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13421608 No.13421608 [Reply] [Original]

what’s on your summer reading list?

>> No.13421624

Check the catalog dumbass

>> No.13421699
File: 130 KB, 257x279, 456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like your tone. It's aggressive. Come up with a new act, or I'll terminate the thread.

>> No.13421758
File: 186 KB, 952x717, 1560734483740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many books to list.
got a nice pic to go with OP's

>> No.13422034

Going to continue on the A Song of Ice and Fire series

>> No.13422555

Lots. Currently reading The Last Days of Socrates. I plan to read The Republic. Maybe The Perennial Philosophy after that.

So far, I've completed Sun and Steel, Enchiridion, Meditations, The Divided Self, Notes from Underground, Stephenwolf and Metamorphosis.

>> No.13422558
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I haven't asked my librarian yet...

>> No.13422569

I'm beginning to think you guys aren't really trying to help, you're just mad that it's hard to not masturbate when anon's post beautiful women.

>> No.13423301

I want to read the following in august

Woman in the Dunes
Light in August
The Leopard

July is open and I don't know what to read right now. Just finished the Grapes of Wrath. Give suggestions

>> No.13423728

Honestly there's like three books that I for sure want to read this summer and they are Mason and Dixon by Pinecone, Infinite Jest, and Mardi, and a Voyage Thither.

>> No.13423737
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they were called Jezebels back in my day

>> No.13423773

Where's the spade tattoo

>> No.13424873

I want to have sex with her. What is her name?

>> No.13424903

My brother picked out Blackfish City for me, it’s a pretty run-of-the-mill dystopian thriller but it’s enjoyable enough to power through.
Other than that it doesn’t feel like summer without Watership Down and Treasure Island.

>> No.13424908

I don't like your meme. It's forced. Come up with a new act, or I'll terminate your life.

>> No.13424929

>The gaul to occupy a public space so selfishly.
>The vanity to pose for a picture while doing it.
Maybe Arabs are right...

>> No.13424942

Finish A Song Of Ice And Fire (I know, I know)
Start into Greek history/mythology/history down the essential list
Closeout some English/British essentials (second half of Canterbury Tales, Historia Regum Britanniae)
Red Pony, and To A God Unknown by Steinbeck