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13408514 No.13408514[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is all the philosophy normies need in their life. And they're far happier than you.

>> No.13408523


>> No.13408524

>normies are happy

>> No.13408530 [DELETED] 

Imagine an angel came and told you that it could take you anywhere in the world for a vacation. Anywhere. And you think, wow where do I want to go? I can go anywhere. But, you don’t want to go just anywhere, not with this opportunity to go anywhere. No, if you could go anywhere, House want to go to the best place. The greatest place. But where is that? How long will it take for you to find out? The angel will wait, but will you?

>> No.13408535

Imagine an angel came and told you that it could take you anywhere in the world for a vacation. Anywhere. And you think, wow where do I want to go? I can go anywhere. But, you don’t want to go just anywhere, not with this opportunity to go anywhere. No, if you could go anywhere, you would want to go to the best place. The greatest place. But where is that? How long will it take for you to find out? The angel will wait, but will you?

>> No.13408548

Normies are miserable to say the least

>> No.13408559
File: 48 KB, 580x326, chad n stacy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping THIS hard


>> No.13408567

>top athletes are nomies
you are dumb mate

>> No.13408574

Chads make up >1% of the normie population and they have no need for cheap tag lines.

>> No.13408581

I just want to fuck cute indo girls, stop with your philosophising.

>> No.13408588

>Chads and Stacies represent the lifestyle of the general population aka normies
Kek imagine being this retarded

>> No.13408592

unironically, yes. Normies have the most fun lives in the history of humanity. They get to make all those friends and friends with girls that they might even one day fall in love into. Girls like people who are good & somewhat productive, and normies are exactly that. They are living the dream and are funding your lifestyle, you degenerates do nothing but wrong to the world.

>> No.13408595


>> No.13408604

>everyone is as ugly, inept and miserable as me!
>the level of incel cope

>> No.13408617

Anon, maybe i'm not attractive but i do live life as i wish and i'm quite satisfied with it.
If you think that the general population is happy just look at the depression statistics.

>> No.13408645

Normies by definition are normal people with normal lives. They are normalized by the normalization of norms. That’s why they’re normies. Normies, like you, seek to call non normies, people who don’t follow norms, abnormal. That’s ok normie, we don’t give a rats ass about you or your normal ass. Go back to your normal life with your normal friends doing normal shit because that what norms have normalized into you.

>> No.13408650

>they're far happier than you
Kek. That's why we're going though an opium crisis right now? Because the general public is soooo happy

>> No.13408671

So why don't you want to be a normal person?

>> No.13408681

because FUCK YOU

>> No.13408685

You don’t know what fun is

>> No.13408688


>Normies have the most fun lives in the history of humanity


>> No.13408704


>> No.13408706

>being normy
not compatible fucking cuck. Normies read only fiction lit

>> No.13408712

Because i want to live an original life

>> No.13408718

Having got a job and having to work with a bunch of roasties and "normal" guys, I can indeed confirm

Most amusing of all, the most attractive girl there is the most unhappy. Taking anti-depressants unhappy

I'll stick to my books

>> No.13408730

Top athletes are the definition of ubnornal they are the <1% of already small grope of people.

>> No.13408743

For real though, I can’t help but feel normies are better than me.

They’re actually capable of showing emotion, they’re absolutely certain of who they are and are able to find happiness in making human connections without being scared of interacting with others.

What good is the knowledge acquired by a non-normie like me if I can’t share that knowledge with others, if I can’t help them grow and work to fix the world? It makes me feel so worthless and like a leech on society.

>> No.13408831

Is that you normie? Is this another one of your retarded ploys? Lol
We don’t want to help you or your kind. You all deserve to suffer for your shameless complacency
And we will bring the pain. Not to you, don’t worry. But to the image of what you could have been, if you werent such a pathetic follower

>> No.13408845

Most people here are normies without realising it, not having sex is pretty common

>> No.13408863

Being a shut-in neet who spends most of his time shitposting on 4chin, watching youtube and reading books, isn't.
gtfo normalfaggot

>> No.13408878

You really didn't go past the most superficial surface level. Normies are absolutely obsessed with appearances. It doesn't take a lot of interaction with normies to understand that 90% of them are frustrated in many areas if not downright overall miserable. They just religiously cultivate a smooth and polished surface to conceal all that because they are in constant psychological warfare against the other normies.

>> No.13408892

What point is living in an original life? I'd rather choose my life of hanging out with friends and drinking beer, going out with some girls now and then, and playing some Civilization VI with my friends later.

>> No.13408894

They are, because happiness is for dum-dums.

>> No.13408905

you're just chaining yourself by thinking that you are somehow abnormal and antagonizing and stereotyping the population that doesn't live like you

>> No.13408952

In that case, I pray that I am never happy nor content.

>> No.13408957

Such a life has no value in my eyes.
But this is what you desire, do it and gtfo

>> No.13408987

I love it when retarded Americans expose just how indoctrinated they've become by pop culture. They worship the main character of a teen movie

>> No.13409015

My imaginary friend unironically make me so happy. Even i ferl that it's somehow wrong that i feel this way about her.

>> No.13409043

Happiness was never the goal so why should I care?

>> No.13409291
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Carnal pleasures do not being happiness. Ever fleeting pleasure. Soon enough that controls and compels you and you're nothing more than a lizard brain reacting to stimuli, hopeless but to execute your primal drives. Augustine found the same thing.

>> No.13409546
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I would unironically go to my room to post on a anime literature board. Can you say the same?

>> No.13409659

> you're jealous of normies because their sole aspiration in life is to be "happy"

>> No.13409808


>> No.13409914

the only good thing about being a normie is having sex with hot women, that´s it

>> No.13409922

double digit post.
quadruple digit post.

>> No.13409940

>youtube isn’t normie

>> No.13409958

Being a turbonormie would be destiny worse than dead.

Like I'm a wagie too but I would rather kill myself than be a simple villager like they are. There is always something better to strive for.

>> No.13409972

neetzche call them the last men, and he was right about it

>> No.13409991


Normies are not having sex with hot women they are in depressing relationships with frigid fatties. Maybe they have a kid or two and the normie dude is listening to the non stop nagging all day everyday. NAG NAG NAG its eating away the last pieces of human out of him until there is just normie left.

>> No.13410045


This is why the rich and powerful either find a trophy wife to change every few years( seeing the woman purely as an object) or they find a woman of character that suites their taste and gives them intellectual and spiritual wholesomeness.

Normies just hook up with a someone in a bar and build their loveless disgusting non passionate wagie lifestyle upon the promoted idea that its "better than being single". Its a grim reality but its the reality we are living in.

>> No.13410136

Wubalubadubdub Fellow Rick and Morty fan. Lets go be atheist

>> No.13410160

You people are so sad and I think you guys just need help, just go find some real life friends and a gf before you become completely crazy. Life is hard, sure, but that's why you need to work towards a better future for you and your family. Nobody wants to see you fail, just relax and have some fun time with your friends.

>> No.13410182
File: 132 KB, 1024x789, 2BF5EA1E-18AF-4BBC-8C15-005E2B5E80FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol just bee yourself

>> No.13410197

unironically, yes, that is the best advice in my opinion except the golden rule. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.13410230

What if being myself includes hating social interactions?

>> No.13410241

Being happy isn't the ideal.

>> No.13410348


>> No.13410427

nah that's just self-hating.

>> No.13410582

imagine logging onto 4chan every day just to vigorously defend the virtues of uncritical conformism to semi-functional autistics and other mental cases with no understanding of what that even is or what it means
imagine unloading your own issues on them instead of taking your own advice and muscling through it
that's it. that's the cope. joker's cope

>> No.13410644

True tbqh

>> No.13410651

Living off pleasure alone is for animals. Pass.

>> No.13410660



>> No.13410815

>I'm *chugs antidepressants* happier *binges on netflix, junk food and cheap wine* than *throws temper tantrums at news on social media that have absolutely no effect on his life* you

>> No.13411384


The are the people being referred to when financial advisors complain about people who put themselves into debt to buy shit they can't afford to impress people who only pretend to like them.

>> No.13411420

Flesh slave. Not gonna make it.

>> No.13411652

Was there not normies in his time?

>> No.13411673

Well being socially involved in the era of climate catastrophe will make anyone will a conscience pretty angry

>> No.13411692


>> No.13411702

This board is dead.

>> No.13411709
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>> No.13411722

Content and happy are different.

>> No.13411818
File: 139 KB, 1080x817, 1557841959322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't though. Normie life is a massive cope beyond like 21+

>> No.13411826

I'm not sad though, that was my point.

>> No.13411861
File: 167 KB, 1024x971, 5100324728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf life is great now