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/lit/ - Literature

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13388206 No.13388206 [Reply] [Original]

post 5/5 essay collections

>> No.13388240
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>> No.13388243
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>> No.13388254
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Was good stuff

>> No.13388255

I don't actually care for Joan Didion, tried the White Album and something about her aesthetics was just off-putting. That said;
>Consider the Lobster by DFW (haven't read A Supposedly Fun Thing yet, but presumably it's similar)
>An Edge in My Voice by Harlan Ellison (some of this is rather dated, like his diatribes against the Religious Right of the 1980s, but he manages to be both fiercely moral and hilarious)
>How to Travel with a Salmon by Umberto Eco (here Eco reveals a much-needed lighter side, not a historical/occult digression in sight)
>Inside the Whale and other Essays by George Orwell (not sure if this is still in print, but it's worth the price of admission for "Politics and the English Language" alone)
>The Complete Essays by Michel de Montaigne (no elaboration necessary)

>> No.13388531

who's Ursula K Le Guin? Is she good? what kind of books does she write? Where do i start?

>> No.13388547

Fuck you've triggered her

>> No.13388571

She’s from a well read family of sociologists. Her mother wrote Ishi in Two Worlds. She wrote sci-fi and fantasy, but like no other. I get a general “cozy-ness” from her works. Start anywhere. Her short piece Lathe of Heaven, her most popular Earthsea series, The Dispossessed, or Lavinia, an addition/sequel to the Aeneid. Or the essays pictured.

>> No.13388662
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>> No.13388901
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>> No.13389229


>> No.13389252
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