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File: 69 KB, 1379x481, monarchism_beats_communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13420349 No.13420349 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13420355

theres a monarchy image and a reactionary one, couple of right wing general ones too on the wiki, check it

>> No.13420357

Could you put more fucking effort into your OP?

>> No.13420358

Can you imagine the king's family in sex slavery worshipping some nubian queen?

>> No.13420369


>> No.13420386

How can i become a King?

>> No.13420389
File: 33 KB, 450x516, scb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look for interracial lesbian femdom porn
>expect to find YASSSS woke black women dominating white women
>find southern accent porno of white women calling black women niggers
>the white women are clearly very uncomfortable
>you can tell theyre just barely at the threshold of willingness to do this for money
>every time she says "Nigger" she glances at the cameraman with a hesitant look on her face and then back at the girl
>tension is palpable in the scene
>everyone's muscles are clearly taut with anxiety and stress
>white girl's attention goes to cameraman again
>you can tell he's gesturing at her "Say nigger again"
>she doesn't want to

>> No.13420578

good shit

>> No.13420608

Thomas Hobbes

>> No.13420609

Become worthy, attain mandate of heaven

>> No.13420635

All Kings first arise by using power and forming alliances, together defeating your enemies. Then achieve stability through spiritual connections to the masses' beliefs. Selective breeding should ensure you get the best of the local genepool and use your material resources to nurture them appropiately, so you stablish noble blood in your lineage.

>> No.13420657

Kings were only ever justified in a belief system that includes god. In more ancient societies that meant that the king was literally a god, or at least the son of one. The middle ages in Europe had some progress in that the Divine right of Kings at least admitted that Kings were human. They were just chosen as most fit to rule, implying that God himself saw a monarchy as necessary for government.
The attempt to justify monarchy through political pragmatism, absolutism, was mostly a failure. If you want to be a dictator you just have to seize power by force, which is how they all did it. No religious fuckery required.

>> No.13420658

The real hot part is the dominance of the cameraman.

>> No.13420661


>> No.13420674
File: 130 KB, 257x279, 456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like your tone. It's aggressive. Come up with a new act, or I'll terminate the thread.

>> No.13421153

a king's first order would be to purge the kingdom from lil weaselly untrustworthy worthless ressentful fidgetty faggots like OP... be careful what you wish for ,nigger

>> No.13421458
File: 59 KB, 701x393, Altar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being right-winged and antinazi.

>> No.13421482

Joseph de Maistre
Nicolás Gomez Dávila
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
Jacques Bénigne-Bossuet
Hans Hermann Hoppe
Fréderic Bastiat
James VI and I
Juan Donoso Cortés
Cato the Elder
Julius Evola (if you are a schizo)

>> No.13421496

>>Cult of Political Party
>>Cult of the State


>> No.13421531

>Kings were only ever justified in a belief system that includes god. In more ancient societies that meant that the king was literally a god, or at least the son of one.
>The attempt to justify monarchy through political pragmatism, absolutism, was mostly a failure.
I thought there were hellenistic states with kings, did they all pretend to be gods?

>> No.13421587
File: 169 KB, 911x700, Gino-Severini-Lancers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler gave much thought to the question of reconciling technology with nature. Bridges, “a key element in the autobahn myth,” were designed to be both monumental and streamlined, modern and organic. The resulting structures are triumphs of modern architecture.

If by that you mean not wanting to go back in time, he sure was guilty of that.

Would you care to elaborate ? I doubt he was, even if he was inspired by Darwin at some level.

Yeah surely being anti-industrialist when the whole world wants you dead is a good option.
Morgenthau plan much ?

Not even. Germanic Imperialism, like the HRE. Not expansionist but pro-nationalist, pro-colonialism (whether it be in Africa or Russia).

>Cult of Political Party
Politics are architectonical.

>Cult of the State
Are you a libertarian ?

Better than trying to copy the past over and over and over again. Futurism was a legitimate artistic moment.
But it was in Italy, not Germany.

Just like saint Thomas Aquinas.
>But as the whole of man is directed as to his end to the whole of the community of which he is a part (ST IIa IIae, q.65 a1)
>Therefore, it seeks the highest among all human goods, for it aims at the common good, which is better and more divine than the good of one individual (Pol. I lect. 1)
>the imperfect is directed to the perfect. Now every part is directed to the whole, as imperfect to perfect, wherefore every part is naturally for the sake of the whole. (...) every individual person is compared to the whole community, as part to whole. (ST IIa IIae, q64 a2)

>> No.13421626

How did Chinese emperors work, isn't their religious links a lot more tenuous?

>> No.13421671

Essentially the idea was that the ebb and flow of the universe dictated who was in charge; basically if you could overthrow the government and take charge, you were destined to do so and could rightfully rule. A sort of fatalism of authority; though in earnest I've probably oversimplified it.

>> No.13421729

Catholic nietschean reactionary Nicolas Gomez Davila collection of aphorisms is really good

>> No.13422091


Konstantin Pobedonostsev
Ivan Ilyin

>> No.13422099

Jerked off to a porno were two fat black women dom a skinny white girl the other night

>> No.13422125

La Comedia by Dante
most of Tolkiens works
Goetes Faust ( You could argue about this for a long time, but the core theme is morality, while also being non-materialist which whould be a reactionäry perspective)
nironilcy The Bible
unironily the Quran
unironicly The Tora
Leviatan by Hobbs (in of itself not reactionary , but focused on maintaining hirarchy/order for the sake of stability and well beeing)
Confucious (If you are interested in a non european/ non proto-european outlook and the unique collective spirit of far eastern societies.)

>> No.13422174
File: 45 KB, 400x527, Ralph_Adams_Cram_on_TIME_Magazine,_December_13,_1926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas Carlyle, Samuel Johnson, James Anthony Froude, Hobbes, or if you want something more modern, Curtis Yarvin/Mencius Moldbug
Those are all great reactionary authors that have contributed to reactionary or absolutist thought. None of them are reactionaries that happen to write stories. If you want a man who did Both I recommend Ralph Adam's Cram, his walled towns book reminded me a lot of /n/ but he also wrote horror stories that Lovecraft quite enjoyed. There are plenty of other reactionary authors, you might even argue Shakespeare was one himself since he touches upon themes of regicide, mob psychology etc.
Also, if you want to read reactionary philosophy from an actual king and one of the greatest mititary tacticians to ever live, consider Antimachiavelli by Frederick the Great

>> No.13422238

Imagine being a psychopath

>> No.13422309

Better than being a cuck

>> No.13422329

Yes but aren't most nazis cucks?

>> No.13422332

Wow, you sure DESTOYED him, proudboi

>> No.13422334

You're projecting, psycho

>> No.13422342

phoneposting redditor faggot tourists

>> No.13422350

You realize this isn't /pol/, snowflake?

>> No.13422358

How can tell?

>> No.13422364

I'm on my fatass in front of the computer and I've been on 4chan longer than you've been alive, psycho.

>> No.13422365

Are y'all defending cuckold? I don't get ur position

>> No.13422433

You have never really explained your own position. How does not being a nazi make one a cuck?

This isn't /pol/ where "leftard sjw cuck" is considered an argument winner.

>> No.13422445

It all goes over your head doesn't it schizo

>> No.13422472
File: 189 KB, 494x472, 1532368458884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13422486

It doesn't, you're just on the sidelines taking it easy off my suffering. Anytime I fart yall have an orgy and if I'm doing to well at something (a rarity certainly) y'all try and punish me after I meet all ur pervy creeper requirements

>> No.13422496
File: 86 KB, 960x960, received_657085421422255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't mean it pejoratively, he meant it's better to be natsoc than a cuck like most westerners are, in a literal sense, not pejorative

>> No.13422578

Hobbes is liberalism.

>> No.13422584

Don Quixote

>> No.13422589

screen this post there

>> No.13422609

No it isn't, it's anti Republican

>> No.13422627

The Leopard.

>> No.13422629

On the jews and their lies

>> No.13422634

Surprised no one mentioned Dostoyevsky or Tolstoy, who both made some pretty great reactionary literature that satirized and attacked even the liberalism of the 19th century as too extreme. Some for starters are The Possessed, Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, War and Peace, and Anna Karenina.

>> No.13422638

Tolstoy was a liberal dude

>> No.13422642

Why are americans so afraid of saying nigger?

>> No.13422643

I misread that completely then, didn't I?
Ah, well, at least Dostoyevsky still applies.

>> No.13422684

Honestly best way to read it but I think he became more liberal after his two big works.

>> No.13422691

americans treat their slavery of africans a bit like the equivalent of original sin in christianity. Well half of them do, the other half sort of begrudgingly go along with it because they have no real power.

>> No.13422716

They're so jacked up, it's modern brainwashing and there's nothing that can fix it. The legal system and every institution is against it and every white is thoroughly raised on it. There's nothing they can do, they surrendered their whole culture to them and fell into nerd shit ad a hideaway

>> No.13422725

I'm still kind of confused. How can Levin, who is one of the most conservative characters in Anna Karenina, be written as the good guy, the guy with all the correct ideas, by a liberal?

>> No.13422729

no he wasn't

>> No.13422737

He was an anarchist who believed marriage was an outdated social construct.

>> No.13422760

Well, it still is

>> No.13422855

he was a liberal champagne socialist

dostoevsky could be called a reactionary if he were not so prescient and relevant

>> No.13422864

He was a georgist, that's economically liberal, his brand of pacifist anarchism is rather individualist liberalism

>> No.13422955
File: 540 KB, 500x4571, border patrol pigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they aren't

they're just afraid of saying it in front of black people... well, only when they're not armed

>> No.13423169
File: 475 KB, 750x570, C7C46461-9F9F-490E-BF3F-162E2C542E6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13423385

Its okay this society cant sustain itself for too long, itll collapse and all the limp wristed faggots will drop. Stay true to yourselves and your families, we'll make it right

>> No.13423393

>that's economically liberal,
I mean sort of, it's not typical liberalism. It was a very intriguing idea and George was massively famous all over the right and left in the 19th century.

>> No.13423457

we'll make it out alright*

>> No.13423459


>> No.13423533

The Mandate of Heaven. If you were in power as Emperor it was the will of the gods, but it was also your duty to govern the people wisely and well. If you fucked it up, then you were in danger of losing the Mandate and getting overthrown.

>> No.13424530

As learned from eu4

>> No.13424578

Nice one, Curtis

>> No.13424632

i hope you people are aware that actual reactionaries hated and fought against nationalism and racialism

>> No.13424673

Any good works on this and/or Chinese emperors in general?

>> No.13424743

can you be more presumptuous?

>> No.13424830
File: 6 KB, 151x160, 1562070932129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nazis were reactionaries, you silly goose

>> No.13424841

>Sees picture of ceazy retarded cat lady doing crazy retarded cat lady shit
>Le sjws have taken over all westeners are cucks now >:((((
This is why no one takes you seriously

>> No.13424898

>border patrol pigs
if you unblacked out the names you would see "Ramon Gutierrez, Carlos Lopez, Pedro Ramirez" and so on, kek

>> No.13425319

And that's why we have trans right and mass negrification in the First-World.
Thanks reactionaries for fighting the good fight against evil nazis and fascists.

>> No.13425459

You're the one that bought 20 million blacks over first

>> No.13425465

You what ?

>> No.13425467

Based. Read Before Church and State.

>> No.13425967

They were reactionaries but tainted with populism. The democratic conditions of the Wiemar allowed Hitler's demagoguery to flourish. Kings and dictators are very different things

>> No.13425973

that guy is so based by how stupid he is

>> No.13426031

Bruh, look at this duuuude

>> No.13426075

You all are cucks u disgusting faggots go to pnw or any place I walk by

>> No.13426085
File: 64 KB, 541x458, received_365242864068552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interracial sexual slavery beats feminism and far right
>Yeah but it could be worse

>> No.13426100

Literally nothing

>> No.13427501
File: 212 KB, 411x410, 1548952268089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marie Kondo

>> No.13427632
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, 1553868964154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biology books

>> No.13427657

Fuck how did we go to world spanning empires to this shit. It seriously blows my mind and I struggle with this existential angst daily to the point of obsession. I want to die.

>> No.13427719

>Goetes Faust
If anything Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship is your best bet if you want to interpret it that way. That's the one where he glamorizes Aristocracy the most.

>> No.13427786
File: 165 KB, 867x480, Baath_Eagle_Arabia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i rather shoot you instead

>> No.13427805

by having your dad be a king, better luck next time

>> No.13427811
File: 536 KB, 1600x1595, dresden ruins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, why indeed would anyone not support a system with such a fantastic track record of success

>> No.13428217

So far all I've found is this:


Not sure I'd recommend it though as it's suspiciously short for a work that is supposed to cover thousands of years of history.