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13424517 No.13424517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you are educated and aware, you realise how the appearance of your face dictates even your own image of self, let alone others. When I have severe bouts of acne I feel literally worthless, I can’t even talk to people on the phone the same way or focus on anything I enjoy. But when my face is clear I feel quite content about life and can live normally. Is this inescapable? The only ugly people who are happy are also borderline retarded and hence don’t realise how ugly they are, in my experience.

>> No.13424523

I used to care about the way I looked when I was a teenager, now I just accept that I'm ugly and nothing will change it.

>> No.13424525

Cosmetic Surgery in accordance with the Golden Ratio (Phi).

>> No.13425606

Your reproductive success plays a big part in your happiness. If you have nothing else going on for you (other trails like being wise, charismatic, good at your job), your looks are very important.

>> No.13425608

Don't remind me

>> No.13425634

There's a symbiotic relationship with how you look and feel. For example, I have a fever and a cold, I feel like shit and look like shit. But when I'm healthy and groom myself, I feel good and I look good. Simple as OP

>> No.13425659

I am a very handsome man (not a joke)

>> No.13425749

It's really not that difficult a concept: signaling to others you are attractive is not only advantageous, but you signal to others that *you're signaling to others* you are attractive.
So yes OP, adjust your diet, get fitting clothes, and work out.

>> No.13425757

Post pics b

>> No.13425764
File: 81 KB, 757x758, 60332234_168883470794901_8366201529278922752_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes if u oversignal ppl get scurred or turned off. It's not equal and attractive ppl are the true ppl of color!

>> No.13425830

Not trying to be boastful, but I have at least an 8/10 with a 10/10 body, paired with an iq of at least 130 (sandbagged the weschler test to get an addy prescription).

Chances are though you’re not ugly. How much effort do you or into your physical appearance? Being attractive can be a skill much like being proficient in an art.

>> No.13425868

Everyone tells me I have a face that looks exactly like a greek statues. Unfortunately, I'm a femanon.

>> No.13426494
File: 142 KB, 1080x1350, handsomemoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I was walking and realized the significance of one's appearance, and that it's VERY temporal. I will illustrate what I mean by way of example.

In my life I've had exactly 1 crush or infatuation, it happened when I saw a new classmate from behind. Suddenly I had this strange swooning sensation in my chest and became very self aware and frightened, I looked away and only got a blurred glimpse at her face. This was years ago, and I still remember her, and this feeling, which lasted for a while as I started avoiding her. The remarkable thing here is that she was ugly. So what's the take away? Our visual understanding is very powerful and informs our understanding of the world in ways we don't appreciate, what's more, it is also strongly correlated around first impressions. The second time you see a giraffe isn't nearly as impressive as the first, as it's that initial impression that forms your conception of the thing. As for this girl, something about her checked off all the boxes for me that existed, I remember her clothing, her pose, the way she moved, all of it perfect in those 3 seconds. Maybe I didn't have a box defined yet for faces, so the lack of the face actually contributed to the impression somehow. I think there' something to that psychologically too.

So why did I share this inane anecdote? Because it helped me, it said something like, you need to be the best you at all times because of the significance of firsts. If you meet a woman you want to marry, it is very hard to alter her impression of you from the first. So what of naturally attractive people? They are like that all the time, and so blessed.

>> No.13426793

You're just an insecure teenager/young adult. Things will get better with age and you'll accept yourself, otherwise you might need professional help. That's it, there's no metaphysical shit to analyze here.

>> No.13426815

People seem to love Stephen Fry and he's not exactly conventionally good-looking. Intelligence is attractive.

>> No.13426828

have sex

>> No.13426843

Proof or you lie