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File: 532 KB, 1464x1986, nietzsche187a-b071352e8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13437714 No.13437714 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche would have been a Capitalist prove me wrong

>> No.13437736

he prob woulda posted on /r/stupidpol

>> No.13437766

why wouldn't he?

>> No.13437792

He would be a neo-feudalist

>> No.13437795

He knew capitalism and derided it mightily.

>> No.13437822

What do you even mean by capitalist? I don't think he had the material wealth to really be capitalist

>> No.13437838

I haven't seen any passages where he mentions capitalism. Does he mention it anywhere?

>> No.13437859

He was disgusted by commerce and in his view selling stuff is a plebean way of life.
The aristocratic class conquers a land and exploits the subhumans.

>> No.13437874

>The aristocratic class conquers a land and exploits the subhumans.
So, capitalism?

>> No.13437934

Not buying a land and paying workers.
But conquering it and having slaves.

>> No.13437955

He preferred to be a philosopher and philologist, that’s why.

>> No.13437960

The difference is in presentation only, which is what makes it more effective and why rulers abandoned the latter for the former.

>> No.13437984

The difference is the absence of force and coercion, which is what would disgust nietzsche.

>> No.13438035

IIRC the death of God is proclaimed In a marketplace. I don't think this is a very subtle position on the issue, and I'm surprised you missed it

>> No.13438061

That's not true. The value of money has to be coerced onto people, which forces the system to work.

>> No.13438079

>The value of money has to be coerced onto people
What are you talking about?
The fiat currency?

>> No.13438095

The very stage of /lit/
You only can come to such a conclusion by misinterpreting second hand accounts of nietzsche

>> No.13438102

>The fiat currency?
That as well as the gold standard.

>> No.13438106

I have read all of his works.
If you think that there is a more comfy and positive interpretation that doesn't hurt your moral feefees, re-read him.

>> No.13438119

>IIRC the death of God is proclaimed In a marketplace.

You don't recall correctly

>> No.13438138

He wrote about where the sense of good/morals came from(ruling class aka slave owners decided that, which was overturned by the priests) , not about whether living as a patrician was objectively good.
Did you read the original or some translatio?

>> No.13438203
File: 8 KB, 248x203, 1555673030932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche would have been a Capitalist prove me wrong
So why wasn't he?

>> No.13438210

He would have viewed materialism and consumerism as disgusting but would have viewed modern anti-capitalism as pathetic beta male cope

>> No.13438220

Doubt it, I think he would have held it in question. It's life denying and restricts people from their full potential.

>> No.13438225


The ubermensch is able to break free of any real restrictions inherent to the capitalist system

>> No.13438239

Neither apparently, /lit/ doesn't read and it certainly doesn't read Niezsche. 90% of lit are JP converts, which I find very entertaining because Jordan Peterson clearly does not believe in God or Christianity.

>> No.13438242

Are you sure you have read beyond good and evil, antichrist, will to power?
He has stated multiple times that he wishes a new aristocratic order, even in older works such as gay science.
Again try actually reading him, instead of watching some youtube pseud telling you about the transevaluation of values.

>> No.13438261

>Not wanting right of way over farmer's land
Your sheep are going to be the first to go missing when he reintroduces eagles to the area.

>> No.13438484

have. sickety. sex.

>> No.13438492

He shat on capitalism many times. go read books

>> No.13438517
File: 61 KB, 750x555, B9DFBE6A-3250-4D03-B498-C2F184366A78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s “sickety” sex like??

>> No.13438633

It was asked where earlier in the thread and no one provided examples. Do you have examples?

>> No.13438681

He would've been an accelerationist feudalist

>> No.13438942

>accelerationist feudalist
what does that even mean?
That he wants to accelerate feudalism or that he wants to accelerate capitalism to reach some neo-feudalism or something even more crazy?

>> No.13438962

accelerationism is obviously slave morality for the last men

>> No.13438964

He wants to accelerate the rot of modern society and then install feudalism after civilization has broken down

>> No.13438966

Look up NRx.

>> No.13439000

Capitalism didn't start in 20th century you retard.

>> No.13439145

Technically, he *was* a capitalist in the sense that his antipolitics and rejection of mass movements, especially socialism, would necessitate a defense of the status quo. He was definitely a sort of reactionary, but not in the sense of fetishizing traditional forms or desiring a return to feudalism or some type of monarchical form of government. The thing about Nietzsche is that he was primarily an antidemocratic elitist and an individualist. He was concerned mostly about the rise of mass man and the degradation of thought and culture. He didn't care much about outward political forms beyond despising all those that give more power to the masses and women. He was contemptuous of the idea of salvation through politics. He considered revolutionaries to be "firebugs". In practice, whatever harsh words he might have said about "liberalism", he was, in practice, a kind of reactionary 19th century liberal whose politics are fairly consistent with those of his class.

>> No.13439151


>> No.13439153

>fairly consistent with those of his class.

*minus the aristocratic LARPing of course.

>> No.13439160

Nietzsche is, was, and would be an accelerationist. His surplus conspiracy of the vicious circle is mirrored by (post)industrial society.

>> No.13439474

>prove me wrong
No, justify your assertion.

>> No.13439502

Given Nietzsche's predilection for ancient civilizations which tended to regard the merchant class as scum I highly doubt he would approve of capitalism, especially in its current form. Capitalists today tend to be massive philistines, and we know how much Nietzsche loathed philistinism.

>> No.13439505

Prove your bullshit.

>> No.13439516

Fuck off butterskank, nobody cares

>> No.13439527

You post your address on /lit/ and prepare yourself

>> No.13439582

Nietzsche would have listened to Chapo. And then regretted it.

>> No.13439592

*Nomad* capitalist maybe.

I feel he would've liked to see the world without being tied to country.

>> No.13439598

This is right because it’s what I believe too and I am the most like Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche in this thread.

>> No.13439606

He either was or wasn't a capitalist, there's no "would" about it at this point. The dude died during capitalism.