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/lit/ - Literature

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13399223 No.13399223 [Reply] [Original]

Why does America, a dumb cultureless country filled with dumb tasteless petit bourgeois philistines, have such great writers?
>Henry James
>William James

>> No.13399254

People forget that the USA has the third largest population in the world. The same reason China and India have their reputations that are perpetuated by a tiny sliver of the bell-curve. Lots of money means lots of freedom to explore lifestyles that traditionally were unsustainable.

>> No.13399266


>> No.13399267

Then how come China and India have shit literature and the best literature comes from France, Austria, and Ireland?

>> No.13399281

>China and India have shit literature

>> No.13399283

>have shit literature
They don't. You just don't know about it because they're culturally & regionally more distant.

>> No.13399289

>France, Austria, and Ireland
Yes, they have good literature, but it's just gay to make everything into a dick-waving contest, especially in regards to stuff you are uninformed about.

>> No.13399296

The Chinese and Indians are bugmen with no literary soul, prove me wrong.

>> No.13399303

Maybe you should stop ingesting memes and start ingesting bleach

>> No.13399308


>> No.13399310
File: 66 KB, 381x353, 1542222714679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13399324

None of these writers are great. Some of them are quite good, but none of them are truly masters.

>> No.13399354

Henry James, Faulkner, Austen, Salinger, Melville, Pynchon, Gass, Whitman, Dickinson, Crane, Stevens, Gaddis are great faggot

>> No.13399358

There's a quote by an Iranian film critic who said (paraphrased) "The US can afford to export any kind of image they want in the same way that your boss can show up to work in sandals and a t-shirt and you cannot." World superpowers don't care to curate their image to the rest of the world. That's the only reason you think Norway or France are the best countries in the world and India/China/US/Russia are filled with subhumans.

>> No.13399368

He’s right about China, since Mao there hasn’t been a real great Chinese writer

>> No.13399374

Cause ure from America and have no better exposure

>> No.13399376

Because Mao and his regime killed off any great writer and made sure no others would come about in the future.

>> No.13399388
File: 804 KB, 1000x578, John-Dos-Passos-Interview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absence of John Dos Passos from all these lists never fails to sadden me

>> No.13399398

The US is literally filled with subhumans though

>> No.13399406

What's the film critic's name?

>> No.13399465

Bad b8

>> No.13399529

Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa - it was in a book she had cowritten about Abbas Kiarostami, I don't remember exactly where in it.

>> No.13399559

Easy answer? European tradition

>> No.13399579

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

>> No.13399842

Only one way you could make this mistake

>> No.13399857

I feel like Steinbeck is criminally underrated on this board. His books never fail to stir me up emotionally. I remember East of Eden having a real profound effect on the way I looked at things after I read it.

>> No.13399862

>since mao
why the arbitrary standard? some of the authors OP listed were before mao

>> No.13401140

Please be bait

>> No.13401311
File: 573 KB, 1110x1600, grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, East of Eden and The Grapes of Wrath great.

>> No.13401320
File: 3.91 MB, 1013x2189, lit top 100 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So underrated he got three books on the top 100 last year.

>> No.13401336

America wasn't dumb and cultureless until Reconstruction and the Industrial Revolution. Anyone good after that era was clinging to vestiges of the Victorian era & frontier mythos.

>> No.13401387

postmodern american lit is kino

>> No.13401534


>> No.13401578

>literally no one can name a Chinese or Indian author to prove the anons wrong

This is how I know you're all stupid and talking out your asses. Too late to post one now as surely you angry brainlets will now look up 'famous authors China' on Google to save face. You must now face the fact forever that you are pseud morons. So long, morons!

>> No.13401599



>> No.13402367

And yet we're better than the entire rest of the world, and could bend them over and fuck them all in the ass simultaneously at will. Curious.

>> No.13402383

Why does everyone pretend it's just America. You aren't going to go to some other country and everyone will all of a sudden be any different.

>> No.13402806

Because people can afford to travel easier due to the popularity of cars and highways, which were unseen to the rest of the world. This bred greater travel and a culture surrounding it which helped form experiences in many people that support the required components needed to make good writing.

>> No.13402830

>a dumb cultureless country filled with dumb tasteless petit bourgeois philistines
That’s just the current state of affairs and I seriously don’t get why people complain about this being a USA thing when the entire first world is like that, and if you’re from the third world things are even worse.

>> No.13402884


People like to imagine that somewhere in the world there is a place where people are simultaneously more sophisticated and down to earth creating the most tasteful artists and writers

If you traveled a bit you’d know the entire planet is a shithole filled with drooling NPCs with a few cool or interesting people sprinkled around.

>> No.13403243

Yes, but that's the consequence of the generational efforts of enterprising white men. The only reason America is still a superpower is because it still has the infrastructure and so forth that our forefathers set in motion. But make no mistake, America is in a death spiral in every way, culturally, economically, demographically, and to think we're currently "better than the rest of the world" is ridiculous. There was a time when that was very true, in fact not even that long ago, less than two decades ago, it was probably still true. But it's very much not the case any more.

>> No.13403290

>There was a time when that was very true, in fact not even that long ago, less than two decades ago, it was probably still true. But it's very much not the case any more.
What has dramatically changed in America between 1999 and 2019 to make this true though? I find it hard to believe that this type of infrastructure decay can set in in such a short time span.

>> No.13403304

i don't see any great writers today?

>> No.13403309


>> No.13403311

The reason? They're not dead yet.

>> No.13403330

It's a very multifaceted issue if your question is "what are the causes", but it's not hard to see the rot in question.
What you can think of as the great catalyst was the Hart-Cellar Act, the ramifications of which we've only really started feeling the past couple decades.
But in general it's a combination of cultural decline, violently transforming demographics, and the fact that plans that were set out hundreds of years ago by Kalergi are starting to take shape not just in America, but in the whole West.

>> No.13403349


he's talking about the mental, physical, and spiritual decay you fool, not in buildings or technology