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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 358 KB, 501x702, intelligencenadhappiness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13392430 No.13392430 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many midwit authors (e.g. Hemingway) believe the myth that smarter people are less happy (the contrary of which was repeatedly shown to be true). Is it just a brainlet coping mechanism? A lot of them were actually quite successful from their books, so why would the feel the need to believe such nonsense? Or is it just that they mistake silence, brooding, apparent thoughtfulness and "profound" (cryptic) language (which every low-iq person is capable of) for intelligence?

>> No.13392447

I've seen a lot of smart people trip over their own intelligence. When you become more intelligent, you are made to answer questions done wouldn't even ask. The trick is actually answering them.
Of course, stupid people still fuck up their lives more.

t. 130< IQ

>> No.13392491

Happiness is the most overrated thing ever.

>> No.13392519

I wish high IQ people who lament about being a "tortured genius" or whatever could try to experience just one year in the life of a dumb person like me. These mawkish faggots who go to good universities and get good jobs will NEVER know the agony you feel when you open up your school report and find a sea of B's and C's. They'll NEVER know what it's like to sit reading Wikipedia articles about people like Kaszinsky and Nietzsche and Ramanujan while weeping at the unjust nature of fate. They'll NEVER know what it's like to not be able to express yourself properly when you're speaking to someone. They'll NEVER know what it's like to work 8 HOURS A FUCKING DAY CUTTING AND PACKING FRUITS BECAUSE FOR SOME FUCKING REASON I WAS BORN INTO A LOW-IQ FAMILY WITH SHITTY GENES AND ENVIORNMENT. YOU FUCKING NIGGERS WILL NEVER KNOW THE BITTER RESENTMENT AND HATRED I FEEL FOR MYSELF WHEN I FORGET WHAT THE FUCK I WAS SAYING MID-CONVERSATION AND HAVE TO STRAIN TO REMEMBER IT. FUCK YOU IF YOU'RE HIGH IQ.

>> No.13392530


>> No.13392532

It's not high IQ people who lament about being a "tortured genius"
Anyway, if it makes you feel better most of us of meh tier intellect develop the self awareness to cut that shit out in their teens (or early 20s at the latest)

>> No.13392557

Because they do not believe it to be scientific truth, you brainlet. It also depends if you define "smarter people" to be "high IQ" and whether the latter has the bar set at 120, 130, 140 or 115.

>> No.13392576
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not smarter, but very high IQ people are more likely to be depressed and have other mental problems

>> No.13392586

It makes me feel more happier that I feel large variety of emotions and thoughts than just still happiness all day long, no matter how

>> No.13392596

happiness does not exist. the human emotional scale is so easily tipped over that it's literally impossible to feel what you'd call "happy" for even just a full day. you can be free of anxiety, and motivated to do something, but even that ends in boredom sooner or later, once you realize the abstract "end goal" isn't worth the effort, and it was simply the feeling of progress that made you get a dopamine rush.

>> No.13392688

>t. Humble low profile high IQ poster

>> No.13392716

Not really. If you control for autism, and exclude Jews being high IQ is actually correlated with mental (and general) health.

>> No.13392825
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>posting on /lit/
nah, i don´t believe you

>> No.13392909
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>three digit IQ

>> No.13392911

Hemmingway musta thought he was supersmart to justify blowing his brains out.

He was so fucking MISERABLE he must be a GENEYES.


It's a dangerous cope, not least because you offend people by being a twat.

>a lot of them were successful
Not to the cultural height of Byron and the speedrun of Mary Shells (age 17 for Frankenstein?). Gloryhounds almost always suffer more in this business.

Wodehouse is midwit, sells lots of copy, loads friends, no destructive habits, enormously happy. Enviable life.

>> No.13392945

what makes people sad or apathetic is having wisdom and experience in life, it has nothing to do with having a high IQ necessarily. a lot of you have high IQ and are basically retarded due to your education and worldviews

>> No.13392991


Happiness is a feeling of comfort, pleasure, and security. Its relationship to success is greatly overstated

>> No.13392997

it's mostly about living in a bubble and not knowing much about the suffering of people who aren't just like you

>> No.13393002


this is a smart sounding shitpost. i guarantee you'd be happy for the rest of your days if someone hooked you up to a morphine drip and put on your favorite cartoons.

furthermore, there have to be at least two different kinds of happiness that we experience. the first being the obvious day to day happiness that comes from being well rested, eating food, drugs, and other things. the second comes from the past, sense of accomplishment, preserving through difficult struggles, becoming wise or becoming skilled at something

>> No.13393022
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All I know is that I know suffering. It would be great to work a 9-5 without giving a shit about the rest of the world or the human condition. Having the only goal to be putting food on the table and raising a family. That would be sick. But that isn't going to be the life for me OP.

My friends call me smart, but I think it's just because I've shitpost enough to make normies think I am.

>> No.13393046

High IQ people can be poor. Good grades no not guarantee job placement, I made all A's and I struggle severely with employment. Grades are not a sign of intelligence either, just good work effort.

>> No.13393074

Nidwits are notoriously bad at judging how smart other people are.

>> No.13393333

>you should always your point if talking to someone more intellectually privileged then you
>which is defined by which board you browse the most
kek this wasn't made by a high IQ person

>> No.13393344

it's obviously made by a person who browses /lit/, which is a notoriously low-IQ board. The fact that he's proud of being on /lit/ makes his IQ even lower.

>> No.13393377

I know title isn't respected, but these are lawyers and law professors. It makes me scared for the world that these people think I'm the smart one.

>> No.13393457

Tolstoy wanted to kill himself
Dostoevsky wanted to kill himself
Pushkin wanted to kill himself
Goethe wanted to kill himself
Shakespeare wanted to kill himself

>> No.13393755

>i guarantee you'd be happy for the rest of your days if someone hooked you up to a morphine drip and put on your favorite cartoons

Factually wrong. You’d be numb and the longer you are the less you’d feel in general. Happiness has to be consciously subsumed otherwise it’s vague sensation that has yet to be synthetized into emotional significance. People on opiod kicks aren’t “happy”. They just feel good, but this feeling mutates with use and duration. At one point, if you’re baseline is that, the differentiation will blur and you’d no long feel “good”, you’d feel baseline. Happiness, and all other emotions, require a plane of differentiation to distinguish them from each other. In other words, they’re consciously subsumed.

>> No.13393786

yeah imma need a source for that

>> No.13393787

epicurus and mill. and yes they were wrong, it's a cope to try and save hedonism

>> No.13393803


>> No.13393869

hemingway lost his memory due to a surgery which made him an hero or some shit like that

>> No.13393915
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That whole generation of writers were mentally damaged by the war and only the ones who were intelligent were able to communicate the deep lasting misery of the wartime experience as well as the general aftereffects it had on the culture, things like being displaced from tradition, encouraging and normalizing heavy drinking and wartime style carousing, etc, etc.

This was also one of the earliest generations to grow up under the shadow of naturalism, which depicted the lower economic strata, which were rightly depicted as less happy. This meant it was fashionable to write unhappy or miserable stories in order to seem "modern."

>> No.13393955

a double digit IQ like you wouldn't understand op

>> No.13393983

autism is overly diagnosed

>> No.13394008

Dude trust me

>> No.13394157

your IQ is probably fine if you can post that. clean your room, wash your penis and start exercising.

>> No.13395420

not true. A great accomplishment can bring a certain peace of mind, and a contentment that can last for years after it. Achieving or working toward your goals is what makes you get prolonged feelings of happiness. The fact that you feel like the end goal isn't worth the effort means that you didn't think it through properly. Any goal can be divided into smaller subgoals. This is what videogames do artifically, almost constantly. They give you a goal, then divide it into attainable subgoals. Whilst almost achieving them and right after the achievement is when it gives you that dopamine hit, making you crave for more.
I suppose the trick is to set up a structure like this in real life. It's a lot more complex, and you'll have to deal with a lot more failure. But when it works out, the brain rush is like nothing else. This is when you can truly, deeply enjoy existence in itself, freed from the burden of guilt about not achieving any goals.
The only times in my life I've had these experiences was after a lot of controlled suffering, creating things for either myself and/or other people.

>> No.13395489

this is probably also why people with fucked up goal/reward systems are so depressed all the time. I'm like that myself. I'm just horrible at setting a goal for myself and having the wherewithal to stick with it to the end. I'll just say something vague like "I wanna make good electronic music" and then just fuck around in a DAW for ages feeling so bad for not progressing toward anything. It's like that with literature as well. My mind just hops from one idea to the next, not giving myself time to truly process anything deeply. At the end of the day it feels like I've got a bunch of loose ends that could go on indefinitely. I never stop to think what I want to understand and why.

>> No.13395903

Because it's true, intelligent people are by their nature different from average people and are treated differently in all social interactions. Their interests tend to be more intellectually stimulating than the average person's making it hard for them to understand one another. Of course as we all know from school and work the people who stand out get ostracized if they're lucky or physically and psychologically abused if they're unlucky. There's an inherent isolation to it. Despite our attempts to distinguish ourselves we're still animalistic by nature and like groups with like.

>> No.13395970

Not the same dude, but inteligence and depression seem to be correlated


>> No.13396007

I'm sure there is a weak correlation with happiness and ignorance, but honestly there's too much variation. I've met plenty of depressed idiots and plenty of content geniuses, too many to really say that the correlation is anything worth writing home about
go home, JBPfag

>> No.13396026

>/biz/and /v/ that high

>> No.13396036
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>self-reported IQ stats

>> No.13396051

This mindset is why your life sucks right now

>> No.13396684

biz shilled chainlink and made me 85k. as far as I'm concerned they're a high IQ board

>> No.13396735

How do these guys manage to think they are geniuses? The more I study anything, the more I feel like a drooling retard as I realize just how much more knowledge there is out there on an uncountable number of topics than I could imagine previously.

>> No.13396761

I would say it's easier to have a schism of the unconsious and concious parts of the mind which leads to a lack of authenticity and neuroticism. As a child were you not happier than as an adult? Is ignorance not bliss? I think that while the stupid make bad decisions they at least do not have a cognitive splitting once the thinking mind develops at around 8-9 years old which is capable of abstraction. If you're anything like me you spent a lot of time not acting because rather than letting your body and instinct act for you you operated in the frontal lobe and talked yourself out of action. I also believe that it is true that smart people especially the creative are commonly more neurotic.

>> No.13396769

This too. When you get older you realize that you're smart enough to know how stupid you are.

>> No.13397304

Because due to their high intellect they can compare themselves to the average person and realize how much smarter they are. Easy answer isn't it? But you're too low IQ to have come up with it yourself.

>> No.13398055

Dunning-Kruger effect

>> No.13398150

Nonsense, you are an intelligent person
Real idiots don't want to be smart

>> No.13398178

I wish I was intelligent and happy.

>> No.13398214

Is "wanting to kill yourself at some point" a good indicator of happiness though? Everyone has ups and downs, dumb people just don't think of something as extreme as suicide right away - or didn't, back then. Nowadays it's backwards, I suppose.

>> No.13398219

>They'll NEVER know what it's like to sit reading Wikipedia articles about people like Kaszinsky and Nietzsche and Ramanujan while weeping at the unjust nature of fate.

Except for Kaczinsky which isn't really enviable, I think most super smart people would also feel jealous of Ramanujan (and Nietzche depending on how you like neurodegenerative diseases).

>> No.13398220
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>/lgbt/ that high

>> No.13398230

> if someone hooked you up to a morphine drip and put on your favorite cartoons.
That honestly sound like torture.
Joke aside, staying in the same room, slowly getting addicted to morphine, your cognitive faculties deteriorating through lack of stimulation, this seems more like medicated slow death than happiness. You might be hedonistically satisfied but probably still miserable in every other way.

>> No.13398357

You guys know that someone just made this up to get a rise out of people, right?

>> No.13398512

This chart is obviously phony /sci/'s always been dumb as rocks.

>> No.13398518

>Limbs, the king of...

>> No.13399103

>You might be hedonistically satisfied but probably still miserable in every other way.
Better than what I've got going now, loony tunes holds up pretty well desu
ADD the post, get some adderall and you'll be sorted. In any case low IQ has never in and of itself prevented someone from attaining a well paying career. If you're stuck cutting and packing fruit that's due to other factors.

>> No.13399140


>> No.13399159

And there is so much of this; what if Hemingway was actually wrong? And then he would be wrong all of the time, right? And if he were actually the smarter person, what would he do if a woman came up to him, asked him, "Why are you smiling?" and then he told her, "I think I'm smarter than she is," which would then give her a heart attack? This is the "I-have-seen-the-world-from-the-eye-of-a-tiger" argument. So many of these low-iq authors, particularly low-iq men, will never have the chance for such emotional manipulation, however much they may prefer to pretend like they do. (They may even want to try to become good writers to make their "self esteem" better)

>> No.13399161 [DELETED] 


>> No.13399271

When you substract mundane pleasures of life and are deeply aware of the world you're living in which entails a profound uprooting from it (not for feeling alone or misunderstood but from a deep understanding of what existence is) it's hard to reconcile with what once gave any sense to life.
Also any intelligent person wouldn't even mention happiness as a drive or a desired state,(who the fuck wants happiness, happiness is an invention of the XX century and a fatal one) but just interest.
That's how i see it.

>> No.13399379
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I’d quite like to be unintelligent and happy. Right now I'm stuck with unintelligence and unbridled misery.

>> No.13399513

see you failed to see the BTC train, then the ETH train, the LINK train, and is on the path to missing the VIDT train. its not too late, but you will still miss it because you are a fucking brainlet.

>> No.13399646

please explain how you define "smart" and "happy" and I will answer your question

>> No.13399660


>> No.13399685


ITT: OP is too stupid to understand the existential suffering of being smart.

>> No.13399797

Has anyone met a personthey knew (seen or told results by them) that had with a 2 didgit IQ? How did they behave? I suspect I've talked to some but I couldn't really guess anyone in particular.

>> No.13399804

None of them truly wanted to though.

>> No.13400036

I think upper midwit range gets you depressed, because then you're smart enough to understand the festival of popular delusions (existentialism, cosmic meaninglessness, etc.), but not smart enough to do anything but swallow what you're told about it. Beyond that range, though, your happiness may increase exponentially with IQ.

>> No.13400087

I've had to supervise people with low IQs in a factory. Usually, the biggest issue is difficulty following basic mechanical instructions and remembering digit sequences, even if you tell them repeatedly. It can be very frustrating. I would have to write them up extremely basic safety tests and they'd often fail them, even with an answer key. Also, their speech pattern is typically stilted, predictable, and expressionless. Personality wise, they vary. Some of them try to make light of their situation and joke about it, but the one thing they all seem to have in common is that they tend to get very frustrated and embarrassed with themselves, which can lead to hostility and extreme defensiveness with some character types, especially if they've been criticized for something, or even if you do as much as attempt to show them how to carry out a task properly. It's all a very depressing thing to behold. Thank god every day that you were blessed with a normal brain.

>> No.13400409

spotted the retard
maybe next life cowboy
smart: good ability to solve problems, think on the spot, adapt to the environment. This includes good ability to solve IQ tests and score high on them.
happy: satisfaction with ones life and current state, feeling pleasure
based guy who knows the pain of being low-iq

>> No.13400610

>but the one thing they all seem to have in common is that they tend to get very frustrated and embarrassed with themselves, which can lead to hostility and extreme defensiveness with some character types, especially if they've been criticized for something, or even if you do as much as attempt to show them how to carry out a task properly. It's all a very depressing thing to behold.
this is me
I always keep remembering the bad stuff that I do or happen to me but forget the good stuff. To me good things that happen are "things that should normally happen" so even if there was something extraordinary that I've done instead of patting myself in the back for that I just let it go because it feels like it was supposed to happen anyways. But when bad things happen, I feel like I took a different turn and instead of going through the normal safe road I took the dangerous road which I can't turn back.

Imagine you're taking a test with other people and they do well on it while you failed it. If there are many other people who failed, you take comfort by giving yourself the excuse that the test was too hard for the average person. But if you're one of the few that failed or the only one, you get the feeling that you failed to overcome your obstacle in front of you while others have made it through and reach closer to making it. This makes you feel depressed and worthless, and because of this one event you let it overcome yourself and then reduce your own performance in future unrelated events because you already stigmatized yourself as a worthless person.

>> No.13400699

Didn't Hemingway's mental health degenerate from drinking and that plane accident in Africa?
I'm just saying I believe he blew his brains out due to brain damage.

>> No.13401057

its true. The higher your brain power, the more problems you can find, notice, and have.

>> No.13401104

Because they traveled around the world and sought way too much knowledge. Most people live a pretty fucking shitty life, so isn't it natural that when you see so much suffering you end up developing a worldview filled with sadness and despair?

It's not about being intelligent per se, but life experience and empathy. Putting yourself in the world and looking at it. Hemingway saw a bunch of shit and misery in mid 20th century central america, for example. Of course countless scientists such as Einstein or Feiynman probably lived pretty fulfilling and happy lives. Hell, Wittgenstein said he lived a happy life at the end. But Wittgenstein had a completely different perspective on ethics and never succumbed to the temptation of letting his terrible life experiences taint what he truly believed to be the truth. Writers often have a lot of empathy and if you don't subscribe to some sort of ideology that asks you to take action upon the world and seek to improve it, or if you watch this very ideology fail miserably (i.e. communist rebels in central america, I believe Hemingway witnessed a specific war), then if you don't just straight up reject everything like Camus does you will probably develop a negative perspective on life, and if stress causes so much damage to the body why wouldn't depression and sadness not cause serious mental illness too?

I mean if you only look at philosophers and writers, this kind of statement makes sense, and when you look at scientists it doesn't. You have to put the two together and think about why they would have such radically different perspectives, and know how to use IQ scales in a sensible way (which 4chan seems to fail miserably at), then you will understand why the idea of sad intelligent people exist, and why so many intelligent people are happy. Also I didn't elaborate on the kind of life scientists have because that isn't hard to think about either.

>> No.13401229

refreshing to see some humility on this board

>> No.13401264


>> No.13401267
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>> No.13401290

It works both ways. The further from average you are the more isolated you become. It's just that retards don't have the lexicon to lament it like higher IQs do.

>> No.13401312

>Why do so many midwit authors (e.g. Hemingway) believe
The intelligent people who make noise generally do so to solve a problem. Problems the sort such as Nietzsche had tend to take the smile from man. The silent smart people have no such problems, and their intelligence merely serves them in whatever modus operandi they are going through.

>> No.13401395
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I've heard that mental illness is strongly correlated with intelligence.
I think I'm reasonably smart and most of my unhappiness stems from loneliness. I'd like to tell myself that it's because I'm so much smarter than the average person but I'm just a fucking autist. Probs a bit of both desu.

I used to work with dude I'm pretty sure is in the 2 digit club. I was okay with carrying his weight out of pity but he was too dumb to understand the situation and thought he was tricking everyone while playing games and watching movies all day. He got fired after his crutches got fed up with his attitude and left or stopped covering for him. Tragic, really. For what it's worth, I felt really bad for him for the brain thing and his generally unfortunate life, but dude seemed pretty happy, and his confidence was crazy steroided in spite of all reality.

Who's the real retard?

>> No.13401396

what you described is fluid intelligence. I'm actually not all that fluidly intelligent at all, at least for visual stuff. Most of my intelligence is linguistic and crystallized into words and sounds. I got 135 on verbal IQ and 96 on performance, 83 on processing speed. These can vary wildly as you can see, and it's mostly the performance/processing speed that determines your fluid intelligence.

>> No.13401423

thats an asperger's IQ profile it seems

>> No.13401444

correct, was diagnosed with a mild form of it in high school. the ability gap is weird. It makes me feel superior and inferior at the same time. Sometimes I'm so on top of a situation or person I become arrogant, then next thing I know my brain goes into autismo mode and I can't even seem to formulate a simple thought properly.

>> No.13402928

Autism doesn't even correlate well with intelligence. I mean autism as actually diagnosed, not the meme acception of the word here (which might actually be).
The genius autist myth comes from rare examples that make for some easily sold feel good stories about achieving things in spite of having a bad start. Most autists are genuinely dysfunctional.

>> No.13402938

I do believe that Happiness is the cause and reason of all the universe. But I would like to hear your opinion

>> No.13402956
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>/x/ at far left
I'll have you know we're a big brained board for you

>> No.13402996

Seeing the vanity of this life naturally induces at least considering suicide as a thought exercise and at this stage it isn't even sinful.

>> No.13403004

that's somewhat true but complete brainlets are incapable of getting the highest grade, no matter how much they study.

>> No.13404004

t. happy bugman

>> No.13404018
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>posting memed version

>> No.13404320


>> No.13404328

>/pol/ being the third most intelligent

>> No.13404368


>> No.13404411

This hit too close to home....FUCK.

>> No.13404464

Yeah /biz/ is a critical thinking board. There was a meme problem that had to do with you getting a million dollars and some sort of invincible snail and /biz/ pretty much solved it.