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13407143 No.13407143 [Reply] [Original]

>wasting money on gifts for escorts instead of books

>> No.13407158
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You know what caused all of this.

>> No.13407159


>> No.13407161

lol @ ur life

>> No.13407176


>> No.13407290

I'm not usually one to shame sexual behavior, but paying people for sex (or worse, for pretending to like you) is pretty gross. Seek help.

>> No.13407364
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stop wasting money on escorts, silly.

>> No.13407372

Buy better books
better yet, just use the link on the sticky to get free books and fuck as many escorts as you want

>> No.13407376
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>not just jerking off and buying the books you want

>> No.13407379


>> No.13407391

kys normie
I will do the second

>> No.13407393

Grow a spine, cuck.

>> No.13407400
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Find a new muse

>> No.13407403

Post pics of escorts
What quality are they?
Women are basically pets. If you can afford it, fuck it. You don’t seem to have the willpower to help yourself. Might as well embrace it.

>> No.13407414

Wait, are you buying gifts for them or do you mean just hiring them?

>> No.13407415
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>> No.13407424

>paying for this
Fully embrace stoicism and renounce the flesh. Spend your money on martial arts lessons and push yourself to exhaustion each day.

>> No.13407428

>dude just castrate yourself lol

>> No.13407429

>martial arts
No fag, it balances out. How retarded are you really?

>> No.13407449

pirate more books, make more money for whores

>> No.13407506

oh wait you cant you spent all the money
THEN BUY THE STOIC PHILOSOPHERS AND Siddartha by Hesse and also any other books you want..

>> No.13407518

Based stoic

>> No.13407574

Simply remind them that they are whores, not your partner, and stop giving them gifts.

>> No.13408747

B-but they treat me nicely

>> No.13408754

I used to live next door to an escort. I really miss having such easy access to pussy, 2bh.

>> No.13408769

because you're a client and potentially a good paypiggy, nothing more. Dude don't be like that you'll be unhappier and unhappier as you slide down this slope.

>> No.13408790

>grug no pull meat spear, make grug strongest hunter and make grugette want meat spear inside grugette

>> No.13408796

doesn't really seem like this should be posted here

>> No.13408797

>willingly reading stoics
just castrate yourself, you clearly don't enjoy life

>> No.13408820

how much money are we talking about? and what gifts?

>> No.13408822

60 bucks for 3 hours
Slutty lingerie

>> No.13408827

keep doing it.

>> No.13408844

>Slutty lingerie

>> No.13408848
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>gifts for escorts


Hahahaha you're the ultimate fucking failure. Do you know how creeped out she is by you, and how much of an exploitative piece of shit she is? There's a complete duality to her personality. Her real self is completely submerged and hidden from you when she deals with you, while her feminine exterior, all the little quirks and mannerisms that men consciously and unconsciously find attractive about femininity, is exaggerated and highlighted as much as possible. Every thing she says to you, every tone of voice she has when she's showing her "appreciation" for the free shit, every time she acts like she's happy to see you again or that you're one of her "regulars," is completely fake and predatory. She's mocking you to herself and to her boyfriend (who is even more pathetic and degenerate than you, for dating such a whore) when she goes back to him.

I hope for your sake you're just a retard and not one of those cuck faggots who is into being bilked out of his money by women. If it's the latter, congratulations on having one of the few fetishes that will actually ruin your life, and completely failing to resist it. Enjoy being a dirty old man still doing this shit when you're 60.

>> No.13408850
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>> No.13408852

Why move?

>> No.13408853
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>> No.13408857
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>> No.13408858

Get a library card, faggot.

>> No.13409009

Jokes on you, i am the one who got her in the whole escort business.
And we are cucking her husband

>> No.13409018

why do female minded men care so much about other women/

>> No.13409033


>> No.13409039

>Wasting money on gifts for escorts
Not even sex but gifts? Now that's cucky.

>> No.13409061


>> No.13409100

So she's worse than an escort
Is she addicted to cocaine or something

>> No.13409116
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That's what I thought

>> No.13409118

so you are paying her for cheating her husbando? You are the truly cuckmaster.

>> No.13409139

But her husbando tells her to cheat with him so she can bring the money back home, so he's the one who gets tricked here.

>> No.13409170

>I am the one who got her in the whole escort business
>her husband tells her to do it
OP is actually the husband who doesn't pay for sex but does spend what little he has on gifts for his whore wife.

>> No.13409721

op is full of shit. Go to fuck yourself, op.

>> No.13410231

Wtf that is unironically cheap. Wish there were quality escorts in my country desu

>> No.13410239

Well no i don't what are you gonna do about it ?

>> No.13410461

how do you find escorts? asking for myself

>> No.13410475


>> No.13410479

Honestly hang yourself

>> No.13410504

you guys are animals

>> No.13410668


>> No.13411734

Fuck you. You are the thing I despise the most in the world. You are a worm without dignity nor honor. I hope ypu go broke because you don't deserve anything but that, you worthless problem for society.

>> No.13411848

fuck you cantus

>> No.13412114


>> No.13412260

t. Incel

>> No.13412415

You already KNOW everything anyone here will say because it's the most common of sense. But for the sake of the show, let me guess; you want to cut back on whore gift payments but fear that may dampen your relationship(s) with them. If you aren't nice to them you'll lose the favor you've worked so hard on developing. So, you have instead found yourself ramping up as time goes on, spending more in the name of keeping things amicable and pleasant. The blatantly obvious and, unfortunately painful, truth is that you cannot win, they will likely never be yours, and if you keep at this there will come a time where you have to make cuts either way. Their career, as described and as you WELL know, is to play make believe. If you get the vibe that they won't work without their Christmas Bonus, then by all means. But remember that this is business, don't spend your money on such an obvious lie.

>> No.13412422

just like everything on life

>> No.13413251

Stoicism actually helped me enjoying mine, or rather not feeling guilty about enjoying it

>> No.13413290

what kind of gift do you buy for an escort?

>> No.13413293

hookers are based dont listen to these christcucks

>> No.13413380

Don’t even say likely, this guy will think he has a chance that way.
These hoes will NEVER be yours anon. So put that money to something useful like a hentei artists paypal.

>> No.13414218


>> No.13414424
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If you're goign to waste money at least make it worth your while, train the dumb bitch

>> No.13414446
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Like everything, varying quality. I recommend only going for those with many positive reviews, some of them can be so good at acting they like you, you could almost believe it. Sometimes you find real gems who have it all, pic related for me

>> No.13414611
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I have now ruined the reply count of 69.

>> No.13414873

wish i had enough money to afford a mean loving domme gf

>> No.13414875


>> No.13414882

not untrue, but mostly because the area was absolute trash

>> No.13414903

This is cheap enough that you should still be able to buy books on top of that.

>> No.13415004

>for escorts
Actually kill yourself. I don't even mean this in a mean way, you just genuinely need to stop living.

>> No.13415193

but buying gifts for them is gay, unless you're a richfag, which OP clearly isnt

>> No.13416060
