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File: 109 KB, 444x444, pep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13402986 No.13402986 [Reply] [Original]

are there any books about the difficulty of getting a job?

>> No.13402992

Getting a job is piss easy, just get someone who isn't in complete chaos to help with your CV and pretend you're a normie, sort of withdrawn but no spaghetti spilling and you're good to go.

>> No.13403022

>just get someone who isn't in complete chaos to help with your CV
what the fuck does this even mean

>> No.13403024

just lie a lot

>> No.13403049
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I'll write one one day.
Maybe for shit-tier jobs like a barista or retail cuck. Not if you want anything that pays over 40k. It's especially difficult if your credit is shit and you have little experience. I've applied for THOUSANDS of entry level jobs, only had a handful of interviews to show. I'm not autistic or anti-social either, I'm well spoken, look great, say all the right things. Nothing ever comes through. The last bit is also why I've become estranged from family and friends. They see a perfectly normal, if not more talented person than them, just sitting around and they think the only explanation and possible cause of this rests entirely on me. Oh you are applying for the wrong jobs! *shows jobs* Oh your resume must be bad *shows resume* WELL YOU MUST BE DOING SOMETHING WRONG. An entropy soon encroaches, and all your possessions start to break. Vehicle breaks (a lifeline if you do not live where public transportation exists). Clothes wear out. Everything sooner or later breaks. And this disorder spreads to your social life: nobody wants to lend any helping hand because your prolonged unemployment is proof you don't deserve anything.

>> No.13403136

>I'll write one one day.
do your best anon
i know you can do it

>> No.13403408
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The Jungle

>> No.13403436
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Wagies amuse me to no end.

>> No.13403578
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>> No.13403600

>tfw never failed an interview

anyway OP to answer your question I'd go with Grapes of Wrath

>> No.13404090

"So Good they cant ignore you"
warning it involves putting in some work

>> No.13404168

quiet, retard

>> No.13404231

What Color is Your Parachute

>> No.13404341
File: 41 KB, 634x620, mgneoateq1uz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feel, anon. There are hundreds of people going for every job and most get their jobs through nepotism. I'm getting worried I won't find anything.

>> No.13404358

Don't do it I've been working 2 years and already miss being NEET

>> No.13404372

t. had loving parents and a comfy house who probably gave him money.

>> No.13405364

>Getting a job is piss easy
>Have college experience
>Can't even get a job at McDonalds or Burger King
I'm lucky to have the job I do. I applied to no less than 30 positions until I finally got accepted.

>> No.13405369

July is as good a month as any to start

>> No.13405385

Someone who has >half a brain, obviously not you.

>> No.13405389

You're not wrong. HR people are also the most unimaginative mediocrities to boot. Corporate HR wants a single particular type of drone that uses all the same buzzwords and has all the same attitudes and that's it. The emphasis on "diversity" these days is comical for that reason. It's positively dystopian.

>> No.13405433

Let me tell you something.

When I worked at an Arby's I saw a girl that was LITERALLY AUTISTIC as an assistant manager, and an assistant manager that boardered on retardation. I worked with them both. It's easy to get a job, and beggers can't be choosers. If you want something nice you must struggle for it.

>> No.13405439

1/30 is a good success rate.

>> No.13405448

>if an autistic woman can be assistant manager at Arbies then you can be anything!

>> No.13405470

Only good reply in this thread.

>> No.13405484

Basedcalist garbage. Go dilate.

>> No.13405486

I got a nice IT job with an associate's degree and a+ cert after 2 months of searching.
Only downside is I work around druggies.

>> No.13405498

Overly loving drug addict parents. I live with my older sis and her bf. We lived in a nasty, hot trailer full of sad animals. Honestly i actually hated being a NEET but if i had that freetime now i'd use it more wisley even without the money.

>> No.13405625

have. sex.

>> No.13405870

Crime and Punishment

>> No.13406071

Is this the dystopian society the ancient ones were talking about?

>> No.13406090

it's not though. there is ALWAYS another candidate who is better than you.
>lied on resume
>now in constant fear of being found out
>but this is the only way i get any calls at all
just fuck the planet man. damned if you do, damned if you dont.
here's two recent fuckups. one cunt wanted a unicorn...even the recruiter said she was delusional about the market. she treats people like disposeable trash to boot. another was a retarded boomer who didn't know how college majors work but was just so damned sure he was correct, and other boomershit that shows he hasn't been on a job hunt since the 1980s but is running hiring processes himself! lmao

one i just got turned down for love love loved me, but not 2 hours after the interview said they went with the other guy who was a better company fit, aka an insider/diversity hire/nepotist/dudebro who likes the same sportsball team.

>> No.13406125
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>it's not though. there is ALWAYS another candidate who is better than you.
On paper. Not in the flesh. In fact, I am better than vice presidents and heads of divisions I have met. I found them to be very low IQ, to write slowly and to have poor reasoning at times.

>> No.13406199

>thinks IQ and ability have anything to do with people getting the job
lmao naive, kid. you do too well in a job and they fire you cause you make them look bad. the higher in the structure you are the more of a braindead useless wanker you are, rule of life. got a guy who can't turn on a computer? great, make him department head.

>> No.13406882

Life will not get better if you get a job, if that is what you're after.

>> No.13406894

If you're starving, don't have any money, are living with people that hate you, can't even get a hair cut or basic supplies, a job can make a huge difference.

>> No.13407315

>tfw government finally paying me for a few months to be depressed
>tfw back to the government paying me to look for work in a few months
will be good to finally have some money after months/years

>> No.13407334

>but if i had that freetime now i'd use it more wisley even without the money
i say this every time i become neet lol
and every time i squander it again.