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File: 59 KB, 340x338, custom_1242964586991_Harvard_U_Shield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1341839 No.1341839 [Reply] [Original]

YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS to tell me why you aren't attending Harvard

>> No.1341844

i'm at cambridge (true story)

>> No.1341845

I am a dumb shit
My math grades were shit
I dont really want to go to Harvard

>> No.1341849

Because I went to Yale?

>> No.1341848

i' man igger

>> No.1341854

i am majoring in physics at stanford

>> No.1341856

because i like in england and even if i didnt i wouldnt make the grade and i dont know if they would do a course i would like to take.
what year are you in and what are you studying?

>> No.1341876


1st year PPS @ trinity

>> No.1341889

i didn't do that well in high school

>> No.1341895

Because for nanomaterials, Northwestern is much much better.

>> No.1341898
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not interested, already at uni elsewhere. don't think i'd go there for a postdoc either, way too competitive for me. wouldn't have gotten in to begin with anyway.

>> No.1341915


Because I go to Brown. Also, I am not a dildofuck.

>> No.1341923

A well known (to academics) New England Liberal Arts College gave me money to go there

>> No.1342711

Because self-teaching is better and I learn more.

Also makes it easier to learn.

fuck yeah books and the internet.

suck a dick, college fags

>> No.1342717

because I am a slacker and I am willing to settle for a pleasant life of mediocrity.

>> No.1342718

I am English and I messed up my final exams due to laziness

>> No.1342720


>> No.1342729

Because I have crappy math grades and I'm a member of the bourgeoisie.

>> No.1342732
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Because I wasn't admitted, silly.

>> No.1342737


Self-teaching is great and all, but you will never develop as an intellect unless you challenge yourself to be surrounded by peers and professors at and above your own level of intellectual expertise.

Autodidacts are often too insecure to really push themselves.

>> No.1342739

because I wasn't good enough. went to georgetown though so I'm happy

>> No.1342747

I didn't apply because I don't really want to move to the US. If I had applied, I probably wouldn't have been accepted because of my lack of extracurriculars. I did have excellent grades and some pretty high scores on math competitions, though, so I guess I might have had a change.

>> No.1342751

Because I am an underachiever and would have to pay out the ass to go to a school with a fancy name.

I love my current uni.

>> No.1342752


Oh, and I'm in computer science, so if I wanted to go to a top-tier American school my first choice would probably be Stanford or MIT.

>> No.1342769

I'm black

>> No.1342774
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Our new financial aid policy has dramatically reduced the amount families with incomes below $180,000 are expected to pay, and parents of families with incomes below $60,000 are not expected to contribute at all to college costs. We no longer consider home equity as a resource in our determination of a family contribution, and students are not expected to take out loans, which have been replaced by need-based Harvard scholarship. This new program has reduced the cost to middle income families by one-third to one-half, making the price of a Harvard education for students on financial aid comparable to the cost of in-state tuition and fees at the nation’s leading public universities.

>> No.1342787

Because Cambridge is a better university

>> No.1342795

this thread will probably die before you read this but who are you? I'm a 1st year at Trinity as well (studying loligious studies)

>> No.1342802

Because I'm Australian, and I don't want to live in your fucked up country.

>> No.1342836

me too, first year natsci at trinity (doing chem eng next year)

>> No.1342868

Because fuck Harvard.

>> No.1342873

Because even if I had the grades and brainpower, I would never ever have the money. I'd rather go to a state school and not die still in debt.

Also, I don't like the Patriots or the Red Sox. Stupid reason, I know.

>> No.1342890

Because of it being loceted in the worst country in the whole wide world. And also, Norwegian education is free.

>> No.1342892

Because UT is far less expensive and rated nearly as high for the program I'm attending.

>> No.1342896

living in the big apple is so much better
oh yeah, self-studying too

>> No.1342897

Don't go to lectures, read your shit, get a degree.

>> No.1342903

>And also, Norwegian education is free.

well, it's not free, but not expensive either. NTNU ftw!

>> No.1342916

shit nigga, you live in the dorms? I go to UT as well.

>> No.1342939

Not enough money or drive. And honestly? My intelligence is average.

>implying intelligence has anything to do with getting into Harvard

>> No.1342943

I applied to colleges with a 2.00 GPA.

>> No.1342946

I never tried?

>> No.1342948

because i go to Berkeley

>> No.1342950

That is true.
But I can still do that without having to go to college.

>> No.1342953

Because Yale and Oxford are both better than Harvard, and I went to both Yale and Oxford.

>> No.1342957
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Because I'm not attending Harvard.

>> No.1342959
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>> No.1342960

I knew Clinton posted on 4chan

>> No.1342962

Money. I don't have it.

>> No.1342966


If I were Clinton I would have given a shout out to Georgetown as well. And thanked University College Oxford specifically, and recalled warmly date rapes I had perpetrated against the wall of Univ's PB Shelley Memorial Sculpture.

>> No.1342968

because by staying in-state I get to launch my career for free. I can always move when I have the experience/connections.

>u jelly?

>> No.1342974

Not to mention the MMF gone wrong with Hitchens

>> No.1342982

because i'm at a different ivy league school

>> No.1342985

Because I'm superior, and focused on the progress of humanity rather than the prestige of my CV.

tl;dr I'm at the M ighty

>> No.1342991

amen to that
The day I checked the difference between our timetables & courses in physics... Fuck. It's pathetic man. They spend more time enjoying VIP shit and sucking lecturers cocks than actually producing any kind of research or engineering.

>> No.1342997

because i went to Columbia instead.

>Self-teaching is great and all, but you will never develop as an intellect unless you challenge yourself to be surrounded by peers and professors at and above your own level of intellectual expertise.

right on. i try to make this argument with many of the insecure autodidacts on here but they like to stick their fingers in their ears. i know that the amazing professors and incredibly bright peers around me are pushing me way harder with my studies and writing.

>> No.1343013

Because I never put any extra effort in during high school. I guess I'll be okay in a top 30 law school but still, it feels bad man.

>> No.1343055
File: 116 KB, 594x396, Naval+Academy+Midshipmen+Graduate+Annapolis+Mb_bJWHZpjol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I wanted to actually contribute something to the world.

Pic related, I'm at the US Naval Academy.

>> No.1343075

No money, probably don't have the grades either
Should I be mad? Really? Nah, I'm good.

>> No.1343083

Because I don't want to go to Harvard.

>> No.1343095


You will make the grass green for all the boys and girls. I envy you.

>> No.1343279

'goan go shoot people, is a contributianz!

>> No.1343285

In the Navy!

>> No.1343287
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Have fun, bro.

>> No.1343291

Because I am neither rich, a legacy, or a minority. You have to be one of these things to have a decent chance of getting into Harvard.

>> No.1343296


>> No.1343321

I have an Uncle who graduated from Harvard. Too bad I'm such a fuckup that might have helped.

>> No.1345079


>> No.1345184

Tufts is better.

>> No.1345193

I graduated high school with a 1.75 GPA (true story)

I really fucked up my first two years.

>> No.1345198

i'm stupid

>> No.1345199

I dropped out of community college.

>> No.1345212

I actually would have preferred MIT, if anything. I did graduate valedictorian at my high school, but I have no ambition and I fear change (in terms of where I'm living), so I decided to go to a college close to home instead.

I regret my decision now, but, eh. I can't really go back and change it.

>> No.1345218
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Aw yeah son.
I wouldn't trade Austin for anything in the NE.

>> No.1345224

because i kept coming in late for english class and didn't give a shit about it. only had a 95~ avg instead of omg 98.

>> No.1345232

Because I'm not from the USA and I don't care, duh.

>> No.1345299


This poster is obviously in possession of a VERY small penis.