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13392464 No.13392464 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13392470


>> No.13392474
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>> No.13392485
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>> No.13392493
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>> No.13392496
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>> No.13392499
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>> No.13392503
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>> No.13392510
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>> No.13392514
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>> No.13392522
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>> No.13392527
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11. All done.

>> No.13392564

Summarise it in a few sentences and then I'll call it retarded for you if you really want anon, but I've got better shit to do than read your fucking 2000 word high school essay.

>> No.13392584

>I have better things to do

No you don't. It takes 5 minutes to read.

>> No.13392621

I'll retract that, right this second I actually don't have anything better to do. But why should I read your essay that you've just vomited onto this board? The second sentence of your conclusion is the only thing I read, at random, and it was pretty shit. Typo/garbled meaning, cliche point, could've easily quoted someone of actual authority making the same point but you chose not to. Shit.

>> No.13392644

Well if you would do the same to any other book and randomly pick out a sentence and base your whole perception on it, then you would find the same conclusion. From the time of your firsr post, you managed to waste more time responding than you could have if you read two of the pages and then fucked off if you didn't like it. I have enough fear of my work being inadequate so I don't need your shit attitude making me argue whether or you should sacrifice your precious tike to read it. I wrote this to help people nove on from dealing with the useless squabble that is debating how we should all behave in this world. Read it or fuck off to another thread about debating the same book or author again. Have fun.

>> No.13392647

>moral grandstanding on 4chan
Nobody likes your shitty essay fuck off

>> No.13392650

No you

>> No.13392678

As everyone else is being mean to you, I’ll try to help.

Are you 12 years old? If so, your essay is great. Good job!

Are you over 18 years old? Your writing is horrible, and in fact is painful to read. You’d better either stop writing altogether, or go back to junior high. If you choose the latter, pay attention this time.

You’re welcome.

>> No.13392686

How is it bad? Would you mind picking a sentence?

>> No.13392694

This is not the place if you're scared your work is inadequate anon. Work on your English, run it by native English speakers if you can, and when people ask 'why the fuck should I read your shit' (and in polite society they think the same thing, they just can't say it), have an answer ready beforehand. That's my advice.

>> No.13392699

Shall I pick a sentence, or one of your many sentence fragments? These are one your biggest problems.

>> No.13392709

Show me (1) fragment.
I would rather not fail but if we are just going to squabble over whether you shouod read it, then fuck off.

>> No.13392710

>being part of the position of power
One isn't "part of a position". One is "in a position". A position has no parts. It's a relational state ; thing of it as a dot in space.
Didn't read after that.

>> No.13392718

Suit yourself.

>> No.13392720

Fuck off, Dan

>> No.13392736

From your #11, second “sentence”: “Not in anyone’s lifetime.” Your writing is full of these fragments. Are you a native speaker?

>> No.13392739
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I disagree. Just because one isn't in the position doesn't mean they can't be a part of it. Take being a grunt in a successful troop. The general gives all the commands but you yourself have no power but what the leader wills.

>> No.13392751

Think of it as an interjection that acknowledges that I am breaking the rules of grammar so it comes across as conversational. I would rather hear a critique of my thesis

>> No.13392775

>Think of it as an interjection
One interjection, fine. But dozens of them, not. It’s grating and annoying and makes your prose a chore to read.
>I am breaking the rules of grammar
Sentence fragments have nothing to do with grammar, anon. They’re simply bad writing. But you do also break grammatical rules.
>I would rather hear a critique of my thesis
To provide that, I would need to read it. But, as your writing is (a) shit and (b) I’m not being paid to read or critique it, that isn’t going to happen.

>> No.13392789
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>reading a philosophy essay for the prose
>sentence fragment have nothing to do with grammar
See definition
>I won't read it
Ok. Fuck off to another thread then. There are plenty of others.

>> No.13392801
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fuck off? we aren't getting paid to do this.

>> No.13392807

You are welcome to fap to traps instead, anon. I can't force you to read it.

>> No.13392819

>This Steak Tartare is delicious! I don’t even notice all the broken pieces of glass in it!
>There are plenty of others
Simple arithmetic is beyond you as well?

>> No.13392828

learn how to not assume things, like us having time for your essay, or what I masturbate to. You are full of shit, and with that attitude, you won't get anyone to read your essay. Eat shit.

>> No.13392830

Yet you ignore all of my other perfectly crafted sentences laced within the so called "fragments". I think you are mistaking this conversation as an internet argument. Call me retarded all you want. You will not receive any brownie points for it at the end.
>did you just assume my gender?
Sounds like tranny talk to me. Am I wrong or are you deflecting?

>> No.13392855

>my other perfectly crafted sentences
LOL, you’re either a troll or severely delusional. In either case, you and your “writing” are a waste of time. Buh-bye.

>> No.13392867

Fine. Throw your insult and run away like a coward. Oh and thanks for the thread bumps.

>> No.13392984

Hey Anon. I read your essay. Can't say I agree wholeheartedly, desu. I'd say it needs more nuance, as in it's a simple analysis. I think you've got some ideological contradictions, and I feel James Carse's "finite and infinite games" would be a great reading for you.

You do have annoying writing habits, not as annoying as being a general cunt (which seems to be normal around here) but I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. Remember, talking and reading are really different communication mediums. Trying to emulate one is losing tho good things of the other, o wouldn't force it as much as you're doing.

Good luck on the writing and keep it up!

>> No.13392995

Thanks bud.