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13412825 No.13412825 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody read any anti-fascist books? It seems like there are a lot of them today.

Any good insights?

>> No.13412829 [DELETED] 
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Off yourself, tranny

>> No.13412833

>reading anti anything books

>> No.13412838

I'm not antifa, I'm just curious about these books because I'm interested in political philosophies, and I'm not elitist enough to be a classics purist.

>> No.13412902

Hell yeah. As a tip anything anarchist is antifascist by definition. Tolstoy, Victor Hugo, Hemingway, and Orwell are all good fiction writers along that vein. Bakunin and Chomsky for nonfiction in that vein.

If you're interested in anti Nazism, check out almost any book on Nazism written after 1945, but my favorites are "Male Fantasies" and "Anti Semite and Jew."

If you want a good book on how to resist fascism, check out the Mark Bray book in your pic, and also Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. Certain sections in Machiavelli's Discourse on Livy also reflect this, on a somewhat more abstract scale.

>> No.13412911

Thanks! I'll dig in

>> No.13412917


>> No.13412923

m8 are you aware that Bakunin was rather antisemitic

>> No.13412930

Judaism is fascistic.
It must be eradicated.

>> No.13412944

This. This shows a brainlet level of thought. This group good. This group bad. Me against. Me for. Anti fascist. Anti vaxxer. Anti nuclear. Anti ad naseum.

>> No.13412945

Bataille's On Nietzsche. He was one of the first to break Nietzsche from his fascist interpretations

>> No.13412948

Are you one of those hyper anarchist guys? I have to say you're the only political people I have any respect for outside of sheer lunatics like the fascists. I admire the purity of the belief system. Im not saying youre like the fascists btw, I like you for different reasons entirely.

>> No.13412958

Nobody is perfect, but Bakunin is one of the few people in the humanities who was able to accurately predict the future, in terms of the cold war. It seems to me that he had an unusually accurate insight into the minds of political leaders if he could do that, so I say he's worth checking out.
Not me.

>> No.13412963

Do you think Bakunin's antisemitism is unwarranted though? Jewish involvement in usury, slavery, capitalism, etc. are clear facts about history. Obviously Hitler style antisemitism is pathology, but if a people can be criticized, and I don't know why they shouldn't then Jews don't come off any better than say the English, who god knows have been criticized for their history.

>> No.13412964

Do any of them suggest better systems because fascism is the best one we have

>> No.13412965

>being anti-anti
what a brainlet

>> No.13412977

I don't even know if the English can be criticized, as a whole, for imperialism. The way I see it people and governments are so different in terms of mindset. Any criticism which focuses on race, instead of measurable factors, strikes me as pathology, and should be resisted in favor of a more rational explanation.

>> No.13412981

>t. antifa dicksucker

>> No.13412988

it's existing marxist literature/thought repackaged with swear words and bluster
if you want insight into how unfathomably fucking delusional and self-absorbed your average american social democrat can be then maybe buy the vaguely wikkkan looking one on the right i'm sure it's chock full of cringeworthy white girl horseshit

>> No.13412989

Dave Hann's "No Retreat" is pretty fun - there's not much highbrow theory to it, but lots of stories about him and his punk mates getting in street fights in the 80s.

>> No.13412995

That is a very fair perspective. I'm of two minds about Jews, I don't like that they can't be criticized at all when other ethnicities can, but I also don't think it makes sense to just cast an entire people in the same cloth. Maybe they are more similar than other peoples, maybe they aren't, but it is still uneasy to me to make race the central factor when other conditions of power seem more important.

You are an anarchist then?

>> No.13413002

I don't like antifa at all, mostly because I recognize too much of my own impulses in them, the narcissism of small differences I suppose. I have literally had a fistfight with an antifa at a bar before, years ago, for espousing mildly fascist opinions about immigration.

>> No.13413006

Look in the mirror.

>> No.13413015

>Male Fantasies
"Hurr all fascists are GAY! LOL! They're homo boys that are afraid of women!"

>> No.13413022


>> No.13413035

Bataille was a worthless edge lord.

>> No.13413039

Congrats on finding a gay fascist, clearly this means literally all fascists are faggots

>> No.13413040

Why is fascism so bad?

>> No.13413102

Fascism is gay in the sense that contemporary times deny the existence of brotherhood. Many are incapable of interpreting it any other way.

>> No.13413110

Killing a fascist is good.

>> No.13413119

Basically any book. Lel

>> No.13413219

And yet actual gays have no such sense of brotherhood. They all backstab and undermine and put each other each down like rivalrous catty women on a reality tv show 90% of the time. By that token fascism isn't gay.

>> No.13413371

You have to "psyche yourself up" before going up to the counter and ordering something at Taco Bell

>> No.13413384

Yes, but only because it helps us get to a fascist revolution

>> No.13413400
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Being a straight white male of the Left feels like being, say, a open homosexual of the Right. You know that no matter how many "BASED ally" points you rack up, they all secretly kind of fucking hate you...

>> No.13413402


>> No.13413405

I wish the right hated homosexuals

>> No.13413408

Young Leftist men everywhere are deeply infatuated with and want to marry Nick Mullen because he gives off a vibe of deep resignation in regards to this, as opposed to many other men of the Left who pretend their beliefs don't require a sacrifice in personal energy. Or maybe it's just me. Those dreamy eyes

>> No.13413415

Lol, the LGBT community is truly threatened by fascists like Richard Spencer, Milo Yiannopoulous, Greg Johnson and Counter-Currents, BAP, the Perfume Nationalist/StudTwitter...

>> No.13413483

Yeah read "How to overcome crippling autism"

>> No.13413492

Then you wonder why they want to kill you. Just a note, Communists were always the ones to first incite violence against people which prompted fascists to respond. Fascism is reactionary, Communism is revolutionary.

>> No.13413506
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Here's one.

>> No.13413624

>because I'm interested in political philosophies
You don't look for "anti-x" books if you want to know about political philosophies

>> No.13414724

You do when they're literally about political philosophies.

>> No.13414742
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>give me books with suit my prejudges and ideology, because I'm unable to cope with different ideas
Literally every modern political book is anti-fashist, as it's the mainstream. Read some Spengler or Evola, both weren't fashists.

>> No.13414744

>I'm interested in political philosophies
Then read books about political philosophy and not books that tell you "Why X is the worst thing to ever exist".
If you are interested in Fascist thought, read Fascist, if you are interested in communist thought, read communists, if you are interested in liberal thought read liberal, but reading "Why Fascism is bad" is just plain retarded, as you will learn NOTHING, these books are written so that political ideologues can have a "feel good" moment, about how superior they are to the other side.

>> No.13414756

Please start doing it again, I REALLY can't wait for a fourth Reich that puts you into camps again.

>> No.13414764

No, that's dumb. I have read Evola's basic writings, and I've explored some of Giovanni Gentile. I'm also interested on the other side's perspective.

For the record, I've also read Marx, Kropotkin, Bookchin, and people like that on the left, and that led me to be very interested in Von Mises' critiques of the left.

>> No.13414765

Was 1984 anti fascist?

>> No.13414767

I am very interested in Spengler's book Decline of the West. I've read Evola, and I found it interesting but I wasn't particularly impressed. But I'd take you more seriously if you learned how to spell "fascist."

>> No.13414770

That's because literally in the last thread something similar was brought up, the author actually was jewish. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or alt-right but I don't blame them for being mindblown. They are not capable of rational thought beyond convenient tales to make them feel assured of themselves, so these coincidences are deeply enlightening for them.

Mind you, it might not be a coincidence since many secular jews are prominent members of academia, but I would guess that's because judaism is the abrahamic religion with the most prominent denominations that seek to secularize judaism. It's funny cuz orthodox jews agree a lot with fundamentalist christians. /pol/lacks just won't see them because they live a traditional life.

>> No.13414777

Wtf this was meant to go to another thread. Mb guys.

>> No.13414780

1984 was both anti-fascist and anti-Soviet. Above all, it was really anti-totalitarian. Orwell fought against fascists in the Spanish Civil War on the Republican side. He and the Republicans waited for help from the Soviets, which never came - Orwell realized this was because anarchists and orthodox socialists/communists were just as threatening to the Soviets as it was to the fascists. Then he watched as the socialist experiment in the USSR became just as brutal and oppressive as fascism, which led to him being disillusioned with it.

1984 is basically about that.

>> No.13414790

>I'm also interested on the other side's perspective.
But "the other side" really aren't anti-fascists, but the people with a different political vision. A group that defines itself by opposition to another group can fundamentally be ignored, if you know what a "Fascist" is you know everything about the ideology of an "Antifascist".

>> No.13415000

If you want scholarly perspective pick:
Walther Laquer's "Fascism: Past, Present, Future".

You came here for trolling so at least come out reading.

>> No.13415838
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You read fascist literature and then critique it with knowledge from a different perspective. Your thread should be: "what literature is considered to be representative of fascism as a political philosophy?" If your critique is from a pro-market perspective, you'd compare those works to what you've researched in terms of markets.

If you wanted to critique Christianity you wouldn't just read Dawkins, right?

>> No.13416670

So then, why don't you read the doctrine of fascism by Mussolini and Giovanni, and Mosley's books?

>> No.13416682

This. OP is actually autistic. He doesn't want argumentation anyway, that's why he isn't looking for legitimate fascist literature and then trying to critique it. Maybe because he know he couldn't or because he's lazy

>> No.13416705

>If you wanted to critique Christianity you wouldn't just read Dawkins, right?
00s euphoria wants to disagree.

>> No.13416707


In what ways do his works have anarchist elements? Honestly asking, I'm really interested and have only read "The Sun Also Rises" and "The Old Man and the Sea."

>> No.13416797

It looks like they come from the "everything that isn't Marxist is actually fascist" school of thought.

>> No.13416846

>Anti fascists
>beat people up that don't agree with them
>hunt down people that don't agree with them, suppress their voices

Ok, pal. Whatever you say.

>> No.13416850

>only definition of your beliefs is through what you aren't

>> No.13417204

Paradox of tolerance.
Nazis want to take away democracy so they can't be allowed to proliferate their views.

>> No.13417217

>They all backstab and undermine and put each other each down like rivalrous catty women on a reality tv show 90% of the time
Source? Lol

>> No.13417250

>Paradox of tolerance.
Hypocrisy of tolerance.

You have to abandon your own ideology in order to save it, at least Hitler was honest unlike you liberal garbage.

>> No.13417271

So start with yourself.

>> No.13417281

Liberals are the ones giving you free speech. Commies like me would take it away

>> No.13417289

>You have to abandon your own ideology in order to save it
Our ideology is to oppose fascists. We've been doing so since Hitler came to power and will be doing so as long as fascism exists. You're being willfully ignorant here, it should be clear to you that opposing people with white supremacist/racist views is anything but intolerant. In the same way self defense is not considered wrong; both actions can be equally violent, but one is only done in order to prevent future violence from the aggressing party. Your arguments would have done well to defend the nazis in germany before they came to power.

>> No.13417312

>falling for the "open minded" meme

>> No.13417418

Haha yeah the jew tells you that you must tolerate him but he must not tolerate you. Truly rules for thee not for me.

>> No.13417421
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>> No.13417433

Don't be surprised when commies and their hooknosed bosses start getting killed in self-defense then

>> No.13417435
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>haha I totally showed that antifa LIBTARD

>> No.13417442

Jews abide by democracy.
Not Zionists though

>> No.13417445
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Yeah, worked out great for you guys the first time around

>> No.13417449

That's literally why fascists must be ended.
How many killing sprees have leftists gone on in recent memory?

White nationalists? Alot.

>> No.13417452

Democracy is a sham so idk what this is supposed to say.

>> No.13417465

So you're saying the left is really really bad at doing anything while the right is winning?

>> No.13417477
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Yes you are right.

>> No.13417484

I don't believe in democracy either because it gives low IQ people like you the right to argue with high IQ STEMlords like me.

>> No.13417489

We dont need to do anything, we've already won the culture war. We've won concessions from the right continuously. If you read any of the manifestos of the recent right wing killers, you would see the same mantra: "We are losing, we need to do something, politics is not working in our favor". We oppose right wingers whenever and wherever they gather together, and we enact policies that will make whites a minority in this country. Mass killings are for those with no other options.

>> No.13417496

For Whom The Bell Tolls is all about the Spanish civil war on the side of the antifascists. A Farewell to Arms may also have elements of that but I have not read it.

>> No.13417514

this poltard is probably more self-aware than any chapocel who thinks they're fighting hitler in 2019.

>> No.13417519

Can somebody tip me on some prominent figures in anarchist literature? Specifically An-Prim (i'm not memeing) I recently read Ted's manifesto and am interested in learning more about it. Thanks.

>> No.13417525

t. the fat boxnosed faggot in the picture

>> No.13417539

This reply looks out of place on 4chan. I'd never see it on /his/.
This really is the smartest board

>> No.13417553

woah holy shit

>> No.13417555
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>> No.13417560

Is anarchy anti-fascist?

>> No.13417562

hey I actually needed this thanks

>> No.13417567

What are some take home points from Ted's manifesto in your mind?

>> No.13417630

Yes, fascism is hierarchical

>> No.13417636

i'm not educated enough to answer that question currently, which is why I am asking for the tip
My guess from what I can currently infer would be yes
Humanity will continue their (what seems like a cycle) towards implosion unless humans revolt against modern technology, and promote free will above all else
He'd often talk about an internal reward system that is left unfulfilled naturally in modern times. Humans from earlier eras would be satisfied with their life without technology merely because they were safe, and able to live. Humans now have to give themselves hoops to jump through that are not instinctual, natural, or relative to survival in order to satisfy their drive for living.
This is what my current brainlet mind can gather, but I need a while longer to ponder it, and re-read it.
I just took up reading literature recently, and was tipped to the manifesto by more than one like minded friend in the past.

>> No.13417640

Also a lot of strong criticisms of both the "right" and "left" from what seems like a psychological standpoint from Ted

>> No.13417643
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why is it that throughout history fascist-type regimes were always successful whereas communist-type regimes were a literal joke?

>> No.13417644

This so much, jesus.

>> No.13417652

Yeah you’re baiting real hard.
I still want you to get brutally killed though, nigger scum

>> No.13417667

When Insurrections Die (an essay, not a book) is a good takedown of antifa politics.

>> No.13417668

Women voted Hitler into power not men.

>> No.13417681

It must suck to have no other outlet for your views. All you can do to air out your beliefs is say "nigger" on an image-board. Mention any of your preferred policies in public and watch how people cringe. (I suppose you'd have to go outside to do that.)

>> No.13417690

It’s cute that you’re still trying to provoke a reaction, but I respect it in a way.

>> No.13417698

Bataille was a gnostic researcher

>> No.13417708

How's that boot taste dude

>> No.13417723

>wants to murder other people with government support
>calls others bootlickers
Savages get the eternal flame

>> No.13417734

>"government support"
what are you even on about anymore

>> No.13417735
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how could they resist this?

>> No.13417740

>espouses the exact views and goals of his rulers and does their bidding for free
Yum bootpolish...

>> No.13417777

He'd only be a bootlicker if he's not an anarchist.

>> No.13417810

>paradox of tolerance

"I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise."

Popper is laughing at you, trust-fundie. Laughing his jowls off. What comedy. The basements of unwilling mothers let forth a tide of rainbow-haired, hyperpriviliged communists who adore corporate fiat and fight in the streets to force martial law.

No one knew who Richard Spencer was. He was a Stormfront reject who managed to scrounge up 20 similar apes to come to a "rally." He was a nobody and, if left unmolested, would have remained so. Then a black-beclad autist punched him and he became a national headline. The Proud Boys were a response to the delayed onset of puberty brigade, whose antics have inspired entire generations of fascists, left wing and right wing, to arm themselves and accelerate towards war.

You have failed to curb anything resembling fascism, silver spoon. This isn't the board for you.

>> No.13417831

I don't like corporate rule.
You're blaming antifa for the reactions of the media nice try.

>> No.13417841

You can't define fascism. You're a corpo fascist reject who directs his impotent rage at hipsters on the Internet.

>> No.13417923

I'm an anarchist, lol. You're the only bootlicker here

>> No.13417977

>unironic anarchist
at least he isn't braindead like you lmao

>> No.13417985

Suddenly you're pro big government?

>> No.13417989


>We must be intolerant to your intolerance

>Okay, then I don't have to be tolerant to your intolerance of my views

>Oh fuck did we just re-derive the way that freedom of expression keeps us from reciprocal mob violence?

>> No.13418022



>be antifa
>be a middle class white person who needs to make up for the deeply felt guilt placed upn him/her by falsehoods derived from his/her own shit ideaology
>try to fight fascists, doesn't understand what fascism means, so beats up innocents on the streets
>Turn everybody who isn't far left further to the right with their abhorrent violence
>Some of those people turn into fascists with your "anti fascist" acts

When a movement does this, why the fuck would you want to read a book about how they achieved the exact opposite of their goals?

>> No.13418036
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>They all backstab and undermine and put each other each down like rivalrous catty women on a reality tv show 90% of the time.

>> No.13418043

what? what are you talking about?

>> No.13418115

implying that nationalist neoconservatism isn't overtly fascist.

>> No.13418155

Democracy is neither just nor good

>> No.13418190

what drives some people to label everything at the right of Mao as fascism?

>> No.13418242

Ironically, a fixation on purity

>> No.13418258

fascism isn't the same as anti-semitism

>> No.13418262

>Jewish involvement in usury, slavery, capitalism
ok, but how are Jews unique to these processes? a lot of other people traded slaves, charged interest and participated in capitalism, including everyone today

>> No.13418299

But neoconservatives work to flood their own countries with the people from the countries they invade/interfere with. I wouldn't call that nationalistic.

>> No.13418321

>dude human sacrifices, dude anuses, dude excrement, dude violence
>h-how dare nazis kill my precious jew, n-now i wont shake hands w-with antisemites
lmao same with any leftoid nietzschean

>> No.13418376

>implying China and Russia won't fuck America ass and with it democracy

>> No.13418405

>he says on the site where heterodoxy to the /pol/yp hivemind gets you called a cultural marxist or a communist or jew

>> No.13418422

>he thinks 4chan is a hive mind
go to r/news and make a post in favor of anything remotely right wing and see what happens

>> No.13418440

He was a Christian trying to get people to stay away from that stuff.

>> No.13418909

Antifascism is a political ideology you mongoloid

>> No.13419159

For people like him, everything non-progressive and self-loathing is bad and bad things are fascist. When he uses that word it like when people use "nazi". They don't want to describe a member of the 1933 NSDAP, they use it to emotionally manipulate the receaiver into thinking they are just as bad at he consideres those members to be. Any dicussion about the definition with his ilk is useless.

>> No.13419193

I used to believe in eternal brotherhood, until I realised I had nothing in common, and actively hate, blacks and Arabs.

The “one love” principle is Bob Marley stoner bullshit. You’ve read the Greeks, Nietzsche and most classic literature; and the best you can come up with, despite empirical realities beating down on your face, is love everybody we are all one

Consume the Vatican and Alexandrian libraries, and all you can come up with is multicultural propaganda. Stupid brainlet

>> No.13419400

So why aren't you banning anyone that isn't a Liberal democrat from elections? You know to show them tolerance

>> No.13420032

>being anti-anti-anti

>> No.13420035

It isn't.
It is bad for certain groups of people, because it damages them. But it isn't for the general population at large.

>> No.13420039
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>> No.13420044

Those are all faggots too

>> No.13420053

>many secular jews are prominent members of academia
Jewish nepotism is well understood.

>/pol/lacks just won't see them because they live a traditional life.
You don't have any idea of what you are talking about, don't you?

>> No.13420061

Are there any left-wing and socialist authors who frankly admit that Jews are chauvinists who feel reflexively entitled to run other peoples' countries, intelligentsias, and political movements, and therefore dangerous? I don't even hate Jews, but it's pretty inarguable that they take over movements and make them into "their" movements. I wouldn't mind if Jews were well-represented or even over-represented on the left, I just feel uncomfortable when they're massively over-represented.

I am pretty left in my social politics, but the Jew issue and immigration issue are too much to handle, especially when working in tandem. If there were a form of genuine labor politics in my country that didn't presuppose that Jews are its "first citizens" and that multicultural borderless utopia is somehow the most important goal of socialism, I'd be all over it.

>> No.13420071

Welcome to national-socialism fren

>> No.13420098

>state and corporate censorship against certain views means winning the culture war
Imagine being this retarded, there is a silent majority of nazis in every white country.

>we enact policies that will make whites a minority in this country
It will take 100's of years to do it. Meanwhile in less than a decade from now WE WILL TAKEOVER

>> No.13420115

Chomsky has gone full statist though. He even advocates for fun control.

>> No.13420149

Because it hurts my feelings

>> No.13420161

No it isn't. Anti fascism is just an opposition to fascism which is employed by marxists, anarchist, maoists etc. and those are political philosophies. Anti-fascism is literally not any kind of philosophy or ideology. That's like saying anti-communism is a philosophy. I think your worldview is actually frying your brain, go outside sometimes

>> No.13420178

Personal anecdote, I'm not the guy you replied to.

I had a gay friend in high school. He was one of my best friends. We took choir together and hung out all the time in our tiny cow town. It was a very redneck sort of place, and so sometimes there would be some jackass who would call him a faggot to his face, so he was excited to get out of the town and to go to the ultraliberal university a couple hours away.

The gays there shunned him and depressed him. They were, according to his words, extremely judgemental, homogeneous, and two faced. They hated him because he didn't fit in. He liked to do some traditionally masculine things like shoot guns or go riding through the forest, and so they ostracised him for not being a total fairy that constantly obsessed over sucking dick and wearing tight neon. He couldn't name any gay people there that he liked. Keep in mind it was one of those universities that was at the forefront of sjw culture, so their attitude has been forming intellectual culture for a long time.

In my own personal experience, I've only met a few gay people that were genuinely nice. The rest were as he described and I am disgusted with how gays generally are more mean-spirited, judgemental, and hostile than the supposed bigots they pretend to be oppressed by. Maybe it's a West coast thing. Maybe in flyovers or the east coast they're actually oppressed. Any insights from Americans who live that way?

>> No.13420192

20% is not a majority

>> No.13420197

>Liberals are the real racists
>Conservatives actually love gays more against all odds and all evidence

>> No.13420204
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I don't know I thought fascism had a 50 kill count in one single killing spree this year.
That seems significant and not based on feelings at all right?

>> No.13420208
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The Jew is statist.

>> No.13420209

> Mass killings are for those with no other options.
Doesn’t that make antifa responsible for all of these shootings?

>> No.13420216
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I have the Mark Bray book sitting around, but I have a lot more pro-fascist, anti-liberal, and anti-communist books I'm going to read first.

>> No.13420218 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is that webm? Also Fascism is reactionary, it's a reaction to liberalism and marxism like it national socialism was in the weimar republic in the 1930s. And fights with open gun fire were commonplace, so yeah expect an increase in the coming years

>> No.13420224

The west is so finished. Europe is a stagnant theme park, and American politics consists of throwing milkshakes on le nazis, a wall, and a bartender.

>> No.13420226

Anyone who tries to sell themselves on how peaceful (or in this case, non-lethal) they are being deceptive. If there’s anything to be learned from the 20th century, it’s that people will kill for their beliefs when they find it necessary. The belief itself matters less than violence being inherent to politics.

>> No.13420228


Stephen Paddock

>> But MSNBC told me nobody knows why he did it!!!!

He shot up a country music festival... Think about it for like two seconds. The news media covers up leftist violence, but that doesn't mean it doen't exist.

>> No.13420230

I thought the milkshake thing was Britain. I wonder if any of the vegan leftists sperged out about that, now that I think about it.

>> No.13420236
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capitalism is inherently fascist you dumb cuck

>> No.13420240

Fascism is a reaction in times of social decadence, so as long as societal decline continues and intensifies exponentionally it will warrant a stronger reaction, and that reaction could be violent or non violent. Just like not all revolutions are inherently violent. Also what the fuck is that webm?
>I don't know I thought fascism had a 50 kill count in one single killing spree this year.
And 0 last year

>> No.13420241

Anifa needs to stop propagandizing on 4chan. Manufacturing the idea that people here actually agree with your Nazi-esque tactics is a very Nazi thing to do. Here are some other things that Nazis and Antifa have in common.

>dressing in intimidating uniforms and going in groups
>interrupting lectures with chanting and closing down speakers who disagree with your worldview
>actual violence and death threats against people who disagree with your worldview with the goal of silencing them
>(this is actually worse) attempting to destabilize the existing order so as to cause chaos that will most assuredly affect innocents
>labeling all who disagree as members of a universally hated and ostracised group, thereby replacing dialogue with name-calling and fear politicking

I just saw Cabaret and it was actually frightening how similar it was to today in the States. Antifa is the new Nazi movement. People are afraid that they are going to try to get themselves into power, and it's obvious they're not against mob tactics and bullying. If they somehow gain power, things will get much worse.

>> No.13420243

What one opposes says more about them than whatever it is they support.

>> No.13420254

Fascism isn’t reactionary it’s revolutionary, and communism is inherently violent. Communists are retarded if they think getting rid of ownership will be a once and for all deal, they will have to continually oppress ownership.

>> No.13420256
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Fascism is inherently non-capitalist you cum duck

>> No.13420259

I need to get off of 4chan for a few months again. I'm going to get a decrease in IQ points if I stay here

>> No.13420266

Yeah, I don't see how that makes it a political ideology or political philosophy

>> No.13420267

Was he really left wing? He had an Asian gf like all kinds of Nazis do

>> No.13420276
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Reminder that antifa is actually whiter than white nationalism.

>> No.13420280
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>> No.13420320

Dumb colored people think conservatives won't kill them.

>> No.13420322

Cuck thread, fuck you all!

>> No.13420324

Fascism is inherently the next stage of capitalism when the whites don't stay on top.

>> No.13420348

Basically Antifa is fascism for shitskins and trannies

>> No.13420354

Fascism has been around for over a century, long before capitalist racial replacement migration.

>> No.13420405

Yes it's been defeated each time too. There's a muslim in Congress

>> No.13420440

The underlying sentiments that allow them to form such a coalition are more of an ideology than the results of their minuscule disputes.

>> No.13420449

Yes, by a coalition of capitalists and communists, the secret best friends when a spiritual movement comes around to offend their greedy nihilism.
Also, Islam practiced correctly, i.e following the words and practice of the imperialist slayer Mohamed, is more fascist than anything in American politics.

>> No.13420459

b....but brownies are oppressed you fat wacist

>> No.13420465

Fascism is distinctly a reaction to leftist politics during a time of crisis in capitalism. It is not a synonym for authoritarianism or oppression, because obviously that shit is really old. Mohammed was not capable of being a fascist.

>> No.13420476

What communists are you even referring to in American government? There are only neocons and neolibs, who agree on almost everything besides a few issues that poll well in their respective districts such as abortion. Antiracism is not communism, it is in fact a liberal alternative to class analysis.

>> No.13420496

All oppression is essentially deserved. It's on you not to get oppressed. Rights are for fags.
Read what fascists actually have to say for the love of the gods.
I was referring to the alliance of the United States and the Soviet union specifically. The alliance of today's capital with leftist causes, including antifa ancoms is basically the same thing since the United States is now an anti-nation and hardly anything more than a market.

>> No.13420561

>The gods
Ultra faggot larping pagan detected

>> No.13420570

>when the whites don't stay on top
So there were never fascist regimes in nonwhite countries?
Are you really this much of a brainlet or are you pretending?

>> No.13420736


>> No.13420795


>> No.13420821

holy shit if this isn't bait

>> No.13420832

he says from the comfort of his parent's home

>> No.13421017

Fascism is a label the left uses to justify violent action in non revolutionary settings. Leftists don’t have nor want a coherent definition of the term.

>> No.13421024

Calling it self defense to attack people who point out basic facts of reality like race differences is so orwellian I cant believe you could even look me in the eye and say it

>> No.13421222

>Leftists don’t have nor want a coherent definition of the term.
what are you talking about? the first to theorize about fascism were leftists, and their formulation has consistently been about capitalist crisis and bourgeois dropping its mask. just cause some people who self-identify as leftists bandy it about doesn't mean that there isn't a coherent theory about it

>> No.13421389

why do people on lit not post mega links with thousands of books.

Pol figured this out why can't you guys. I'm tired of paying dam it.

>> No.13421414

>the first to theorize about fascism were leftists
Nigger please, the first to theorize about fascism were Mussolini and Gentile, who started the movement and wrote the first texts explaining what it was.

>> No.13421731

Lots of dumb shit going around in this thread.

Don't listen to the people calling anti-fascist books meaningless because they only represent opposition to another ideology. One could just as easily define fascist or traditionalist literature as only existing in opposition to "modernity".

There's nothing wrong with books that mainly consist of critique, most political books are just that.

Of course you're gonna get spoon-fed ideology when reading a book about politics, the only stupid thing is pretending that you're ideology is somehow above that, like the bone-head fascists in this thread are doing.

Now back to the topic of anti-fascism, as both an ideology and an organisation.
You can watch this video for a bit of history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgwS_FMZ3nQ
That should debunk most of the shit people in this thread are regurgitating from mainstream media.

This is a really nice think tank if you're interested in anarchism as a whole: http://c4ss.org/
Since anti-fascism and anarchism share a lot of ideological groundwork, they have quite a few articles about fighting fascism etc.

>> No.13421792

> That should debunk most of the shit people in this thread are regurgitating from mainstream media
That video along with the books in that image are mainstream media. Anitra has a legitimization machine so large and well funded that nothing else compares.

>> No.13421932

Hmm, I would argue that a leftist Youtube-channel and three independent publishers, are maybe just a wee bit less influential than media powerhouses like CNN, which constantly spew out "anti" anti-fa articles, (or are least just very poorly fact-checked ones).

Since I'm not american, I'm not too into the loop regarding journalism about anti-fa in the states, so if you have any example proving me wrong, please do share.

Clashes between a far-right politician and radical leftists, resulted in riot-like conditions in my country last year.
There was not a single media outlet that didn't condemn anti-fa.
The inclusive mentality of liberalism will always favour the fascists from my experience.

>> No.13421955

Yeah ok you have megacorps tweeting whoo go bash the meanie civnats and untold masses of university authorities supporting antifa but surely fascism is supported by the system somehow and you are the real victims.

>> No.13421958

he might live in Brazil or something

>> No.13421996

CNN has specifically compared them to soldiers in WWII. Leftist online content creators are allowed to flourish and gain funding to such and extent that they are practically sponsored. The highest funded and most influential think tanks in the world are American humanities, social science, and cultural studies departments whose main purpose is to push the agenda of whatever portion of the left they claim to represent.

>> No.13422010

They always play down the the influence of academia while fully knowing that it is the institution upon which all others rest in a technological society .

>> No.13422021

Read Anti-Tech Revolution. Kaczynski spends a good deal of the book exploring the necessity of being anti-x and pro-x in any given revolutionnary movement in order to succeed.

Autopsie de la révolution - Ellul as well

>> No.13422283

He always said he was conservative.

>> No.13422314

If you think antifa has to do with anyone of those, you're an idiot. Even Chomsky denounced Antifa. Antifa are authoritarians hiding behind inclusivity and the tolerance problem of Popper. They claim they fight hate, but they themselves are the most hateful group you can find. Some of them advocate for killing regular conservcucks. Any self respecting leftist, post-leftist should recognise them for the control freaks they are and keep to themselves.

>> No.13422420

Did you really think there was only one? I am being inclusive!
Yes, the Soviet Union was in fact run by communists.
To my understanding, the earliest fascists were artists: Marinetti and D'annunzio. Marinetti also being the founder of the futurist movement, a painter, writer, poet, and one of the first noise musicians (edgehipsters still think Merzbow and Whitehouse were "ahead of their time") and D'annunzio being a beloved poet who independently captured the city of Fiume (Rijeka, Croatia, today) after it was ceded by Italy in WWI and ruled it for a time. Kerry Bolton's book "Artists of the Right" provides condensed biographies of both men.

>> No.13423018

>reaction in times of social decadence
I like how retarded fascists are that the thing that makes them froth at the mouth and drives them to murder is the existence of trans and other inconsequential bullshit. But the truly "decadent" things like unsustainable business practices leading to the destruction wrought by capitalism and climate change, pollution, and destruction of ecosystems are no biggie. In fact, fascists will ally with the industrialists to destroy the leftists trying to stop the decadence of capitalism to prevent environmental catastrophe (except for the rare Jewish CEO). The real decadence is capitalism.

This is why I don't consider fascists human. Their call to arms is that weird people exist and it's no longer the 1950s with a white, blond american family living in suburban house with a white picket fence.

>> No.13423035

this is the cringiest post i've read all day

>> No.13423038


>> No.13423041

>>Any good insights?


>> No.13423083

Fascists support the selective burning of the bottom half of the planet.

>> No.13423095

Total environmental destruction and human extinction is preferable to accommodation of actors whose existence is fundamentally degenerate.

>> No.13423111

I don't think you know very much about the right. Or probably even the left.

>> No.13423124

>trannies exist so lets destroy the earth's ability to support life as we know it
This is why fascists aren't human

>> No.13423138

>This is why fascists aren't human
Glad to see that you've realized humanity is arbitrary. Life itself is worthless if it is not interacting with healthy societies.

>> No.13423152

Have a sage

>> No.13423153
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>antifa are the real fascists

2/3 of domestic terror was done by right-wing terrorists. "antifa" (whatever that means) has murdered 0 people. Last time I checked communists aren't running into places of worship and opening fire. guess I'm just a onions boy who thinks murder is wrong....

>> No.13423160

Have sex and fuck off back to /leftypol/

>> No.13423171

Aside from the thousands of people that were killed in Italy you mean
Dumb pinko

>> No.13423208

No, you are delusional. The left has functioned as a toolbox from which liberalism can recuperate ameliorative measures so as to prolong its existence. It is a rope ladder which turns into a noose.
Trannies and demographic change (which are meaningless unto themselves), the destruction of traditional centers of power (which isn't) are all part and parcel of the liberal project to massify and plastify humanity into a liquid commodity. The left offers no fundamental alternative to this and in fact to a large degree encourages it. It is a rotten fruit of the same poison tree. It wishes to level all to its own ends, but when all gods are dead there still remains the ghost of the market. You level the temple and two CVS's and a Burger King take its place.
The destruction of wild places and the desacralization of the earth and existence is, too, a part of this process of totalitarian commodification. In fact it is the only issue I give a damn about.
You are a stupid faggot.

>> No.13423213
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Imagine the level of mental gymnastics required to think of yourself as the plucky rebels, while getting institutional support and defense by the police.
Friendly reminder that fascism is anti-capitalist and the only viable workers' movement. That's why judeocapitalists and judeocommunists have no problem teaming up to stop disruptions to international finance.

>> No.13423215

Culture of critique
Mein kampf
12 rules for life
Infinite jest

>> No.13423217

social democracy is social fascism
you'll never build a mass movement in the imperial core
commandism is counterproductive
working backwards is counterproductive
very much looking forward to this bullshit astroturf political conflict fizzling out

>> No.13423225

there is no "viable workers' movement" in the 21st century
we chose our path and must accept the consequences

>> No.13423236

Anarchists represent an existential threat to the country which is impossible for any right winger to achieve no matter how murderous they are. Leftist peace is worse than any possible form of right wing violence.

>> No.13423249

>leftist peace
Thats an oxymoron

>> No.13423289

academic anarchists are a joke
crusties are just homeless people
if any of these bullshit movements you see in your country posed an existential threat to the established order they wouldn't be allowed to exist in the first place. that goes for both marxist and reactionary movements. assume all organizations are compromised by federal law enforcement

>> No.13423330

Fake. Right wingers can start a holocaust

>> No.13423339

The established order in the US is fracturing, and many among them find anarchist useful. I honestly believe that the judges who allow them to riot with impunity are compromised.
When I said any, I meant any. Allende doing procedural work in the office for a day is worse than anything Pinochet did.

>> No.13423363

I can provide plenty examples of left wing terrorism.

>> No.13423369

I guess you want to ophold a hierarchy at all costs and any kind of leftist that distributes power to the people should be executed?
It doesn't work forever, 70% of Americans support universal healthcare.
Ignore the public long enough and you ge the guillotine. Unless you want a totalitarian state

>> No.13423372

Something more than 2 deaths in 2012 and terrorism from 50 years ago?
The left wing seems awfully non-violent this way dude.

>> No.13423403

>I guess you want to ophold a hierarchy at all costs and any kind of leftist that distributes power to the people should be executed?
I want to uphold state societies, so to some extent yes.
>It doesn't work forever, 70% of Americans support universal healthcare.
I very much support a welfare state. While the well-being of the state itself should be prioritized in all situations, that well-being is dependent on the well-being of the individual, and to the extent that it is necessary for the state to be healthy, it should ensure the well-being of those individuals. The USA has failed to do this, and many social problems have developed.
>Ignore the public long enough and you ge the guillotine. Unless you want a totalitarian state
The individual body is more often than not the obstacle to civilizational greatness.

>> No.13423410

You're not very much of a fascist then

>> No.13423423

I'm just an anti-leftist with a disdain for "humanity" as a concept.

>> No.13423425

>has murdered 0 people
and hitler didn't kill anyone until he started to beat the ever living shit out of social democrats. he did so after he destroyed all free speech liberties, was allowed to jail anyone, and was allowed to seize property at any time, etc.
in fact, the last free words from the last social democrat was, "You can take our lives and our freedom, but you cannot take our honour. We are defenseless but not honourless."

hey ho! surprise! he won the election and put in a gigantic propaganda machine, brainwashing the entire German people to the glorified German identity and established prejudices, determined entirely by the party!

>> No.13423428

>>leftist peace
>Thats an oxymoron
Indeed, leftism depends on strife. The ideas of the left assert there is a war they are fighting, just that war is the dominance (only a tyranny to their egos) of the strong over the weak. Peace would the effective end of the left, that’s why communism is so violent, they constantly have to oppress people in order to maintain equality. Real oppression too, not just being outclassed.

>> No.13423436

That's why leftists must never die on a hill again. The key to not losing is winning. The leftist need guns and need to respond with hard fast bullets if the fascists cone looking for it.

>> No.13423440

he even had his own politically correct speech after the nazi party was realizing drilling jewish hate into people's brains was getting so gosh darn tiring. They focused more on togetherness and the "we-consciousness" of the collective.
If it was sunny and pleasant, it was described as "Hitler weather"
if you failed to comply with Nazi ideals of racial and social conformity, you were "switched off."

>> No.13423446

And then suddenly for no reason at all the French Revolution happened?
I guess the French must have imagined their suffering and used that to kill the filthy royals, whose spiritual descendents you are defending

>> No.13423462
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read hannah arendt.

>> No.13423491

Hitler rose to power through jewish hate dummy, it was the general feelings of the time.

>> No.13423501

He rose to power after the utter destruction and decimation of the German state after WWI. the German people were fractured and disenfranchised. Hitler was just the leader they needed to create the German identity and militarize them back on their feet.

>> No.13423510

also he created credible threats, or detained all of his opponents. after asserting complete control, those who were not part of the nazi party (and wernt either a communist or a social dem, lol they were axed) either were put into a concentration camp, or you were dissolved into the nazi party.
also he allied himself with the support of rome, under the pretense that nazi germany would support Catholicism.
polite sage

>> No.13423636

Orwell did it first, and did it way better desu. He also was an anti-fascist writer so that makes him worth double points:


>> No.13423841

The French revolution happened because merchants were mad nobles were better people than them even after they got rich from fleecing the lower classes.

>> No.13423850

Would I automaically BFTO'd if I mention Hannah Arendt ? I know 4channel is a anti-semitic website and she must be biased to discuss anything about nazi germany, but she's the epitome of this thread's topic.

>> No.13423868

How does ANYONE fall for this level of bait?

>> No.13423873
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>All the triggered (You)s

>> No.13423897

street violence, ideological purity and direct action has always been a thing in anarchism before fascism was even created. Your ignorance in history cannot be used as a weapon in arguments

>> No.13423958

Every anarchist is a closet authoritarian, and they always have been.

>> No.13423972


>> No.13424007

Are you really expecting big corporations + academia to be openly supportive of nationalism/fascism?
As I said before, the inclusive mentality of liberalism tends to favour fascists, that doesn't mean that liberals agree with fascists.

Being looked down upon by society is kind of to be expected when your ideology calls for the extermination/expulsion of other races.
Like witnessed in this thread, you people really like playing the victim card, and that's where centrists twisted idea of "free speech" is super helpful for you.
Because for a liberal, anything more violent than throwing a milkshake is too radical and "anti-democratic", (and even that has become controversial after the Portland incident...)

Also, most of the people you're gonna debate with in this thread are gonna be either very far-left or very far-right, there are barely any liberals/centrists on 4chan.
So please do everyone a favour, and don't conflate the far-left with the political left-wing of the US government, or the "inclusive" politics of capitalist mega-corporations.

>> No.13424010

but he failed

>> No.13424015
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>> No.13424022

imaging unironically wanting to belong to the enforcement wing of woke capital lol

>> No.13424039

>implying I'm an anarchist
>assuming that just because some other ideological group acted like thugs that somehow gives you the right to act like thugs
>ad hominem

Try again.

>> No.13424049

Yeah, bringing up anti-fascist violence in Italy almost a hundred years ago, is totally relevant to modern day political crime statistics :)

Ok, nice schizo-post and all, but you do realise that you're simply putting all of the worlds "baddies" into a single box so you can oppose them?
This is why it's impossible to argue with you.
You somehow ascribe commodification, environmental change, and even fucking totalitarianism(???) to the same evil cabal of conspiring international leftists/liberals/capitalists, (and whatever other mean ideologies that you can box together).

One of the things that made me disillusioned with communism, was this eternal focus on capitalism as one big mega-structure, and the revolution as the one big mega-event to end it, (which of course was proved wrong a LOT of times).

De-spook yourself, try to read some literature from the modern left with an open mind, just as the right-wingers in this thread have been encouraging OP to read Evola and Spengler.

Again, playing the victim card with no sources to back it up.

>> No.13424120

No it just means you can't call anarchist Nazis for doing things they were already doing before Nazis were around. If anything you have only proven nazi/authoritarians are just edgy right wing trying to emulate anarchist tatics and ideology.

And that isn't an ad hominem. I never said you being ignornant doesn't automatically wrong, just that you weren't even trying to be right. Learn how to identity and use concepts in your fucking statements retards.

>> No.13424206

How can antifa predate fascism you funking mongoloid

>> No.13424237

Pretty sure beating up your political opponents is older than "modern" anarchism but go off

>> No.13424255

>the virgin right free speech
>the chad left cement milkshakes

>> No.13424545

History will always only respect the winner, and truly only ever respect power. Might is right. I can't wait for weimar-like paramilitary groups to start forming. All it does is make me optimistic about the future.

>> No.13424573

The left wing should learn but I dunno if it will.

>> No.13424680

>I can't wait for weimar-like paramilitary groups to start forming.
Lol, never gonna happen again. Best you'll get is watching nazi marches on youtube (for now).

>> No.13424764

yes, too much söy in the water supply at this point for anything too violent to happen except for sporadic out of control incels

>> No.13425179

I never said they were nazis, but thy are and always have been authoritarians. If someone wants to use more evocative language, that’s fine by me.

>> No.13425755

>you didn't cite your sources, guess I don't have to acknowledge your statement
Shut up you stupid nerd. WWII was the capitalists and the communists teaming up. Cops don't arrest antifa for assault while the RAM guys face the possibility of years in prison for one punch in self defense.
Be it in Spain duing the Civil War, where they were killed by communists after they stopped be being useful, or in modern day Weimerica, anarchists are footsoldiers and useful idiots for those who use state power.

>> No.13425927

read up on the years of lead and then ask yourself why so many people suddenly turned into hardline political extremists around 2015

>> No.13426591

>fascists literally setup a sniper roost on a portland roof top to be ready to shoot protesters and the PPD keeps it quiet and lets them go
>Oregon GOP senators flee capitol to avoid vote for milquetoast cap and trade bill, senators threaten to kill any cops who show up to return them to senate, hick militias and fascists pledge their support, meanwhile no arrests or anything for the criminal threats against police
The right's persecution complex is so cute. Be honest, have you ever even seen an antifa before? I lived in portland before, during, and after the 2016 election. Guess what, I never did lol. Why is the right so enamored with searching for statistically irrelevant bullshit on the internet to get mad about? It's sad

>> No.13426739

It only goes to show that even the elite levels of society are fracturing. I honestly think we may have passed the point of no return.

>> No.13426755

>reading double digit IQ schizo pamphlets

>> No.13427614

I was being sarcastic, I obviously picked the gayest ones. How stupid are you

>> No.13427623
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>> No.13427629
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