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/lit/ - Literature

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13400675 No.13400675 [Reply] [Original]

Reading fiction books is no better than playing videogames. If you like it, fine. But it is poison for the soul.

>> No.13400706
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>reading about real people

>> No.13400714
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>Reading about fake people

>> No.13400793
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ultra-based. Virgin fiction readers SEETHING.

>b-b-but muh aesthetics
Bitch, you will never get further in life with that aesthetics bullshit. Practice your mind reading challenging things and increasing your knowledge by reading something useful instead of jerking off over prose or whatever, virgin.

>> No.13400896

You're reading some sperg's thoughts regardless. Philosophy is fiction btw.

>> No.13400903
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I know there are some people who actually think like this, but serious literature is a great vessel for philosophy, history, psychology, etc to be expressed in a form that shows the ideology or event in action. Why do you think Sartre wrote Nausea or Camus wrote The Stranger? Yeah most genreshit is worthless escapism, but I would argue in the hands of authors like Dostoevsky and Turgenev you have the ability to be exposed to many of the same elements of nonfiction you are celebrating.

>> No.13400911
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>Philosophy is fiction btw.
cope for philistines who fill their mind with junk fiction instead of learning something useful.

patrician response.

>> No.13400932

I like to read fiction, historical accounts and diaries. I can't stand biographies or history books and philosophy is shit.

>> No.13400946
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t. witless philistine virgin who has to resort to escapism to escape his degenerate condition engendered by himself.

>> No.13400956

That is exactly what I am. I need to read fiction to silence the voices in my head saying how bad my life and the world are.

>> No.13400962
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>> No.13400997

>reading make up stories meant to allude to real life concepts
literally why?

>> No.13401109

you know this meme was originally making fun of chads

>> No.13401170

Thank you, very cool

>> No.13401258

well said

>> No.13401569

Memes change

>> No.13401588


>> No.13401589

There is nothing that dries a pussy faster than saying “I read”.

>> No.13401606

do we meme memes? or do they meme us?

>> No.13401644

Are you high

>> No.13401652

No, just tired. I'm sleeping on the ground tonight. :3

>> No.13401733


Your life is spent extrapolating personal meaning from the environment, influenced (and, ideally, aided) by what others teach you. Unless you become hot shit at teaching yourself. A great work of philosophy is a direct address of one man's mind in communicating extrapolated meaning. A great work of fiction is one man's mind employing archetypal manifestations of extrapolated meaning to convey a more indirect, artful message to guide you. Lots of fiction is shit, but it has a higher bar for greatness. It's both language as communication and language as art..

>> No.13401741


Memes confirmed opposite of war.

>> No.13401750

>playing video games is supposed to be bad

>> No.13401838

>religion and metaphors have no utility to a society and are purely entertainment
>why yes, I am an avid reader of history and non-fiction

if you struggle with comprehending abstractions and can only learn from that which is directly stated you shouldn't consider yourself intelligent.

>> No.13402050

>reading mein kampf
virgin cope lol

>> No.13402075

>implying that chads won't rise to the top in any situation
Even when the format started with Chad as an over-the-top caricature it turned into the modern form of Chad worship, as it must.

>> No.13402187
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>He thinks reading useless history & philosophy books make him smart

>> No.13402747

Protip: it is

>> No.13402847

For me fiction is just like playing video games, when I read fiction I don't want to think hard. It's mostly mindless escapism.

Can't stomach reading about people who achieved things in life I guess?

>> No.13402861
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>> No.13402866

I disagree, because Chads don’t exist. Virgins do, however

>> No.13402868
File: 484 KB, 546x700, back_to_4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mein Kampf
>Non Fiction

>> No.13402891

Are you autistic by any chance? Both types of literature server very different purposes, you can't compare them like that.

>> No.13402903

>reading to improve yourself

>> No.13402921

That image should say "Back to r/4chan" or "Back to /pol/".

>> No.13402924

>The Wealth of Nations
>Mein Kampf
>Non fiction

>> No.13402952
File: 2.87 MB, 1792x4000, Stitching the Standard - Edmund Leighton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rejects art
>literally the pinnacle of all epitomes of all mans existence being Western culture

>> No.13402962

Why can't someone read both?

>> No.13403008

>posts bad art

>> No.13403038
File: 3.65 MB, 2904x4000, God Speed - Edmund Leighton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the greatest sure but still great
>what the fuck is wrong with your id

>> No.13403082

Bullshit. I have banged numerous chicks that know I spend a lot of time reading. Even got a few of them to start reading too. (Although I doubt they still do.)

>> No.13403092
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so moe :3

>> No.13403100

Nothing wets a pussy like saying I read, but nothing dries a pussy like talking about reading.

>> No.13403111

He has risen!

>> No.13403134

>that chad book selection
all righties do is try to act intellectual but their laziness and stubbornness to anything that challenges their delusions betrays them every single time lmfao

>> No.13403148

>all righties do is try to act intellectual
It’s the exact opposite, lefties say they are intelligent all day while right wingers actually prove it by btfoing the left.

>> No.13403151

but where does poetry fit into all this?

>> No.13403160

I can picture the downwardly-mobile middle-class American tool that watches PJW and Molimeme and shills for billionaires for free that made that picture. If he actually read wealth of nations, origin of species, the republic and das kapital he wouldn't be such an absolute embarrassment as to put a mein kampf and the selfish gene anywhere near those other books

>> No.13403172
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entertainment is an activity for women only, in order to sell them ideas and goods

>> No.13403174

nice cope

>> No.13403177

Why would those books make you reject mein kampf? I think it and origin of species strike a common chord.

>> No.13403179

Mein Kampf is not only the most historically significant book of all time, but is also the most crucial read of all time, since it introduces the JQ, the virus the West has suffered since literally Ancient Rome.
I say this as someone who leans way more left than right and identifies (if you please) as a Marxist. Mein Kampf is an absolutely necessary read, even if a bunch of trailer trash troglodytes ruin its reputation.

>> No.13403185

It’s not cope lol, lie some more I know it’s only natural for you lefty. You’re always trying to say lefties are more intelligent, as if intelligence were your credibility and nobody can question your thoughts.

>> No.13403187
File: 10 KB, 300x300, Wagner with hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagner's love of the famous pessimist Schopenhauer is understood so beautifully in Wagner' letters as I shall quote one from Wagner to king Ludwig -

"My King, I am not well: life has become a burden for me, and my artistic labours are far from easy. The whole effort, moreover, of reviving so strange a work as Tristan has left me very tired. What depresses me is not the malice of the world -- but the extreme difficulty of working effectively and creatively, so that I feel like a stranger, almost like a fool, in this world of ours, and in this century" - Munich, 5 July 1865.

Often telling Liszt in letters that he wished to die. The tormented artist, Wagner was everything his Opera's expressed and more.

>> No.13403197

the absolute state of this board lmao

>> No.13403201

Can you help me recall which Wagner piece it were that about seven minutes in or so has a great silver ~CLONG~ that resounds suddenly and shockingly and precedes a misty, awful silence?

>> No.13403236

Is this the very first prelude? Prelude to an act 2? etc.

>> No.13403272

No, found it https://youtu.be/YfprcvuHoG8?t=116

>> No.13403318

good on ya anon

>> No.13403338

Mindblown at the sheer genius of this piece, Wagner has to be top three artists of all time. Maybe Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Wagner.

>> No.13403418

Honestly I'd put him at the very top. What would you put in top 5?

I would go

1. Wagner
2. Michelangelo
3. Shakespeare (so generally agree with your choices yea)
4. Bach
5. ??? (by the time you get here there are so many contenders.

Also do you want to see a photo of Wagner when he is 31 and a painting of him when he is 30? Both extremely rare. The prior photo hasn't even been officially accepted as it is a daguerreotype. Here's one of Schopenhauer in the early 1840's from memory.

And yea no one compares to Wagner. Speak German?

>> No.13403426

Literature is a weak form for aesthetic beauty. Switch to cinema, retards!

>> No.13403438
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forgot pic

>> No.13403592

>you can't compare them like that.
He just did

>> No.13403642

Nah if you're chad it just makes you seem cultured

>> No.13403832

>no mozart

>> No.13403905

He's great anon don't get me wrong but in the musical world he comes 4th
1. Wagner
2. Bach
3. Beethoven
4. Mozart

Now I had to admit an equal amount of non musicians for fairness as Shakespeare and Michelangelo are deserving of those spots. If I didn't put Raphael or Da Vinci there I would put Mozart - happy?

>> No.13404020

Yeah, no one outside 4chan autists would even argue about fiction/non fiction, at least not in the retarded way OP is doing it

>> No.13404046

Narrative is subservient to visual language in film. Only literature places narrative above all else and allows the reader to inhabit the psychology of its characters better than any other medium.

>> No.13404053

Goethe probably. Or Homer if he's actually a real guy.

>> No.13404067

Yea probably one of those two, if Homer is real his ingenuity was greater so probably him but then again Goethe as an artist is superior so hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Do out of 10 anon. Also going to bed now so I will read it tomorrow.

>> No.13404078

I've had normalfag friends tell the exact same things the Chad from the OP is saying.

>> No.13404113

good nonfiction
>primary source material like invoices, diaries, public statues
>interviews, case studies
>history of niche topics such as textile development, rocket fuel, particularly interesting people
>manuals and textbooks, cookbooks
>philosophy, as in the OP
>current scientific research
>wildlife encyclopedias, map collections, statistics, etc

bad nonfiction
>political pop lit, essentially very long opinion blogposts
>Eat Pray Love: How I Found Jesus
>any history for non-specialists
>self-help bullshit

>> No.13404172

Based friends

>> No.13404196

The Selfish Gene is good though

>> No.13404260
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, JBP Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tfw you hear Jordan Peterson laugh about a story of a woman getting chopped up by a chainsaw