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/lit/ - Literature

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13427225 No.13427225 [Reply] [Original]

>show my philosophy paper to my sister
>she says the writing sucks because it's too direct and simple
>tell her I can't be too poetic or preachy in a philosophy paper, the main goal is to convince your point to your professor through logic
>still calls it high-school writing
>get so triggered by this
>paper comes back
>I should be happy but I get mad at myself for letting the comment get to my head
>think the -9 reduction was because my writing is shit

>> No.13427237

Does your sister suck?

>> No.13427242
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>high-school writing
Don't worry, you're in Nobel Prize in Literature tier.

>> No.13427267
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I got my sister to read a paper I wrote for honors philosophy. She couldn't comprehend the jargon and didn't understand it at all. I got an A. This is what you have to look forward to.

>> No.13427342

Directness is fine, but do you think your vocanulary is extensive enough?

>> No.13427384

your sister is fucking stupid and im gonna fuck her in the ass for talking shit

>> No.13427432

>think the -9 reduction was because my writing is shit
Isn't your professor required to use some kind of rubric?

>> No.13427466

I'm assuming you are US based. Does anybody know if that is similar to getting 91% on a philosophy paper from a UK uni? That sort of mark on the UK is extremely rare. If it is similar or if you are actually from the UK then you have nothing to worry about.

If I can make a baseless assumption here I would guess that your sister has an interest in writing or philosophy otherwise you wouldn't have shown her the paper. My assumption is that your paper is better than what she could produce and she felt threatened by it so she criticised it.

>> No.13428088

Only one way to tell for certain, Anon. Post an excerpt.

>> No.13428278

>mom is avid reader of selfpublished fanfiction-tier romance novels
>wants to read my writing
>I want to make it interesting and protect my ego, turn it into a guessing game
>pick four random genre writers
>format it the same way, pick very generic scenes that don't hint much about the work, remove names
>give her 5 sheets of paper, each with a different writer
>tell her to rate each and guess the writer
>she notes how shit they are all then instantly picks which was mine
Still hurts thinking about it.

As for dealing with it, I don't know, bruv. My teachers and professors always held my shit as examples to others, other kids loved it, and I made a few grands ghostwriting; often with people accusing me of plagiarism before running the usual tests ... if you also have some somewhat objective third party opinions that aren't negative, most likely it's functional enough, so you can build on that and focus on the content.

>> No.13428290

>>show my philosophy paper to my sister
why the fuck would you ever do this?