychological issues.
you can't know this

>> No.13443126

nice rec

>> No.13443145

i do know it. you can't know that i can't know it

>> No.13443187


>> No.13443225

Yeah you don’t sound mad at all, get help.

>> No.13443679

Cringe bait, reminder that pills will never let you forget the night your black step-dad abused you while he was on an acid trip. You have to learn to live and cope with it, medicine or not, and that's what therapists are for.

>> No.13443713

prove it

>> No.13443721

Psychology is a god for the godless.

>> No.13443742

Not that anon but since its psychologists who measure or quantify the psychological issues within a society it presents obvious problems to compare the statistics against a society without them. At best you can infer based on population size and number of psychologists but that invites a whole host of other problems and is clearly not a valid means of data gathering.

>> No.13443852

He can know that just as much as you can know what you say you know.

>> No.13444691

Correlation does not equal causation

>> No.13444699

Yes, a catholic priest and humbling of heart is all you need

>> No.13444701

>countries with more psychologists are capable of diagnosing mental illnesses.

Holy shit you can't actually be this retarded

>> No.13444758

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is proven to have positive outcomes. Basically practice mindfulness and stoicism, shit works