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13424583 No.13424583 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13424587

>I'm punching a girl
>Look at me I'm a hero

>> No.13424588


>> No.13424591

She deserved it

>> No.13424593

>Punching a whore
>A bad thing

>> No.13424597

What ever happened to Nathan Damigo?

>> No.13424606

>I punched a girl
>It was a fair fight

>> No.13424613

she struck first if I recall

>> No.13424615

Start shit get hit

>> No.13424617

>Communist sympathizers cares what's fair

>> No.13424629

>Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

>> No.13424631

No mercy for shit skins and commies

>> No.13424663
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>> No.13424665
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Would you be Mandy's slave /lit/?

>> No.13424670


>> No.13424682

the gulag archipelago i supposed

>> No.13424687

The founding fathers.

>> No.13424692

Buy more bathwater incels

>> No.13424695

Literally proto-communists, the fucking state of amerikaaners.

>> No.13424699

>He does not believe in the equality of the sex
Have sex incel

>> No.13424705

Nazis like you don't believe in the equality of the genders so what are you playing at?

>> No.13424706

>guarantee rights and private property
No. You are dumb.

>> No.13424707

>I want same rights
>don't punch women

>> No.13424708

>pretending to care about equality in order to advance your argument
Do you think you're fooling anyone with this snarky shit?

>> No.13424712

everything that strikes you as anti-communistic. you can buy marx's books on sale and that would be an act of anticommunism. I highly recommend doing it too. buying marx on sale is pretty satisfactory.

>> No.13424720

Hence the word "proto", idiot.

>> No.13424728

just applying a standards of equality to every activity.
its just how it is women are powerful get over it.

>> No.13424733

Women are part of a marginalized community, while they are equal, they do not currently have power in society. I know you're dog whistling but it's cringe as fuck bro

>> No.13424736

I'm married though :^/

>> No.13424737

your body pillow does not count as a "wife"

>> No.13424742

You must be an American cop. 40% of cops beat up their wife and kids after a hard day of shooting innocent people in the streets.
Btw American cops commit 8% of the murders in America. You're probably a murderer too

>> No.13424748

ACAB tbqhwithyoufamalam

>> No.13424749

Wtf i love cops now

>> No.13424758

Come on guys, a higher level of discourse please :^/

>> No.13424769

>high level of discourse, cited sources and no logical fallacies
Never gonna happen, bucko

>> No.13424771

cringe bro, stop putting women down just because they dont let you fuck them.

>> No.13424773

You cannot discuss something with terrorist scum like /pol/. We do not negotiate with terrorists

>> No.13424777

Only decent response in the thread.

Orwell was also quite critical of communism, despite being a socialist himself. Actually a lot of anarchist/syndicalist literature is anticommunist, though for some strange reason they still generally prefer to characterize their opponents as "fascists" rather than "authoritarians," despite the latter usually being what they mean.

>> No.13424784

The only people putting women down are conservatives; recognizing a group's current position in society is nothing more than acknowledging a problem. Also:
>>have sex
>from a conservative

>> No.13424790

>Women are part of a marginalized community

>> No.13424793

Conservatives literally breed at double the rate liberals do, muh family muh religion, and both aren't dominated by trannies unlike nu commies are so they can actually reproduce.
Unlike you.

>> No.13424795

im not even amerifat, so try something else.
yea if you had sex you can easily see the power woman have and stop putting them down.

>> No.13424796

Cry some more ;^)

hough for some strange reason they still generally prefer to characterize their opponents as "fascists" rather than "authoritarians," despite the latter usually being what they mean
This is exactly the reason reading Homage to Catalonia was such a drag for me. He constantly complained about the communists/stalinists and why they were bad but at the same time called all the nationalists Fascists and did not give a SINGLE reason in all 200+ pages why Fascism was bad in his opinon.

>> No.13424797

How can you be anti communist and anti totalitarian and then also be a socialist?
I guess George Orwell hated USSR

>> No.13424801

Idiocracy incoming. Sad really

>> No.13424806

Nice deflection. Go be American somewhere else

>> No.13424808

>they still generally prefer to characterize their opponents as "fascists" rather than "authoritarians,"
Commies are probably the single least likely group to be able to accurately identify and describe fascism, you see it all the time.
Like another anon said, Homage to Catalonia bitches about some specific type of communism being wrong but then ignorantly refers to all Nationalist factions as 'fascist', even though they were far more divided in ideology than the Republicans.

>> No.13424813

Imagine conflating reproduction with having sex. People on the left have way more sex than conservatives, the difference being they get more abortions and use birth control.
not an argument
>im not even amerifat
What does this have to do with you being an amerifat?

>> No.13424815

nice non response there. My government actually has 50% women in it. Ot one of the most equal in europe. And that is even without any laws for it. So seeth more.

>> No.13424818

conservatism in america has nothing to do with conservatism anywhere else

>> No.13424819
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>Imagine conflating reproduction with having sex

>> No.13424832

The entire context of this conversation is within American society; I'm not speaking for every country but for my own.
Why do you think birth control and abortion exist, champ?

>> No.13424842

>People on the left have way more sex than conservatives

>> No.13424845


Leaving this here as its of interest in light of recent events and OP pic related. Geoffrey Miller, an evo psychologist discusses the psychological underpinning with pol scientist and ex-antifa member Justin Murphy. He doesn;t completely renounce his identity as antifa (still believes in the premise that violence against those who don't initiate it, but are 'reasonably' perceived to promote it is justifiable), but condemns its recent actions - especially black bloc's. Pretty insightful and revealing despite his bias.

>> No.13424848

>his ass:blasted
>the goal posts:moved

>> No.13424849

>People on the left have way more sex than conservatives, the

>> No.13424850

The point being if you're an extremist you're also probably a loser, conservatism and liberalism are mainstream, popular ideologies. Maybe one group has a stronger inclination to reproduce or practice abstination for religious or traditionalist reasons, but your laughable claim that literally ~50% of the population doesn't get sex but somehow reproduces at a higher rate than the other half is just brainlet beyond words.
I understand the have sex meme if you're a commie or actual Nazi extremist autist with no friends, but conservatives (or liberals for that matter)? Lolno.

>> No.13424851

no its not its about women equality(or are you implying women for different countries are not equal?) , you pinned on my being a conservative(ameifat) when im not one.

>> No.13424853

Conservatives only had sex when women were kept down. Now that women have rights and economic autonomy, we are getting incels. And most incels are right wing

>> No.13424854
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>> No.13424855

I'm not the person you were arguing with, I literally just posted an article proving you wrong.

>> No.13424856

>but your laughable claim that literally ~50% of the population doesn't get sex but somehow reproduces at a higher rate
Never made that claim, lol
No need to shift the argument, if I had known you were talking about another country I wouldn't have engaged; I can't speak to other systems only the one we have in the US

>> No.13424861
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If the right is all incels than the left is all beta males trying to pander to women.

>> No.13424863

>proving you wrong
The article you posted said conservatives are happier with the amount of sex they have, IE they are happier with their sex lives, I didn't say the left was more satisfied with their sex lives, I said they have more sex. You are a retard.

>> No.13424869

Incels tend strongly towards being extremist losers (commie (especially true with trannycels), Nazi or Islamism/ultra traditionalism) with majority apolitical nihilism.
Cons, at least in most of the world, see it as their duty to have children and be prosperous, again, due to tradition or religion.

>> No.13424872

Looks like you need to have sex.

>> No.13424875

>Never made that claim, lol
Incels are literally a few thousand people globally, implying they make up any significant chunk of any political affiliation is peak brainlet.

>> No.13424878

Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if incels became dramatically more common, not in the West where women are usually a very slight majority, but in places like China and India where men far outnumber women.

>> No.13424879
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Ummmm sweetie we are a movement of hundreds of thousands. The MGTOW subreddit has over 100k subscribers.

>> No.13424880

He thought the USSR was "authoritarian". Quintessentially English take, really.

>> No.13424884

MGTOW are volcels, right?

>> No.13424885

You erroneously inferred an implication, ignored the original statement by the person on your side, and attempted to construct a strawman based off of your flawed interpretation of what I posted.

>> No.13424891

Yeah, it's voluntary

>> No.13424899

Punching an evil anarchist does make you a hero

>> No.13424907

"Punching an evil fascist does make you a hero"

>> No.13424914

>ussr was not authoritarian
that the quintessential braintlet take

>> No.13424916

Fascists aren't evil and actually have good intentions. Anarchists want to destroy everything because they're going through puberty and are very edgy.

>> No.13424920

>t.never read any anarchist literature

>> No.13424923

Anarchists are people who feel they would benefit from no social order, it’s the ideology of antisocial assholes.

>> No.13424924

Most Anarchists don't read anarchist literature so why should I?

>> No.13424925

The majority of fascists I've talked to were edgy teens living with their parents lmao

>> No.13424927

It's literally nothing personnel, kid: the ideology.

>> No.13424932

Let's just agree if you're a first world extremist, you're a dorky LARPer loser.

>> No.13424933

Pretty based. Why would you want to engage in a society you hate?

>> No.13424934

every fucking time
why are conservatives so keen on criticizing leftist theory despite knowing jack shit about it :)

>> No.13424935


>> No.13424938

>most people are retards why shouldn't I be?
It's fine if you don't want to read anarchist literature, but you sound like a retard to anyone who has. You clearly have no idea what anarchism meant to the people who created and perpetuate it. It'd be akin to me saying "Fascists just hate brown people!!!1!!". It's autistic to pretend you understand an ideology when you haven't studied it past watching a few youtube videos of retarded teenagers tipping trashcans. This goes for this guy as well >>13424923

>> No.13424939

Are you implying the USSR was not authoritarian? Granted, it had a very complicated political structure, and it became much less authoritarian toward the end, but Orwell was writing about them during peak Stalin. I don't think it's an unfair characterization.

>> No.13424944

The real losers use ad homs for arguments

>> No.13424945

read some actual anarchist theory before spewing stupid shit like this, you poor conservative brainlet

>> No.13424946

>why do people criticize an ideology for edgy teens
I dunno?

>> No.13424948

How would an anarchist society function is they don't have a society?

>> No.13424949

everything written by academic ""Marxists""
everything written by Stalinists and their derivatives (Maoists, Guevarists, etc.)

>> No.13424952

that seems to be teen angst mostly. Hopefully they will grow out of it and contribute to society in some way :)

>> No.13424955

I'm not antifa, nor anarchist. I hope both groups fighting eachother get police induced pepper spray showers in their skirmishes. Also rubber bullets and arrests until they are completely disincentivised to litter public streets.

>> No.13424960

I don't think working in fast food contributes anything to society

>> No.13424961
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It's the most retarded thing ever.
>take what you need and contribute what you can
that'll totally work

>> No.13424967

>Kropotkin, Bakunin, Chomsky
>Edgy teens
the only edgy teen is you, roman larper :^)

>> No.13424973

Chomsky is a government funded 'libertarian socialist' and he's pro government now.

>> No.13424974

"From each according to his ability and to each according to his need" is not a functional system on it's own, I agree. But saying "the system doesnt function" is different from saying "Anarchists want to destroy everything because they're going through puberty and are very edgy". That's never been the ideology of any anarchist writer with influence. It's a pea-brained analysis of a complex issue.

>> No.13424986
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>anti-x literature thread

>> No.13425002

"Authoritarian" is kind of meaningless, all that happens under "libertarian" governments is that authority is passed to informal power centers.

>> No.13425017

Based position.

>> No.13425024

There is no debate, even authoritarian commies make fun of you retards nowadays.

>> No.13425156

Karl Marx and the Close of His System

>> No.13425158

The Communist Manifesto
The Black Book of Communism
A People's Tragedy
A Concise History of the Russian Revolution
Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime: 1919–1924
The Great Terror: a Reassessment
Red Famine (Applebaum)
The Devil in History (Tismaneanu)
The Naked Communist
The Gulag Archipelago
Mao: the Unknown History
Main Currents of Marxism
Disinformation (Ion Mihai Pacepa)
Eminent Historians
New Lies for Old
The Perestroika Deception
To Build a Castle: My Life as a Dissenter
Kotkin's trilogy on Stalin (the final volume isn't yet published)
Dikötter's trilogy on the history of China
Marx & Satan
Evil Days: 30 years of war and famine in Ethiopia
Cuban Communism (Horowitz)
Comrades!: A History of World Communism
Boomerang Chavez

These are the ones I remember right now. They're very diverse in their content

>> No.13425172

i don't understand anarchists
can somebody explain why they support a "system" where literally nothing works?

>> No.13425180

I'll also add these two

Red Cocaine
Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare

And if you know Spanish

El Libro Negro de la Nueva Izquierda

>> No.13425186

and Basic Economics by Sowell

>> No.13425364

>Thinks slavery is bad
>Wants to be a slave

>> No.13425372
