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13434115 No.13434115 [Reply] [Original]

White Americans all look at me the same way. They just dismiss me or act like Im some kind of stock character in a movie, they don’t even see me as human. Other Asian-Americans don’t think Im Asian enough since I’m not east or southeast Asian, and whenever I try to get close to them, there is always friction and excuse making.

Any Asian-American lit? I sometimes wish I were never born if it was just going to be like this. But then I fall right into the self-hating stereotype. Im so tired and angry and sad, and all others want to do is dismiss me.

>> No.13434131

There's this one Asian guy who goes to my gym, maybe 5'4, and he sumo deadlifts with terrible form and struggles so immensely with numbers I was lifting on like my 3rd month. Maybe that guy has written a diary? Sorry I couldn't help you OP.

>> No.13434182

Tao Lin maybe? I haven't read any of his books, but he is definitely some sort of asian

>> No.13434190
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The War on Normal People by Andrew Yang

>> No.13434252
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>> No.13434418

What if you made them all pay

>> No.13434427

Grow up, pussy

>> No.13434468

there is no escaping this

>> No.13434518

Use your natural proclivity towards mathematics and kung fu to attain dominance.

>> No.13434524
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Wesley Yang is wrong about a lot of things, but his attitude towards the world is based and redpilled. But the real Q is, why are you letting other people's opinions define you? Read Nietzsche. Become hard. When you're capable of getting pussy / making money / writing lit without wanting other people's approval, you'll find you have it.

>> No.13434529

He probably posts on r/asianmasculinity, so that would be something to read.

>> No.13434571

Why dont you go Read the literature of your ancestral country and its philosophers instead of trying to be an hypenathed american? I also like the works of early 20th century jewish german intellectuals, Benjamin, Kraus, about being doubly rootless in an already rootless modernity, your native toungue long forgotten but also bound irevocably to a Tradition.

>> No.13434629

>In the past, [Yang] has elegantly articulated his sense of alienation from his racial identity, an identity itself defined by alienation from the rest of the country.

I feel that. I’ve read some Nietzsche, read the stoics when I had babby’s first stoicism phase. I don’t want pussy, I don’t want money, I just want to build a house and be left the fuck alone.

>> No.13434638

>doubly rootless in an already rootless modernity

I feel that, brother. No home in Asia, don’t know the language of my “home” country, don’t know the culture that well. No home in America, despite my best efforts to force my way into one. I’ve assumed different identities, trying to fit in to different American archetypes. And they’re just not real for me. There is nowhere to go.

>> No.13434641

I know dat feel.
Lock yourself in a cabin for 6 months and write incessantly

>> No.13434660

I never cared about sex, really. I liked girls, but I just wanted to have a special someone to be in love with and to be in love with me back.

I thought about what this might mean, and I think it has something to do with my birth. I just want a place to call home. It’s not here in america, it’s not in Asia, it’s not my family or my friends. I’m sorry mom and dad, I wish I wasn’t like this, but I just don’t feel home when I’m with you, I feel claustrophobic like I’m somehow trapped there and not supposed to be there.

But if I could just establish a life with a girl, then together, we can forget about everything else and have our own home, and that it’s just us, and I don’t care what DNA or racial identity I have.

>inb4 Reddit spacing
Fuck you, I’ve always posted like this. I do it because it’s easier to read than just one giant wall of text.

>> No.13434665

How old are you, that's kinda a young adult thing
>no sex just someone I can feel special with

>> No.13434667

Why not become a woke azn sjw? deeply concerned at white supremacy's oppression of asian people, cultural appropriation of kimonos and marie kondo by clueless wypipo azn representation in comic book movies. Why not start talking in a black twitter aave pidgin(because you are a proud Person of Color). If you are not like this you are probably suffering from internalised white supremacy from russian alt right psy ops in 4chan.

>> No.13434681

I grew out of that. That was when I first started becoming interested in dating, around middle and first couple years of high school. I’m in college now and my heart has become hard.

>> No.13434690

First real gf I had was a Christian conservative white girl. She ended up cheating on me and justified it to my face. That kinda started a red pill journey/brainwash, but I grew out of that.

>> No.13434779

yang gang

>> No.13435372

Amy Tan is the only Asian American author I can think of.

>> No.13435442

Don't say that, I'm white and I think Asians are way better than white people and far more unique and interesting

>> No.13435449

Thats all fucked up anon. As first gen, i became more blackpilled about my future in this country - esp for my future kids. Have you tried something like orthodoxy? They seem to have much more tight knit community in us (not ethic one, but mainly convert one). "Leaving" worldly identity, in a sense, could be alieviating - something that lacks seriously in generic proddiy church (even rcc) in us.

>> No.13435453

Cringe, and since you don't know what it's like to be one, shut up.

>> No.13435491

Sounds like you have the tism not that it has to do with being asian.

>> No.13435499

Bro it’s not our fault, you’re a very npc looking race

>> No.13435500

Is your pp the small pp anon?

>> No.13435504


I do know what it's like to be an immigrant and to be excluded from the Anglo-Saxon borg. Also, I assume you don't live in a major city and if you do it's a pretty shitty one. Maybe move out of whatever shithole you're in

>> No.13435506

This. I have slight faceblindness and when I watched Croutching Tiger I couldn't tell who in the fuck was who for the first 30 minutes because everyone had the same hair and outfit on.

>> No.13435509

any white person would experience this in a nonwhite country goddamn I hate nonwhites so fucking much

>> No.13435532

Not really. We're looked at like suckers in a strip club in other countries everyone just wants to extract money from us.

>> No.13435606

It's also an older adult thing. The casual sex thing you like is a 20-year-old thing. Once you get older and uglier you will seek companionship (and still want sex, but casual sex will repulse you).

>> No.13435640
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Did you really let yourself go? I can't imagine not exercising daily

>> No.13435731

he sounds like a paki or something

>> No.13435752

Sucks to hear that but. Man I gotta tell you, you need to get back on the horse. Don't let your self esteem get the better of you, I've been on that same boat twice now and its a pain unimaginable. But also be glad you're not one of the like 14 billion Asians in India or china.
Get exercising and read something easy, or something to get lost in. Don't confine yourself to just Asian authors, that's how you get stuck defining yourself purely by your race. Fuck off with that red pill, black pill stuff and just take your time to ease back into meeting people.

>> No.13435761
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> 2:58

>> No.13435772

>Mental health services
Lol, how do people even afford this shit? This is a privilege of middle-class and up people; no one else has access at all.

>> No.13435791
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> living in a third world country
You can just fly up to Canada or Mexico to get the services you need.

>> No.13435803

You may not realize this, OP, but if you woke up tomorrow and were white, you wouldn't necessarily end up getting any of the things you want. I'm white and I can relate fairly well to a lot of things that you said, the rootlessness, feeling like you don't have a home here, that no one really wants to be around you or accepts you. Your experience of this as an Asian may have some aspects that are unique, but on the whole I don't think the situation is unique at all.

>> No.13435830

Same here. I'm white and an immigrant in Canada. I think it's a phenomenon particular to urbanites. I've always thought of myself as an "anywhere" person. If I imagine my life far ahead in the future, there's no sense of geography in it. I don't see myself as living where I am right now, or in any particular location, or surrounded by any particular people. I'm just me.

>> No.13435844
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Free Food for Millionares by Min Jin Lee. Its pretty much exactly what you are looking for OP, and its decently written for the most part. I say most part, because while the prose is pretty good just from the writing you can tell its written by a women. The perspective has a women's mentality all over it. So long as you are fine with that then I would recommend it.