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13412704 No.13412704 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on acting and film in general? Mostly interested in acting and screenplays. I asked /tv/ but it is more relevant here.

>> No.13412806

Syd Field : Screenplay, and the Thousand-faced hero or whatever it was.

Just a word of advice : Don't buy "film analysis" or "the art of film" and such shit. They're usually textbooks that are priced outrageously, and the worst of all, they're proper cucked with pages-long rambles about the oppression of women and niggers in cinema, and how Daughers of the Dust was the second coming of Christ. Give me a fucking break...

>> No.13412808

* Don't buy books titled like "film analysis" or "the art of film" and such shit.

>> No.13412879

The Empty Space and There Are No Secrets by Peter Brook or Towards a poor theatre by Grotowski for acting and theatre directing which is much more focused on the actors than film. If you want more straightforward for film I would say Lumet's book is good but Sculpting in Time by Tarkovsky is tops if you really want to get into it though he does kind of rant about God near the end which may or may not interest you.

>> No.13412894

Okay thanks I'm bookmarking them for later. Have you guys done any acting?

>> No.13412916

quite a lot but now I direct. why do you ask?

>> No.13412960

I wanted to start. And was just seeing. Are you famous?

>> No.13412983

lol. no thankfully not.
if you want to do it as a hobby thats awesome. more power to you.
but if you want to do it as a career, i dont want to stop you from doing it but its genuinely hard work. like if there is anything you want to do that isnt acting, i would just do that. you have no control of your career, even in the entertainment industry. everyone ive talked to has said the same.

you have to get lucky, be skilled, and tenacious to get anywhere in the industry, and its the worst for actors.

i say that having had the best parts of my life so far on a stage, in rehearsal, and behind a camera.
I don't know if that helps but i thought you should know the truth. don't trust anyone but your own instinct and hope that you have a good one. and always learn. acting, writing, telling stories are about everything except films, acting, and telling stories. hopefully that makes sense to you and that this didn't come off as too preachy.

>> No.13412987

I mostly want to make my own movies and hopefully get a friend to act with me. Thank you for your insight.

>> No.13412997

then you have the right idea. waiting for other people is a death knell

>> No.13413017

I know I just think it would be more fun with a friend than complete strangers.

>> No.13413510

> I asked /tv/
Motion Capture Acting by Will Smith