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/lit/ - Literature

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13401785 No.13401785 [Reply] [Original]

what to rec to impress her? she asked on the gram. please no autistic tryhard "literature for men" garbage like joyce or pynchon.

>> No.13401790

The Unbreakable Lightness of Being

>> No.13401802

Le Guin’s Lavinia

>> No.13401806

1q84 if she’s not scared of thicc books. It’s a cute romance with weird stuff.

Slaughter house 5 if she doesn’t read anything other than romance.

>> No.13401814

do girls even read
is it something they are capable of
in my experience the only females who read are those who have passed the age of 60 and got nothing better to do than to read shitty romantic novels

>> No.13401841

Yo, Mythology by Edith Hamilton OR Siddartha by Hesse OR Promethus Rising by Wilson BUT yo, what the fuck man. Honestly, your age shows in your post. Why don't you FUCKING GIVE HER A BOOK THAT

>> No.13401848

much like you i have only ever read books that /lit/ recommended to me and i have hated them all.

im as real as you are, so no.

>> No.13401850

>16 year-old mentally disabled girl gets raped
Each to his own, I guess...

>> No.13401851

Are you going to sit and bark on order like a good little dog as well, anon? She doesn't like you.

>> No.13401859

have sex.

>> No.13401861

I recommend Crime and Punishment because it's a book i like

>> No.13401875

Oh shit I forgot about that part. I just remember moons and cop uniforms being fucked up and murdering people.

>> No.13401889

you make it very clear that the only female you know is your mom

>> No.13402224

great rec

classic book everyone should have read

>> No.13402230

i forgot to add this detail... shes black, and also culturally cares about those things

i kind of want to recco a woke book that isnt blatantly white

>> No.13402252
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mfw im a girl and pynchon and joyce are my favorite authors

>> No.13402255

Cyrano de Bergerac. It's a classic play that went on to inspire a Steve Martin rom-com. Starts funny, ends with some feels. It's woke in the sense that it shows a lot of concern for the poor, and that it's easy to read as anti-war.

>> No.13402258


>> No.13402259

rec zadie smith

>> No.13402288

Le Guin Earthsea

>> No.13402291

Have you ever tasted the carnal pleasures of dark flesh?

>> No.13402295
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>> No.13402356

How does it compare?

>> No.13402358

Man, Siddhartha was a ride

>> No.13402369

Uh...not sure that's the best book to start a relationship on

>> No.13402370


>> No.13402384

siddhartha is overrated

>> No.13402393

Unironic answer: Norweigan Wood

>> No.13402394

Idk I thought it was kinda fun. But yeah Im not sure I really got much depth out of it

>> No.13402403

If she cares about muh'africa, you should obviously recommend "Things Fall Apart"...

>> No.13402563

But then you have to claim as your favourite book a bad book.

>> No.13402624

I thought it was just about recommending a book that a wahman would enjoy. Not about actual good literature. Although to be fair I really enjoyed Norweigan Wood.

>> No.13402653

My goto rec for people not into super hard lit is Master and Margerita, its got a great mix of silly fun fantasy, beutiful prose and social commentary

>> No.13402655

her being cute has nothing to do with it. her level of education would have been more helpful.

probably this

thots also love dostoevsky

oh, so she can't read. why start this thread then? but just buy her a Ta-Nehisi Coates book.