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/lit/ - Literature

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13438697 No.13438697 [Reply] [Original]


I'll start, I read and enjoy warhammer 40k books

>> No.13438743

I artificially inflate my goodreads "read" list by counting short stories as whole, separate books

>> No.13438752

I read and enjoy fanfiction

>> No.13438754

I dont read, is just come here because if im going to be reading posts they might as well be from people who do read

>> No.13438760

That's not the worse sin here

>> No.13438768
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am I allowed to count separate shakespeare works?

>> No.13438772
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>> No.13438779

nofap isn't working and is only making me have even more degenerate thoughts than normal

>> No.13438805

Push through, believe me. It will suddenly change to good; just keep it up

>> No.13438824

Don't do no fap for days at a time, just masturbate less like every other day instead of every day. You'll just jizz in your sleep and be horny all the time if you nofap, it's a meme started by women who think that semen is a God send and should be retained at all costs.

>> No.13438866

Yeah that's called your testosterone levels plummeting. There's a reason nofap is shilled by wannabe Priests and mystics.
After eight days they fall off a cliff. Optimal masturbation levels should be every 3-4 days. You can have sex as much as you want.

>> No.13438889

I am extremely depressed. Also been reading about Roman history, Byzantium: the early centuries is pretty neat.

>> No.13438945

these aren't confessions you fucking faggots

>> No.13438953

they are

>> No.13438958

This isn't a confession you fucking faggot

>> No.13438971
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write it on your blog niggers

>> No.13438976
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such bullshit.

I have done no work the last two days and i am just a comfy neet, i am way too old already to be still neeting around, my peers get phd's and shit.

>> No.13438977

I pretend to be an obnoxious Christian on this board

>> No.13439019

Don't care what some old neet quoting Finnish med students has to say. You're opinions are shit because you have the testosterone levels of a 60 year old man taking estrogen.

>> No.13439040

My hobby is watching anime.
I buy/stash book but rarely read them

>> No.13439057

What's the longest you've gone without masturbating?

>> No.13439086

Control your thoughts you idiot. A single spark of lust is enough to set off the fire of sexual thoughts if you allow it to catch. You did and are now battling arousal.

>> No.13439090

I don't know if I'm extra-ordinarily good or extremely bad. Is there a way to know if your novel is any good without embarrassing yourself? I've read enough to know I'm not mediocre.

>> No.13439096

Cold showers and mini meditations, I went a month got back on fap and I lost a few really deep perversions I don't even want to admit to myself. It works anon, even after you lose after a month it drops a lot

>> No.13439112

porn and masturbation causes low dopamine which is linked to low testosterone.
You are pretty retarded. Enjoy your prolactin, enjoy your dopamine down regulation.
You're opinions...

>> No.13439120

i read mother-son cuckold stories on literotica and have a mental list of all the good ones

>> No.13439124

>willful ignorance, the post.

>> No.13439132

chasteposter was better but this is still good.

>> No.13439137

I enjoy watching uneducated gamer retards like Destiny and Hasan Piker "debate" people. They're so confident yet their knowledge is incredibly shallow and most of the time the people they're talking to are even worse.

>> No.13439143

>if im going to be reading posts they might as well be from people who do read

So why do you come here?

>> No.13439189
File: 398 KB, 242x362, Schlop schlop elephant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Christian threads I pretend im a Catholic even though i'm an atheist
>I regularly participate in Spengler threads even though ive only read the abridged version of Decline and no other works of him.
>I think Spengler and Ellul, especially Spengler, are two of the most important thinkers for the 21st century.
>I refuse to read e-books
>I dont enjoy any works of Nabokov, i think he's a very superficial hack who is unable to appreciate any style other than his own
>I think Marx was a fag even though ive never read Capital, only the Manifesto, Grundrisse and Theses on Feuerbach
>Journey to the end of the Night wasn't Célines strongest work, but people cant appreciate his later work because he was an open anti-semite by then
>Ive never read a female author whom i enjoyed or thought was worthwhile
>I think all modern philosophy should be burned to the ground, analytics because theyre shallow autists who wont admit they're just trying to recreate religion without God and continentals because they're hollow obscurantists and their political base died in the 90's. Deleuze did the right thing by killing himself.
>I think all of academia should burn, actually. The entire system is rotten to the core.
>Im an unironic fascist and plan to start a political movement to utilize artificial wombs for mass-scale application of bioengineering of the human organism.
>I use pics of elephants for every thread i start, regardless of board or topic. Preferably one in which the elephant is aggressive and smacks a woman around.

>> No.13439222

Yeah, I bet traps never masturbate

>> No.13439231
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we all waste our time in different ways my son

read more and bless you

tone it down and fap to mother son incest, then milfs, then stop watching porn

read more and bless you

post in critique threads and be prepared to curb your delusion if needed

read more and bless you

get more hobbies

read more and bless you

nice dubs

read more and bless you

we all do this

read more and bless you

read more and bless you

>> No.13439237
File: 246 KB, 867x630, all out of yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get more hobbies

>> No.13439311

thank you, will do. amen

>> No.13439843

I did nofap because of some dumb Schopie thread. Next thing I know I'm fucking a crazy fat chick, thanks 4channel!

>> No.13439849

Anyway my biggest confession would be taking out Walden for a month after it's due date, and never reading it because I was being a massive degenerate and rotting my brain with porn

>> No.13439865

This isn't a sin, most fanfiction are terrible but several are good enough to enjoy.

>> No.13439879
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I just wish I had a girlfriend anons. I can't do No Fap because then I start to dream of cuddling girls in my sleep and raising a large happy family. It is far worse than any sexual temptation since it begins to affect me on a deep psychological level. If I had a girlfriend I would be so much better. It would start a chain of beneficial events. I am sad bros. Normally I try and forget about it, but I just can't anymore. I have lost the opportunity for youthful love. I will never find a girl living in nowhere-land like I do. I can't even become a monk since I will tormented all my life, thinking that I am doing it simply as a cope and an escape. It's all so tiring friends. I hope you are doing well.

>> No.13439922


>> No.13439949

I don't work with any young women and do most of my work alone. I don't have any hobbies that include other people. My town doesn't have bars or clubs and I can't do drinking and drugs for medical reasons anyways. I have no reason to just go up to random women. Most people my age have already settled down. It's not as easy as you make it out to be anon.

>> No.13439955

>I have lost the opportunity for youthful love
i wish i didnt know this feel

>> No.13440035
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This is only a sin in my eyes if you exclusively read Eldar and/or Tau novels

>> No.13440051

10 years, probably.

>> No.13440057

I have a really feminine face. So to compensate i always put on really masculine voice.

>> No.13440083
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I love Notes From Underground and Crime and Punishment and think they're some of the greatest fiction ever written, but I can't into any of his larger novels (The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov, and The Possesed/Demons). Parts of them are great (how can I not into The Grand Inquisitor?), but overall they're fucking slogs. I've never been able to finish any of them, even trying through multiple translations.

>> No.13440117

let's trade. i've always wanted to look girly but i look like bj blazkowicz

>> No.13440161

it'll happen naturally one day, hang in there anon. and don't be afraid of starting relationships with people you meet online. i met my gf of 6 years through tf2

>> No.13440170

Church, tinder, move, quit being depressed

>> No.13440201

thank you, anon

>> No.13440202

stfu dumbass

>> No.13440223
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I have only read Vedic philosophy and have no interest in touching western stuff.

>> No.13440251
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About 10 months ago, I started writing light hearted fantasy romance novel about a young knight and a tsundere warrior princess who team up to battle an evil wizard. It's currently around 30k words. I don't anticipate any level of success, but I think it will be cathartic to finish.
I've only ever written light hearted, cheesy high school/college romance stories. Every attempt I've made at writing something serious has been disastrous.

>> No.13440349

I'm not depressed, just get a bit melancholy every once in a while. You can be sad without being depressed. Regardless, I should try Church but it's a bit challenging since I have to move for work seasonally and have difficulties establishing community.

The only media I use is 4chan and YouTube. Would you recommend any other things to find people? The two I just listed are pretty bad since all interaction is short term. I used to use Discord but I didn't like the anime/gamer culture of its users.

>> No.13440574

Gib recs

>> No.13440649

>Would you recommend any other things to find people?
it's harder these days because smaller/more intimate communities (like a tf2 server in my case) are being replaced by big social media platforms with short-term and impersonal interaction, like you pointed out. i know you said you didn't like discord but that's your best bet i think. try finding a discord about an interest you have. personalities click much more easily when the two people have something they're both passionate about in common. that's my best advice

>> No.13440671

i consider myself right leaning politically but i love reading left writers and intellectuals, specially their unique take on morality, ethics, society and human nature.

>> No.13440770

I don’t read often at all. I barely finished the Prince and that’s a basic bitch book, although I did take its values. I have no true understanding of literature and I don’t know where to start so I don’t bother. At very best, I read pages and pages of lyrics by musical artists I deem as “deep” and or meaningful because they talk about both politics, religion, violence and hatred and pain, things I would like to read more about.

>> No.13440796


>> No.13440822

>can't finish the Count of Monte Cristo.
>a book's smell is one of the main reasons I remember liking it or not
>liked American Gods mostly for this reason

>> No.13441065

I am 25 and a virgin, badly want a gf just for the sake of sex.

>> No.13441099

Dude in Judaism semen can only be spilled in a womans vagina you are not even allowes to use condoms only in extreme case scenarios

>> No.13441112

>The Picture of Dorian Grey is one of the worst books I've ever read
>I think Goethe is massively overrated
>American literature is at best mediocre

>> No.13441134

I start books, read for maybe one or two hours, put a bookmark in the book and then put it back on my shelf.
I never come back to those books, and I just buy more.

>> No.13441165

I like watching movies more than I like reading books.
I believe film is a higher aesthetic medium than books.
I play video games 2 hours per day and read maybe 1-3 pages per day because reading is so fucking boring, but I only do it to seem smart to others and to flex on people at parties.

>> No.13441170

>>a book's smell is one of the main reasons I remember liking it or not
lol same now that i think about it

>> No.13441191

Try reading The Bible, Don Quixonte and Pushkin then give it another try

>> No.13441192

The Gaunts Ghosts books are fun as hell and I love reading them, fucking fite me.

>> No.13441198
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why is he so fat? how'd he fit into a confessional. please answer

>> No.13441434

Im in my 50's and i enjoy reading the pokemon books ment for middle schoolers

>> No.13441526

I almost exclusively read comic books when it comes to recreational reading.

>> No.13441543

it's a very big confessional

>> No.13441555

You need a big priest for big confessions anon.
This is pure logic.

>> No.13441606

those sound shitty, I only like wh40k from the perspective of humanity surrounded on all sides by shit wanting to kill it

>> No.13441612

but the dialog is so FUCKING cringey god damn abnett you comic book nigger

>> No.13441618

for you.
you opened my eyes, thanks

>> No.13441669

>plan to start a political movement
I don't care if you're a strasserite or a fucking posadist, this is the postmodern pleb's equivalent of the "megalomaniacal emperor ranting about eating the sun again." What politics? Movement? The fuck speed do you operate on, big boy? Why would you think any of this shit always-already operates on Your fucking play-doh ideology? Or any person's? IT ALWAYS-ALREADY OWNED ITSELF, AS A FREE-THING. There's nothing PC or even "liberating" about it, it's absolutely post-tragic.

>> No.13441678

Any recommendations for an english translation?
I've been curious about the Mahabarata and the 18 Days for a while.

>> No.13441685

Seems alright, I'd read it providing you're using a proper tsundere and not a bipolar bitch.

>> No.13441694

Same here, I have a weakness in particular for alt-universe fics, "For Want of A Nail" stuff.
Also there's this really good Digimon fic I found a while back.

>> No.13441708

I've never read a book cover to cover. No book has held my interest long enough. It's the same with movies, TV shows, music, games, etc. My own thoughts entertain me better, or watching animals in person.

>> No.13441722

Don Quixote is really only a prerequisite for The Idiot, can't see much of a thematic link between it and any of his other novels, but I could be disatrously wrong.

>> No.13441799

anon, you're projecting

>> No.13441847

Have you tried prayer? Sounds to me like demons you have invited into your heart are just pulling harder at you to get you back in line. Reaching out to a higher power expells them and is by far more effective than any secular method of practicing nofap

>> No.13441869

Quit porn first, masturbation second. You've developed a taste for the depraved.

>> No.13441872

Saw a prostitute waiting for her client/offering service last night. Honestly I am tempted to do it. But I just don't feel like turning into a whoremonger and risk STD or my money.

>> No.13441874

oh yeah, those are good, but what I'm really crazy for are time travel fics, especially if they're "veteran coming home" fics where the person has no idea how to live in their own lives anymore. if not only that, actually.
I love "veteran coming home" fics so much, I can never find enough

>> No.13441919
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I'm too stupid to write reviews/recommendations, so i read goodreads reviews and combine the parts i agree with and pass it off as my own opinion.

>> No.13441931

Name of the Digimon fic anon?

>> No.13441934

Is that the one where tai and yamato never became digidestined?

>> No.13442104

You have some other issue that your original fapping habits were used to cope with. I’ve read lots of pseudo bullshit like “sexual transmutation”, “life’s only goal as a man is to please women” and semen retention, and it all sounds like something a snake oil salesman would say.

There are benefits in curbing and controlling any habit that’s become an addiction, so don’t get me wrong; but the magical effects you seek are not there.

Whatever your issue was beforehand needs to be identified and then solved

>> No.13442357
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>he didn't listen to kellogg
not gonna make it

>> No.13442574

There really isn't much more to it. Depending how much free time you have a 12-ep anime only takes like 4 hours to watch, so once you've done that try to read.

>> No.13442646

>>Im an unironic fascist and plan to start a political movement to utilize artificial wombs for mass-scale application of bioengineering of the human organism.
or you could just have sex

>> No.13443901

I love replying "have sex" to losers here. I've screwed over 30 people IRL. Incels deserve death. You can NOT appreciate literature unless you've been loved by a woman.

>> No.13443925

>I lost a few really deep perversions I don't even want to admit to myself
h-how does one do that?

>> No.13443929
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The only fiction that have had huge impacts on my life were Neon Genesis Evangelion and Gravity's Rainbow
The first convinced me to stop hiding on 4chan all day and the second convinced me that I didn't need to join the military to be a man.

>> No.13443931

Being loved by a woman and being fucked by a woman are two very different things you boomer brainlet

>> No.13443958

t. has never known either
have sex

>> No.13443985

t. premature ejaculator
don't have sex, it does nothing for your partner

>> No.13444004

I can't even fucking read

>> No.13444016

you couldn't have sex if you wanted to

>> No.13444044

Contemporary philosophy is almost entirely useless and absolutely everything worth knowing can be covered in a course or two. Even those courses wouldn't be worth taking compared to math, finance, cooking etc.

>> No.13444211

Dreaming To Reality, start with the one with the description mentioning "the first Chosen Children".
There's three parts, taking place before and during Adventure, 02 up to approximately the Kimeramon fight, and after that which is ongoing. Also a little thing of shorts mostly to semaphore the writer's ships.

>> No.13444298
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>I don't care because ad hominem ad hominem

>> No.13444301

I can't write

>> No.13444317

I only argue with atheists about God existance because I like to argue with people

>> No.13444362

my likeminded fellow

>> No.13444389

I write reviews for each book i read to capture my thoughts and whatever i felt about it(usually just rambling and connecting it to some event or circumstance of mine)that i don't really post or share anywhere and some of them can get pretty long.Would be cool to look back on it after years and see how big its gonna get.

>> No.13445120


>> No.13445999

I own, have read, and enjoy, all the Underworld movie novelizations.

>> No.13446102
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I read and enjoy Visual Novels, manga and I also watch anime. I probably spend more time doing that than reading actual literature.

>> No.13446135
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Ive masturbated to multiple scenes from American psycho

>> No.13446347
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masturbation is not /lit/.

>> No.13446363

I've read hundreds of novels about adultery but I've never had a girlfriend

>> No.13446370

I am a sick man. ... I am a spiteful man. I am an unattract-ive man. I believe my liver is diseased. However, I know nothing at all about my disease, and do not know for cer-tain what ails me. I don’t consult a doctor for it, and never have, though I have a respect for medicine and doctors. Be-sides, I am extremely superstitious, sufficiently so to respect medicine, anyway (I am well-educated enough not to be su-perstitious, but I am superstitious). No, I refuse to consult a doctor from spite. That you probably will not understand. Well, I understand it, though. Of course, I can’t explain who it is precisely that I am mortifying in this case by my spite: I am perfectly well aware that I cannot ‘pay out’ the doctors by not consulting them; I know better than anyone that by all this I am only injuring myself and no one else. But still, if I don’t consult a doctor it is from spite. My liver is bad, well—let it get worse!

>> No.13446443

Seek God, he may or may not repair your liver but will provide you the peace and solace that comes with being on the correct path. Remember he loves you regardless if you love him or not.