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13393510 No.13393510 [Reply] [Original]

>every piece of clothing I buy facilitates the oppression of children and their families half a world away
>food and drink I buy supports megacorporations that slowly poison the world through pollution, waste, and abuse of farmers and destruction countless acres of forests and land
>even the entertainment I consume is being monitored by marketing corporations, wishing to find the perfect formula to a "good" book, movie, or show: "good" being defined as something scores of people will watch or read - and this whole process leads to the production of mental filth and low culture that erodes the morals of society and encourages hedonism and carelessness in life
How does one even cope in this nightmare we are living in? The world is full of evil and suffering, yet the vast majority of people seem not to be that bothered by it. I sometimes feel as though I want to eat a bullet, just to be free from the constant barrage of abuse everywhere.
Any /lit/ for this neverending pain? I unironically think I ought to get into communism, but that sometimes feels too cliche

>> No.13393512

>every piece of clothing I buy facilitates the oppression of children and their families half a world away
no it doesnt and who cares. wage cuck grow potatoes and stay inside if it hurts your feefees too much

>> No.13393516

It's best to not think about it, anon. Rest of the world does just that.
Or you could larp and imagine being a revolutionary

>> No.13393521
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>little things that can be addressed with privacy laws and tariffs drive you to communism

>> No.13393527

>Any /lit/ for this neverending pain?
Unironicly the communist manifesto

>> No.13393543
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>thinking that the lizards will allow laws that harm their bottom line
>thinking that any non-commie politician will put the good of society above bundles of cash from the lizards

>> No.13393576
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Take the Tedpill, fuck the commies, the only way this hell will stop is through collapse

>> No.13393585
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>not taking the Sneed (formerly Chuck) pill

>> No.13393599

i feel the same

>> No.13393602

Retreat and seclusion. Get out as soon as you can.

>> No.13393682

>buy used clothes
>buy from Farmers markets
>don't pay for advertisments
If this is really depressing you, why don't you try and change things ya simp?

>> No.13393690


>> No.13393721

>>buy used clothes
This won't do all that much to help the issue, though, as it will only encourage others to buy clothes, knowing that they can just sell them later to a growing market of bleeding heart liberals like me
>>buy from Farmers markets
This sounds like a fair idea, though my gut tells me it never is that simple. I'll look into it, though, so thanks for the suggestions
>>don't pay for advertisments
>If this is really depressing you, why don't you try and change things ya simp?
I am trying, which is why I asked for /lit/ dealing with any of these issues individually, collectively, or otherwise dealing with the pain of life in the present dystopia

>> No.13393729

>worries about third worlders but not your starving neighbor

>> No.13393733

take the clownpill/tedpill or >>13393527

most normal people aka working class people dont have the luxury to worry about these things because they have tons of their own problems to take care of so you could try that too.

>> No.13393753

The main problem is that by making decisions like this your removal from the machine is simply an economic choice that won't effect companies on a mass scale, but if it makes you feel better then it will help.
>used clothes
By buying used clothes at mom and pop shops you are supporting local and removing your money from the major production companies. Good will has some issues, but then we get into the ever spiraling hole. the same goes for
>farmers markets
which is good on its face, supporting local, better quality produce and foods, but what products do they use to grow it? Do they buy seeds and stuff from big corps?

These are the same arguments as to "don't drive as much and recycle stuff!" Its a ploy by corporations to convince you that you can fix the problems they are causing.

>> No.13393765

>Buy used or handmade clothing
>Buy local produce and cook your own food—oe better yet, work on a farm. Rent is often free through organizations like WWOOF, but if you're willing to work, most farmers will put you up with room and board for free, with a great deal of free time.
The last point simply shows your defeatism. Up and out. Cultivate motion, be it spiritual, mental, physical. You have been sealed in the Boats by circumstance and the folly of others, but now you are writhing in your own corruption, not theirs. Kick at the boards. Pry at the sides. You have fingers and arms and teeth—chew, if you have to

>> No.13393770

>This won't do all that much to help the issue, though, as it will only encourage others to buy clothes, knowing that they can just sell them later to a growing market of bleeding heart liberals like me
I don' t think it works like that anon. Not if you are doing it on local scale. Also stop being bleeding heart liberal and try to start with saving your community rather than whole world. Start small, try to do some good and convince the others to help you.

>> No.13393776

chinks don't care about your cummunity

>> No.13393777

It’s not oppression to them and their families anon.
Start your own business.

>> No.13393781

But chinks care about their community.

>> No.13393792

People will accept living in oppression if it is all they have ever known. The fact that we adapt to it doesn't change the fact that it is bad

>> No.13393793

can you only look at the world through your individualist lens? change needs to be systemic and it comes through politics , not because you bought some used t shirt the other day

>> No.13393809

And what gives you the ability to define oppression if you don’t trust them to? The fact that you don’t live in their so called oppression? Fuck off.

>> No.13393813

>niggers didn't revolt, therefore slavery is ethical

>> No.13393815
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Join the revolution my brother.
>govern most of Sub-Saharan Africa
>at least 400+ million people
>ban stuff like Adidas until they confirm to OUR demands
>they will comply because 400 million people market
>regulate culture to filter the mass nu trash shit, create a fertile environment for arts & sciences
>Europe is dead New America
>Africa can still be saved
BLACK BVLLS will be the true inheritors of old European culture. Bring the flame to Africa before it completely dies out!

>> No.13393821
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>> No.13393822

Except they literally did, and comparing slavery to a voluntary transaction is ridiculous.

>> No.13393842

Then thank God that I have only two in my comfy town. Are you by any chance Canadian? If they don't care just leave them and focus on others, simple.

>> No.13393844
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Not to mention how many tribal shitters we can convert to christianity

>> No.13393852

Yeah cuz supporting local business is individualistic
Based historically illiterate anon.

>> No.13393898

>hey, these literal wage slaves living and working under horrible conditions for barely enough money to survive another day, all of whom are only living like this because the only alternative is actual starvation, would definitely not call the western corporations and consumers responsible for the system under which they suffer oppressive!
>how DARE you imply that these people are being abused, you entitled western white savior complex having misogynist!
Unironically neck yourself, disingenous fucko

>> No.13393899

Just become a reactionary and wish you could still buy everything hand-made in your contry.

>> No.13393900

The first two are completely avoidable and one of the virtues of capitalism is the ability to choose and support via consumption things that conform to your morals (ie only buy locally grown organic produce if you want the world to produce more). You could also support it through production but that’s another topic. In a communist society, if the majority decided not to care about something you deemed unethical, you would have not power to change it.

Regarding art and communism, why do you think a system where everyone collectively decides what to produce will create anything but the absolute lowest common denominator trash? Great art in all mediums has only ever been created and curated but small minority. This is why feudalism was so conductive to good art.

>> No.13393995

>living and working under horrible conditions for barely enough money to survive another day
>all of whom are only living like this because the only alternative is actual starvation
>farming doesn’t exist
>fishing doesn’t exist
>small businesses don’t exist
>any other option doesn’t exist
Holy shit you are dumb
>would definitely not call the western corporations and consumers responsible for the system under which they suffer oppressive!
>mitigating suffering by providing workers pay and a purpose in life, so much so that more and more people flock to these factories because they want in on this
>>how DARE you imply that these people are being abused, you entitled western white savior complex having misogynist!
You didn’t answer my question.

>> No.13394006

Imagine being this oversocialized

>> No.13394012

Either you are being disingenuous and trolling, or you are literally the biggest brainlet in this thread.

>> No.13394020
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>> No.13394046
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Pic related, industrial society and its future, and then leaving the country. As soon as I have a high paying job I'll be looking at tickets out of here. I'm not even a leftist but I can't stay in a country that commodifies life itself through the destruction of millions and millions of animals per year through factory farming, hen hatcheries, pet mills, dairy industry, etc, not to mention all the stuff you said. In the meantime you can sell your smartphone, cast out all media except books, and protect your internet use from their prying claws and their soul-destroying advertisements. (Seriously, those are the mental equivalent of second hand smoke) Becoming invisible to them is the only way to break their hold, but this means relinquishing most comforts of the modern world as you know it. This will give you a good starting point.

>> No.13394081

No arguments?

>> No.13394107

If you really aren't aware of the abuses committed by textile and technology companies from the West in countries in Asia, you really shouldn't be commenting about these issues.

>> No.13394118

>instead of explaining the abuses to any ignorant lurkers, anon trots around on his pure white high horse
Some humanitarian

>> No.13394121

Isolated incidents or on a large scale?

>> No.13394150

>starving in a first world country
only possible if you lock yourself in an abandoned public restroom

>> No.13394175

Good fucking God, do you need everything spoon fed to you, or are you able to google shit without anyone holding your hand?
And if reading is too difficult, John fucking Oliver has an episode on the issue
>Isolated incidents or on a large scale?
Most of western interaction with the rest of the world are, to some level, abusive. We live in a new form of imperialism. Not that anyone on 4channel would care, as half the teenagers on this site don't even acknowledge the classical imperialism as bad.

>> No.13394456

>The world is full of evil and suffering, yet the vast majority of people seem not to be that bothered by it.
Being bothered by it without taking actions is even dumber. Live a lifestyle that minimises the suffering you cause and get into a position to help people.

> 400 million people market
You mean like the EU but without actual money?
>regulate culture
>create a fertile environment for arts & sciences
Pick one.
>old European culture
Stop this meme already, Burger-chan. Each European region has a rich culture but there is no universal Yuro culture.

What's with the pretence that small business are somehow more ethical? Small businesses in developed countries tend to fuck over their workers and the enviroment even harder than large corporations while small business in the third world often depend on fucking slaves.

>> No.13394474

Be the change you want to see.
There's nothing stopping you from writing your own book and publishing it, unmasking the nightmare that is the current society.
Once it's available as a torrent and has a decent number of seeds it can't ever be taken offline.
I believe in you
You can do it

>> No.13394541

First of all I am not Americ*n I'm (Greco-)Italian
We have immense resources that today mostly get lost in corruption,imperialism,conflicts etc.
What I mean is to stop American capitalism's influence.
And I am not speaking of that kind of culture.

>> No.13394556
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And that "like EU" argument makes no sense,EU doesn't ban globalised companies

>> No.13394603

But EU would be in a much better position to actually accomplish it. Sure, Sub Saharan Africa has massive potential and riches but it'll take at least half a century to even mildly fix the instability and free the region from the aftermath of imperialism. Even Murica itself has a better chance to reform completely in a shorter time.

>> No.13394604

>>even the entertainment I consume is being monitored by marketing corporations, wishing to find the perfect formula to a "good" book, movie, or show: "good" being defined as something scores of people will watch or read - and this whole process leads to the production of mental filth and low culture that erodes the morals of society and encourages hedonism and carelessness in life
stop ‘consuming’ shit then

>> No.13394621


What a tough guy!

>> No.13394640

How are you this butthurt about people asking you to substantiate your claim?
Also how accurate is this NGO? They seem to be quite question-beggars and this still doesn’t answer the question of why they continue to work there. And fuck the partisan hack John Oliver, I’m not watching him.

>> No.13394649

>Good fucking God, do you need everything spoon fed to you, or are you able to google shit without anyone holding your hand?
Yeah, providing sources is usually expected when making claims like this. Are you actually assblasted that I told you to stop acting like a bitch and post sources?

>> No.13394650

Self-sufficiency is the only answer.

>> No.13394677

You can never win. Enjoy the luxury and privilege you've been afforded in this life and try not to feel guilty about it. There has always been and will always be people living in woeful poverty and sad life conditions. There always will be a higher power which won't regard the ultimate good of the people in its actions. If you worry about these things you will go insane. Of course there are small changes you can make but if you nitpick too much you will never be grateful for what you have

>> No.13394700

Bernie is salvation, get out and vote in 2020 kids.

>> No.13394715
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We'll see about that

>> No.13394732

Don't eat sugar or any fruits which don't have a Greek or Hebrew name or any liquid which is less than 1,000 years old

>> No.13394809
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I'm slowly becoming hindu. Shankaracarya is not afraid to speak the truth

>> No.13394949

>How does one even cope in this nightmare we are living in?
By realising that it's the best world that there has ever been on this planet.

Anyone who thinks the modern era is shit has no grasp of history whatsoever.

>> No.13394967

godspeed brother, i'm getting out too asap

i've had enough.

>> No.13394980

>just don't think so hard bro, oh shit did you see the post-credits scene in homecoming??? :^)

shut the fuck up

>> No.13395000

lol, jesus christ

>> No.13395002

I would rather all people suffer together, than some living well while others live in their shadow. I unironically prefer the systems of old, where starvation, war, illness, and every kind of calamity struck everyone the same way. We all either prosper together, or we die together. Justice>all

>> No.13395004

>advocating for communism
its like you didnt see workers risking death to jump over the berlin wall until it fell
honestly if you are going to radicalize yourself at least have some decency and become national socialist, read up on their socioeconomic policies and start swallowing one tough redpill

>> No.13395012

there are no political solutions. there are no economic solutions. there is only violence and cataclysm or slow, asymptoptic decline until the planet goes tits up.

>> No.13395032

>until the planet goes tits up
says who? whats next? why bother if the universe is going to face heat death? boy, please, being a blackpill extremist is playing right into the hands of those who run this shit, the very same that OP complains, the more apathetic the best for them
start to give a shit about your people, get organized, start a little garden or farm, read more, become less of a wagecuck and more of a man and you may see some light

>> No.13395056
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>its like you didnt see workers risking death to jump over the berlin wall until it fell
It's like you didn't see the chinese sweatshop workers at Apple falling to their death but before they could hit the ground and end their misery the suicide net catches them and reminds them that they are nothing but a function who's purpose in life is to serve capital, for whom even death is forbidden.

>> No.13395063
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Read The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.13395066


>> No.13395072

>semi-communist society only being propped up by the success of capitalist policies

>> No.13395079

>Anyone who thinks the modern era is shit has no grasp of history whatsoever.
You must be legitimately down syndrome to say this. Saying the modern era is shit is not the same as saying the time before it was better. I think most people acknowledge that feudalism and monarchy are worse than capitalism, but that does not mean that capitalism isn't also shit. Why am I explaining this to someone on a board that is supposed to be high IQ?

>> No.13395094

It's not semi-communist though, whatever that means. It's basically state capitalism. Also if your idea of propping someone up is paying them 3 cents an hour and literally putting in nets so they don't kill themselves then I think you have a fucked up view of what constitutes support.

>> No.13395122

Then what is a good era to you?>>13395094
State capitalism is semi-communist
Propped up in the sense of their massive economic growth came directly from capitalism

>> No.13395169

Fun fact: Suicide rate in Foxconn factories are below the average in China. Suicide rate in China is FAR below US of A.

Chink sweatshops still treat their workers better than average Burger, so I don't get why anyone would use them as anti-capitalist example when there is Burgerland.

>> No.13395229

Are you suggesting they SHOULDN'T have put the nets in?

>> No.13395237

Thanks for proving my point I guess