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/lit/ - Literature

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13399809 No.13399809 [Reply] [Original]

If you were to spend twenty hours a week doing nothing but writing, how quickly could you churn out top tier novels?

>> No.13399816

I do that now. I finish first drafts in 3 months usually, but my stuff is generally long (150K words+). I wouldn’t call them top tier, but enjoy reading them a few months later.

>> No.13399970
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I'm writing a novel about a NEET, hikkikomori in first person. He eventually gets a job but everything becomes so stressful he kills his own brother and has to spend the rest of his life in jail, and that's where the novel starts, with him writing his memoirs in confinement. Here are the first paragraphs.


I write this in confinement. The trial by which I have been deemed guilty for the murder of one of my close relatives has condemned me to life in prison. The pleas I have made to the judge have all been rejected. During the trial, I had been advised by my lawyer to plead for insanity, but I’ve refused to do such a thing. I do not consider myself to be insane, and find myself, today as much as of the time of the trial, to be of sound body and mind. All that I’m about to record in these Memoirs has been true. Even those fantastic occurrences, be it of fate or else, that seem impossible to any man of scientific and rational mind are to be believed, for I write this with no intention to excuse myself or to change the opinion of anyone who might encounter this text regarding my innocence or guilt of the crime committed. Nevertheless, I’m positively sure that some of you might find that what I am about to write are only but the ramblings of an insane man pleading for the reconsideration, or at least the rehabilitation, of a man in jail, and that you believe the reason why I write it is in order to make myself seem more humane or worthy of pity or your sympathy. I assure you that this is not the case. These memoirs will be excruciatingly and brutally honest and sincere, and I will hide no wrongdoings or unfavorably-looking facts and thoughts of mine in any attempt to flatter myself. What I will write will be the harsh and honest truth, and even though some of you might find me detestable, or simply miserably pathetic, unworthy of anything closely related to pity, I will not change or in any way alter the facts and what I’ve encountered(John 8:32).

>> No.13399976


>> No.13399977

I don't think I ever would, I basically do that with my blog (more like a couple hours a week) and it's just incoherent incel ranting.

>> No.13399981
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I assure you, with God as my witness, that the following accounts are all true, and that I write them as they show themselves in my mind and as I remember them. The real reason why I write this, however, is not so that it can be read widely be the public (that which I detest so much!) but simply in order to ease my mind, and to, hopefully, avoid me from going insane, while at the same time making a record of my experiences and my life so that, if it really does come a time by which I shall lose my mind, my by-then invalid, demented mind will be able to at least recollect what I once used to be.

The following texts are a collection that would, more or less, reflect my experiences and thoughts about the short life I’ve been forced to live and the discomforting events that have ultimately led me to live the rest of my time confined. They are, in a sense, a reflection of everything that I’ve ever known, about this Life, the World and everything else that this prisoner can recount that has at least a little importance that warrants being written here. So, without further ado, to whomever this might concern, be it one of my prison inmates (if any of them even bother to read even a little), or the judge, some stranger, or nobody at all, here are my memoirs.

>> No.13399983

The style reminds me of a psuedo 19th century werewolf story more than something a modern NEET would write.

>> No.13400005
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>The style reminds me of a psuedo 19th century werewolf story more than something a modern NEET would write.
He's a cultivated NEET, ok? Also, this is my first time writing so cut me some slack, please.

>> No.13400020

Good luck, but please remove the trip code

>> No.13400030

>top tier
Well, then the 10,000 hour rule would kick in. It only takes like 20 hours to become mediocre at something OP. Buy a few books on grammar, but save the cat and poetics. Then start churning work out. A story a day. Edited. With a cover. Start with 3000 words. Move up incrementally from there. With 20 hours tucked away you could be producing and throwing stuff up on amazon pretty quickly.

>> No.13400033

I am cutting you slack. That was just a comment, I could be meaner but that's probably not going to help you. You should try to find a writing group with people who's tastes or output you respect rather than get shit talked here in the void.