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/lit/ - Literature

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13411393 No.13411393 [Reply] [Original]

Fun fact:
More people here have finished this than have even finished book one of The Odyssey by Homer. Not to mentioned read the whole book, which no one on /lit/ has done before

>> No.13411402

no shit.

>> No.13411408

I don't own a PlayStation. If I did, nobody would buy me games for it.

>> No.13411417

Homer shouldnt have written it so gay and put more action scenes and special effects in it

>> No.13411433

so you guys have shit taste in vidya as well as lit, good to know

>> No.13411731

Fun fact: gaystation is an underpowered dog turd

>> No.13411744


Go back to /v/ faggot

>> No.13411880

I didn't think this game was even popular

>> No.13412803

there is no way that could be true, surely there have been millions of high schoolers who read it because it was required

>> No.13413192

You're in luck. It's out on PC as well. >>13412803
Maybe in the past. With the beauty that is internet, you can just read a summary and be done with it (and that's a good thing).

>> No.13413194

Bruh...look at this dood...

>> No.13413217


>> No.13413679

The odyssey was required reading in the 7th grade at the Jr. high I went to.
You fags need to stop acting like the odyssey is some unknowable text for galaxy brains only, when most U.S. students read it when they are literal children.

>> No.13414127

>which no one on /lit/ has done before
Just because you can't doesn't mean everybody else hasn't

>> No.13414185

I don't own a GPU that performs well enough to handle modern games and I can't even afford the cost.

>> No.13414187

i have done neither, does that make me better or worse

>> No.13414300

Why in the world would anyone play an assassin’s creed game, especially on /lit/?

>> No.13414310

>whole thread is people laughing at OP’s conjecture
>you guys

>> No.13414315

Well have you?

Are you personally someone who has read it? I mean, if you’re going to prove OP wrong you should personally have anecdotal experience to the contrary as opposed to assuming others do :3

>> No.13414432

This is the thread that made me abandon /lit/. Just now realizing that I've been wilfully attending preschool for the last 3 years. Fuck

>> No.13414511
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Good, me too

>> No.13414606

Did you not read the thread or what?

>> No.13415276

>/lit/ is one person

never gonna make it

>> No.13415710

The Iliad is better.

>> No.13417081

The Odyssey bored me to death. Sorry. (But so does Asassin's Creed games past the second one.)