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File: 10 KB, 203x248, chesterton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13382799 No.13382799 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with him?

>> No.13382824

Don't bother, he actually believes in God, immortal souls, and free will, i.e. he's a religitard.

>> No.13382843

The Man Who Was Thursday

>> No.13382846

The Man Who Was Thursday is pretty good. Most of the rest of his work is pretty worthless imho.

>> No.13382848

Sorry for samefagging. Read Mencken instead.

>> No.13382850

>Where do I start with him?
Unironically Father Brown

>> No.13382852


This is wrong. Chesterton was an atheist. All his religious writings were secretly satire.

>> No.13382857

The essays.

>> No.13382865

There's no wrong place to start.

>> No.13382876

Honestly Chesterton is just a popular journalist. It's not like he's Hegel or some esoteric shit you need a guided way into. Just read whatever, it's middlebrow diversion for cathtrads.

>> No.13382884

I'm an atheist and I like to read him. He has an optimistic and sunny outlook which is in sharp contrast to many "serious" writers. It's true that he's not necessarily challenging like some writers are, but he writes beautifully and often drops images that stay in the mind long after you've put the book down.

>> No.13383045

The gallows.

>> No.13383068

I started with a collection of Father Brown shots which was pretty good. Then I moved on to TMWWT which was great.
I would suggest you start with either of those.