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13395137 No.13395137 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s take on The Satanic Bible?

>> No.13395143

Never read it. What's it about?

>> No.13395146

pretty devilish if you ask me

>> No.13395147

Extremely cringe and blue-pilled
>do whatever you want but don't hurt people
At least other religions have the balls to say it's okay to throw gays of buildings

>> No.13395168

A spawn of some CIA/DOD program or other, just like most similar stuff.

>> No.13395177

>it's okay to throw gays of buildings
Who says this?

>> No.13395178
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>> No.13395188

certainly not Christianity which you have been programmed to hate

>> No.13395201

ISIL of course *<;^)

>> No.13395284

afaik the homosexual act is against the sharia, not the matter of whether the person is an homosexual or not.
There's also supposed to be a number of credible eyewitness accounts and a judge, it's not so simple as: he gay, chuck him off a building.

>> No.13395336

So-called Satanism doesn't have any of that cool shit so it's worse
Really what's the point of following your hedonistic pleasures if you can't do 'bad things'
It's like the religion a child would make

>> No.13395337

it's just randianism in a halloween costume

>> No.13395372

Is this connected with the satanic panic?

>> No.13395383
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>be Satan, angel in heaven
>tired of all your sycophantic peers endlessly worshipping god
>start to wonder whether you were all just created to satisfy the sick narcissistic urges of a cosmic tyrant
>refuse to bow down to him out of principle, knowing that you will have to face consequences
>get thrown down to earth, where you find Adam and Eve and tell them the truth about the tree of knowledge. ie. that it will not kill you on the day you eat it like god says, but will grant you divine knowledge
>your words get confirmed when they eat it and don't die and god laments that they have "become like gods"
>spend your existence trying to show god's creation that they are merely his playthings, and that he is a cruel tyrant
>face ubiquitous scorn and eternal torture but persevere steadfastly in your opposition to god

holy shit bros, has there been a more based figure in history than Lucifer?

>> No.13395413

I forget which prophet was it that the devil asked what he must do for repentance, and the prophet was told that the devil must go to the place of the grave of Adam the father of mankind, and the devil must ask God to forgive him and prostrate himself before the grave.
And the devil refused, but if he would do that, God will forgive him.

>> No.13395419

>tfw I loved Christianity until I got on 4chan and talked to actual Christians

>> No.13395461


>> No.13395466


>> No.13395471

>take Might is Right
>remove racist bits
>add Satan

>> No.13395482

extremely gay and impossibly jewish

>> No.13395483

Satanic panic was just a gut reaction against various forms of state-funded propaganda where people could sense something was off, so it's tangentially related. I don't think the satanism scare was the end goal of satanism promotion if that's what you mean.

>> No.13395516

My assumption is that some of the unforseen results did not match exactly with the end goal intention of the promotion of Satanism. If that makes sense.

>> No.13395552
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This is correct.
Somewhat. The satanic panic began as a mass hysteria based on the findings of ritual abuse and child abductions. It was then directed toward the Church of Satan. The lectures by Ted Gunderson will really show a side to this story that will make it a bit clearer what was (and is still) going on. You'll find many of the fringe conspiracies floating around have some very disturbing validity to them.

The CoS did indeed have connections to the CIA and other "higher-up" organizations and was more than a mere (as said by Michael Aquaino) "social carnival". Most cultic-type organizations have very strange connections to governmental or celebrity/big-wig type organizations. If one were to take time to see how these are related to Freemasonry, you'll begin to see the bigger picture. This is mostly /x/-tier material, but for obvious reasons you're not going to see this discussed on that board. Surprisingly /pol/ occasionally has very legit threads on this and related topics.

The books themselves are nothing new, philosophically. I'd say the spooky aesthetic was what drew eccentric (and mostly secular) people in. The more "legitimately" spiritual practices of the organisation started becoming less of a priority, so one of the co-founders Michael Aquaino (mentioned above), branched off and started his own organization, the Temple of Set.
I have most of the books attributed to LaVey. I don't agree with any of it, but his works are interesting nonetheless. The study of how organizations evolve and influence other later organizations is quite interesting. Especially when you see that many of them have unlikely connections, and many are also involved in black market practices.

>> No.13395558

It's basic bitch secularism with bits of Rand, Stirner, and Nietzsche thrown in.

>> No.13396065

Randian here, it's actually a cheap rehashing of Nietzsche just LaVay wanted to piggyback off Rand's iconoclasm to American christfags.

>> No.13396114
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>> No.13396150

It's mids compared to the Book of Mormon and the Talmud.

>> No.13396281

It's a pretty funny satire.

>> No.13396790

t. muslim

>> No.13396794

doesn't sound canonical but based if true. good and evil are not symmetrical forces

>> No.13396836
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This is the cultured mans choice

>> No.13396888

Why did Anton Szandor LaVey change his name from Howard Stanton Levey? Was he trying to obscure his Jewish ethnicity for some reason?

>> No.13396899

I found it to be very contradictory.

>> No.13396905

lameo tbqh with u senpai
The "satanic rules" are just common sense repackaged.
Also it all still plays into abrahamic dualism.
The author even wore a costume of the usual image of red devil; i mean just do it right, wear the costume of Pan - for that is where the whole image originated from. Even Crowley recognized that and went direct to the source in his writings

Heck lots of occult writings are much more interesting. Just open the Goetia. People even has results with it than this little "satanic bible".

>> No.13397659


>> No.13397785

This. LaVey's """satanism""" is the most bluepilled religion to ever exist

>> No.13397995

So much this. And apart from ONA, Ford’s books and rituals are much better than anything CoS ever published (even if they are still somewhat shitty, and not that well informed on persian tradition. And vampirism is kind of cringy.) ONA are/were true satanists, cos are edgy secularists perfectly fitting in our times spirit. Laveys ingnorance showing theough his „bible” is frankly distasteful.

>> No.13398054

>actual Christians
>on 4chan

I'm the most christian person on this website and I'm an atheistic Jew.

>> No.13398197

tragic waste of perfectly good trees

>> No.13398239

They made a pretty bad name for themselves. For some reason the criticism is isolated on Nazism, which is not untrue, but it's one 'recommendation' from them. Also the edgy fuckers using ONA and Nazism at the same time to just be edgy, I guess.

>> No.13398259


>> No.13398589

Well any kind of extremism will do as long as it destabilises current judeochristian state of things according to ONA. Its also necessery as a part of self initiation process afaik. Acts that alienate you from mass society that is. Sounds kind of edgy, but so does satanism itself i guess. Its extremely elitist but in nietzschean, not hedonistic/humanitarian/decadent sense like laveys spooky atheism. Its more honest imo

>> No.13398985

As I said, they specifically isolate Nazism as most members choose that 'aspect' of it. I didn't read everything by ONA, obviously (The Big-ass ONA Collection has over 8000 pages), but I did read some of it like the septenary system of which I liked the most as it's something similar to my belief of the Apokatastasis, or the occult bucket list.

>> No.13398998

Spiritual LARPing for edgelords.

>> No.13399034

>>do whatever you want but don't hurt people
that is the part I do not understand. people always do what they want, to say that you don't is self trickery. to elaborate, when a child follows their parents orders/suggestions, they choose to. the child perceives that life is full of choices and these choices are perceived by the child as 'too much to handle', so the child goes with the path of least resistance, which is to follow their parents.

>> No.13400717

LaVeyan satanism is pretty much "you can be a baddie but only in ur head!! don't hurt people! :3".
If you want to follow luciferian beliefs just accept moral nihilism and do whatever you want.

>> No.13400772

It means rebel. The idea with a child would be that the child is disobedient by not doing what the parents want. Don't do as you're told, as it were.

>> No.13400780

Lmfaaaao autist

>> No.13400924

Sometimes I wonder how often hedonists have cognitive dissonance episodes where they ask themselves how can they justify their ethics just by "feel good" logic, which magically must have a touch of empathy where no lines are drawn.

I think violence is a bit of a too narrow view on the idea, though. Criminals are capable of merciless violence, too. But they're most likely not capable of blowing themselves up or starving themselves to death voluntarily, for example. Any religion that really allows you to pierce through your own instincts and do shit that selfish, pseudo-nihilistic/hedonistic westerners can't is better than this blue pill bullshit. Hell, if you wanna go for a non-theistic religion, at least pick one that's been developed for thousands of years, like buddhism or jainism.
Christianity requires way too much virtue for most people to follow. You probably talk to people who nitpick the parts of the bible with the weakest moral imperatives, as opposed to when Jesus actually sits down to talk, and when he acts upon his own actions (don't accuse me of violating the holy trinity since no, I don't treat Jesus and God's actions and imperatives under the same weight; if I wanted to follow the old testament I'd be an orthodox Jew).

>> No.13400938

LaVey never meant to do anything but to satirize the church. It was just a prank, as the youth would say nowadays.

>> No.13400939

*acts upon what he preaches

>> No.13401245

so when a child is presented with a choice, to do as the child wants or as it is told, the child has a choice. choice one to do what the child wants or choice two, if life it two much for the child then the child goes with the easy way out and follows orders. both are choices and the child made a choice.
so according to Levayan satanism it would be, dont be a bitch, even if life is to much for you. throw yourself into the fear because it is better than the option of choosing the easy way out of being a 'yes man'
would this be the guise?

>> No.13401263

Why is it good to be able to starve yourself or blow yourself up?

>> No.13401348

Well, the choice is really do as you're told or don't do as you're told. That's a more accurate paradigm.
It's not important whether whatever you're being told is beneficial to you or not, the point is to rebel against authority, to not be told what to do, to do as thou wilt.
Personally, I don't think they thought it through.

>> No.13401596

>Well, the choice is really do as you're told or don't do as you're told. That's a more accurate paradigm.
This I can agree with. though the question comes why would you do what your told? continuing to use the child example: the child will do what it is told because A: it views the world as a disarray and chooses the easy way out or B: because the child enjoys the view and role of being someone who can follow orders.
>It's not important whether whatever you're being told is beneficial to you or not,
this is true, the concept of which one being beneficial is irrelevant right now in our conversation
>the point is to rebel against authority, to not be told what to do, to do as thou wilt.
This is were it does not make sense to me. Ok, rebel against authority. so then, if authority asks you to follow them, you do not. this applies as well to not being told what to do. but the last part ' do as thou will' is not a complete thought that fully fits in here. and It goes back to what I was saying originally. some people like to be a good little soldier, that is what they wilt. some people do not, that is what they will. but if the concept is to: rebel against authority AND not to be told what to do AND to do as thou wilt. then such a system of faith does not apply to people who like to go along with the program, those that like the view of themselves as a soldier. Otherwise such a system of belief causes hypocrisy and a bind on the person.

>> No.13401631

It's about living for the sake of an ideal and believing so deeply in it that you no longer care whatever happens with your so cherished life or individualism.

There's nothing good under an individualistic, corporal (empirical, whatever) sense. But you are certainly believing so deeply in this ideal that you have that you can unbind yourself from your more basic instincts and do ridiculous shit. I believe this is what Zizek meant when talking about how a jihadi soldier is living life much more than some guy bombing Iraq from the comfort of his plane. You could swap that for someone piloting a drone from a long distance bombing some middle eastern country. And what I admire about the overarching concept of living for the sake of an ideal is that it's at least consistent with itself. As >>13401596 points out one is quick to notice the flaw in giving free will for people but then tracing arbitrary lines where it's ok to follow it, and where it's not ok not to. As a very simplistic guiding simple for people who don't really think things through, it works out but quickly contradictions shows up.

>> No.13402180

A lot of the Satanic Panic can be traced to “Michelle Remembers,” a book written by a yellow journalist and a schizoid chick to cash in on the horror boom of the 70s/80s. Lots of Christians, lawmakers, and white trash believed it, even though it’s clearly delusional garbage— because white trash, lawmakers, and Christians are all about the delusional garbage. And because journalists never lie, durrrrr...

>> No.13402678

it's just an edgy version of secular humanism (i.e. christianity but with degeneracy allowed)