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/lit/ - Literature

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13391958 No.13391958 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with John Green?

>> No.13391968

In 500 years John Green will be remembered as the most laughably retarded human being to be considered literate in all of history (by the loosest standards possible)

>> No.13391973

If you're under 16, Looking For Alaska is the only worthwhile thing he's written. So certainly start there, but just as certainly end there.
If you're older than 16, it's time to grow up and read the real shit.

>> No.13391983

If hes so bad, why doesn't everyone right books like his?

>> No.13391985

Why does /lit/ hate him so much bros?

>> No.13391993

He's not hopeless, that's why I recommended LFA. It's solid YA and a good introduction to the real shit. But everything else is goofy.
It should be obvious, but talent comes on a scale. He's not at the worst end of the scale but he's not even close to the best end, either. But that doesn't mean that what he does would be easy for everyone.

>> No.13391996

because teen girls like him and /lit/ hates teen girls because /lit/ is full of incels

or becase /lit/ is full of people who used to like john green and are insecure about their "taste" because they dont actually like books and so need to undo their past appreciation to cope

>> No.13392005

we don't hate him to be contrarian towards teen girls, we hate him because his writing is awful

>> No.13392006

I like teen girls.

>> No.13392008

on par with houllebecq

>> No.13392017


>> No.13392158

Just pick one, they're all pretty similar YA tripe.

>> No.13392376

Start by eating something filling. I reccomend a large steak, asparagus, and some mashed potatoes topped with a lead redcuction.

>> No.13392550

>In 500 years John Green will be remembered
Let me stop you there.

>> No.13392634

He represents the opposite of everything this site stands for
>Simple writing
>Societal regression
>Ability to talk to teenage girls
>Treating mental illness seriously
>Lazy pandering
>Political beliefs chosen to be as uncontroversial as possible
>Un-self aware pseudery

I hate this hack so much, because he's invincible in most of the world. He has a legion of women which defend everything he's ever done. Truly, he's the new chad

>> No.13392642

But there is already Voltaire

>> No.13392666
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Yeah /lit/ is full of incels but it doesn't mean /lit/ hates teen girls. In fact /lit/ loves teen girls. It was just the wrong way

>> No.13392703

Ellswort Toohey in meat puppet form

>> No.13392813


>> No.13392871

teen girls are the new tastemakers