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/lit/ - Literature

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13427260 No.13427260 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with the fact that there's so much to read and learn but so little time?

>> No.13427265


>> No.13427385

You really just have to prioritize what's important to you

>> No.13427387

95%, or probably more, of what's written is uninteresting, irrelevant, or has been said before in a better way. You'll probably be able to read everything of importance before your death.

Also, audiobooks.

>> No.13427405

It won't matter when you're dead.

>> No.13427415

I only read the Bible, Plato, and math books

>> No.13427448


>> No.13427470

Many works have the same concept merely spoken in different ways. Many people speak about the same observable "truths" and express it differently. You don't need to read half of everything, or even a hundredth. Live life, stop living in books.

>> No.13427476

By having faith in there being something more to life, and trusting in the journey.

>> No.13427567
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congrats OP, you just figured out why the western canon is a thing and something worth preserving

>> No.13427667

Clearly you aren’t familiar with reincarnation my good friend

>> No.13427677

I cope by not reading any of it but pretending I have online and to poorly read normies

>> No.13427702
File: 292 KB, 750x691, 95E2AF25-72E9-44DD-8F2C-BC7CAD8B8ED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t

>> No.13427708

There's no rule saying you have to read everything.

>> No.13427722 [DELETED] 

Hey you fucking retard listen to this shit



>> No.13427729

You just read what you can and fight back the sadness. That's better than just giving up.

>> No.13427732

Autism? How so? It takes someone with empathy for everyone else to make a post like that.

That fucking retard needs to stop posting here, I see these stale ass GHETTO memes all the fucking time and it is irritating as all hell. He needs to learn to fuck off already. :3

>> No.13427764

I think that's part of the beauty, not just in literature, but in life as a whole. You have to learn how to enjoy not the music but the lack of it.

>> No.13428032

I am reading all the time. I have War and Peace open next to me right now, and I'm listening to it at the same time so when I take a break from reading to shitpost I'm still reading. I have no job and live with my parents so I can read all the time. I only sleep 3 hours a night to maximise read time. When I'm in motion (infrequent) I'm jacked into the literary world via audiobook. I am literally always obsorbing literature. I don't have friends or talk to women and shun my family because this cuts into my reading time. I fucking eat sweat and breathe literature, do you fucking understand me? Literature is what matters, don't you see? I'm getting smarter every second of every day while other simply laungish in their idiocy. I am the ubermensch. I am the philosopher king. I am Jesus. I am Buddha. I am Muhammad. I am the giver and the taker of life. I am euphoria.

But for real I should probably read more.

>> No.13428056

You can express your sentiments without posting :3 and vocaroo. You'll be taken less seriously like this. You're only hurting your cause if you do that crap but actually want to change anyone's minds.

>> No.13428071
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I only read when I take a shit and an hour before I sleep. I don't give a flying fuck about reading every book there is. You can read what you need while you shit the rest is obsolete bloat you don't ever need.

>> No.13428113

Sturgeon's law dictates that 99% of everything is shit, so there's only 1% of books that are really worth reading. Otherwise I hope Heaven is real, that I go there when I die and that God is chill enough to lend me his Akashic Records to learn everything about the universe