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/lit/ - Literature

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1340081 No.1340081 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/-approved contemporary literary fiction: does it exist?

hard mode: no cormac mccarthy

>> No.1340085

Without Cormac you're gonna have a hard time!

...I'd say maybe you might have to go European. Someone like Gunter Grass might be right for you.

>> No.1340089

o shit, I forgot the Oprah/Franzen summit was today. I hope they made out

>> No.1340092
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>> No.1340099

I don't know whether there are a lot of people on here who like Jonathan Safran Foer or if there are just a lot of people who think he's fuckable, but either way they're wrong.

>> No.1340121


I agree. He sucks.

/lit/ (or at least me)-approved:

Pynchon, Rushdie, Zadie Smith, DFW, Roth

>> No.1340123

Paul Auster

>> No.1340125

East of Eden John Steinbeck

>> No.1340135

zadie smith is fuckwin

chabon is also great

>> No.1340136

im so sick of that stupid fucking over rated franzen

>> No.1340138
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What about Michael Chabon? I've never seen him on here.

inb4 kike

>> No.1340139

oh and Houellebecq gets my approval

>> No.1340140

>John Steinbeck
kill yourself

>> No.1340145

I tried to read Everything Is Illuminated, and I just couldn't get into it.
I've read parts of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and liked them, though.

>> No.1340154
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<3 both of them

I'm down with this list too. Although, mfw DFW is officially a Dead White Male

>> No.1340155


I've only read Summerland. I liked it, didn't think it was amazing though. I should get the Amazing Adventures of Cavalier and Clay.

Adding Ishiguro to the list. Is there a pic on the wiki for contemporary fiction? If not, should we add one?

>> No.1340160


>> No.1340181
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/lit/ has got me in OPRAH TEARS

>> No.1340193

kavalier & clay is about five times more awesome than anything else he's ever done

>> No.1340195

No Tao Lin? I am disappoint.

>> No.1340204
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And we were doing so well, too

>> No.1340212

Roberto Bolano

>> No.1340228

Fuck you, Tao.

>> No.1340229
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/lit/ - Sassy Black Women

>> No.1340247

He usu comes up whenever someone drifts over here from another board in search of gay fap material their dad won't be able to find in their internet history

>> No.1340300

anyone on /lit/ read any ha jin?


>> No.1340316


That's pretty much it.

>> No.1340415

No, but after two seconds on Wikipedia I am intrigued because anyone who takes their pen name from Harbin sounds like my kinda guy. Do you have a recommended starting point?

>> No.1340432
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>> No.1340452

remember when he blurbed james franco's book lol

>> No.1340476
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i approve of this

>> No.1340503

Literary weeaboos are saddest weeaboos

>> No.1340637

Murakami, Bender, Boyle

>> No.1340639

also Rushdie

>> No.1340641

David Mitchell!