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13385337 No.13385337 [Reply] [Original]

>cute librarian says i picked a good book

>> No.13385345 [DELETED] 

she's just fishing for attention to kill time until chad replies to her whatsapp.

>> No.13385348

I know that feel anon. It’s one of the reasons I still visit the library, to chat up cutie early twenties librarians

>> No.13385350

>It was The Complete Works of Hegel

>> No.13385351

Do not slander liberrians, they have all the books

>> No.13385405
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>Old guy in bookstore says I made a good choice

>> No.13385409
File: 21 KB, 342x342, C019E05F-14BA-40D4-B469-A79BDA727752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the self-checkout ELib computer says “Error: overdue fines ($50.00) Please see a librarian”

>> No.13385418 [DELETED] 

>old guy in bookstore says "oh, i didn't even know we carry that sort of hate speech"

>> No.13385897

>whenever I go to the bookshop to buy my meme right-wing/conservative books I make sure to buy a larger number of lefty books so the cute cashiers don't think I'm a turbo freak
>don't even read the commie shit

>> No.13385908

thats even worse

>> No.13385981

>renting a copy of The Unabomber Manifesto from the local library
>librarian asks me why I selected this one
>grab her phone and throw it on the floor
>hit her computer screen with my hand
>walk out
>never return book

>> No.13386144

alpha as fuck

>> No.13386146

So does the internet

>> No.13386163

>cashier asks "is this for school?"

>> No.13386166


>> No.13386234

You realize physical books in libraries also need to be replaced, right?

>> No.13386258

I'd ask if you watched it first but your timestamp shows you didn't.

>> No.13386290


>> No.13386291


>> No.13386524

>t-thanks y-you too!
>nailed it!

>> No.13386531

I would rather read your summary of this documentary, then refute it, than watch a 50-minute video about whatever.

>> No.13386551 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 225x225, happypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>me = 16
>birthday soon
>only thing i want is very big lego set
>birthday time
>parents forget my birthday
>gran sends me card
>happy birthday anon
>happy now
Pic related

>> No.13386552

>The guy who's more attractive than me at bookman's doesn't care about my books
>Realize books are for people who don't have sex

>> No.13386563
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>go to library
>pick a nice book
>after that some nigger jumps me and takes all my stuff and says:"nice book hahhaha..."

>> No.13386564

Kek what a bitch

>> No.13386567
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>Being so insecure you waste money on books you don't even read
Just order them online bro or just don't be a fucking pussy

>> No.13386576

Why even bother going to the library, when you can get all your favourite books via AUDIBLE .

This post was sponsored by AUDIBLE!!!

>> No.13386708

>oh have you read it?
>yeah i really liked x
>oh i've heard such great things about it

>> No.13388220


>> No.13388234


>> No.13388253

She's patronizing you, moron.

>> No.13388264

Implying they’d even know

>> No.13388272
File: 33 KB, 400x400, hpe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to library late at night
>pick up nice book on crystallography
>head home when three young men dressed like faggots accost me
>they keep using yiddish and russian slang
>head goon take my book and rips it up
>they beat the shit out of me and rip off my clothes

>> No.13388341

>"write your number on it hoe"

>> No.13388495

I appreciate this more than some millenial harlot telling me that I made a good choice. If the latter happened I would immediately question the value of the book I've just checked out.

>> No.13389398
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>> No.13389437


>> No.13389462

fuk this might just work

>> No.13389475

>less wanted and thick books are being thrown out near the entrance

>> No.13389483


Breed her.

>> No.13390336
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