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13422120 No.13422120 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13422200

anti-fascist fuck off

>> No.13422849

Harry Potter

>> No.13422933
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Helpful for understanding the philosophy of the right

>> No.13423051

The bibble

>> No.13423091

The Innuendo studios guy read this to understand the fascist mind.

>> No.13423134

How many threads do you need retard?

>> No.13423276

This is just western right wingers right?
What about right wingers in the rest of the world? Like China and India?

>> No.13423293

Probably any philosopher that attacks essentialism. So Sartre and Foucault (?)

>> No.13423309

don't do this it makes baudrillard gas

>> No.13423725

Yeah this focuses on the west, if not entirely on the west. It traces contemporary conservative philosophy in the United States back to the French Revolution and the English Civil War.

>> No.13423748

Harry Potter

>> No.13424566

Is there any book on the rest of the world?

>> No.13424576


>> No.13424579

So if I wanted to be as retarded as him I should read this?

>> No.13424590


>> No.13424594

He's pretty good at understanding nazis. Watch his video

>> No.13424601

I rather not give him the views. What about you give me the rundown of his points?

>> No.13424605

His videos are basically a breakdown of /pol/s and the conservatives main talking points and what their basic beliefs are and how they see the world.
He has hundreds of thousands of views so it doesn't matter if you watch it or not

>> No.13424611

Does he misunderstanding these talking points to fit his own agenda?

>> No.13424619

most retarded book ever, modern right wing and revolution era reactionaries have literally nothing in common, they follow the exact opposite worldviews, trying to shoehorn them together to form some kind of a retarded continuum shows the unintelligence of the author

>> No.13424628

>modern right wing and revolution era reactionaries have literally nothing in common,

>Trying to maintain an ironclad hierarchy
>Not like feudalism
They have everything in common.

>> No.13424634

Do you believe in Horse Shoe theory?

>> No.13424635

For the means not the end

>> No.13424636

hierarchy is the trait of literally every human society you utter retard, read some history before spouting pop culture memes

>> No.13424645

It has nothing to do with democracy and therefore it can have nothing to do with the modern world. Just another remnant of the past. We are discussing anti-right literature. Why are you defending the rights beliefs? They clearly believe that the more unequal people are the better

>> No.13424668

Do you seriously think constitution-huffing tea party types want to crown a new King of America? Stop being fucking retarded.

>> No.13424676

Hierarchy is not a belief, it is the first principle of nature. Visit a child ward you cuck.

>> No.13424677

They do now. They are trump's base.

In capitalism the hierarchy can be traversed because mobility is somewhat allowed.
In fascism you crown someone dictator, put other races below you and start a genocide.
The difference is only in the class mobility aspect of these two.

>> No.13424683
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>> No.13424684

Murder is nature too. Because it's natural doesn't mean it's good. Are you saying savagery is good? If course you are. You want civilized savagery

>> No.13424690

Thanks, I lost brain cells reading this post.

>> No.13424694

You're a nazi on a leftist board. You had no /Braincels/ ro begin with.

>> No.13424700

>hierarchy is the first principle of nature
Wrong, lol

>> No.13424703

Read Mutual Aid; even savage tribes and cultures lacked a hierarchical system, in favor for equity and communalism

>> No.13424713


Don't "discuss" anything. We're not here to debate them. We're here to read about them so we can understand their weird minds. I suppose hierarchical belief is present leftists as well. So you can also understand yourself by reading about it

>> No.13424716

And just as we hang and murder the detritus, we valorise those who above; hierarchy should be valorised, to deny it is to deny existence.

>> No.13424723

Thanks for giving me another look at your mind. Maybe I'll understand it properly one day

>> No.13424725

>we should valorise hanging people who are different than us because... uh... existence? Or something?

>> No.13424735

This>>13422933 book explains that what he believes is what all right wingers believe. Not just the Nazis

>> No.13424754

Literally nothing wrong with hanging murderers, rapists etc etc

>> No.13425351
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>> No.13425361

Harry Potter

>> No.13425363

>all post modernists
kill yourself. and I'm saying that as a leftist

>> No.13425419

Harry Potter

>> No.13425443


>> No.13425445

Innuendo Studios is consistently wrong about what the right thinks

>> No.13425455

But he's 100% correct.

>> No.13425458

"Anti-right" is just a dumb way to say "wrong".

>> No.13425480

Whoah that's deep...

>> No.13425516

Imagine being this retarded. Do you know what the definition of post modernism is?

>> No.13425528


>> No.13425557

Hierarchy can manifest itself in many ways. Most of the time I have difficulty believing that anarchist societies would exist without an informal one. But they’d probably side-step the issue by calling it legitimate authority.

>> No.13425563

Of course. But minimizing the accumulation of power is key

>> No.13425584

Decentralized, informal power would like be more invasive and controlling than any form of centralized power. Nothing sounds more horrific than having every aspect of existence dictated by an amorphous mob, and such a society could never create anything great enough to justify something as terrible as human existence.

>> No.13425594

Isn't chaos fair though?

>> No.13425602

That only goes to show that fairness isn’t inherently desirable.

>> No.13425620
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If you want to effectively argue a position, you should read the literature of whatever one you want to profess, and then read it's detractors.
Basically, read Fascism if you want to argue against Fascism.

But you won't do it. None of you will. /lit/ doesn't read books, and the leftist pseudery means that they'll simply make the declaration that Fascism comes from ignorance, but reading Fascism is simply beneath them.

>> No.13425647

>It has nothing to do with democracy
Judges are commonly, in practically every democracy in the world right now given immunity, usually the same applies to MP's - so you can say that SOME PEOPLE in democratic states are above the law. Now this exists so, even if the police and justice system are SO CORRUPT that they'll plant evidence and judge some person as guilty even though everyone knows it's obviously wrong at least their most powerful enemies(opposition MP's in the parliament) are safe from this.
Typically head of state is at least symbolically above the chief of government(prime minister) who's in turn above the ministers. In every ministry, the Minister is functionally a CEO and Vice-minister(s) are lower executive below which are even lower managers as well as random mooks.
Despite expecting transparency from the government practically no shareholders of any central bank in the world are publicly known(we're just assuming who they are), meaning that transparency is for some, but some are higher in hierarchy and thus it's not for them.

Now for anyone who has seen bigger organisations(private companies, political parties, military etc.) in action it's very clear that this hierarchy allows for any sort of coordination and pursuing overarching goal rather than just perform various task peace-meal and without any purpose.
>They clearly believe that the more unequal people are the better
And why would the opposite be true?

>> No.13425671

I prefer youtubers to read it for me and make a video

>> No.13425710

the west sure is better off without the third position. national socialism and fascism sure were bad, now we are free to have all the kid drag queen shows we want and all the drugs we can consume, society sure isn't rotting

>> No.13425728

did you know how much a plane ticket costed 70 years ago?
Maybe if you weren't such a zoomer you'd remember

>> No.13425780

>he thinks economic progress makes up for cultural decay

>> No.13425790

did you know there was no internet back then?
The culture was shit