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/lit/ - Literature

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13415680 No.13415680 [Reply] [Original]

>But you merely adopted the coffee. I was born in it. Molded by it.

>> No.13415708
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>> No.13415744

People on this board are so VAIN that they posture over books they pretend to have read, ANONYMOUSLY. That's right, they are trying to signal social standing with posts that can never be connected to any other one they post, or them as a person—THE ONLY PERSON THEY COULD POSSIBLY BE POSTURING TO IS THEMSELVES! Every single thread on a book will include a green-text of the book name attached with a disgusted looking Harold Bloom (who they, of course, haven't read). THAT'S HOW PEOPLE ARGUE HERE. They just post a smug "ohh I can't believe you'd read something like THAT" or "*snicker* you actually think THAT?" with no context. I'm convinced that no one has actually read a book on this board, they've just memorized names and faces and vague ideas associated with them, and just bounce the same baseless conceptions back and forth between each other until it forms a board wide gestalt consciousness of pseud. Like, someone here could show you the most obscure portrait of Kant looking like a negro-goblin, a wacky anecdote about coffee or his masturbation habits, but ask them anything about his actual philosophy and you will get TOTAL SILENCE. Ask about an entry-level book, TOTAL SILENCE; ask about a basic grammar concept, TOTAL. SILENCE. Ask which author had the biggest forehead, 100+ REPLIES WITH THE MOST BITTER ARGUMENTS IMAGINABLE. How ANYBODY could think this place the last bastion of literary culture is unimaginable. This board is the theoretical zero-point of Intelligent discussion on the internet.

>> No.13415896
File: 72 KB, 1200x662, E15ECA88-5E77-4715-8396-42FFF83ED95D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have read Balzac

>> No.13416053
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>> No.13416111

we really do live in a society