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13399590 No.13399590 [Reply] [Original]

>He hasn't read Whitehead

>> No.13399601
File: 15 KB, 285x252, fat neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posts pictures of news people talking heads and not classical reaction images

>> No.13399611

Please don't make Tucker the Whitehead mascot.

>> No.13399615

why bother when he failed to address Parmenides? Whiteheads whole project is a failed attempt at cope

>> No.13399626

that fucking face of fake consternation. it's just a fucking trick but it pisses me off. wish one of his guess would flash him the exact face back to see how he would react, like a game of chicken to see who will drop it first.

>> No.13399697
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>dude the whole universe is a motionless block
he was already btfo by the scientific community there is no reason for him to address this mental retardation. process is a more accurate way of seeing things, deal with it retard.

>> No.13399709
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>he was already btfo by the scientific community

>> No.13399821

>dude shit flows lmao dis be sum deep shied

>> No.13399827

Block universe is the preferred interpretation of special relativity among physicists who are concerned with such things

>> No.13399834

>he's an illuminati shill trying to influence /lit/ to read the new flavor of the month meme philosopher

Beside this guy's whitehead meme folder is his Deleuze meme folder

caveat emptor

>> No.13399835

>muh scientism
What an absolute brainlet post, you can't make determinations about the immutable principles governing reality based on instruments that only attempt to measure the contingent manifestations of said principles. The funny thing is that scientists aren't even proving Whitehead right but are actually indirectly coming around to monism, the 'quantum foam' explanation so many have seized upon as of late is just their way of backtracking and admitting that the ether really does exist but without explicitly acknowledging they were wrong.

>> No.13399910

What's up with the Tucker posting?

>> No.13400105

It's the hot new meme, Tucker is at the forefront of the Zeitgeist, making naz-bol respectable in the mainstream, going from praising ideas of Bernie one day to implicitly arguing for an ethnostate the next. From averting a war with Iran with a timely phonecall to president Trump, to dunking on smarmy kikes like Ben Shapiro, to debunking progressive sacred cows, there is nothing he can't do. The man is on fire, even leftists like Jimmy Dore praise him constantly and say he is a better source of information for what's really going on than anyone else on cable tv. The smooth-talking enigma, nobody can pin hin down, every day pushing the boundties of what can be said on tv. And that's not even going into his recent NYT-beatseller book on the causes of America's decline. He will probably run for president and win in 2028

>> No.13400223

stay mad degenerate

>> No.13400358

You ever see the video of the guy who finds tucked in like central park fly fishing? Dude seems kind of based irl.

>> No.13400366


>> No.13400784


>> No.13401205

This right here
>well, it feels like things are moving so I'm just going to assume they are and abstract away from this assumption willy-nilly
He simply couldn't contend with the Eleatic doctrine.

>> No.13401210
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>> No.13401222

who's the big head in the background

>> No.13401226


>> No.13401232

Based and Being-pilled

>> No.13401246

Except it is observable in every fact of life. The universe being a motionless block is some bull shit made up by mystics that is not experienced by anything.

>> No.13401298
File: 2.30 MB, 1950x1110, retroactivelyBTFO2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its supposed to look like whitehead is a pimple.
im trying to get good at gimp2

>> No.13401350

Neither does the worldview that sees the world as "flux" or "process" hold a monopoly on experience, nor is that which doesn't the realm of the mystic. As another anon remarked: with time science increasingly reduces the universe into increasingly fewer eternal and ontologically prior superstructures and fields. Parmenides will be vindicated.

>> No.13401433

>He hasn't read Świętochowski

>> No.13401494

based and lmao-pilled

>> No.13402686

I'm not really familiar with Tucker Carlson, I'm sure he has some dumb conservative opinions I would disagree with but from this video he seems like a pretty good guy

>> No.13402694

No one here has.

>> No.13402838
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>the 'quantum foam' explanation so many have seized upon as of late is just their way of backtracking and admitting that the ether really does exist but without explicitly acknowledging they were wrong.
That's only because the higher level is too complicated to study in full and the doctrine of mathematics and physics, which influence science at large, is to seek simplicity and generality. Consider not just the complexity of basic generalised phenomena, but the complexity of an organism, which biology barely scratches the surface of and yet still has dozens of different levels and angles for a single thing just to get a useful idea of how it works, let alone a truthful one.

Just because these tendencies are in place doesn't mean either have any bearing on how things 'really' are. It's more that they're part of the same tradition, the same doctrine.

>Male supermodel Pietro Boselli talks openly about his true passions: maths, turbines and the number eight
>When and why did you choose engineering over maths?
>I always loved maths for its purity, and physics for its beauty. But I soon realised how innovation in these fields now pushes into metaphysics and it has become something that will be discussed in philosophy books in the future, when all theories will have been confuted. I am very creative and too much “hands on” for this sort of endeavour, and I realised this very soon too. Engineering seemed like the perfect choice for me, since it allowed me to use the maths and physics I loved, to create things that “work in real life”.

>> No.13404111


>> No.13404465

you own the libs with grace and the will of heaven behind you, my lord.

>> No.13404591
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The same trend is noticeable in the scientific realm: research here is for its own sake far more than for the partial and fragmentary results it achieves; here we see an ever more rapid succession of unfounded theories and hypotheses, no sooner set up than crumbling to give way to others that will have an even shorter life— a veritable chaos amid which one would search in vain for anything definitive, unless it be a monstrous accumulation of facts and details incapable of proving or signifying anything. We refer here of course to speculative science, insofar as this still exists; in applied science there are on the contrary undeniable results, and this is easily understandable since these results bear directly on the domain of matter, the only domain in which modern man can boast any real superiority. It is therefore to be expected that discoveries, or rather mechanical and industrial inventions, will go on developing and multiplying more and more rapidly until the end of the present age; and who knows if, given the dangers of destruction they bear in themselves, they will not be one of the chief agents in the ultimate catastrophe, if things reach a point at which this cannot be averted?

Be that as it may, one has the general impression that, in the present state of things, there is no longer any stability; but while there are some who sense the danger and try to react to it, most of our contemporaries are quite at ease amid this confusion, in which they see a kind of exteriorized image of their own mentality. Indeed there is an exact correspondence between a world where everything seems to be in a state of mere ‘becoming’, leaving no place for the changeless and the permanent, and the state of mind of men who find all reality in this ‘becoming’, thus implicitly denying true knowledge as well as the object of that knowledge, namely transcendent and universal principles. One can go even further and say that it amounts to the negation of all real knowledge whatsoever, even of a relative order, since, as we have shown above, the relative is unintelligible and impossible without the absolute, the contingent without the necessary, change without the unchanging, and multiplicity without unity; ‘relativism’ is self-contradictory, for, in seeking to reduce everything to change, one logically arrives at a denial of the very existence of change; this was fundamentally the meaning of the famous arguments of Zeno of Elea.

>> No.13404595

However, we have no wish to exaggerate and must add that theories such as these are not exclusively encountered in modern times; examples are to be found in Greek philosophy also, the ‘universal flux’ of Heraclitus being the best known; indeed, it was this that led the school of Elea to combat his conceptions, as well as those of the atomists, by a sort of reductio ad absurdum. Even in India, something comparable can be found, though, of course, considered from a different point of view from that of philosophy, for Buddhism also developed a similar character, one of its essential theses being the ‘dissolubility of all things ’. These theories, however, were then no more than exceptions, and such revolts against the traditional outlook, which may well have occurred from time to time throughout the whole of the Kali-Yuga, were, when all is said and done, without wider influence; what is new is the general acceptance of such conceptions that we see in the West today.

It should be noted too that under the influence of the very recent idea of ‘progress’, ‘philosophies of becoming’ have, in modern times, taken on a special form that theories of the same type never had among the ancients: this form, although it may have multiple varieties, can be covered in general by the name ‘evolutionism’. We need not repeat here what we have already said elsewhere on this subject; we will merely recall the point that any conception allowing for nothing other than ‘becoming’ is thereby necessarily a ‘naturalistic’ conception, and, as such, implies a formal denial of whatever lies beyond nature, in other words the realm of metaphysics— which is the realm of immutable and eternal principles. We may point out also, in speaking of these anti-metaphysical theories, that the Bergonian idea of pure duration’ corresponds exactly with that dispersion in instantaneity to which we alluded above; a pretended intuition modeled on the ceaseless flux of the things of the senses, far from being able to serve as an instrument for obtaining true knowledge, represents in reality the dissolution of all possible knowledge.

>> No.13404601

This leads us to repeat an essential point on which not the slightist ambiguity must be allowed to persist: intellectual intuition, by which alone metaphysical knowledge is to be obtained, has absolutely nothing in common with this other ‘intuition’ of which certain contemporary philosophers speak: the latter pertains to the sensible realm and in fact is sub-rational, whereas the former, which is pure intelligence, is on the contrary supra-rational. But the moderns, knowing nothing higher than reason in the order of intelligence, do not even conceive of the possibility of intellectual intuition, whereas the doctrines of the ancient world and of the Middle Ages, even when they were no more than philosophical in character, and therefore incapable of effectively calling this intuition into play, nevertheless explicitly recognized its existence and its supremacy over all the other faculties. This is why there was no rationalism before Descartes, for rationalism is a specifically modern phenomenon, one that is closely connected with individualism, being nothing other than the negation of any faculty of a supra- individual order. As long as Westerners persist in ignoring or denying intellectual intuition, they can have no tradition in the true sense of the word, nor can they reach any understanding with the authentic representatives of the Eastern civilizations, in which everything, so to speak, derives from this intuition, which is immutable and infallible in itself, and the only starting-point for any development in conformity with traditional norms

>> No.13404709

he is literally saying nothing all complaining and vitrol
"duude you cant even real knowledge man you moderns are so ignorant!!! we esotericists have true understanding."
go read actual philosophy

>> No.13404979
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Whiteheads idea amount to a pretended intuition modeled on the ceaseless flux of the things of the senses, which far from being able to serve as an instrument for obtaining true knowledge, represents in reality the dissolution of all possible knowledge.

>> No.13405073

from the memes Whitehead sounds like a little bit of a Nietzschean, is this correct?

>> No.13405548

what is "true knowledge?" this literally doesnt mean anything.

>> No.13406030


>> No.13406640


>> No.13407968

>Heraclitus said everything flows bruh!

>> No.13408012

Yeah he is, Panta Rhei is his second most famous quote.
I hate the situation where Hermeneutics abused as some kind of magic making truth to false. The kind of Gadamer would not agree with making it false in solipsism way.
You should interpret as the process of Horizontverschmelzung, which is literally the most normal way to get through the text

>> No.13408024

Tucker is an absolutely amazing person who is as fearless as he is elegant in his bearing.


>> No.13408070


>> No.13408084


Reeeaaal elegant and wholesome. Just because someone's had some mediatraining doesn't mean they can't be a shit human being.

>> No.13408135

To play the devil’s advocate, Tucker has to represent an established agency against a socialist martyr in this video. Tucker made some excellent points and the historian retorted and backpedaled a bit.

Granted, it was not elegant in the slightest.

>> No.13408167

>thanks for being the only guy on the network willing to give me a hearinh, now let me use it to make you regret this immediately with my gay bush-era self-righteous diatribe

>> No.13408190

my favourite tucker carlson segment

>> No.13408194

Those darn kylograms

>> No.13408233

Why do liberals and lefties (redundant, because they're both the same thing these days) inflate the influence of Fox? The conservatives have one (1) news network, the progressives have everything else; not to mention academia and the lion's share of cultural capital. Why can't they just admit that Power, the establishment, is on their side?

>> No.13408239

fox is the most viewed news network in america so its not overblowing it to say its an influential network

>> No.13408284

>so its not overblowing
It really is. Even if I high-ball them at 30% of cable news viewers and say that 100% of this 30% represents viewers that exclusively watch Fox, who holds the rest of the views?

>> No.13408369

>the most viewed network in america isn't influential
nigga you joking lmao, why are you defending Fox news for free?

>> No.13408396

Never claimed it wasn't influential, just not as influential as the aggregate of CNN, MSNBC etc. Why are you being a faggot for free?

>> No.13408403
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>name is whitehead
>is black in real life
life, eh?

>> No.13408411

>unironically being a boomer on /lit/ and complaining about muh MSNBC and muh CNN
you have to go back to your republican facebook group your love for Fox will be appreciated there

>> No.13408434

I'm not complaining about CNN and MSNBC, I'm complaining about the progressives' willful ignorance towards the institutional support they receive from establishment media mega corporations.

>> No.13408447

>he thinks MSNBC and CNN are "progressive" and not just neoliberal status quo enforcers
yeah you need to go back for sure now

>> No.13408449

>Implying progressives are not just being herded into consumer/capital friendly ideological pens.

>> No.13408466

>he thinks that progressivsm and neoliberalism are two different things
>he thinks victimary sentiment isn't status quo

>> No.13408471

>literally everything i dont like is all just one ideology called "progressive"
how convenient for you boomer

>> No.13408482

>two processes cannot have the same cause
Simply embarrassing.

>> No.13408492

>'s jus poor ol Fox n me against te homos that control the neoliberal apparatus

>> No.13408493

>dude CNN and Marxism is like the same thing
were you born in like 1955? Imagine how retarded youd think i was if i said evola and fox news were the same thing

>> No.13408507

>trans rights is Marxism
Lmao at least you admit to the assimilation of the left by liberalism. Not once have a bought-up Marxism. Absolutely rent-free

>> No.13408517

yeah you should learn how greentexting works before you make yourself look silly grandpa

>> No.13408527

Have sex incel

>> No.13408532

nigga make me

>> No.13408538

>what is the singular, indivisible, and partless, Quantum Field.

>> No.13408540
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Imagine believing that neoliberalism has nothing to do with the victimary narrative being shoved down our throats 24/7

>> No.13408573

>victimary narrative
what the hell is a victimary narrative you conservatives are screaming about all the time? Is it how rainbows designed to expand into a childless market with heaps of disposable income is somehow a personal attack on you?

>> No.13408619

Neither am I a conservative nor personally attacked. An no, it's much more than that. If you have had sex you would understand.

>> No.13408719

sounds like you're seething cause you saw a rainbow

>> No.13409241

when are people gonna realize that conflicting definitions gets subsumed into a larger holding container that contains both of them effortlessly?

>> No.13409256

didnt he get btfo by wyndham lewis in like 1930