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13388954 No.13388954 [Reply] [Original]

>He thinks if he looks hard enough he'll find a solid answer on why or how to live
Nothing but a cope for cowards who can't bear to look at reality and accept the absurdity of existence. Camus was another coping faggot too. There is nothing out there for you, nothing will help, life will always be a nonsensical chaotic whirlwind and you will always hate it, you will always feel lost and anxious and alone. You won't enjoy the struggle, there will be no respite, nothing and no one will save you.

>> No.13388994

You say that, yet my searching has already given me help in practical ways. Maybe the books you read where bad. Genre fiction should be limited to historical works, if you're doing anything more then a speed reading / skim read. No Camus is not historical, give him another hundred years.

>> No.13389065

>yet my searching has already given me help in practical ways
Such as?

>> No.13389140

Well, I set up for myself a semi-effective method of studying by turning to books about learning. Books like How To Read A Book and A Mind For Numbers helped me. I got various advices from various philosophers like Descartes Rules For The Native Powers, a bunch of basic advice from Stoic philosophers.
But for more practical stuff, I learned drawing from Loomis and Perspective Made Easy. For music theory I'm turning to Laitz's The Complete Musician and others. For physical fitness I'm reading Starting Strength by Rippetoe. These have helped me practically,
But your post kind of refers to the existential dread of life, which I've been through and overcame with books like Promethus Rising, which offers practical exercises for that stuff. I learned more about how i think with books like Thinking Fast And Slow. I learned how to better talk to people with books like How To Speak/How To Listen and Winning Friends, Influence People.
Don't put people down for reading. Don't put yourself down either.

>> No.13389225

>But your post kind of refers to the existential dread of life, which I've been through and overcame with books like Promethus Rising, which offers practical exercises for that stuff.

>> No.13390025

How the fuck is it sad, nigger? Still understand the absurdity of life, just know how to better direct it. Not led by spooks though. Beside, look at your OP and tell me which one of us is Sad.

>> No.13390033

I hope you find peace OP
please don't be mean to others