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13409218 No.13409218 [Reply] [Original]

i read 11 pages this morning frens, wooooo!

>> No.13409226
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I did some programming for 6 hours non-stop

>> No.13409235

sweet man, whatchya codin'. how did you do it for so long non-stop?

>> No.13409266

You must be at least 18 to post here

>> No.13409267

I am trying to get into R for statistical programming. Might need it for some job as a data scientist. I just made up a table with personal data and tried to modify it exclusively using R commands. The flow is really nice and the more i learn this language the more turns out to be a lot of fun. Never had that much fun with a book lately. Learning new languages is cool!

>> No.13409284

i wanna learn coding, but when I meet rigorous coders in real life, I get discouraged. They don't seem to be living in real world.

>> No.13409303

Just do some tutorials on the internet or work on something you have fun with. It makes the start al lot easier.
I turned from Python because i would have been using Python for statistical analysis anyway. Then i realised it makes things much easier to begin with.

>> No.13409308

I wish I had your optimism.

>> No.13409318

I stopped programming because I realized I'll always be mediocre at best as I'm not mathematically inclined. Sure I could webdev which requires few brain cells but then I'm part of the shit-flinging that is the web. Real programming requires higher intelligence and talent, and ideally you should have started when you were like 11. At 22 it's far too late to start so I dropped it. I don't know if I even every enjoyed it. Compare the activity to when I'm writing, and it falls in comparison to the amount of focus and passion I have when I'm in the process of writing. I feel like I have more of a solid chance at becoming mediocre with my writing than becoming mediocre at programming.

I'd say you should drop programming if you easily get discouraged, because even when I see great writing it doesn't discourage me from my own writing, it makes me want to write more. If seeing other programs and programmers talking about technical shit etc doesn't make you want to learn more then perhaps it's not the path for you.

I'll never be a James Joyce, but that doesn't matter. I *have* to write, regardless of my current skill level and innate talent, it's something I can't stop doing. Do you *have* to program? If not, re-evaluate your interests.

>> No.13409422
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hell yea fren!

>> No.13409864

>If seeing other programs and programmers talking about technical shit etc doesn't make you want to learn more then perhaps it's not the path for you.
I am not really talking about them talking about technical shit. I don't understand coding so I am not in a position to make a judgement on what they're talking about. I am referring more to their real life interactions. Hard coders kind of appears weird to me. I think dealing with coding day and might, a language that has no bearing in physical world, might have slightly disconnected them from reality.

>> No.13410125

>I stopped programming because I realized I'll always be mediocre at best
And? What's wrong with that? Just treat it like a job. To making money. After 8 hours you have another 8hours to do your hobbies.
There is a huge number of programmers who just do that for money. They learned how to code at uni at age 20-22.
After their 9-5 they have their own life, video games, sports etc. People treat programming like a something special. It's just a job like a job.
Sure that's huge different between code-monkey who is working with crud apps or any other simple repeatly jobs than someone who is working with machine learning or any other programming-job which required being intelligent.

But yes, you are also right, if you do not enjoy programming there is no reason to do it.

>> No.13410128
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>read 40 pages of Moby Dick today
I’ve earned my dota session for the day frens