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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 488 KB, 1242x1390, B235DD1D-C832-42E0-A164-925EE85D9626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13430798 No.13430798 [Reply] [Original]

do you agree with her /lit/?

>> No.13430809

If only there was something of value ever created by someone who wasn't a white male.

>> No.13430840
File: 121 KB, 474x720, essential reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should not be my job to school the ignorant, stop burdening me with this emotional labor.

>> No.13430865

Why am I not surprised?

>> No.13430874


>> No.13430882

>I am at risk of losing my job. Without my income I will lose access to Lithium, a prescription that helps decrease suicidal ideation.

>> No.13430892

I think if I had had to spend school reading minority-authored race grievance books, I would have hated reading even more than I already did.

>> No.13430893


>> No.13430898

Because no one else can fucking compete, overinflating the curriculum with modern schlock is stupid and is purely ideological

>> No.13430904

Top tier comedy.

>> No.13430943

I don't understand how people unironically hold the opinion that classical literature is somehow owned by white people. The civilizations that created these works are so far divorced from our own that any attempt to directly trace a thread between specifically whites in modern America and them is simply a reductionist fiction. Do people of color in America not use Shakespearean phrases? Or reference Achilles' Heel? How is their culture so divorced from white culture such that they don't feel they have any claim to the founding classics of what we consider western civilization?

>> No.13430947

>at risk of losing
Good God. Hasn't even lost her job and starts e-begging.
It's around $14 for 100 capsules, so not only is she bipolar but also shit with money.

>> No.13430949

>Do people of color in America not use Shakespearean phrases? Or reference Achilles' Heel?
no they don't lmao

>> No.13430956

>i know youre heavy into a poltiics that is usually against this but remember every one is human and positively so… — If you want me to find happiness you can donate money to (link: http://cash.me/$kaylangela)) cash.me/$kaylangela so I can get meds for depression …

>> No.13430959

>Do people of color in America not use Shakespearean phrases? Or reference Achilles' Heel?
They can't even speak grammatically correct English, so no.

>> No.13430962

Are women the manifestation of formlessness and form-dissolution?

Were women always this way, or is some dark force of chaos using them as a vessel?

>> No.13430969

Women are literally holes so what do you think?

>> No.13430985
File: 49 KB, 634x466, Screenshot (48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's essentially a cope for retards. The majority of comments in her thread are "it's boring!", not "it's flawed" with some backup. If you are too stupid to understand why something is a classic, it's much easier to blame society, or "white men" rather than yourself. I have nothing against minorities, but promoting them for the sake of promoting them is idiotic. If there is not enough literature by people of color, fucking write something worth reading.

>> No.13431002

Yes, indeed most anciet greeks had blond or red hair and blue eyes besides being white.

>> No.13431003

Unfortunately they're incapable of writing anything that isn't intrinsically bound up by their racial identity and political grievances.

>> No.13431006

based lit anon tearing her up on twitter

>> No.13431010

>White people don't exist as white is just a social construct
>The ancient Greeks were white and thus we should ignore them
You may only choose one

>> No.13431015

>White people don't exist as white is just a social construct
literally no one says that though.

>> No.13431018

oh yeah because high school kids LOVE reading Jane Austen, the Brontes, and Virginia Woolf too. I'm sure if they were given the chance to read Toni Morrison or Leslie Marmon Silko they'd FLOCK to it.

90% of high School aged kids DON'T want to read. If they want to read, they only want to read shitty young adult fantasy books, or gay shit like John Green which is not going to expand their understanding of literature. The only use those books serve is that they might grow your vocabulary by about 5%, and beyond that you might as well be spending your time watching television. Your best chance is to make them read something challenging but still age appropriate, and hope that the 15% of kids that put the effort into understanding the text will grow because of it.

>> No.13431026



>> No.13431029

Race being a social construct is a fairly common viewpoint. Just Google it and it will bring up articles from numerous mainstream publications.

>> No.13431031

Plenty of people say this. Whiteness is a social construct, it's only existed for a few hundred years. Germans weren't even considered white until the 18th century, when different races really came into play. Most aligned themselves with their nationality, not the color of the skin. There is no "white" race, only european ethnic groups.

>> No.13431046

Honestly, the best memories I have from high school literature classes was reading The Raven and our teacher enthusiastically analyzing it and being passionate about it.
I don't think the issue is the actual works we read but whether the instructor is good enough at making kids care and shows an interest in it themselves.
Calling them to change the curriculum to only have flavor of the month YA novels isn't the correct way to get kids interested in reading

>> No.13431059

No, if I was forced to read even more crappy diversity books I'd probably despise reading. For fuck's sake, I'm a spic and even I can recognize that. No one wants to read five hundred versions of "THE WHITE MAN IS PUTTING ME DOWN!" or in the case of my people "The CIA sure loves meddling with Latin America!" (Which is true but that's beside the point).

Some people say "Race is just a social construct." Of course those same people say the same thing about gender so their opinion on the matter is null and void.

>> No.13431088

To think the average high school kid is remotely interested in the boring ass social justice bullshit that's pumped out by contemporary POC authors lmao. That stuff may be *easier* to read but it's just as, if not more, boring than any classic text in the eyes of your modern brain-fucked ADHD teenager. HINT: kids don't like reading about a random rich POC's list of mundane grievances any more than the classics they are forced to read in school.

>> No.13431098

Do these modern authors write about cool shit like exploring the afterlife? No? Then I'll stick with classics.

>> No.13431100

>For fuck's sake, I'm a spic
Nothing more cringe than using racial slurs to describe yourself in order to fit in with the right wingers on this site

>> No.13431106

this LMAO. literal definition of a house nigga

>> No.13431117
File: 186 KB, 952x717, 1560734483740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real reason individuals outgrow their love for reading.

>> No.13431118

Please teach me how talk and how to call myself white Master

>> No.13431130

I just find racial slurs funny, and just because I call myself one doesn't mean I'd let you call me one (in real life I mean). Just like how blacks call each other nigger, and in New York, a lot of older Cuban immigrants would call each other spics. Also, at least I'm not one of those kike cocksuckers who want the U.S. to intervene in Latin American affairs (like Marco Rubio). He's a true Uncle Juan.

>> No.13431137

>when some aging boomer leftist forces himself to browse 4chan as his daily "praxis"


>> No.13431143

What is the prevailing Latin American opinion about Jews?

>> No.13431149


>> No.13431151

Sorry massa i mean latinx folks

>> No.13431162

The fact that people like you would be aggravated by it is justification enough for him to use it.

>> No.13431163

>anyone who calls out cringe is a boomer leftist browsing 4chan to get his daily praxis
Cringe. There are like two boomers on /lit/, if I was browsing here to interact with right wingers I would go to /pol/.

>> No.13431170

You all have to go back. /lit/ is an atheist marxist board

>> No.13431179

If I gave you the list of classics I read in high school, you'd end up back in your cave, kiddo.

>> No.13431180


>> No.13431181


Keep learning the lingo, grandpa. You'll fit in here in no time!

>> No.13431190

Depends where you look, countries which ally themselves with the U.S. tend to have a more favorable view of Jews and Israel. Those who see through American Propaganda, in turn, tend to see the Israeli hands holding the puppet's strings (a good example is Maduro). Of course, anyone observant enough will find themselves hating them. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-28992743


now that's a real racial slur right there, evokes more disgust in me than wetback, beaner, or spic ever could.

>> No.13431195

youre a faggot

>> No.13431196

Imagine being this schizophrenic

>> No.13431218

>mocking the mentally ill


>> No.13431221

I’m just so mad ALL THE TIME.

>> No.13431222

>pretending to care to own the libs


>> No.13431227

Unironically this, but at the same time you’re not one of us, we’re Zizekian, not batshit social progressives.

>> No.13431229


are you not mocking the mentally ill lol

>> No.13431235

The subhumans need to die

>> No.13431242

This is quintessentially white privilege

>> No.13431243

>I have nothing against minorities, but promoting them for the sake of promoting them is idiotic
It's sad many people just don't get this. I found reading MLK's letter from Birmingham Jail to be one of the most well written letters I've ever read and showed that not only was he a well spoken intellectual who could present his well thought out ideas, but that he truly believed in the righteousness of his cause and the betterment of mankind.

>> No.13431247

Lol jesus christ

>> No.13431249

>#1 New York Times Bestseller
>America's favourite affirmative action author's endorsement
thanks but no thanks

>> No.13431264

laughing superciliously at innocuous words is not the sort of coherent participation one expects out of an intelligent hominid.

>> No.13431267

How do these people contend with the fact that almost all of the great post-colonial non-white writers adore and were influenced by the Western tradition? Do they just dismiss it as internalized racism?

>> No.13431278

You mistake an attempt at "coherent participation" for a display of blatant mockery, brainlet

>> No.13431287

There is INJUSTICE that must be solved, don't you understand?

>> No.13431294

There's no thought involved here, all American discourse is pure emotivism, blame Evangelical Christianity.

>> No.13431296

sure, you total retard, except the reason it’s incoherent is the same reason the attempt at mockery is a dud. there is no context in which to understand your reason for mocking the word “Zizekian”. what, you don’t like Zizek? is that full thrust of it? wow, very contribute, much worthwhile. it’s easy to feel smart when your idea of disagreement is laughing meaninglessly.

>> No.13431301

Women and low iq people are emotional

>> No.13431306

Ok, then explain why you’re mocking. This is an intellectual board, don’t be afraid to participate more thoroughly than as if it were a chat room.

>> No.13431313

Who do you think made Evangelism popular. Seriously more people need to read about the Second Great Awakening, the rabbit hole with the idiocy of today (muh women, muh norities, thinking bad, etc.) goes far deeper than most want to admit

>> No.13431317
File: 59 KB, 1024x890, 1545127277694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the commie does have a point, something that speaks to the human condition couldn't possibly be relevant to negroids and bugmen.

>> No.13431327

"Zizekian" sounds fine to me, when people refer to the theories of Friedrich Hayek they'll sometimes say Hayekian.

>> No.13431338

You can make a convincing case that this type of social behavior goes back to Puritanism, which is of course English in origin. The trouble is that it was able to flourish in the colonies unlike in England where it was eventually suppressed.

>> No.13431342

Damage control

>> No.13431349

Except England is even more cucked than America right now. It’s not like they’re the quasi fascist monarchy they used to be.

>> No.13431354

I do wonder what's causing it in England. Is it influence from America? Or is it influence from continental Europe? Are they influenced by America? Or is it the other way around? I don't really keep up with it enough to have any idea.

>> No.13431364

I hate to sound like a /pol/tard but the international “bankers” are, you know, international. Even Churchill wrote about it at length in Zionism Versus Bolshevism.
>In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution.

>> No.13431405

Okay this girl (man) is fucking delusional.

>> No.13431412

Nah, Puritanism is about bootlicking, Puritans were hyper-authoritarians who banned literally everything as late as the 50s, thus the phrase "banned in Boston", but it'd be wrong to say they didn't value education or literacy. This doesn't just go for the Protestants either, Irish Catholics had similar attitudes and viewed Italian immigrants as too morally lax. They might arrive at some similar endpoints, but from different traditions imo.

American thought and English thought are basically the same.

>> No.13431420

I liked this image when it was referring 4chan better

>> No.13431442

Also England (and the whole Anglosphere) had the Evangelical Revival, in both countries the anti-slavery crusaders were largely Evangelical, like William Wilberforce. This is not a pro-slavery take, but I think this is where the attitudes of today come from. The main problem is the lack of a hierarchy to stop blatant heresy/stupidity, whatever preacher is most charismatic ends up becoming popular.

>> No.13431519
File: 207 KB, 594x591, D9dA0j9WwAAbUAc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody that has mastered a craft ever enjoys it. Once you stop finding pleasure in the thing you are doing it typically implies you are at the point of proficiency... Athletics, art, music, and mental tasks ( chemistry, physics, philosophy) all follow this trend.

>> No.13431656

Not only that, but if she downloaded the GoodRx app she could save even more money.

>> No.13431800

Well, i went through all the tweets. Not a single hot take. Sad! and disappointed.

>> No.13431815

It's called the western canon for a reason

>> No.13431818
File: 112 KB, 324x359, 1560436936435[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13431823

Aristotle said in the Metaphysics that the goal of knowledge was to end admiration, since admiration comes from ignorance.

>> No.13432088
File: 909 KB, 1500x1800, 1555334298462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe if you read some of that classic literature you seem to hate so much you wouldn’t be begging for money from strangers online. Lmfao. Thanks for making my day.
One of you guys wrote this didn't you?

>> No.13432103

I won't read a book by a black and I know others that won't either. An asian possibly.

>> No.13432144

Wait so black people can't say nigger now?

>> No.13432200

but cumbrain is the original, newfag.

>> No.13432207


>> No.13432215
File: 61 KB, 1105x738, 1554047659122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racial slurs

>> No.13432218


>> No.13432229

yeah but he just stated a preference, retard

>> No.13432352

when implies past, ESLtard.

>> No.13432393

No. The only reason she says this is because she’s a racist and hates Europeans

>> No.13432429

Yeah he's referring to seeing the 4chan edit in the past. You're the one who can't read. There's no implication of what he believes to be the original

>> No.13432490

How do people make non race things racial? What does a white man have to do with this?

>> No.13432524

The best part of this image is the 2001 imac crt

>> No.13432972

Leftists actually wont study classical chinese literature or indian philosophy, these conflict as much withe their YA capeshit tastes and therapeutic identitarian self understanding as anything in the western cannon. They just dont want to be challenged. They are actually the spearhead of americanisation and consumer culture

>> No.13432989

Okay so imagine all the arguments ever made about racists and apply that to lefties and that’s basically reality

>> No.13433024

European leftists afe no longer Marxists but americanised neoprotestants Paul Gottfried captured this phenomenon in his book the strange death of marxism. They have rejected their local working classes for american style consumeristic identity politics, TV and social media fads.

>> No.13433027

This is a disgusting imagine.

>> No.13433466

>muh human condition
you litfic faggots are insufferable. Why don't you pick up a metaphysical treatise for once in your lives you limpwristed queers.

>> No.13433876


>> No.13435115

what was it? she lock her twitter

>> No.13435119

I don't, largely because academia's influence on secondary school is minimal.

>> No.13435121

> twitter
Dude fuck off holy shit

>> No.13435145

what's the difference between him and self-hating whites?

>> No.13435207


>> No.13435222

No, that's retarded. Next question.

>> No.13435267

Unironically went nofap today when I realized I was browsing for porn on my phone with my kids. I have a problem, wish me luck lads

>> No.13435278

Jesus Christ, man kill yourself.

>> No.13435283

threads centred around twitter snapshots should be instab&

>> No.13435298

>Occupied Seminole Land/Virginia
Fuck I despise Americans and New World bloodline-morality in general.
t. Living on occupied Brigante land

>> No.13435301

>secondary schools

>> No.13435305

Yeah, he's yellow, c'mon.

>> No.13435309


>> No.13435318

God I wish. Or, failing that, a way to filter all such threads.

>> No.13435332

>teacher made us read Death of a Salesman, a play
>wouldn't let us do even a remote amount of acting in the read-aloud because it would "detract from the experience"
Imagine my shock when everyone was bored and looked up book summaries on Wikipedia.
Also I guarantee DoaS was written by some nerd who knew everything but went nowhere, while Sportsball Chad went far because he could talk to people and be charismatic. It reads like such a butt-hurt self-insert fanfic.

>> No.13435342

>with my kids
Does that mean you were looking for porn with them, or they were in the room?

>> No.13435345

Avoid /int/ then, autistic cryhard faggot.

>> No.13435352

This person is implying Africans and Asians don't feel love.

>> No.13435542

>oh yeah because high school kids LOVE reading Jane Austen, the Brontes, and Virginia Woolf
Graduated high school aw year ago and enjoyed all three of these authors at the time (Only Charlotte Bronte, never read anything by ). The thing is that the recent trendy "Young Adult" novels are actually read primarily by middle schoolers. Most of the people who read them either move on to greater things or give up on reading by the time they turn 15 or so. The reason so many kids hate reading is that they spend so many of their formative years being forced to read garbage for school that by the time they reach anything worthwhile in school they just don't read it

>> No.13435585

I've honestly never read a novel by a non-white other than Battle Royale as a teen and some assigned reading. Like, what are some good novels written by non-whites that aren't about racism anyway? Is this just an excuse to cope with being dumb by blaming your inability to appreciate a work on the evil boring white guys
>Avoid /int/ then
I think this is decent advice in general though

>> No.13435621
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, 99000C82-B871-472A-AA70-3F3F060107AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I do agree with her as the only people, who claim to still love Classical literature don’t even talk about it. This stupid bitch was probably never going to read the Classics anyways even if they were all written by Sub-Saharan Africans, yet everyone one here will whinge about her opinion anyway.

>> No.13435623

>white culture
What the fuck

>> No.13435632

>*affects sniff*

>> No.13435637

You fucking idiot, Arthur Miller was a Chad. If you are going to talk shit about an author, have some decency and a minimum of self-respect and look up his Wikipedia article. Then you wouldn't look like one of those plebs from Twitter.

>> No.13435655

Most people have bad taste. Sometimes when they're young and still developing there's a chance that their taste will improve by introducing to them to good art--this means classic literature by white men, as the best artists are almost exclusively white men and the best literature isn't contemporary.

The downside, if it is a downside, is that kids with chronically bad taste (usually these are low IQ kids, but sometimes they're autistic types or just aesthetically tone deaf) may be discouraged from reading, but left to their own devices or if given a basic bitch reading list they would have read banal superficial YA-tier kind of stuff that's no more meaningful than watching TV, so there's no real loss.

Also, this may be too obvious to bother stating, but the woman in the tweet just wants to push her politics on kids, and everyone. Philistine ideology.

What should be improved is the way literature is presented. Get rid of the art-destroying analysis and dissection that is current literary education, but that's never going to happen.

>> No.13435674

> Get rid of the art-destroying analysis and dissection that is current literary education
It isn't even that. It's just memorizing minute, often insignificant objective details from the book and then rewritting the teacher's interpretation of the book. I have no idea what it's like in university though since I didn't have any literature courses in college

>> No.13435689

>Arthur Miller was a Chad
Jews cannot be Chads by definition.

All of Miller's works are plagued by ressentiment, most evident in Death of a Salesman. The dude was just a little ball of hatred.

>> No.13435707

Actually, scratch that, The Crucible was a more comprehensive hate letter to WASP America.

Death of a Salesman just felt like a personal attack against someone Miller knew in high school.

>> No.13435719

Plenty of Jews were chads. King David for example, Adam, Noah, Saul, lamech, Ezekiel, Moses, etc.

>> No.13435728

And Larry David.

>> No.13435767


>> No.13435814

Pre-Talmudic, though. New Jews are not the same.

>> No.13435832
File: 166 KB, 336x518, louryRIAV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embarassing display of someone abandoning standards to shill their bullshit politics

>> No.13435834

no, i don't not agree with her. it's an idiotic assertion.

>> No.13435835

whiter than you Tyrone

>> No.13436006

>minority-authored race grievance books

>> No.13436020

>Leslie Marmon Silko

Lullaby by Leslie Marmon Silko

The earth is your mother,
she holds you.
The sky is your father,
he protects you.
Rainbow is your sister,
she loves you.
The winds are your brothers,
they sing to you.
We are together always
We are together always
There never was a time
when this
was not so.

Absolutely canonical.

>> No.13436052

/lit/ is a left-wing board. /pol/ get out. White males to the back of the line, it's time for women and black men and women of color to get their turn.

>> No.13436057

wtf i love EBT now

>> No.13436080

she's correct. even if, assuming this tweet is representative of her personality, she's an utter cunt who doesn't know how to express herself, she has a point
>secondary school
if AAVE were a white dialect, you'd be screaming against the discrimination against it and championing linguistic diversity. since it's a black dialect, you and everyone else just throw it away due to it being niggerspeak while hiding behind the "it isn't p-p-p-proper grammar!!" excuse
>/lit/ is a left-wing board. /pol/ get out.
based and-
>White males to the back of the line, it's time for women and black men and women of color to get their turn.
literally kill yourself desu

>> No.13436086

We own your nazi ass, good luck trying to do anything lol

>> No.13436105

>I'm white and don't hate myself for it, therefore I'm a Nazi
this is literally just racial stereotyping. you're fighting evil with evil. again, kill yourself

>> No.13436143

if your hair isn't blonde and your eyes aren't blue you're not white get the fuck out of my face you degenerate minorities

>> No.13436150

>if your [thing other than skin] isn't [color other than white] and your [other thing, also not skin] isn't [other color, also not white], then your skin isn't white

>> No.13436154

here's my life
>fo nothing but get into politics for a couple years
>choose wrong side
>corporation or government thinks you should be mindread
>everyone is fine w this
>sexual perversion starts coming out and interracial sex slavery and child molestation becomes prominent
>everyone thinks this is fine
>I'm entirely against it but either way it literally came from me
>literally everyone hates you anyways
>literally all family hates u
>I want to commit suicide and ppl hate that u didn't because they want to commit an orgy on ur grave and call u a virgin and laugh for not having sex even tho u have more sex than them and don't find baby fucking to be virtuous

All this being said literally NOBODY finds this evil

This anon is fight

Go have a baby orgy and get into interracial sex slavery, you clearly don't find this wrong. You don't want to disappear? Have a corporation or government read all ur thoughts and push u into it, u clearly don't mind

>> No.13436157

You are all into interracial sex slavery and having your minds read by corporations and the government, your thoughts will be catalogued against you

>> No.13436161

>f AAVE were a white dialect, you'd be screaming against the discrimination against it and championing linguistic diversity. since it's a black dialect, you and everyone else just throw it away due to it being niggerspeak while hiding behind the "it isn't p-p-p-proper grammar!!" excuse
Most people don't like it because it's aesthetically offensive; not because of the colour of the speaker's skin. We like and value beautiful or interesting dialects.

>> No.13436164
File: 69 KB, 750x761, 1553033393282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baby orgy
>interracial sex slavery
you literally cannot make this shit up

>> No.13436167

>I don't know how genetic diversity works
yeah I bet you're used to posting question marks on account of how fucking stupid you are

>> No.13436175

You like giving the government free reign to read ppls minds for simple sexual pleasure

>> No.13436176

>implying people with blonde hair, blue eyes, and white skin aren't a minority

>> No.13436382

I love those authors too, and loved them in high school, but I teach high school kids, we are by far in the minority.

Most students don't pick up a book again after age 14, and without resorting to luddism things like YouTube definitely play a role. Though I'm sure it was always not great.

>> No.13436446

Based schizo mass-replyer

>> No.13436582


>> No.13436592

Stop being so dishonest, commie.

>> No.13436611

This. The xanthous are the true sons and daughters of the All-Father and Mother Earth. The bug-men, ape-men, fish-men, rat-men and other unkindred will burn in the light of the awakened xanthous wolf-men.

>> No.13436650

Just got on a binge of re-reading the Greeks and you would actually believe it from their works. Like seriously they all are explicitly described as such. The Argaunatics might as well be a poster for a Swedish model agency (pre-enrichment).

>> No.13436660

> western countries specifically europeans dominated the world for centuries
> while the classical golden age or the renaissance was happening africans were raping monkeys
> european countries have produced the works(art, philosophy, literature, science, etc) that have influenced humanity the most
> the technology we have today is thanks to all these white countries
> instead of quality works that deserve to be studied lets ignore all that for inclusivity and focus on shit works produced by minorities

>> No.13436691

They can’t accept that. They unironically believe that everything whites ever did was stolen and that they would be living in Wakanda if not for the white man.

>> No.13436742

Thr richest man who ever lived was an african king. And he was so rich he threw gold wherever he went. And the pharaohs (also black btw except of 1) worshiped him. Go back to /pol/ ignorant nazis with small dicks that cause your racist anger.

>> No.13436748

He liked to travel when he trhewed gold. And likely he visited europe and teach basics to whites who were living in caves at those times (pharaohs etc)

>> No.13436749

Joseph deleted his account lmao. What a cucked culture

>> No.13436768

Tell us about Yakub

>> No.13436779

Another /pol/ canard ofc that only exist in deviantd racist minds. Next you'll be spamming that big nose cartoon instead of trying to write text you are sir a cave monkey true self.

MODS get these fuckers out of here.

>> No.13436781
File: 59 KB, 518x573, smile of harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>universal to whom?
how can people be this stupid

>> No.13436802 [DELETED] 
File: 589 KB, 1012x678, 1562415374791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly FUCK wh*te people

>> No.13436837

> as if the existence of a rich african king makes my post less true

> africans were dominated by european countries
> they had no schools in africa
> no schools no education
> africans were ensalved and poor af
> to get an education in those times u needed wealth
> they couldnt get an education ergo they couldnt produce any significant works

How exactly am I racist for pointing out the obvious?