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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 274 KB, 960x1440, wire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13406746 No.13406746 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books like The Wire?

>> No.13406762

The Wire isn't good anon

>> No.13406812

I know that, I just want a book I can compare it to when shitting on it, i.e. 'The Wire sucks dick, it's just a discount ________ with more niggers.'

>> No.13407103

Demons from Dostoevsky

>> No.13407107

Balzac's La Comédie humaine is The Wire in 19th century France.

>> No.13407193

Moby Dick is p much just the wire, only with whalers instead of cops and whales instead of black people. Maybe the other way around depending on how you see it

>> No.13407293

Why hasn't television reached the same artistic heights as literature, cinema, and music?

>> No.13407492


The Corner - which was the basis for The Wire

>> No.13408066

too many people involved, too much emphasis on profiting from the show.

>> No.13408073
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It has.

>> No.13408074

There have been some great TV shows though.

>> No.13408179

You could try the book written by the guy who directed and wrote The Wire.

>> No.13408242

Unironically War and Peace, it is the book that David Simon was seeking to imitate clearly. I can't really think of anything remotely similar to The Wire besides that.

>> No.13408310

Bleak House

>> No.13409164
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Crime fiction type stuff in a noughties ghetto dealing with race and shit? Try George Pelecanos. I read some of his stuff in a genre class in uni and wasn't fussed, but it's probably right up your alley

>> No.13409171

Oh I forgot to mention he even wrote some episodes of the Wire apparently, so yeah

>> No.13409380

What are they? The only notable show I've seen a significant amount of is the Sopranos and that's too formally challenged to be considered a masterpiece.

>> No.13409385

The Other Wes Moore has black people

>> No.13409545

Is that the only one?

>> No.13409550


>> No.13409598
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>> No.13409712
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>> No.13409755

The editing is hilarious and the direction is trite.

>> No.13409813
File: 133 KB, 1200x630, sopranos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outspoken novelist Norman Mailer said this very thing in an interview for Tampa Bay Times on February 1, 2004, about 7 weeks before this episode aired:

Tampa Bay Times: In The Spooky Art, you said a communication of human experience, of the deepest and most unrecoverable kind, must yet take place if we are to survive. Do you still have hopes that the Great American Novel can be written?
Mailer: The Great American Novel is no longer writable…You can’t cover all of America now. It’s too detailed…People didn’t get upset if you were a little scanty on the details in the past. Now all the details get in the way of the expanse of the novel.

A contemporary audience may find that television is a more viable medium than literature in its ability to be both detailed and expansive simultaneously, in large part due to the very nature of a successful TV series—hours and hours of material spread out over a period of years. In the same interview, Mailer cites The Sopranos as a prime example of this new paradigm, a work that can “loop into a good many aspects of American culture.” I am more optimistic than Mailer in believing that the literary world can still produce the Great American Novel. But I also genuinely believe that in the last 30 years or so, there has been no work created in the United States—in any medium—that communicates the experience of being American, and even the experience of being human, more powerfully than The Sopranos does.

>> No.13410102

Of course The Wire is good. God, this fucking board is trash.

>> No.13410486

Homicide by David Simon. That's the book that the Wire is based on. David Simon made the Wire because he wrote that book. A bunch of things that really happened in "Homicide" he just put in the Wire. Now kill yourself you fucking nigger lover.

>> No.13410523

I watched like 5 episodes from the TV series's 1st season and it didn't stuck, I just dropped it, can't say I liked it. Should I watch a few more episodes? A lot of people have told me this is one of the greatest series ever and several online articles confirm it.

>> No.13410642

there's also deadwood

>> No.13410653

Yes. Season 1 is a very slow burn. It took me about 6 months of "getting around to it" to finish the first season. I then watched the rest of the show in a month. It's really good.

>> No.13410801

Mad Men for sure

>> No.13411484

It's way overrated by liberal whites who feel that it is "woke" television. It's not really bad, but if you've seen any HBO shows you've already seen it, if you get what I mean. Like >>13410486 said you might as well just read the book, it's more informative, just as good as entertainment, and has some unique insights.

>> No.13411529

It's not that it's "woke" television. It's that it does what most television shows refuse to do. Give a long formatted narrative without main characters, yet still developing those characters enough to be engaged with the story. It provides a realism that even those who experienced the drug war said it was accurate. It was written by authors and journalists instead of screen writers and it shows in the consistency and depth the show goes through to portray the drug war. I know you want to blame it on niggers and gooks and ((them)) but its one of the best experiments that has ever been put to television. While other HBO shows do what it does, the wire doesn't use a central character as a crutch to deliver its narrative, and in that way they can blur the lines of morality within what people generally think of as a black and white field of human experience. It's a fascinating show, and I definitely believe that words on paper have done what it attempts to do better, but for the medium of television it's ground breaking.

>> No.13411541

Omar's diary desu

>> No.13411543

That's like being impressed at a really complex Playskool toy. It's, uh, cool I guess. Congratulations?

>> No.13411549

>yet still developing those characters enough to be engaged with the story.
Nope. I quit in season 2. Fuck the wire, it's for whites who feel guilty about their skin color and dummies who unironically look up to drug dealers.

>> No.13411566

>The Wire
Midwit: The show.

>> No.13411571
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But isn't that everything at that point? Eh. I enjoyed it. To each their own.
I originally watched it because of bane posting, but stayed for the rest of the shows good qualities. But yes, sure, white guilt and all that!

>> No.13411587
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This is all that needs to be said, really. It's mediocre, which is much worse than being low brow.

>> No.13411594

Are you in the camp that thinks all television is bad or do you think there are better shows than the wire?

Elaborate on your shitpost please.

>> No.13411606

It's not a shitpost. He's right. Intelligent people are too busy thinking and appreciating deeply to be entertained by a gimmick like the wire. LOL did you see the detectives investigating a murder scene and all they said was fuck 47 times loooool brilliant!

Smart people can enjoy something simple, like wrestling or sports or whatever. They have no patience for tedious writers.

>> No.13411610
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>> No.13411613

These two posts are of the same quality.

>> No.13411631

>These two posts are of the same quality.
So you're saying anon's premise is correct, then?

*pats you on your 115 IQ head*

>> No.13411695
File: 115 KB, 310x294, 24194837-410E-40C6-A2DF-41F757DE1764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you’re extracting conclusions that were not in the post to justify your opinion. But that’s okay, we can have different opinions.

>> No.13411739
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Pic related is the closest that I can think of.

>> No.13411756
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>hurf durf just no
>i'm right

>> No.13411773

I wasn’t given much an opinion to argue against, so I lowered myself to the same level as your posts. I can hurf durf with the best of them. Why write anything out when the response will just be no u

>> No.13411793
File: 450 KB, 1536x2048, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at mah teef... niigahwrote Homicide- david Simon.
mistah potato head teef cost mo' than yo' car nigguh.
shwazzle dazzle son

>> No.13411842

>that communicates the experience of being American, and even the experience of being human, more powerfully than The Sopranos does.
it's literally mafioso shit that's aged horribly

>> No.13411854

Isn't chess just a really complex Playskool?

>> No.13412365

lol 2deep4u

>> No.13413554

how witted am I to eat threads liek these like chinese buffet chicken on stick, could gobble up the words just as fast. most believe every word should be profitable but in gay porn scenes they let in those 4 minutes of a guy lubing an asshole. not everuthing has to exact sheesh

>> No.13413556


>> No.13413568

aight nigga so i wolk up this thread and got the enire dialogue played out. shit unfold before me you feel? and like it all damn accurate asf ngl on you cuz shit flowin purely divine got checks all guessed right n shiet. The highest IQ nigga up this hoe? Finna ended wit him it like i dont let any of it mold me hwich is the sentient course all this takes, to on wita action thus leading to tha

>> No.13413630

Kai, get off 4chan.

>> No.13413743

im a virgin light mexican boy male my dudette

>> No.13414364


Isn't pussy just a complicated anus?

>> No.13415721
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>> No.13416183
File: 53 KB, 352x600, 05dcde50-22c9-45b5-bf75-08f35dea69de_max-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Ere ya go