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/lit/ - Literature

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13403274 No.13403274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books that deal with this modern phenomenon?

>> No.13403277

Unironically, Culture of Critique.

Also Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

>> No.13403295

How hard is it to get a supply of hormones going to sell to these people

>> No.13403308

Why would you want to do that though

>> No.13403315

So you can poison them.

>> No.13403317

The tranny trend is soft eugenics at its best. Weeds out the degenerates of the genepool by 100% making sure they will never reproduce. And the best thing is that no force is involved, they are absolutely convinced that they are doing the right thing and making their own choice

>> No.13403328

To make money obviously

>> No.13403335


>> No.13403336

It targets a lot of vunerable young men though

>> No.13403344

Yes, and in a society it is imperative for the strong to protect the week.

>> No.13403357
File: 323 KB, 1441x1079, Screenshot_20190630-224845_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys should've watched Mecha and Tokusatsu instead of K-on and Moe

>> No.13403358

How do I know the original creator of this image didn't just make fake accounts for the purpose of slandering trans people?

>> No.13403366

Reiko's activites are well documented at this point

>> No.13403369
File: 168 KB, 1148x1308, discord tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about discord trannies

>> No.13403379

They're vulnerable because they're already predisposed to degeneracy, quality men could never be swayed by this shit.

>> No.13403385

You don't understand anon,they target teenagers

They are still in their formative years so it's easy to mentally fuck them like this

What a fucking existential nightmare the 21st century is holy fuck

>> No.13403389

Yeah again only the only weak and defective teenagers are convinced by it.

>> No.13403390

I know we're specifically talking about on chanz but I will remind you that this stuff is being aimed, by these very same agents, at children also.

>> No.13403393

Children are different to teenagers.

>> No.13403395

They literally go after children.

>> No.13403396

and by children I mean children, pre-adolescent. Just so we're clear because I know burgers like to argue that 20 year olds are still children, but I digress.

>> No.13403401
File: 2.10 MB, 1340x8892, discord communists on 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13403404

Yes, they are being targeted (groomed as it were) as children and they grow into adolescence. They're already vulnerable.
Anyway, that aside, for whatever reason the vulnerable are vulnerable is besides the point that the strong ought to defend the week.
We are not animals.

>> No.13403410

He originally said "young men" so I was referring to that, I doubt however that actual children are at the same risk as teenagers to falling under these peoples influence.

>> No.13403411
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>> No.13403413

my discord logs desu

>> No.13403425

so erm
were there many pictures of cute traps posted?

>> No.13403427

Anyone else think trannyism is late-stage cumbrain?

>> No.13403430

The Greeks did it a lot but it was more healthy then this

>> No.13403431

cumbrain here, can confirm

>> No.13403434

Children are though. We have a family friend whose daughter's son started transitioning at 8 years old.
Worrying specifically and only about discord trannies on 4chan will distract from all the other places they've influenced.
There was that Safe Schools business over in Australia a couple years ago, there was a link from the school's own website to a bunch of tutorials on how to tape your breasts back and shit like that, 11 year olds were at that school.

>> No.13403440

It's fairly obvious

There might be some le chemical in the womb born like that trannies out there but nobody is born with a disposition to pit buttplugs in their arse and ERP

>> No.13403443
File: 235 KB, 738x669, trans suicide rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13403461

I thought trannie children were a /pol/ meme Jesus Christ

>> No.13403464

Can't be convinced any other way, there are examples of autistic freaks who become trannies for no apparent reason, this is the majority of the online phenomenon

>> No.13403475
File: 135 KB, 1200x900, 1561127422588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, /lit/, when are you transitioning?

>> No.13403476

I agree, I actually having a teenage brother attending a safe space school, but I was just more referring to discord trannies.

>> No.13403484

Transgenderism is literally porn induced autogynophilia. Always comorbid with autism too

>> No.13403496
File: 168 KB, 750x540, 1561876849521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this discord tranny shit is making me feel sick

I feel like a fucking Lovecraft protag,i've stared into the jaws of hell

>> No.13403531

Mein Kampf.

>> No.13403541

>gender dysphoria may present as decreased gender dysphoria
what world are we living in

>> No.13403558

Yes because cutting your dick off will make you forget about losing grandma. This shit is pure pseudoscience.
They're coming for the butch dykes too, no one is allowed to even just be gay anymore. It's almost a bizarre form of homophobia, taking young homosexuals and telling them to mutilate themselves. At this point I prefer the fundamentalists, at least they don't pretend to be ""allies"". I know gays that were out before the acceptance movement but went back in the closet when this nonsense started coming into the mainstream.
Ignore it and buy a rainbow colored coke, fag! Corporations are your friends!

>> No.13403563

Do they think if they show bunch of people some dicks it will turn them gay? That's not how it really works.

>> No.13403566

>list of what to look for when targeting individuals

>> No.13403568

If they joined up they are already vunerable and questioning their sexuality

They just need a little push and they are done

>> No.13403572

It's not exactly to turn them gay, it's to convince people to abandon their assigned gender thereby becoming the modern eunuch

>> No.13403594

>Feelings of decreased gender dysphoria

What is this cult tactic

>> No.13403599

How is this not just a /pol/ thread weakly disguised as /lit/

>hey guys are there any books that deal with how niggers are subhuman and ought to be exterminated
>I'm totally asking about literature btw
>now that that's done let me dump my retard /pol/ infographics and drop the pretense

>> No.13403634

I am utterly and truly fascinated by this phenomenon of young men getting mind fucked by a bunch of weebs on the internet

It's like something out of a horror movie,has this sort of brainwashing ever happened before?

>> No.13403662
File: 691 KB, 1265x1994, flw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that avatar and green name
I knew some of these Touhoufags were a bunch of good-for-nothings but this is just disappointing.

>> No.13403720


>> No.13403726

Well, it's not OP's fault that nobody has any good recs for him now is it?

>> No.13403728

Don't you feel like you want to have a normal discussion about /pol/ topics? That's really rare these days

>> No.13403733

>We have a family friend whose daughter's son started transitioning at 8 years old.
Why didn't you or that friend do anything about it?

>> No.13403738

Hitler youth comes to mind

>> No.13403741

I agree