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/lit/ - Literature

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13409995 No.13409995 [Reply] [Original]

Post those mid-summer stacks

>> No.13410011
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>> No.13410012
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>> No.13410014


>> No.13410016
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>> No.13410018

Can we stop with the hacky irony humor

>> No.13410025

>he unironically reads translations

>> No.13410035

is a stack supposed to be what I read or what I am going to read

>> No.13410042

it's what you buy and never going to read

>> No.13410044


>> No.13410090

I have that tolstoj version but I really dont recommend reading cervantes in swedish, he's much better in english and even better than that in spanish

>> No.13410091

Vilken översättning av Tolstoj?

>> No.13410099

And him reading C&P in english when we have an absolutely excellent swedish translation by Hans Björkegren.

You should pick up the remaining volumes of War & Peace and just focus on that. You just purchased 1/3rd of a book.

>> No.13410100

How is he better in English than in Swedish?

>> No.13410101
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>> No.13410119

Nice one in the center, I’ve been meaning to get it for TRAWR.

>> No.13410129

The translation i have of quijote has was vastly superior in tone to the penguin paperback and the vintage they had at the bookstore. I have it in spanish as well, however im still reading harry potter and the wises stone in español, not at don quixote level yet. The tone and humor i sense reading quijote in spanish is the same as this swesish translation, which wasnt therr at all in the english ones.

Barbara Lönnquist. Den är väldigt bra, känns tolstojig men det känns bara en smula mer aggressiv än vad tolstoj tycks vara i irl om man jämför med alla engelska översättningar. Samma sak gällde hennes notes from underground, väldigt väldigt bra och kul att läsa, men tonen är nog lite för sträng tror jag. Dock absolut en grym översättare och jag storgillar hennes krig och fred.

So, Cervantes in swedish (the jens something translation) was superior to the english ones (edith grossman, john rutherford) and the Swedish war and peace is great (ten times better than the pevear and volkhonsly garbage hacks) but not as good as anthony briggs.

>> No.13410134

We have an excellent by ellen rydelius* Björkgren var boring imo

>> No.13410141


>> No.13410159

My stack for this summer:
The Man Without Qualities-Musil
Bleak House-Dickens
The Spanish Civil War-Hugh Thomas
Naked Lunch-Burroughs
The Master of Go-Kawabata
The Cairo Trilogy-Mahfouz
In Search of Lost Time volumes four and five-Proust

>> No.13410187

Är ju självklart partisk, men jag anser ändå att svenska översättningar ofta slår engelska sådana i fråga om känsla (vilket visserligen är svårt att definiera). Har endast läst Hjalmar Dahls Krig & Fred, vet du hur den mäter sig mot Barbara Lönnqvist? Det är väl ändå samma version som de har översatt? Är medveten om att den finns en annan version som översattes först tidigare på 2000-talet.

>Björkgren var boring imo
Verkligen? Jag tycker att Björkegrens ofta snillrika ordval är helt klockrena. Se t.ex. scenen med hästen.

>> No.13410221

Hjalmar Dahls är en förkortad version och ska tydligen vara väldigt "träig". Barbaras är skitbra.

Du må ha rätt var gäller hästscenen dock. Den var inte lika stark i Rydelius som i dwn här Katz som jag har i min stack eller Garnetts. STAFFAN Dahls Karamazov var bättre än Rydelius med.

Vad gäller att vara partisk mot de engelska så brukade jag hålla med, men efter att ha nördat spanska samt provsmakat lite svenska översättningar av många klassiker och jämfört med engelska versioner så har jag verkligen börjat rådigga och föredra svenska översättningar. T.ex var hundra år av ensamhet starkare på svenska än engelska (fast bäst på spanska såklart).

>> No.13410236

>tfw swedish but only read in english or german

>> No.13410245

>>13410221 jag

Vänta, trodde du sade först att du tyckte svenska var svagare än de engelska, sorry

>> No.13410249

Säger som Horatio: 'Tis strange

>> No.13410263
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Read Augustine, on Herodotus

>> No.13410278
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These are the worst penguin books quality wise ive ever had. Lovecraft- Inside along with the cover have this toilet paper feel to them and mishima is even smaller than their other pocket ed

>> No.13410297


>> No.13410312

Jag har hört att Dahls översättning saknar delar av epilogen, men att den trots det inte är nämnvärt kortare. Jag får ta mig en god titt på Barbara Lönnqvist översättning; Krig & Fred är ju ändå en av mina absoluta favoriter.

Då håller vi med varandra ändå. Det är faktiskt också på senare tid som jag börjat ifrågasätta min gamla tonårstendens att föredra engelska för att det var ett "coolare" språk. Har kommit fram till att det är något väldigt kosmopolitiskt med det, vilket jag först misstog för en otvivelaktig styrka, men som jag nu senare ser som en svaghet. Tycker fortfarande väldigt mycket om engelska, men det ska vara böcker och lyrik skrivet på det i original.

>> No.13410333

Mm precis, men då kommer frågan, vilken krig och fred föredrar du/har du läst?

>> No.13410370

Det var just Hjalmar Dahl som jag läst. Att han skulle vara lite träig är väl sant, men det var inget som störde mig, dessutom så uppskattar jag hans lite mer gammalmodiga meningsuppbyggnad och ordval. Är alltid lite orolig att nutida översättningar av klassiker ska använda sig av allt för modern svenska.

>> No.13410396
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And my kinle with a lot of shit in it

>> No.13410414
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Starting with The leopard. It better be good.

>> No.13410423
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Ja du, typ Bengt Samuelsson. Låter alldeles för mycket som modern stockholmsmål med diverse "gammeldagsa" ord som känns typ påtvingade och känns inte alls som dostojevskij, till skillnad från Ulla Roseen som gör både notes from underground och anna karenina på ett väldigt smakfullt sätt och mycket mer tidlöst språk. Känns mer som att ha fjodor framför sig.

Vänster är Ulla Roseen
Höger är Bengt Samuelsson

Själv föredrar jag Ullas

>> No.13410429
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>> No.13410469

Jag tycker att Samuelssons text har ett bättre flöde, men språket känns, som du säger, väldigt modernt och lite onödigt vardagligt. Det kan ju dock vara en styrka med just Dostojevskij, men då tycker jag verkligen att Björkeson gjorde bättre ifrån sig än Samuelsson; han visste när och hur han skulle bruka det mer vardagliga språket, som i den tidigare nämnda hästscenen där det ändå är oborstade, alkoholiserade bönder som håller på. Det blir en väldigt intressant nyans mellan "packet" och det finare folket (inte för att något folk i Brott och Straff är särskilt fint).

>> No.13410480

>Wilhelm Meister
>Connaissances de l'Est, Paul Claudel
>The spectacle society
>persuasion and rethoric
>truth and method, gadamer
>The empire of the lesser evil, Jean Claude Michéa
>some julien gracq book

>> No.13410506

Sorry, menar Björkegren. [Ingvar] Björkeson var ansvarig för den senaste översättningen av Homeros som jag inte har läst, tycker dock väldigt mycket om Erland Lagerlöfs.

>> No.13410527

Gonna read Thomas Mann in Swedish this summer

>> No.13410537

I've been meaning to read Thomas Mann but I've also been meaning to learn german, which makes me want to put off reading Thomas Mann until I know german.

It's stupid, I know. I should just fucking read him already.

>> No.13410553


I'm currently reading Buddenbrooks at the moment, fairly comfy and the opening dinner scene is really good. I'm having to look up certain historical backgrounds mentioned in the novel to familiarize myself with it but I recommend starting with that one first.

>> No.13410559
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don quixote gang represent

>> No.13410564

Buddenbrooks is definitely the one I want to read the most. I'm a big fan of family chronicles. What translation are you reading?

>> No.13410579
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>> No.13410585

nice nails, brother

>> No.13410595
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Not him but ive read chap 1 of the Wallenström translation which was good

>> No.13410602


I'm reading the Porter translation. It's from the old Vintage edition. If you like family chronicles I haven't read it yet but it is on my summer stack I suggest The Cairo trilogy. I think that might be your taste.

>> No.13410604

Well, thanks

>> No.13410617

I'd heard Mann liked to write long sentences, now I have definite evidence.

>The Cairo trilogy
That actually sounds very interesting, anon, especially as I've never read any works by arabs, and have very little insight into arab (or rather egyptian) culture. Thank you!

>> No.13410631

Everyone in the DQ gang should check out Unamuno's Our Lord Don Quijote. Here's a pretty good article about it https://www.nytimes.com/1973/12/16/archives/our-lord-don-quixote-the-agony-of-christianity-the-tragic-sense-of.html

>> No.13410649
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How do I get books on the cheap? The digital ones I got for 2-3$ each (except utopia which was free), but the physical versions cost ~25$ each.

>> No.13410662

idk, summer is about half over

>> No.13410718

Very good article, thanks.

>> No.13410725

25$ really isnt so bad if its atleast a hundred or more pages

My books for med school costs between 200-800€

>> No.13410735

why does cyril's head look like a balloon

>> No.13410797

it started two weeks ago, brainlet

>> No.13410812
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I'm here too

>> No.13410925


>> No.13410963

Learning Latin, which me Luke frens

>> No.13410981

how did you select this translation of don quixote? Was it random, or by someone's suggestion?

>> No.13410983
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good luke, friend

>> No.13410997

50 pages into the Leopard (same edition) and oh boy this is great it's what I hoped Tolstoy would be like in terms of descriptions and delicately handling character psychology

>> No.13410999

Leibowitz is great anon, enjoy it. If you're not Catholic it makes a lot of references to Catholicism so you might want to read up on parts you don't understand, you'd be missing a lot.

>> No.13411349

It was the only one at my library. So yeah, basically random.

>> No.13411377

Ha det så kul med sigurds översättning anon :)

>> No.13411379

Varför i helvete läser du inte Brott och straff på svenska?

>> No.13411389


Maybe it was because I was reading an old Wordsworth edition of Don Quixote but I really did not think it did a good job at the humour or sucking me into the story at all. Worth exchanging it for the Everyman one?

>> No.13411403

Maybe it was because I was reading the new Modernista edition of Crime And Punishment but I really did not think it did a good job at the humour or sucking me into the story at all. Worth exchanging it for the english Norton one.

>> No.13411426

Dont dude, that norton edition is goat

>> No.13411427

Kolla in Hans Björkegrens översättning, gosse lille.

>> No.13411450

This is me but I'm hungarian.

>> No.13411482

Going to start reading it tomorrow, looking forward to it after all the praise I've heard of it, especially now considering it's the way Tolstoj depicts characters that makes him one of my favorites.

Tack anon, tycker du att det är en bra översättning? Har läst den på engelska men jag tycker generellt att ryska böcker låter mer ryska på svenska, så jag köpte modernistas utgåva när de hade rea några månader sen. Ser fram emot att läsa om vissa delar, särskilt de med Konstantin. Topp mys.

>> No.13411496

Shout out Fernando Pessoa!

>> No.13411515

Den är asbra av att döma sampeln som jag läste, föredrar dock Ullas översättning som Norstedts nyligen kom ut med. Gud ja, Levin är asmysig, alla delar han är med i. Den tidiga scenen på skridskobanan har satt fast i mitt huvud sedan jag läste den första gången.

>> No.13411527
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¿Porqué no has aprendido el español, anon? Es mucho más agradable leer esos libros en su idioma original.

>> No.13411534

Estoy aprendiendo pero no estoy en el nivel de poder leer don quijote. Pero cien años he leído y sí, mil veces mejor

>> No.13411732

Muy bien, amigo. Te espero mucha suerte con el aprendizaje del idioma.

>> No.13411735

Wow, eso es impressive. Haber podido leer cien años mientras aprendes español. Yo intentare pronto un libro de Kafka en Deutsch.

>> No.13411791

Gracias muchachos, amo a tu idioma

>> No.13411798


>> No.13411850
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>läsa krig och fred på svenska

>> No.13411857

Svennar, stick. Det här brädet tillhör oss nysvenskar.

>> No.13411864

Would you like to be my friend?

>> No.13411870
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I’ve spent a bit lately

>> No.13411873

Que lindos los blancos buena suerte amigos c:

>> No.13411887

Nice edition, anon, you're from Latin America I see, how much?

>> No.13411888

Chenga tu madre carbón

>> No.13411896
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>> No.13411898

It was at a real good price, 12 usd or so

>> No.13411910
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>why yes I do consider myself to be quite based, how could you tell?

>> No.13411912

Lo siento, muchas gracias, me pongo avergüenza tratando de hablar/escritar porque sé que voy a hacer algo incorrecto o algo así. No queria insultarte lo siento, saludos

>> No.13411933
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Congrats on a succesful comfy thread OP

>> No.13411961

The Design of Everyday Things is fantastic, good pick anon

>> No.13411998
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Haven’t done this in a while...

>> No.13412133

What made you get that Logic and not Copi?

>> No.13412469

I just ordered Copi the other day, this was lying around the local bookstore and after restraining myself for more two months, I gave in. It is really good thought btw.

>> No.13412574
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I'll admit it - I'm addicted to books

>> No.13412575
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why do we stack?
i have always stacked
why do we do it?
i actually didnt know so many other people stack until i started using /lit/

>> No.13412593

that copy of don quixote looks cool
is it just paper with that design printed on it or is it textured?
could i see another photo of it?

>> No.13412605

library genesis

>> No.13412728

Its just a design on normal paperback glossy paper. Its the vintage edition.

>> No.13412731

ah ok
the more i look at it, its a little tacky honestly

>> No.13412880
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Since everyone is posting their edition of Don Quichotte. Mine is illustrated by Gustave Doré. Very nice illustrations.

>> No.13412899

I think of it as the stack/stacks I have on my desk. So it's normally a mixture of books that I've read (but am still thinking about and referencing), am reading, and am going to read.
Most often people just post books they've recently bought and haven't read yet.

>> No.13412919

Que lindo eres anon, mucha suerte, te mando besos

>> No.13412939

Nice Jesus anon

>> No.13412967

>physical copies

>> No.13413154
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>> No.13413255

Besitos en la puntita del pene para ti :3

>> No.13413277


>> No.13413280

tengo la misma

>> No.13413291
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>> No.13413329


>> No.13413793

Tack, ska ta en titt på Norstedts utgåva, hade ingen aning om att de släppt en! Håller med, skridskoscenen är topp, samt alla bitar på landet och inte minst när han får sin Kitty - ska bli najs att läsa om det på svenska!

>> No.13413811

>The Uninhabitable Earth: David Wallace-Wells
>A Crisis Wasted: Reed Hundt
>Jesus Through the Centuries: Jaroslav Pelikan
>A bunch of network security books for work

Not gonna post a pic since visual images are for homos

>> No.13413879

5/7 are cringe. Fucking boomers

>> No.13413892


I'd be beyond surprised if any body who made these stacks will actually read them. Most of them are basic classics that if you actually read, you will have already read them by know. Instead you fags wanna show off how "lit" you are. Sorry to gatekeep, but you'll never read these books.

>> No.13413895

Based as fuck. Most of these are free at the library.

>> No.13413900

the rest of the books there are fine but what could you possibly get from the turner diaries other than some low IQ larpy bullshit and yourself put on some watchlist

>> No.13413911

Used books stores, thrift stores, etc. It's ridiculous what people sell for a ingle euro. Git my near 1K collection of classics, most leather bound and in top condition for average 3€. But than again I live in germany where actual classics are abundant and you can get the complete leather bound 19 century edition of Schiller and Goethe for 5€.

>> No.13413921

All fiction is just larping

>> No.13413942

Stack of books I've read this summer anon :^) Not everyone is like you

>> No.13414304

All stack/shelf threads are like that: people just want to show off their "cool" books in order to pander to a certain crowd, whether it be the philosophers, ones interested in politics or, in this case, just fans of /lit/ classics.

People who post books that aren't memed every single day here usually receive zero replies, so what you end up with is everyone posting pictures of the same 10 approved books.

>> No.13414412


I have the same copy of the invincible. There are alot of errors in the print. One or two pages are duplicated, there are some really strange spelling mistakes. I am pretty sure its a translation from a German edition?

Anyway, its still a pretty fun little book.

>> No.13414516
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thrift stores

>> No.13414577
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Just bought those badboys (and a couple more) for 11,50€ at Caritas (german cherity shop). I love when old boomers without family die, all their nice stuff gets sold for literally nothing.

>> No.13414759

how's the Raffel translation of Don Quixote? I was looking to get that one for the supplemental material, but Amazon doesn't offer a preview so I can see if it's worthwhile for the actual book as well

>> No.13414769
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My summertime ebook stack. Decided to read some in my native language having been lately reading exclusively in English and German.
I also have a used Turgenev stack of selected works in 2000 pages, bough for 7 euros, that is waiting for late summer and autumn.

>> No.13414825

can you read any other languages?
also, aside from the Pope, I don't recognize any other authors in your "stack" - any you'd like to recommend?

>> No.13414862

Go to your library

>> No.13414890
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>han läser kvinnliga översättare

>> No.13414953

I can read Russian slowly, but working on it, and I have been preparing to learn Italian - already a big opera fan, and understand a lot already, so it should be easy.

As for the books, clockwise:
1) Ivan Bunin — collection consisting of short stories 'Dark alleys' and diary 'Cursed Days' — apparently two big masterpieces of his, if I were to believe the translator's foreword. I just finished it and it was beautiful.
2) Basil the Great aka Basil of Cesarea — letters to a rhetoritician and sophist Libanius, based on 'Basilio di Cesarea, Discorso ai Giovani. Oratio ad adolescentes' — the Polish edition title translates into 'Pagan Masters of Christians', and Basil apparently argues for his version of >start with the Greeks, but I have just started reading it.
3) Karol Wojtyła — a lecture from Areopagus Sermon given during his pilgrimage as young bishop, recently unearthed and gifted for publishing from someone's private collection. Will supposedly fit nicely with the Basil.
4) Stefan Themerson — Professor's Mmaa Lecture, shilled to my by a respectable friend, has a Nyrb logo on the cover and a translation of Bertrand Russell's intro, suggests it may have been once printed there, but I couldn't find it now.
5) Bolesław Leśmian — poetry collection book 1 (and 2), untranslatable poetry from the absolute master of the language. Reading it slowly in the evenings.
6) Dezso Kosztolanyi — 'Skylark' in Polish. Seen it recommended in some threads here on /lit/.

>> No.13415086
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>Canticle for Leibowitz
>Don Quixote
God, people please stop wasting your time. This book is along the lines of Moby Dick. It actually sucks balls and no one can admit it.

I flit around a lot. These were by my bed.

>> No.13415126


>> No.13415371

>>Don Quixote
>God, people please stop wasting your time. This book is along the lines of Moby Dick. It actually sucks balls and no one can admit it.
This is your mind when you're a monolingual cuck

>> No.13415383

>he doesn’t understand the Don cause he’s never read Unamuno’s commentary

>> No.13415419

you should've got the del rey editions

>> No.13415430


>> No.13415434

>wasting all that money just to larp

>> No.13415458
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Maybe I'm a brainlet but I cannot slog my way through The Design of Everyday Things. I get what he's saying, it's just super uninteresting to me.

Looking to pickup Canticle soon

Help I've been possessed by the WW1 spirit. Anyone got tips on how to better maintain the spines of these bigger paperbacks? Also anybody else use Kang as a palate cleanser in between more serious reads?

>> No.13415672

>Don Quixote
God, people please stop wasting your time. This book is along the lines of Moby Dick. It actually sucks balls and no one can admit it.

You know, your judgement is invalid on all things based on this sentence. Moby and Quijote are just about the only bricks that arent overrated

>> No.13415675

fuckkk yeahhhh

>> No.13415678

Neet living on the small amount his government gives him each month outs himself

>> No.13415690

you mind enlightening us about his commentary

>> No.13415697
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>waster their time reading it and are too invested to admit it.
>pic related about 1/5 of my books

>> No.13415706
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Bottom one is C&P - Dostoyevsky
Middle one is Matthew Lewis - The Monk

>> No.13415740

Based /his/ anon

>> No.13415752

The gulag Archipelago is a fun work to read, but please dont take it as historical fact

>> No.13415800

why are you reading a translation and which language is it in

>> No.13415832
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>> No.13415840

not the worst one, but still

>> No.13415884


Is that print of Stirner any good? I've seen so many versions and can't decide which to get (most people suggest the Cambridge uni press, but I'd rather not pay 30 pounds)

>> No.13415914

1.) Eat a dick
2.) I’m more than halfway through bk, ive knocked out Ion, Shorter Hippias, and Euthyphro, and have finished the intro to the eastern mysticism anthology. I will finish bk, I’m will finish the 4 trial and death dialogues and then will go for symposium and maybe gorgias. I use the eastern mysticism one as light browsing and won’t go through for example the Jain or Sikh texts
3.) I’m reading these because they are classics you dumb bitch.

>> No.13415930

Truly mirin the historical stuff anon

>> No.13415948
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Nice history stack, anon. I grabbed a biography of Frederick the Great and a shorter book (≈270 pages) about the battle of Lützen the other week. Should be here any day now.

>> No.13415996

So...? What's your point, old man? I read it when I was a teenager. Dumb boomer. Bet your age starts with a 2.

>> No.13416005
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>all that pop history

at least you got Clark who is great

>> No.13416023

>all that pop *x*

Big yikes from me dawg if you’re implying only rigorous academic works should be read during ones free time.

Have sex.

>> No.13416052


>> No.13416058


We're only two weeks into summer, you moron.

>> No.13416059
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>> No.13416093

I've gotten the impression that it was exaggerated but yeah its definitely enjoyable though depressing.

I do try to follow infographics and lists which likely include some biased and watered down versions of events. I'm not studying them for academic purpose, just to have a fun romp through world changing events from multiple perspectives.


I can barely get into longer fiction anymore, anons. There's just so much cool shit thats happened in the past that I want to know about.

I know next to nothing about Frederick who I keep hearing was badass. I hope to get a better overview of him at least. What biography did you get?

>> No.13416122

thanks for the brief rundown. this is the first I've even heard of Ivan Bunin, so I'll probably check him out
I recognized the cover of the NYRB edition of Skylark immediately, but I hadn't realized until today that the introduction was written by a member of the Esterházy family (which I discovered by becoming obsessed with string quartets)
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask which books concerning the practice of being a Christian you would recommend?

>> No.13416137

that cover of Umstruz Im Juli is just amazing

>> No.13416190


>> No.13416215
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Mid thirties.
My point is only that they argued with me about the books being actually good. The shelf just shows I have read enough to at least have a comparison point and I'm not just spouting off.
>pic related the second fifth of my books.
Highly recommended are...
The Forrestal Diaries
The Haldemann Diaries
The Arms of Krupp

>> No.13416219

I was going to get the New Directions' edition of Star but now seeing this edition with Tadanori Yokoo art I might have to get it instead.

>> No.13416224

>he's much better in english and even better than that in spanish

Are you serious? fucking retard.

>> No.13416272
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>> No.13416330

Also affectionate towards chamber music.
Somewhat disappointingly, I don't consider myself well-read in Christian literature (but who really can?). I appreciated Joseph Ratzinger's 'Introduction to Christianity' immensly, and I consider him to fit the profile of a Doctor of the Church, so I will likely read much more from him. Other than that I just read Greeks, Romans, and now continue by reading singular works that I find, especially those that relate to Greek origins of Christianity (like that from Basil, a Doctor of Church himself, and Wojtyła). I consider this a good compromise between trying to make sense of the endless sea of earlier works from the likes of Augustine or Anselm, and Acquinas, and tens of others, which is surely a wonderful thing to as a life-long endeavour, but I haven't gotten to that point yet.

>> No.13416352
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The ordering of the pile is kinda weird, I'm reading Moby Dick primarily, Essays in Idleness, Locke and Meditations from time to time, and the rest are for later.
I read star about a month ago, first Mishima book I've read. I kinda liked it, but I get why it's one of his "lesser" works.

>> No.13416364

I don't know Russian and couldn't find the monk in English. It's Serbian.

>> No.13416378

that was the only choice, book selection here is pretty shit

>> No.13416409

day of the triffids is great times

>> No.13416412

Dilate brainlet

>> No.13416425

yeah, that's what I've heard. 50s scifi books are really underrated imo.

>> No.13416441
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Great taste shipmate

>> No.13416447

Responding to these (You)-less posts. All respectable and I wish you all nice reading.
Thanks for the recs, brother.
An interesting set. Is it mostly anti-capitalistic or communist or something else yet?

>> No.13416483

>What biography did you get?
'Frederick the Great' by Tim Blanning. I haven't done any extensive research, but he was a professor of modern european history at Cambridge, and I figure the scholarship would be solid.

>> No.13416496

Soseki is neat, more people should read him.

>> No.13416505

if you're the anon who recommended this edition of the book to me a few weeks back, I can't thank you enough. This is the perfect way to illustrate a book—just showing the locations and instruments used, not the characters in action. If you're not that anon, you still got great taste.

>> No.13416532
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Dumbass, why do you keep old gross physical dictionaries Lmao. Also don quijote is legit good and so is moby dick, theyre damn pleasures to read

>> No.13416541

Now I'm jealous of you anons. I just have a boring penguin paperback edition.

>> No.13416549
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Mayb thisll go better, why must thou flip mine images 4chan

>> No.13416565

I mean, penguin paperbacks are #2 place goat aside from norton of paperback series of classics. Oxford fags keep out

>> No.13416574

is "how music works" any good? or is it just a pop book

>> No.13416580

I think >>13416215 agrees with you anon. It's kinda been hard to follow.

hey man if you read it and liked it makes no difference. If you're gonna reread it though, this is the edition for you.

>> No.13416588

I haven't read it yet, but I have friends who have said it was good and very thorough on the topic matter. I figure that if that's not true at the very least I'll probably get some fun stories behind the scenes of Talking Heads albums.

>> No.13416592

Let me know what you think of it, I'm almost done and it's been absolutely riveting, far more refined prose than Lolita which I also read this summer but found the poetic elements of Nabokov's prose got lost and saturated.

>> No.13416612

>the topic
and what would that be?
because i doubt it would be about sound and understanding it

>> No.13416619

Im >>13416532

Well he said that we know weve wasted our time reading them and are too invested to admit it. But whatever, fuck arguing

>> No.13416653

I thought he was responding to that, and claiming that he's put plenty of time into other books, he's not "afraid of disliking" Don Quixote, but he likes it anyway. I think. You're right about arguing on here though.

how music has been interpreted and notated in different cultures, the history of recording methods, different uses of music throughout history, the science of sound. Just music in general, basically. At least that's what I get reading the back and skimming through a few chapters right now.

>> No.13416683

>One or two pages are duplicated, there are some really strange spelling mistakes
LOL - can't wait to get to that, that sounds funny!

>> No.13416684
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There's nothing really wrong with my edition. I just really like dope illustrations.

>> No.13416695

More cognates, so it’s closer to the og

>> No.13416702

>how music has been interpreted and notated in different cultures, the history of recording methods, different uses of music throughout history, the science of sound. Just music in general, basically. At least that's what I get reading the back and skimming through a few chapters right now.
Doesn't sound as bad as I thought it would be.
Was expecting it to be just anecdotes.
I still don't trust the cunt that wrote it tho.

>> No.13416709
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The diaries I mentioned...
I read a ton of diaries as a hobby and these are the two most insightful. Forrestal was the first Sec. of Def. after WW2 and was head of the navy during the war. He was an insider in the organizing of the new world order for lack of a better phrase. Unreal how much is in that book.
Haldeman was Nixon's chief of staff, former ad executive from a major California ad agency. The degree of dog and pony show is unreal. Great insight into how Trump currently operates when it comes to the media. Nixon was a fucking machine and won the biggest landslide you've ever seen in 1972 based on marketing marketing and more marketing. I cannot recommend more highly these two books.

William Manchester, although popular, earned his popularity. Enough said.
Well...brainlet...you need a dictionary or some reference material contemporary to the books you are reading. Or, ideally you have that.
Words and meanings change over time and this is a hobby of mine. I actually just inventoried my dictionaries and I have 13, one almost every decade from 1850 on. Yes, I'm that based.

>> No.13416714

David Byrne is a massive aspie, I don't think he's the sort to write a book about music biz anecdotes.

>> No.13416715

fountainhead >>>>>> atlas cucked

shorter and less autistic

>> No.13416722

what's wrong with David Byrne? His musics pretty good and he seems like a nice guy. Also this >>13416714

>> No.13416769

don't know about that
nevertheless he is a massive cunt
>what's wrong with David Byrne? His musics pretty good
his music isn't good

>> No.13416784

I'll fight you on that front. Between his solo stuff, his stuff with Eno and his Talking Heads material, the man has made at least 7 great albums.

>> No.13416788
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>> No.13416872
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Its Allright bro, the theatre of your mind will provide better pictures while reading!

>> No.13416881

>at least 7 great albums
>fight you on that front
ok whatever

here we have a "the fact that..." situation (i'm sorry i have to mention such a terrible meme as Scaruffi's but that's just how it is)
his music is the equivalent of harry potter or something like that

>> No.13416904

I mean we're coming from such different places that I don't feel anybody is going to win here. I really like his music, you don't. You can't convince someone why they should feel a certain way about art.

based and kindpilled. The diagrams of the different parts of the ship were are pretty helpful though, not gonna lie.

>> No.13416962

>I mean we're coming from such different places that I don't feel anybody is going to win here. I really like his music, you don't. You can't convince someone why they should feel a certain way about art.
For me he represents stagnation.
A part of music that has not evolved, yet.

>> No.13416982

the genre has not (he is just an insignificant brick)
and he is not trying

>> No.13416992

I agree with you in regards to his more recent work, but I can't agree about his career as a whole. He's done a lot of incredibly innovative stuff (mainly in the 70s and 80s). To say that his music has been stagnant his whole career is just plainly not true.

>> No.13416996

You will never read all four of these, prove me wrong

>> No.13417012

>He's done a lot of incredibly innovative stuff
like what

>> No.13417063

use of african polyrhythms in new wave music is the big one. His new multimedia exhibits about how we sense things are also pretty unique. He made one of the first sample-based albums with Brian Eno (My Life in the Bush of Ghosts). Stop Making Sense was a ground-breaking liveshow and movie, still considered one of the best of all time for giving the audience a feeling of watching the band live, not in the sterile movie theater environment. That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more.

>> No.13417067
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I suppose most have read it but I definitely recommend Ishiguro's "Remains of the Day". Best read so far.

>> No.13417082
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>they got the paperback version
Why tho?

>> No.13417107

What? Dude pushed catchy pop into more experimentation and is revered for it. As for his recent stuff, what about it is stagnation? If you dont like any talking heads then why complain about what he's doing now when he is under the radar and nothing he does gets much publicity?

>> No.13417111

Thanks for the (you) kind sir.

>> No.13417123

Much cheaper and high quality as it is. If i had gotten the hardback id just lament that its not the $20 000 Arion Press original (even tho its overrated af). Also hey man fuck you i like my paperback

>> No.13417128

because it was the only version I could find online. I also find that when a hardcover book is that thick, towards the middle it becomes far too difficult to read near the divet in the middle of the page without breaking the spine.

>> No.13417155

>If you dont like any talking heads then why complain about what he's doing now when he is under the radar and nothing he does gets much publicity?

>> No.13417169
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Fair enough. Continue reading, gentlemen.

>> No.13417192

If you didnt care for any of what he did with talking heads, where he didnt do anything to stagnate pop music (lmao), even if you think thats what he did back in the 80s when talking heads were mainstream, why would his current 2010s output bother you now when its not even being discussed by the music industry and he is more or less irrelevant? Thats like saying someone doing an album of standard folk tunes and uploading it to bandcamp is stagnating the music biz. He's just making music he likes and putting it out there.

>> No.13417222

what have i said about him now

>stagnate pop music
it's just shit music
i am not complaining about pop
i just think its useless

>> No.13417269

The Recognitions is just another pomo doorstopper, The Faerie Queene is just a poem, and I can read the other two in pieces in bed.

>> No.13417282

"For me he represents stagnation."
Explain how

>> No.13417324
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guys come on save it for /mu/, this thread's getting totally derailed.

>> No.13417351

You're right, sorry. Been a good thread though

>> No.13417403


>> No.13417405

>"It's the language of my people."
When the sitcom died, there was a lot of lost souls left out there to converse with the linguistically adept meme-splurge of a newly mediate group of pseudo-intellectuals, proto-gurus, and wannabe lawyers.

>> No.13417448

I'll check some out the next time I go downtown, thanks.

>> No.13417469

I put a slice of cheese in one of these copies. It's wrapped in plastic so you'll be alright for a few years when you finally read half of these books. How many pages today, anon?

>> No.13417500
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Am I in for a based and redpilled or a cringe and bluepilled summer?

>> No.13417521
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Frost is kind of boring, I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would.

>> No.13417576

Plato and Turgenev are dope, the two others, imo, are nope

>> No.13417584

Too bad anon, hope it clicks for you soon

>> No.13417803
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>> No.13417826

I didn't ask for this photo to be uploaded sideways, sigh.

>> No.13417842

>KJV Bible not much thicker than Lolita
>Black Ops for Ps3

>> No.13417847

The text is really tiny, like your minuscule member.
>he didn't get the Fanon joke

>> No.13417874

Why so defensive

>> No.13417876

because I hate myself, what else

>> No.13417905

Stop doing that then it was a funny post

>> No.13417906

nice Dick anon

>> No.13417925

get 8 miled, you fiend

>> No.13418249

Hey, how'd you like Don Quixote? I finished it on a 9 hour bus ride and was surprised how fucking modern the second part really was.

>> No.13418259

People here don't actually usually read books. Not worth arguing with them honestly.

>> No.13418263

There's a penguin classic of Monk

>> No.13418280
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>> No.13418289

>The man without qualities
>Thinks he deserves 3000 pages

>> No.13418338

in order
>consolation of philosophy
>pascal's pensées
>discourse on the method
>on the holy spirit
>on the incarnation
>city of god
>summa contra gentiles

>> No.13418357

nice tbhq

>> No.13418559

Do signet classic books actually cost 6.95 in the US?

>> No.13418604

I LOVED Don Quixote

>> No.13418791

I know it’s cool to dislike crime and punishment on /lit/ but I think you’ll like it. Also mirin the plato, I think it’s a good place to start.

Haven’t read the other two

>> No.13418795

Are you a Christian, interested in medieval philosophy, or just exploring anon?

>> No.13418873

>Doesn't have Mein Kampft

>> No.13418881
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Ready Hunter. It's much better than The Turner Diaries

>> No.13419092


>> No.13419214

Nice stack bro. Leibowitz and Kierkegaard have been on my reading list for a Long time.

>> No.13419327

can smn give me pdf version of Tragic Sense of Life?

>> No.13419332

>don Quixote


>> No.13419335

Been looking to read that Cesaire book for a while, but I can never find a copy at a price that I'd be willing to purchase.

>> No.13419449

Happy seeing so many don quixote's in the thread, it's a good book and summer is definitely the time to read it, enjoy

>> No.13419640
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Reading Aphrodite now

>> No.13419812

>Not worth arguing with them honestly.
I agree. I wasn't so much arguing with them as giving other anons the confidence to quit and read something more worthwhile after they realize they are bored shitless with these books.
It's not because they aren't smart. It's not because they don't have enough historical perspective to make the books "make sense." The books suck balls and were simply mass printed like no one's business back in the day. Literally the only thing available to read was Moby Dick for half the population in certain areas.

>> No.13419879

Very funny.

>> No.13420047
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A Canticle for Leibowitz is pretty great, by the way. I recommend.

>> No.13420050

Off topic, but is there any /lit/ readlong happening atm/for this summer?

>> No.13420163

>Most of them are basic classics that if you actually read, you will have already read them by know.
this doesn't make any sense
there's so many "basic classics" that even if you started reading seriously like two years ago there's no way you could have gone through them all

>> No.13420179

There should be. There’s enough people reading Don Quixote ITT that we could just choose that.

>> No.13420188
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Cryptonomicon, Snow Crash, Chasm City and The Darkness That Comes Before still in mail.

>> No.13420206

ever since I started reading philosophy my goal is to reach augustine and st tomas. Have read the greeks, now reading some theology books as kind of introduction to finally read the 2. After that I'll read the things I skipped (like the romans, stoics, etc) and resume with the rationalists.
But I read some stuff in between, right now finishing Gass' The Tunnel and Schoppy's WWR, so I'm not like a priest or something lmao.
But yes, I'm a christian

>> No.13420249

You're alright anon

>> No.13420545

>9 hour
How the fuck, it took me twice as much just to finish the first part

>> No.13420697

I've finished everything but Kierkegaard's journals... Not everyone is like you anon

>> No.13420720

Speedreading is like watching a movie at 1.5x speed while using your phone.

>> No.13420772

I really really enjoyed Suttree

>> No.13420773

I thought you meant you've been reading for 100 years. Was like "how old is this guy?!"

De cualquier manera, felicidades por la lectura de Cien Años de Soledad. Has leído Noticias de un Secuestro Anunciado por el mismo autor?

>> No.13420839

Gracias amigo mio, me encantaba Marquez y nunca lo he escuchado de ese libro y voy a buscarlo, pero quiero leer todos los harry potters antes de mas clásicos para sabes mejorar um.. no sé, the basics de la lengua, porque tratando de leer la piedra filosofal y pensado que esto será muy fácil, habían palabras que no he encontrado y no entendía nada. Así que, quizas no estoy listo todavia para confrontar mas clásicos. Leer cien años era muy lento y siempre tenía listo un diccionario en línea y tambien hacia un traduccion mientras desde el español al sueco. No lo necesito con la piedra filosofal pero hay palabras que sí, no entiendo y no entiendo lo que pasa. Gracias amigo mio.

>> No.13421282
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>> No.13421327
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summer stack: bilingual edition

>> No.13421509
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Been picking up some second hand Folio Society stuff.

These things really don't hold their value at all. Sell for £50+ new and you can get them in like new condition for less than 1/5th of that. Not complaing, just means I can pick up really nice hardbacks for the price of a standard paperback.

These are all in good nick, except for some damage to the slipcase of The Lost World which I'm not too fussed about, and some water damage to Kipling's short stories which I've already had a refund for.

>> No.13422008
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christfag btw

>> No.13422394

Guys you're driving me crazy. Why are you buying these books?

Someone upload the e-books to mega upload.

Then we buy them and get the knowledge for free. Who can afford this shit?











Pol did it just fine!














>> No.13422463

If I can afford to buy used books why shouldn't I?

>> No.13422498
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reading mishima and dostojevski books mostly, got a comfy schedule going where i bike after my nightshift (6am) to a nice park with benches and read for an hour or 2 with no distractions, i never bought a book till now, i borrow books from the library in my native language offcourse, thinking about buying some english books off amazon to sharpen it a bit

>> No.13422585
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random assortment of shit ive read/want to read this year

>> No.13422836

Physical copies will always be superior to digital. I like to carry my books places where I go

>> No.13423001
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I had a giftcard to barnes and noble. Bought these today and most of the barnes and noble versions were only $5.

>> No.13423445

Agreed with you up to that gay arse Leddit buzzword, now I disagree with you out of principle.

>> No.13423471

Same reason I don't buy digital books, you can't show off 1s and 0s.

>> No.13423488

Are those Nietzsche books abridged? I thought they were thicker than that

>> No.13423504

None of Nietzsche's books are that long.

TSZ is his longest as far as I know and it's only like 300 pages.

>> No.13423506

Not that anon but I know for a fact that they're not abridged. Nietzsche writes in a very aphoristic style, or in a few cases just extended essays when it's necessary like Beyond Good and Evil. One of his best qualities imo

>> No.13423570

if you can find Randall jarrell's essays on Frost, originally from a book of essays called Poetry and the Age, you may find frost easier to like.

jarrell's is a bit of a fundamentalist but those are good essays.. (i think they are on Archive )

>> No.13423761

Tu adoreras Eugène Onegin, essaye aussi si tu peux de trouver la version Anglaise traduite par Falen, elle est absolument magnifique

>> No.13423961

I read my first book on a screen this year and it was awful. Just use the library if you don’t want to pay for books retard

>> No.13424001

So far, I like it! I've only read the first two chapters which is about 70 pages, but thus far it's been beautifully written while being very interesting. The arrogance of the Prince is quite funny, it'll be great reading him be BTFO.

The prose may be more refined than in Lolita, but they also tell very different stories. I think the language both use have been best suited for the particular stories they wanted to tell. Both really good books, though.

>> No.13424011

you won't be cool even after you've read all those

>> No.13424095

signet classics? are you a homeless?

>> No.13425046

You’re right, I already am cool

>> No.13425105

spend money on learning a new language instead of faggy translations

>> No.13425140

I you're agreeing with him, you're also agreeing with the uneqivical proposition that current you isn't cool. If you try to twist the you-specific to you-general you're simply misreading him. Ei it's not very witty; you're disagreeing with him.

>> No.13425802
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>Christine de Pizan
Based, really enjoyed la citté des dammes when I read it some months ago, hope you enjoy it too anon. Absolutely based stack in general.

>> No.13425899

is kierkegaard any good?

>> No.13426028

>The Faerie Queene
Fuck yeah!

>> No.13426068

How are I Claudius and Claudius the God written? I'm interested in them but I don't have a sense of the prose.

>> No.13427119


It's been a while since I've read them, but I don't remember it being particularly remarkable. Certainly not bad, I enjoyed them, but not something that has stuck in my mind as particularly well written.

>> No.13427147
File: 14 KB, 581x164, stack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13427162

>2nd and 3rd
What is it with publishers and retarded fonts that make what could be a serious book, look childish?

>> No.13427176

I'd highly recommend Plotinus before or during Augustine.

>> No.13427457

You get nothing out of Krasznahorkai's writings if you read him in English

>> No.13427730


>> No.13427840

youre addicted to be a massive faggot

>> No.13427866

>Ready Hunter
drink bleach