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/lit/ - Literature

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13405068 No.13405068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13405085

/Lit/ embraces all beliefs and worldviews as long as they're overly esoteric, completely unworkable and thoroughly retarded.

>> No.13405084

There are extreme left wing trannies and moderate right wing christcucks for the most part.

>> No.13405091

Neither you fucking retard


>> No.13405093
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>> No.13405094

I like this board now!

>> No.13405101

i knew its the joos.

>> No.13405104

/it/ is a marxist board

>> No.13405111

/lit/ is a catholic board.

>> No.13405116

This is a Right leaning Neo-libertarian / Proto-Syndacism Hegelian Kantesk Neo-Platonist, Neo-Ancap / Anarchist / Omni-Theistic Gnosis board

>> No.13405117
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Approved brother

>> No.13405130

I wish someone would put a bullet in your head the next time you showed your retarded face outside

>> No.13405133
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>> No.13405135

Same bro

>> No.13405140
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>> No.13405142

We are always right

>> No.13405152

Its a battle of the LARPS

>> No.13405158

>right or left

How to spot a brainlet

>> No.13405164


>> No.13405168

It's right, left, up, down, inside and outside. One must entertain all possibilities to see clearly.

>> No.13405169
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Neither. This board is retarded. Anybody telling you otherwise is a retarded Larper. Now go back to r*ddit you fucking faggot.

>> No.13405174
File: 156 KB, 237x341, ksjs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consider myself right wing
>every time i take these tests i get somewhere in the bottom left quadrant

>> No.13405178

Thats beacuse those tests do not work in practice and are utterly stupid

>> No.13405189

is it just me or is it getting more hegelian out there

>> No.13405194

/lit/ is anti-ideology. Anything that does not address or serve my immediate interest gets discarded. Imagine serving an ideal, instead of having an ideal serve you.

Some call it 'spooks', others call it 'destroy industrial society', while a bunch of antagonizing posters will just call you a 'pseud' over your shit idealism.

>> No.13405215


>> No.13405238
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>tfw consider myself a nazi
>get pic related

>> No.13405274

hopefully marxist

>> No.13405317

Left or right is the false dichotomy in lit. The real issues are: antiessentialism vs essentialism and materialism vs antimaterialism.

>> No.13405349


>> No.13405358

This desu

>> No.13405397

How dare you raise my hopes for another 5 o'clock wojack schizopost, never use that OP image again

>> No.13405410
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>This board is right or left?


>> No.13405423

Yeah like the other anon said. If an ideology is obscure or edgy enough, /lit/ will pick it up, regardless of orientation.

>> No.13405430

the true antagonists on /lit/ are realism vs nominalism

>> No.13405431

Same thing fampai

>> No.13405443
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only answer

>> No.13405446
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This board is made up of individuals with views all over the political spectrum. And if going on an anonymous imageboard is able to change your political views, they weren't even opinions you held, they were just a byproduct of conformity.

>> No.13405449


>> No.13405454

Left and right is practically undistinguishable at this point. Unless you are an outright Nazi. Prove me wrong

>> No.13405460

A general move to the right came from the migration of incels and christcucks and poltards, which unsurprisingly coincided with a dip in quality in the board. Also since it is summer usually newfags are right wing and from other boards, but as soon as summer ends lit moves back to the left.

>> No.13405461
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>> No.13405467
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>i-it will move left any day now

>> No.13405479
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>> No.13405483

imo, it's mostly right wing marxists i.e. hitchens types here.

>> No.13405494
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I don't think most of the people here know what they're about.

>> No.13405495

Peter or Chris?

>> No.13405497

I really fucking hate pseuds

>> No.13405504

Pinochet ?

>> No.13405511

I am an esoteric hitlerist national socialist revolutionary. Come to the darkside, we have cookies.... and btw read SIEGE faggot.

>> No.13405517
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There are people that are legit like this

>> No.13405522
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>> No.13405527

oure autism

>> No.13405533

I'm a monarchist in theory but an epistocrat in practice.

>> No.13405644

>not being an anticenterist

>> No.13405655

>tfw consider myself a nazi
How could you be this pathetic.

>> No.13405666


>> No.13405676

Or just libertarian

>> No.13405681


>> No.13405682

I type with both left and right hands because I'm not touching myself to your posts. Maybe if you were better at literature, I'd choose one.

>> No.13405689

Peter Hitchens isn't a Marxist, but he's still left wing economically.

>> No.13405701

No one understands either and just uses them as generalizations. Even Marx believed in a social hierarchy which is one of the core believes of the right, he just defines class as interest groups

>> No.13405730

Well, this board founded /leftypol/ half a decade back, so just think about that.

>> No.13405749

Yea but /leftypol/ is retarded

>> No.13405756

Attica this week, Macedon next.

>> No.13405762
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why no, I don't have any views, beliefs or opinions about anything, how could you tell?

>> No.13405774

I thought we were bipartisan to match the bisexuality and bifocals, bae.

>> No.13405779
File: 555 KB, 750x737, 3594D21D-48EE-4B65-A23B-D6E86764DFFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right because we arnt onions boy faggot morons

>> No.13405780

Ideally, too inebriated to tell which is which.

>> No.13405787

>he doesn't know it's a rotational monarchy
Who's the fool that wears the crown?

>> No.13405824

Centrists, or better yet those who hold no substantial political or philosophical opinions, are unironically the truly enlightened ones.

>> No.13405829

Right of weapons, left of paranormal, third column, fourth from the top.

>> No.13405834

The truly educated mind is the one that can imitate any opinion convincingly enough to piss off strangers on 4chan.

>> No.13405835


>> No.13405837

>right or left
How do you tell in a circle jerk? Surely, it's clockwise or anticlockwise?

>> No.13405855

What is wrong with being a nazi?

>> No.13405876

You start at the right side of the book if it's in moonrunes, jewrunes, farsi, takeaway squiggles, or azari, and the left side if it's yuropoor, kimrunes, smells of vodka, or thai food. Things get a bit more liberal if it's a Chinese newspaper, but you have to surrender your vote and black up for that one, so I'd recommend sticking to fiction and poetry.

>> No.13405884

>right or left
That's information for my tailor and no one else.

>> No.13405888


>> No.13405900

Well i read from left to right but i hear they do it differently in Japan

>> No.13405906

based and inoperable pilled

>> No.13405918

No please

>> No.13405920


>> No.13405924

Lefties being so ridiculed they had to create a new site is a good argument for lit being heavily right

>> No.13405936

>lateral descriptions of political axis
>On the structural linguistics incel board
Stop raping us, you filthy postmodernist.

>> No.13405958

enlightenment is a meme. hurr durr turning off your brain is so smart! :)

>> No.13405973

>But not yet have we solved the incantation of this whiteness, and learned why it appeals with such power to the soul; and more strange and far more portentous – why, as we have seen, it is at once the most meaning symbol of spiritual things, nay, the very veil of the Christian’s Deity; and yet should be as it is, the intensifying agent in things the most appalling to mankind.
>Is it that by its indefiniteness it shadows forth the heartless voids and immensities of the universe, and thus stabs us from behind with the thought of annihilation, when beholding the white depths of the milky way? Or is it, that as in essence whiteness is not so much a colour as the visible absence of colour; and at the same time the concrete of all colours; is it for these reasons that there is such a dumb blankness, full of meaning, in a wide landscape of snows – a colourless, all-colour of atheism from which we shrink?

>> No.13405975

Self referential directional proxemics are so early 1800s I bet you haven't even heard of the Cook Islands yet.

>> No.13406016

We're just following orders, don't make us take decisions like this. That's how we wound up in Montserrat, remember?

>> No.13406118
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Lmao consider my self to be a National Socialist

Pic related

>> No.13406128
File: 475 KB, 750x570, 86987ABC-326E-49EA-8381-B722BBD6ED74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and NazBol pilled

>> No.13406135
File: 220 KB, 645x644, 084842B6-762F-43FC-91A6-D543189357E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting centrist

>> No.13406286


>> No.13406357
File: 55 KB, 1080x782, 0390E2CA-0E52-42DE-AA30-8250E1FE7F7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazbol gang assemble

>> No.13406397


>> No.13406401



>> No.13406467

Lol we centrist like hannah montana

>> No.13406601


>> No.13406622

Is there any bigger pseud alert than someone who pretends to know about politics say they are a centrist, or try to make it seem as if the left-right political spectrum doesn't exist without saying anything substantial?

>> No.13406641

the left-right political spectrum doesn't exist

destroy industrial society