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File: 32 KB, 636x773, NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13393094 No.13393094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I got a job and now I understand the NPC.

When you're doing menial work, physical or not, your mind rarely if ever wanders. It's focused on the task at hand and by the end of the day you're so tired and sick of people you want nothing more than to medicate yourself with food, alcohol, tv and sex. You never stop and think and neither do your colleagues, you're all just swept along in this collective nightmare for just enough money to continue going to your shit job.

>> No.13393107

I too have just recently acquired a job in retail and am experiencing it. Luckily I've spent so much time navel gazing and reading books that I remain largely insulated from its mechanistic and destructive force

>> No.13393124

That's why I went to law school. I was a crony for a law firm and the other 30 in my department were 50 year old mothers who pinched my cheek and brought me breakfast tacos, but they wouldn't ever challenge me.

>> No.13393149

i'm not sure how starting with the greeks helps anybody who experiences wage cuckery. you would have to be a NEET to think self help philosophy is useful.

>> No.13393268

Read The Pale King by David Foster Wallace.

>> No.13393317

>the Greeks
>self help philosophy

>> No.13393324

Is it good or is it noticeably unfinished? I’d be fine reading it even if I wanted more at the end

>> No.13393337

It's finished enough

>> No.13393343

Almost like the NPC meme was describing automatism which is a fundamental function of our current era of capitalist work life.

>> No.13393356

I'm sure Soviet factory workers had it a lot better huh

>> No.13393364

t. buttmad classcuck

>> No.13393369

>any critique of capitalism

>> No.13393517

>r-r-real commu-communi-ism hasn't be-been-een tried yet!

>> No.13393528

>hen you're doing menial work, physical or not, your mind rarely if ever wanders
this isn't true at all. i've never worked a job i had to think about. i'm always thinking about philosophy while doing work. you're just fucking stupid, OP

>> No.13393555

For context, what job(s) have you worked?

>> No.13393568

I'm not arguing that capitalism is good you sperg, I'm saying that the described behaviour is not inherent to capitalism but rather to industrialisation.

>> No.13393589

Yes, because peasants and artisans in agrarian societies engaged in wildly creative endeavors with flexible working hours on a daily basis, turbotard. Get back to your unabomber/land cuckshed for pseuds and stay there.

>> No.13393598

>i've never worked a job i had to think about
>i'm always thinking about philosophy
You have your cause and effect mixed up.

>> No.13393608

the NPC meme was literally just invented to indicate who are the reddit implants trying to hard to fit in
frog pictures serve the same purpose

>> No.13393658

Tfw not working with mommy gfs

>> No.13393668

They were the best work mommies. Always get me new coffee and doughnuts as I answered a hundred calls a day. I think they were trying to fatten me up.

>> No.13393710

if you think that is the reason you clearly misunderstood it

>> No.13393728

Automatically blaming every woe in the world on capitalism is a nice description of the NPC meme
Stop being inferior and wanting to live off of the work of better men than you

>> No.13393743

>your mind rarely wanders
It's just the opposite. The more mindless the work the easier it is to think.

>> No.13393759

>Stop being inferior and wanting to live off of the work of better men than you
What is standing on the shoulders of giants for 500 alex.

>> No.13393762

>When you're doing menial work, physical or not, your mind rarely if ever wanders.
Absolutely not true, my mind wanders way too much at work and it makes me want to kill myself. Having 8+ hours with just your own thoughts 5 days a week is pain.

>> No.13394034

You have to go back, reddit.

>> No.13394044

Maybe it’s my autism but when I had a factory job I let my mind wander quite a bit to pass the time. For instance I would pretend to be talking to George Washington and bringing him up to speed on world history since he died

>> No.13394054

>You have to go back, reddit.
no u

>> No.13394062

>When you're doing menial work, physical or not, your mind rarely if ever wanders.
My mind wanders all the time when I'm working. We're not all NPCs.

>> No.13394069
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Chop it off, get into interracial sex slavery and dilate cuck

>> No.13394093

I work as a Janitor, I clean up poop but at least my job requires 0 mental labor and management hardly pays attention to what I do because they're focused on managing the associates who have more of a direct impact on sales.

>> No.13394194

I wish my mind was actually occupied at work. All I do with that time is fuel my dilletanteism and daydream of being at home doing nothing. Theyre starting to block all my websites and I think im going to go insane.

>> No.13394209

there are practical benifets but only if you physically apply yourself outside of work

>> No.13394236
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>Get a job
>All my theories are proven true immediately
>I truly hate it so much I wish I were dead, it has no redeeming features at all
I have money, wow, so great. I can sustain myself to spend the better part and most of the worst part of my energy for the day on drudgery, collapse into bed at home and wake up to do it all again tomorrow. Thanks for the advice, you brainlet, subhuman retards. I'm going back to being a NEET as soon as I concoct a reasonable reason for losing my job.

>> No.13394361


T. someone who has never grown or made anything

>> No.13394455

this, i work in a factory and i just daydream all the time

>> No.13394538

every time

>> No.13394549

based as fuck, wish I was this creative.

what do you think about, friend?

>> No.13395874

>When you're doing menial work, physical or not, your mind rarely if ever wanders

gratz on discovering zen buddhism

>> No.13396024

there are different kinds of jobs. you know this, right?

>> No.13396037

where do you live? i'm a califag and get $200 in foodstamps a month with no work requirement yet. i'd get on disability if i could because i'd rather die than wage cuck holy shit capitalism is worse than hell i'll go homeless and go to prison instead

>> No.13396055

I have the opposite experience, during work my mind wanders constantly and I get ideas and can't wait to get home and read or write, unfortunately yes by the time I'm home I'm usually too tired. It takes some practice but I've been able to stay away while reading and get done like 50 pages a day even when tifed

>> No.13396079
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Philosophy does nothing for wage cucks. I've learned so much, but I can't get ahead with this useless impractical information. It's better to actually learn a trade or marketable skill of some sort. I'm behind on this, but it's infinitely more useful.

>> No.13396094

NPC is a retarded meme, read Marx instead you fucking idiot

>> No.13396109

I work on a computer all day doing programming and when I get home I work out and read.

It's call stamina and time management. Figure it out you fucking nerd.

>> No.13396263

Did you just throw out some random pseud phrase in hopes that you look like you refuted it? Why the fuck are commies so braindead?

>> No.13396320

>Tfw so traumatized that you dissociate 24/7 and lost all concept of time years ago

Work, free time, and everything else is like a hazy nightmare. Books are a comfort though, even if they probably don't help with maladaptive daydreaming

>> No.13396332

is maladaptive daydreaming a sign of trauma? i do it constantly

>> No.13396403

If you don't have any worthwhile skills, of course there's nothing for you but shit soul crushing jobs. You had all the time in the world to learn something when you were a neet, and if you weren't a retard you wouldn't have wasted it, so don't act as if you deserve something better than flipping burgers tier jobs now

>> No.13396413
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I am working almost full time (40 hours/39 hours) and I still find the time to write and study literature in addition to boxing. Hell, I even practice chess for 20-30 minutes. I don't even work 9-5. My schedule changes every day. Sometimes 10am-7pm, 1pm-10pm, or the most cancerous 12pm-9pm.

You just have to never give in. You can still have sex, eat good food and watch TV shows, but never- NEVER, allow your mind's spirit to die. What comes first is/are your passions, all the other stuff comes later. When you find yourself thinking of them often during work, you know it's something that you should clutch onto.

The truest downfall into becoming an NPC: using your limited time on nothing but shallow "relaxation". The mental strength required to triumph over this cycle is what separates men and women of true character from those who will die in underwhelming normalcy.

>> No.13396417

Office Grunt jobs which require a degree aren't exactly soul fulfilling either

>> No.13396418

Honest question for lifelong NEETS. I’ve been a neet here and there during my 20s. Every time, the idea of leaching off my parents to survive made me downright suicidal. How do you not feel like a worthless piece of shit?

>> No.13396444

I'm just angry that so many NEETS don't just do what Daigo Umehara did. That man is a legend. NEETS are kind of just as bad as NPCs, only they're more pretentious because they have knowledge and awareness that most NPCs don't.

Instead of learning an actual skill these faggots just watch anime all day, fucks sake. At least learn to DRAW or something if you like anime so much. Make a manga/VN or some shit.

>> No.13396463

Then don't take these jobs.
Do a research, find the jobs that don't require you to actually spend all of the day working or jobs that you might enjoy and learn the needed skills.

>> No.13396518

This is why you start with the Bible

>> No.13396530

Underrated post

>> No.13396541

My job is souls sucking. All of my creative energy and motivation is gone about halfway through the day. Really makes me hate myself.

>> No.13396546

Ive become a wagecuck lately and it fucking sucks. I just sexualize the women around me and try to not step on any toes of my male coworkers. Basically just subtly flirt with female coworkers without trying to bed them. Its a weird month upon month game of being nice to each other but slightly flirty. Never enough to be overt and offend or make anyone too excited. Just hear little "hey you's" from coworkers and come across charming to them from time to time. I fucking hate being a wagecuck.

>> No.13396550

Not him but one job is as same as the next because every. single. job. is about delivering goods and services for the sake of perpetuating more goods and services. Who cares how “fulfilling” it is? Thats just an lie you tell yourself, and insist others engage in to confirm your delusion, that toiling for the great economic mechanism makes a difference. Ultimately your job is for the perpetuation of NPCdom

>> No.13396566

In a word, every “stimulating challenge” of your job, every emotion you feel of fulfillment, is all for some higher up NPC who uses the extra money he wrings from your “amazing leadership” to vacation in the Seychelles with his family.

>> No.13396574
File: 33 KB, 634x525, 12396284-6932693-image-m-27_1555517714377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going to be a wagecuck soon
Should I treat everyone at my workplace like subhumans and do my best to get fired?

>> No.13396590

Yes, having a job almost invariably sucks. You are selling your time, it's degrading and contemptible. There is no virtue in working for its own sake. Basically the less time you can spend doing this the better, unless you're hung up on having a family, in which case, have fun becoming an NPC.

>> No.13396731
File: 30 KB, 300x468, a71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I quit the job just now. I can't handle it, I've tasted freedom for so long I can''t live as a slave. When I walked out those doors I felt alive again, like I was actually human. I've been a NEET for 10 years, the wagie life is worse than death. I'd rather be homeless than be employed.

>> No.13396767
File: 211 KB, 586x600, 1463758918201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pathetic useless neets can't help but be pathetic and useless
You only hate the idea of a job because you're only capable of a job you'd hate

>> No.13396799

My life is my own, I owe you nothing.

Useless? Are you a tool controlled by a man or are you a man?

>> No.13396812

>My life is my own, I owe you nothing.
And as long as you pay your own way I don't care what you do
>Useless? Are you a tool controlled by a man or are you a man?
I'm a man capable of taking a woman out on a vacation and being able to pay my bills at the same time.

>> No.13396822

+100 gil
-50 int

>> No.13396826

>le video game reference
How many neets does it take to launch a satellite

>> No.13396827

Fuck working and fuck wagecucks

>> No.13396832
File: 355 KB, 600x588, 9CB40FCB-68D6-49B6-B94C-CBE61062A1CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, again.

I just walked back into the job. I realized I have no other way to pay my rent.

>> No.13396839

Is that what you sell your life away for?

A holiday with a woman? Pathetic.

>> No.13396849

A holiday with a woman is an example. Money is freedom, whether that's to go on holiday, go on holiday with a woman, enjoy hobbies other than pirating anime/video games, or throw it all at some shitcoin.

Neets are desperate to paint a picture that every job is some terrible soulless slog because that's all they're capable of as people.

>> No.13396852
File: 161 KB, 625x605, 1561459897661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a great post. Struggle. Some of us have to work to survive. We aren't all blessed with great governments that force employers to pay citizens a basic living wage, we dont get UBI or neetbux, we we dont have a ticket out either. I for one am essentially a modern day slave. Horribly compensated, have to take any work I can find and do as much as they'll let me. It has been easy to succumb to complacency. I've spent many nights having mindless sex with an ex girlfriend I hated, wasting time watching anime, playing video games, getting drunk or high if somehow I came by substances. It left me feeling actually dead. I missed out on life completely. Now I read, write, and after all day on my feet I force myself to lift. Embrace the struggle. Get up every morning, shave your face, do some pushups, and greet your hell with a smile, because it can't conquer you unless you let it.

>> No.13396878

>Money is freedom
Greatest lie ever told.

Money is a trap. It makes you a slave, an obedient one who defends slavery. Nothing on this earth worth having requires money. I feel sorry for you, you can't see you're living solely to work.

>> No.13396885

That's okay if you feel sorry for me, you're pathetic and I don't care. How far from your current location are you able to go and still be able to pay your bills at the end of the month?

>> No.13396889

Your "struggle" is a fate worse than death. If you had any self respect you'd be a criminal or kill yourself.

>> No.13396894

>How far from your current location are you able to go
As far as my feet and ingenuity will carry me.
>and still be able to pay your bills at the end of the month?
What bills? I don't have any.

>> No.13396898

Who pays for your food

>> No.13396920

>is it good or is it noticeably unfinished

>> No.13396944 [DELETED] 

From where and when do you think legends, folk-tales, and such came, then?
Between sowing and harvesting and sowing again, sustenance farmers had little to do beyond taking care of their animals and homes.
Sure, the work was rough and heavy and life was brutal, but there was quite a bit of free time which can only be filled so far with wanking and fucking before you have to come up with something else to do.

>> No.13396954

You do wagie

>> No.13396955

Marx is a retarded meme, the NPC is a concept that dates back to Plato

>> No.13397007

Whenever people respond to my posts like this, it fills me with immense joy that I do not often experience. Struggle onward, my friends. To laugh genuinely at the face of despair is a sweet nectar that even the abyss fears.

>> No.13397136

I only work seasonally, in mines or fishing or landscaping/construction and such, usually for 2-3 months in the summer, and claim as many benefits as I can. I don't know how anyone could live as a wage slave, or worse get "depression" over being neet and having agency over their time. I worked full time for something like 9 months and had constant thoughts of blowing shit up. When you know work is only for a limited amount of time, it's different psychologically.

>> No.13397688

Why you are dumb and wrong. You dont understand the NPC meme at all.
>i got a job and i have to do tedious mindless work
>i dont think about anything while I work
>so no one else thinks abiut anything
>i feel drained and all I want to do is do stupid shit to make me forget how much it sucks
>this is NOT the NPC meme

>work at a movie theater
>overhear customer talk about some movie
>"I really liked that movie"
>"really? This movie was actually awful, did you see the reviews?"
>this is the NPC meme

>> No.13397765

I don't have any respect for my parents

>> No.13397802

Nothing is stopping you from thinking about other things while you work. I work an industrial labor job and I certainly let my mind wander quite a bit. There are of course times when I can't, though, such as when my full attention is required for safety purposes.

>> No.13397822
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>dude I'm not an NPC I swear
>I just do and think as an NPC does and thinks

>> No.13397956

>practical benefits
>reading philosophy
give me a break, even people with philosophy degrees agree there are no practical benefits to reading philosophy, it's just a hobby

>> No.13397960

>eat good food and watch TV shows
>have hobbies
>congrats, you're not a normie

>> No.13397964

>they can take my freedom but never my dignity, I'll shave and do pushups

>> No.13398033
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How do you escape? Do i have to fall for /biz/ memes and put all my money in shitcoins for a chance to escape this hell? I just want to be NEET again.

>> No.13398068

I usually let my mind wander, I often create absurd scenarios in my head and how I would accomplish them, or think about a book I've read and argue against it, even if I agree with it fully.
Time is merely a concept, don't let it drag you to the abyss.

>> No.13398193

>Who cares how “fulfilling” it is?
No one said it has to be
>insist others engage in to confirm your delusion, that toiling for the great economic mechanism makes a difference
I didn't say that
Christ, why are you neets so dumb. Some people work because they simply don't have the government or parents to leech off, or they want to afford something they can't get on a minimum wage.

>> No.13398204

what did washington say about drumpf?

>> No.13398254

funny how we're leeches if we live off our parents, but bankers and trust fund kids like meghan mccain and trump are model citizens who certainly don't live off the interest from the debt of the wage cuck class

>> No.13398261

>No one said it has to be
Then there's no reason to have one.

>> No.13398312

My dad is a fucking leech and my mom is neurotic as fuck. I spent most of my childhood in a household of welfare scrounging poverty because my dad was too lazy to get a job. It didn't make me feel guilty at all to sit around doing fucking nothing when I was NEET.

>> No.13398320

What? If you are going to correct someone at least know what the fuck you are talking about, you retard. The NPC meme comes from one study that claimed that over half the population can't picture things in their mind

>> No.13398328

what about some job like being a doctor? maybe in america it's different, but you don't really work purely for generating profit like in most jobs.

>> No.13398331

lol doctors in America work like 90% to profit the hospitals and I'm not even joking or exaggerating

>> No.13398334

>When you're doing menial work, physical or not, your mind rarely if ever wanders.
Fun thing, I recently completed a data base by hand (basically filling about eight thousand excel cells by looking up their values on various websites and copypasting them). And I noticed past some point my mind would wander, and part of my brain would keep doing the work automatically.

>> No.13398373
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>american healthcare

>> No.13398563


You ever see these cucks wag their finger at their masters? No.

>> No.13398684

10/10 post

>> No.13398694

>Redditors dying
this is supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.13398702


Based and Stoic

>> No.13398704

A lot of things about politics and such start to make sense once you realize that most people simply don't have much time to think (work+related activities take 10+ hours of the day).

>> No.13398710

>he cant perform menial tasks and think at the same time

>> No.13398725

counter argument: students of humanities have 10+ hours to think about politics, and I wouldn't want the majority of them in power (although in general they vote for better parties imo), ergo people are horrible no matter the amount of time they have to think

>> No.13398731

When I work I'm constantly stuck in negative thought loops and internal dialogue that borders on hallucinating. All my coworkers think I'm a dick.

>> No.13398793

Students are just too young to know anything and they're studying what they're told rather than thinking freely.

I wasn't even making a moral argument, though. Sure, maybe if everyone was super wise and smart the world would be even worse overall, but the political discourse wouldn't be as retarded as it is right now.

>> No.13398810

You don't have to put your money in shitcoins (like I am) but that is generally the idea. Instead of wagecucking for the meat of your existence, you act frugally while making wise investments. Even with a bottom 50% wage, if you have a Roth IRA and make smart choices, you can retire about 20-30 years earlier than normal.

>> No.13398863

I used to work retail it was awful. Also used to work at a few restaurants/bars. I work on the logistics side of a plant nursery now. I’d say that the work I do now and restaurant work can be tiresome and absurdist, but I can revel in the absurdity so long as I don’t have to deal with the general public face-to-face too much.

I’m still extremely aware that me and all my coworkers are just fodder to those above us as much as they make to appear that they care.

I’m becoming increasingly aware that positions like this more and more are pushing people towards some sort of modern serfdom though.

>> No.13398904

This is not the case for me.

I enjoy my job as well as my time off.

Get a better job man.

>> No.13398916


I find it easy to switch off and do my thinking while I’m getting paid

>> No.13398921


>> No.13399194

>No one said it has to be
you implied that retard. you're the one moralizing to other anons that they didn't find "good jobs" in an economy that is structurally resistant to offering everyone a good job. so instead to have work that keeps you above poverty you have to waste your youth burying yourself in books filling yourself with knowledge you'll never need to pass professional exams and then marry and have kids and start the whole miserable process again for the next generation. But you'll sanctimoniously lecture us about how good and fair the whole bloodsucking engine is

>> No.13399197


>> No.13399215

>10+ hours to think about politics
yes because most of them do not study that long and mostly party or some shit

>> No.13399221

I see people itt deflecting op's criticism with stuff like
>well how did the communist textile workers have it?
>how bad did the middle ages peasants have it?

Are we communist? Do we live in the middle ages? No. And dismissing valid criticism with "it could be worse" is why our situation will never improve.

>> No.13399227
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based and hobbypilled

>> No.13399581

No, I'm saying usually normies do those things whenever they have free time because they don't have the capacity to do anything else, or even realize that there's more to life than just that.

Calling it a hobby is a massive downplay. It has to be something you truly love. Something your heart cries out for. To immerse yourself in its world and pursue mastery until your old mind and bones have had their fill.