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13421573 No.13421573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is true love dead frens? Has postmodernism killed it and with it our chances to ever be happy?

>> No.13421581

"true love" was never a think and its perceived "death" has nothing to do with le wrong generayshun. read goethe.

>> No.13421635

Modern life swapped the real image of true love for an atomised and marketable one then declared that dead while still existing as corpse-product.

>> No.13421654

waah waah postmodernism killed off love and that's why i'm never happy

fuck off

>> No.13421667

It is is if you want it to be. Do you love yourselfm

>> No.13421690

Define true love, post modernism, and happiness

>> No.13421713

just don’t be a postmodernist
it’s not that hard

>> No.13421716

Your own idea of what "love" is is what's ruining any chance to recognize it. You don't know what love is, you only know what you think it's supposed to look like.
"True love" implies that there is an ideal of love. There isn't. It's different every time. Different people require different kinds of love.

Whatever. Just practice loving everyone.

>> No.13421717
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You could always read Cioran.

>> No.13421962

yeah, dating is just shopping now, people are commodities and love is consumerism.

>> No.13422087

Love is being wrong. Hate is thinking you're right.

Which do you see the most?

>> No.13422518

Yes. Read Atomised and you will understand.

>> No.13422592

>tfw degeneracy has always been prevalent and always will be
There is no idyllic land of purity in either the past or the future. We are base creatures made simple to engorge ourselves with filth and rut like dogs with whatever number of other mangy desperate creatures will allow us to.

>> No.13422618
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>we're all base bruh we iz jus sum stardust n munkez n shiet
Meanwhile previous generations overcame their baseness in rare yet memorable and lasting instances and accomplished phenomenal things.

>> No.13422624

My waifu and i have it

>> No.13422633

Go look at births out of wedlock in previous generations.

>> No.13422650

Accomplished by a very select few. All the rest were rutting and sousing themselves
Enlighten me

>> No.13422673

>rare yet memorable and lasting instances
Now you have no one. Even if there are some exceptional people, they have no power. It's all one big collective machine cutting off its own branch.

>> No.13422703

>be 15 year old horny peasant
>shack up in barn with local town bike
>she gets pregnant
>intense pressure to get married from all sides, despite you not even liking her that much.
>get married
>she still fucks every man that fancies ago
>can't be even sure your children are yours
>you options are:
>seek a divorce which will cause a massive scandal which will in turn create a fissure in the town and probably end up with you fighting to the death with one of her lovers or a male member of her family. Intense pressure not to do this by society
>stoically accept being cucked
>have your cake and eat it and carry on another woman (preferably married) from the town, thus continuing the chain of degeneracy
Those were the days huh.

>> No.13422728

Love will only be pure in the western world once again when the society collapses and women will actually have to rely and men until society is back to normal, and then the cycle continues.

>> No.13422734

They barely happened despite the lack of contraception.

>> No.13422745

>implying those numbers are in anyway accurate

>> No.13422761

define define

>> No.13422766

Women have always been whores, it could never occur any differently

>> No.13422773

The Frankfort School has reduced Love to mere sexual intercourse...

>> No.13423076

Is it really getting cucked if everybody is second cousins in terms of genetic distance?

>> No.13423087

I don't see how that makes any difference.

>> No.13423116
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>female bad

>> No.13423156

humans could have been like those birds that mate for life but no, once again God, the faggot, made it difficult for us

>> No.13423165

Wrongo-bongo, the first time you catch her you kill them both and even her brothers won't hold it against you, rather they would have killed her themselves if they got their hands on her first due to her dishonoring her family.

It's like you're so trapped in this modern hellpit that you don't even know what traditional societies are like. You probably wouldn't even have to marry her in the first place, all the shame and disgrace would be on her side.

>> No.13423178

What happens to men who cheat

>> No.13423189

Maybe in some middle eastern sty you'd be right but not here.

>> No.13423206

Nothing. According to the trad mindset men are not to blame for this as they would naturally take the chance, and there has to be a whore somewhere to enable cheating. Only rape is harshly judged on the male side as the man uses force to overpower an unwilling woman rather than just seduce a whore.

No, Western society was pretty much the same until at least the 18th century, especially among the peasantry. Shotgun weddings are a new-fangled idea.

>> No.13423214

Adding to this: IIRC outrage at catching your wife in adultery as a legal defense for killing her was only removed from the books in the US in the 1950s, before that you could get completely off the hook for unpremeditated murder on that basis.

>> No.13423274

>Shotgun weddings are a new-fangled idea.
Shakespeare had a shotgun wedding retard

>> No.13423283

No he didn't the tragedy of Shakespeare is that he thought he loved Anne and only realized what a fuckjob he'd set himself up for after the marriage, but she didn't cheat on him or anything like that, he just realized his older wife wasn't all she was cracked up to be.

>> No.13423292

Yes he did. What you've just written is garbled conjecture.

>> No.13423335

The centuries long war against sexual indecency was about as effective as the war on drugs.

>> No.13423371

To desire "love" or an intimate sexual relation of any kind is a sign. It's a warning sign that you are inferior, and tied, too strongly, to your biological impulses to be an effective critical thinker and scholar.

>> No.13423388

read Badiou's book on love

>> No.13423444

>ive lost all hope of finding love and fufillment so i try to pull others into the hole im in to feel less alone
spit that black pill out and stop deluding yourself fag

>> No.13423449

>define these things so i can pick them apart and invalidate them
fuck off