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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 333x499, crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13389297 No.13389297 [Reply] [Original]

>its another "/lit/ memed you into reading shit" episode
a couple of weeks ago there was a thread about books that were like lolita but with the roles reversed and (You) guys recomend pic related and I fell for it. this book reads like shit, the woman MC is an unlikable cunt and shes not old at all, shes 26.
fuck this garbage

>> No.13389302

26 is very old in women years

>> No.13389306

imagine being driven by your sexual urges and deviances then being surprised that the book you were recommended sucks.

>> No.13389327
File: 9 KB, 194x259, madeforloveNutting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, she teaches at the school I just graduated from and most of her work is ehh to garbage. Tampa is pretty mediocre, but I think it reads just fine. It's just a shallow meditation on sexual desire and its relation to contemporary power dynamics. It's important the book is set in a school. Way worse than Lolita tho.

Pic related is much better and actually quite funny.

>> No.13389392

Obviously it's not on the same level of insight and craft as Lolita. But it is extremely fucking hot and my exact fantasy which doesn't get catered to every often, much less by an actual woman.

>> No.13389402

>book about sex
>book by a woman
play stupid games, etc.

>> No.13389415


>> No.13389425

Tao Lin and Megan Boyle. Mishima. Tony Tulathimutte.

>> No.13389477

Tampa is good.
Made for love is fantastic

>> No.13389794

John Barth. What a talentless goon.