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/lit/ - Literature

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13382137 No.13382137 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13382181

GODS i want to live like that....is it possible to live off the grid but still have an internet connection? PLEASE....

>> No.13382226 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 600x400, 1561762793797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realise there is no light at the end of the tunnel
The only time life makes any sense is in fiction. In our reality you will never escape the anxiety and uncertainty that accompanies your every waking minute. You will never read something that brings you to a mental epiphany, where you suddenly become so sure of yourself and your place in the world that you know exactly what to do and when and why. It never gets better, it never gets easier, you never get used to it. You will stumble around in the dark for 80 years and then cease to exist.

The only real choice you face in life is when you wake up every day and ask yourself "Am I ready to kill myself yet?".

>> No.13382230

One does not have a mind unless they lead a life of continence and celibacy.

>> No.13382232
File: 80 KB, 580x870, 1561792851952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Tulsi mommy
why live
>it's night time
>got my Samurai Jack playing on the TV
>she opens the door and walks to the bed
>kisses me on the head, I reach up and hug, she hugs me back
>"Goodnight sweetheart, you sleep well okay? I love you."
>m-mommy you forgot
>she smiles, pulls my covers down, pulls up my shirt
>blows a raspberry on my tummy, I giggle which makes her giggle
>she sighs a contented sigh, looks me in the eyes
>"Hmm, I think you forgot something too honey."
>she puts her armpit over my face and says
>"Stinky pit attack!"
>i giggle and laugh, she pulls away laughing
>hug one more time
>she kisses me on the head one more time
>walks over to my door, turns off the light, and walks out
>before shutting the door, she leans in
>"Goodnight buddy, sweet dreams."
>goodnight mommy, I love you!
>she shuts the door gently, turns the hallway light off, I hear her footsteps as she walks back upstairs

It would just be mommy and me, happy as can be.
Mommy's little boy, her pride and joy.

>> No.13382242 [DELETED] 
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1561715587538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is the only truly real part of human existence.

It's the only thing of real beauty a human being can create, the only thing that keeps the most demoralised man going, the only thing that reminds us that there's more than suffering, heartache and misery in the world. There IS a higher way of being to aspire to, there IS the overman, there IS a life of true meaning. But it doesn't exist in our reality and we will never attain it here, it lives in the world of dreams, imagination and creation.

Think of art as a portal of time and space, giving you a glance at a world too beautiful to exist.

>> No.13382249 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 1000x418, 1561031748260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with doing nothing.

If you want to spend your life on the typical definition of success: money, wealth, fame, fitness, family, sex, career, children etc. then ok. But there's no difference between you and a NEET who refuses to work, shuns responsibility and spends as much time as possible on hedonistic escapism. In 100 years, you'll both be dead. Nothing either of you ever did will change anything at all in the universe. Consciousness is the only reason you do what you do, the only reason you care about being a "responsible adult". Remove it and all the wars ever waged, all the romances, all the great and terrible deeds, it's all just dust in the wind. You can do whatever you want with your life, but thinking you're above or better than someone else is nothing but delusion.

Whatever you're doing in your life right now, is neither correct nor incorrect, good nor bad, a worthwhile endeavour or a waste of time.

>> No.13382262 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 856x482, 1561538437706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No point in living
>No point in killing myself
>No point in doing anything
>No point in doing nothing
>No point in being alone
>No point in being together with someone
>No point in cheating
>No point in murdering someone who cheated on you
>No point in living

>> No.13382280
File: 9 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever heard of satellites?

>> No.13382302

How do you define art?

>> No.13382380 [DELETED] 

Paintings, books, music, video games, anime, manga, films, tv shows, photography and so on.

I know it when I see it, even if I can't give a solid definition.

>> No.13382425

Life seems to only have meaning in a struggle. That is why the greatest Nations were formed. That is why the most terrible of wars were won; because the ignorant believed that there was a grander idea to slaughter than slaughter and loot.

But there is a great truth to this, one that makes life considerably easier to bear, one that makes it at least something to participate in.

There is only the now, and what is, is. And while a man cannot make a sweeping difference with the work of one day, the world does change thanks to his movement. There are things that are dissatisfying. There are things that are ugly. These things can change. But a man can only do so if he wills to change them.

I struggle against the now and against what will be and I will be damned if I give up in this. The world will see my words and will think on them, as the enlightened in their salons accomplished, as the communists in their secret meetings did, as the secret societies and their rituals intended.

>> No.13382434


I really need to stop drinking

>> No.13382553


>> No.13382565
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>> No.13382582
File: 128 KB, 848x1199, 1552409377436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't written anything for months, I've only ERP'ed.

Sadly I am shit at that too.

>> No.13382787

the more I learn and think, the less hope I have for a new Enlightment of the world, a new Rennaisance

>> No.13382792

you're not reading enough

>> No.13382797

reason it

>> No.13382804


>> No.13382806

You want to live in a tiny house made from cardboard in the kill shadow of a dead tree in an open field with tunneled windspeeds?

>> No.13382829

I want to live in a shack in the woods you fucking retard i dont know what the fuck you're talking about wind tunnels or some shit but you clearly misunderstand

>> No.13382849

Sure. Just get batteries, solar panels and a wireless service.

>> No.13382874

It was a little cottage in a green, grassy glade. A tall dead tree stood beside it like a naked umbrella. The tree overlooked the surrounding forest which was deep and dark. Even so, the time was of day and gloom was nowhere to be seen.

>> No.13383024

I went to the /tv/ board on 4channel for the first time in my life, after hearing about it in Reddit. I made a comfy thread to discuss The Simpsons, which is my favorite TV show ever. I wanted to share my insights and impressions regarding the last episode "homor get ipad". Since it's a television classic, I hoped that many 4channers would join me. But when I read the replies, everybody was referencing something named " Sneed's feed & seed"... I don't get it? Is this an elaborate inside joke, or some kind of right-wing blowhistle?

>> No.13383059

Nothing on my mind but the blackness and blankness of post-hangover inertia. I desperately want to have an idea or an insight but I can't. Only this crusty irritableness nestled gently in a bottomless backdrop of emptiness. A fragile glowing spark of irritability against a fathomless nothingness. I have no ideas, or rather the only idea I have is this perception of mental emptiness, which in a paradoxical self-overcoming I am trying to describe. It's the idea of no-idea, the reduction of my mental universe to zero. Perhaps the nothingness is pregnant with everythingness, perhaps there is quantum foam of the unconscious out of which any possibility may jump out. Certainly doesn't feel that way. Meh.

>> No.13383064

I'm talking about how the structure in OP's image is a death trap.

>> No.13383136
File: 358 KB, 1899x789, kilmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and heatpilled Mannbrother

>> No.13383138

an escort touched my wiener but i was too drunk to get it up. at least she was my drinking buddy for an hour, we talked about things. actually now i just miss having a woman who values my company, sex is secondary

>> No.13383146

nebežinau jau, bičiuliai

>> No.13383151


>> No.13383207

weee weee wooo wooo weweae wae wae ae wea ea wfweghbwaeg gt

>> No.13383241
File: 233 KB, 635x661, mhm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now you have the chance. She said she want to hang out with you, she clearly likes you despite what your anxiety says. Love, intimacy, relationship, sex, long conversations, real interest, and meaning is all in reach. Untill now you've lived like a loser being anxious and depressed over how you have a hard time socializing with people, and would rather be alone, even though you know being with others is better for you. This right here is the leap that could change your life for the better. All this you know so well, but you still isn't doing anything. You should be pushing through and doing everything you can, be enganged and energized to do this, but instead you're sitting in your room doing nothing meaningful, while she is waiting for you to send a message. I hope you will do something about this, there is meaning on the other side of this large anxious wall, and hopefully you will get through it.

>> No.13383243

A large enough corpus of input text encodes more than enough information to parallel our own ability as novel text sequence generators. With models like GPT-2 acting as autofill, the author can be relegated first to the role of curating alternate generated phrases and guiding the algorithm towards a desired narrative, and then the training data of authors' interactions with GPT-2 could be used to train another network to fulfill the task of collaborating with the original text generation model, phasing out the author entirely.

The Library of Babel is about to be unleashed on the world.

>> No.13383246

weeeiiiio wohahaaa

>> No.13383267

weeeeeeeee hahahaha weeeeeee ohoeoehhgag wewewewe ew woeaeowr rawr

>> No.13383287

While i agree with most of this. Theres a wrong. People who are of value stay in history and never die. That's the true inmortality. May 10000 years pass, but the oldest people are still remembered as the ones who dedicated their life to do something valuable out of it, even if they werent right, their time wasnt wasted. Plato, aristoteles, ptolomeo and such others will never be forgotten, so neither will be people who actually DO something for humanity.

>> No.13383330

Your mentality is exactly the kind Vincent berates Max for during most of Collateral. Do you realize how ironic your opinions of uncertainty are, when you clearly see them as a certain and absolute thing, presenting your issues and limited world vision as omnipresent and “the way things are”?
The things you say are noxious, not only to yourself, but also to any anons that might be going through a struggle and stumble upon your post.
I sympathize with you, and wish peace upon your life, but really, make an effort to see beyond your own eyes.

>> No.13383335

It hurts so bad. I wanna puke.

>> No.13383361

It looks like my weabness is starting to become unironic. Not sure how I feel about that

>> No.13383382
File: 7 KB, 235x222, 016F3547-258B-443E-A0F0-C192124A23B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to my second AA meeting today. I’m not sure I’m actually an alcoholic, I just have a propensity to over drink and my family is worried.
>I didn’t get my 48 hour sober shekel
>got mogged by Dave celebrating his 1 year of sobriety.
>good for you Dave.
>lady leading the AA group says her former babysitter was a porn star.
>room laughs
>room quiets down
>lady explains her first sexual encounter was getting raped while she was passed out drunk
>some adult autist laughs
>everyone looks at him
>he looks embarrassed.
>AA lady details how her life spiraled out of control, how she was diagnosed with dissociative personality disorder.
>AA lady said she got sober then relapsed.
>AA lady said when she relapsed she started doing harder drugs.
>AA lady says, “you might think you can casually have a few drinks with friends, but you’re going to end up smoking crack like I did.”

>> No.13383450
File: 800 KB, 1372x1024, 1561722006976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to compare my consciousness with a normal person's consciousness and see whether I'm right that I have no feelings and can't experience joy or immersion, whatsoever

Maybe I'm just making it all up, and everyone experiences basically what I experience? But that doesn't make any sense. I can't feel anything, ever. Even if I'm just overthinking it or I'm just pretentious, I'd have to slip up some time and just have a normal feeling. I don't even care about being happy, at all, it's literally just that I want to KNOW what the difference is. Is it a dopamine thing? What if I take drugs to see if I can change it, and I get some new state of mind but can't remember the old one to compare it?

>> No.13383481

Ever consider the possibility that you have blindspots?
Other people can see things you can't (or wont)

>> No.13383515

Worldly success is entirely empty and meaningless. Contemplating the divine is the most worthy human endeavor.

Fuck I have a lot of homework to do

>> No.13383548
File: 2.89 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anprim is the final answer. Every technology/trade that cannot be passed from father to son in the manner of sacred crafts is a mistake.

>> No.13383654

Hmmmmm. It's back and that is not to say it's ever really gone. throbbing about the heart, but not to its beat. Receding, going dormant, ascending, taking over.

>> No.13383657

Get uuuuggggghh cute dog feeding baby goat. Get some eat not hungry tho want food eat though. This is why I'm gaining weight.

Asceticism. The only life worth living. Think only about what makes me most uncomfortable. Feel the discomfort. That's a comfy thought, the idea of quitting my job to construct an impenetrable suit of anxiety repellent, understanding anxiety on the deepest level by denying flesh and avoiding carnal pleasures. How comfy THINKING of doing this and IMAGINING it. Meanwhile i struggle to fast for a single day. I need a mystical experience but i don't deserve one.

>> No.13383683

All these oldfags are saying 4chan is the new reddit so now i wanna find the new 4chan. I don't wanna be a normie but i can't help it i like Rick & Morty, Call of Duty, and Death Grips. I just wanna know what books MC Stefan read to become such an epic nihilist. These guys will think this is bait. I need to meditate more, way more.

>> No.13383726

In the course of bleeding away into chaos order brings about life. The friction of novelty, of surprise, is the shiver of events, the moments where unknowns meet and give way to the unexpected in a spontaneous flash. Order shivers, and in its jostling interstices and logical grooves, releases energy like the creation of light from a fire. Its clashes with itself bring about life. Without that frission, that radiation of light in the world's clash with itself, everything is cold, silent, dead.

In contemplation, the mind approaches the ordered deadness of ultimate truths, of passing moons and aeons. To think is to die, in some ways, if dying is to pass into eternity. Reason is a kind of deadness, and it's no wonder why youthful passion eats itself to avoid reason. Nothing scares life more than reason, knowledge of eternal--dead--truths. And nothing is more hostile and repellant to life than the reason of the order that bled it, molten and rebellious, into existence. The withering fever of life stands in very defiance the order that shed it out from its openings. It is the liquid that flows when the order breaks up, that finds expression in quickening flow of blood, the sinewy movements of muscle, the cycle of the breath.

>> No.13383743

I'm having an argument with my friend. It's so stupid- it's not even a big thing, but the way my friend is acting is only demonstrating the pathological emotional immaturity that I've dealt with for so many years, and I'm trying to put my foot down. I hate it. I hate not just having fun and talking, but this is ridiculous. They were hypocritical, made a mountain of a molehill, threw my attempts at peace back in my face, and now they're saying that we "both seem to be arguing a lot" (we've met 2x since a three month vacation) and we "both need to work on our communication", in an attempt to split the guilt and assuage them of being "in the wrong", all while neatly, and impressively failing to say even the most half-hearted "sorry".
It's just a really shitty feeling, and I feel like the asshole, because, "com'on, it wasn't a big deal."
But it's the principle of the thing. I work hard to be a better person, going to therapy, self-reflection, introspection, so I don't yell at people, or vent at people who did nothing wrong, that I recognize my feelings and deal with them like an adult- and then to hear from someone who has spent the same time doing the exact opposite to tell me, without a hint of irony or self-awareness "that we both need to work on our communication" feels like a slap in the face. And it honestly hurts.

>> No.13383747
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this is surprisingly wholesome

>> No.13383813

Is this jpg zooming in or am I fucked up

>> No.13383827


>> No.13383974
File: 60 KB, 828x621, 6916BC7F-D623-4E36-966A-558594C8637D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking after work when you’re off the next day doesn’t qualify as alcoholism. I’m well under the 14 drinks a week. I’ve met with a psychologist who determined I don’t have an alcohol dependency or alcohol abuse disorder. I don’t crave alcohol. I’m fully capable of stopping at 3 beers. It’s an overbearing mother.

>> No.13383977

i enjoyed this but i hated the word "umbrella". it doesn't fit with the rest and it's ugly.

>> No.13383978

Sometimes I dream about cool books and then get disappointed when I wake up and realize they aren't real

>> No.13383993

I just don't know anymore guys.

>> No.13383999

im so fucking tired of life despite running from it.

>> No.13384000

I think I'm dying

>> No.13384019

god i wish that were me

>> No.13384022

Nice consecutive trips.

>> No.13384025

Good double

>> No.13384029
File: 48 KB, 554x400, 1547901058958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going /out/ on Wednesday so I don't feel as bad as I should about wanking to elf on human /ss/ earlier

life is pretty so so

>> No.13384032

You’re tired of running from it. Face your fear, no?

This rings true to me anyway.

>> No.13384036

A few years back I thought waifufags were weird but not any more so than the plethora of other things on the internet. I still think they're a little misguided but I was definitely taken by surprise at some point. Nowhere near as wonderful as they like to describe it though.
For a second I thought this was referring to me but I don't think the details match. I hope you two come to some sort of understanding, as hard as that will be.

>> No.13384044

>Face your fear, no?
i cant. just doing things without any meaning is impossible for me.

>> No.13384047

Naw, don't worry anon, my friend def. does not browse /lit/, but thank you. I hope so too.

>> No.13384068
File: 347 KB, 1000x997, 1497752055984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to study for the bar, but I need to.
I want to write, but every time I open a word doc I close it.
I want to change the world, but I don't feel like anything I'll do will help.
I want to sell out, but I'm not sure how.
I want to pay my rent without worrying.
I want her back, but which her I can't remember.
I wish that reflecting on friendships didn't make them deteriorate into sand.
I wish I could remember things. I forget lyrics, and names, and rules.
I flood myself with information and none of it sticks.
I wish I had at least one super power, that would be nice. I could focus on one thing.
My brain keeps pulling me around from subject to subject, craving something new.
I can get mediocre at anything. Give me a sport, or a creative outlet, or an action to do. I can learn it, but soon the diminishing returns make me give up.
I have nothing to show for my life other than six figures of debt and mistakes.
Why can't the apocalypse or something interesting happen.

>> No.13384091 [DELETED] 

>Your mentality is exactly the kind Vincent berates Max for during most of Collateral
No, Vincent berates Max for having a dream and being too scared to act on it. Vincent himself is indifferent, he doesn't care if he lives or dies, if he's good or not, he's just killing time in his chosen way.
>The things you say are noxious, not only to yourself, but also to any anons that might be going through a struggle
So because they're entirely without a positive spin or comfortin thought, that's bad for some reason? Get a grip.

>> No.13384095

I really need to finish my My Little Pony fanfiction before I start on my literary examination of human self-determinism

>> No.13384098


>> No.13384100

Life is full of meanings. You set them.
Death has no meaning at all.
Go set your meaning before your time is up.

>> No.13384106

you really need to kill yourself

>> No.13384110 [DELETED] 


>> No.13384114 [DELETED] 

Shut up you dumb whore, women don't know fuck all about anything

>> No.13384148

>condemning all of a section of the population as one thing
Youth are most often the dumbest of society and in need of instruction. I present an elder’s perspective and not just a woman’s. Listen and learn

>> No.13384150

>Go set your meaning
how can one set meaning if he doesnt see any meaning in world? that seems impossible.

>> No.13384170

i can respect an elder's perspective but you're just a fucking retard and your opinions are always shit and i can't really respect that.

you do seem to have nice tits though.

>> No.13384175 [DELETED] 

You didn't hear me you good for nothing, barren slag.

Shut the fuck up, women have nothing to say worth hearing.

>> No.13384176
File: 101 KB, 761x800, EDE697F5-78D1-47CB-8A6F-7E3A23CB3BAC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a quest.
Do you need me to send you on my preferred quest?

(Back to work)

>> No.13384199

>life doesn’t make much sense so imma ponder suicide right quick
Found the real brainlet

>> No.13384215

What's your quest?

>> No.13384219

A storm just rolled in frothy and unkempt. It really speaks to me right now. I'm feeling its rabidness, the heady shove the opinionated gusts, the rustling darkness rippling with hints of electricity. I want everything to tear. The pathetic swaying of delicate things. I want lightening to split the earth. I want it to zap a soul into it all. Resuscitate, renew, enliven. Boredom is a sin, anathema, a sentence without a prison, a jail without walls. I wish massive tidal waves would heroically rip up with a crash and send everything spilling out in the open. I wish everything would be forced to crash together. I want the berserk, the wild-eyed, the timeless lupine energy of the predator, the sharpness of an eagle's talon or the wolf's infinitely intoxicating smell. Everything up till now has been sedation and lies.

>> No.13384220

>still no call to adventure

>> No.13384231

>you do seem to have nice tits tho

>> No.13384232 [DELETED] 

In a world without meaning, what point is there in existing?

We're cursed to constantly seek out meaning where there is none. I'm not satisfied by a 9 to 5 job, I'm not satisfied by a pointless struggle towards arbitrary goals like thrill seeking or travelling, I see nothing of value in this life except art and all that does is temporarily relieve the misery. You just don't want to hear that there is no happy ending, no answer, no reward for your struggles. You want to believe it was all worth something, well too bad retard.

>> No.13384253
File: 218 KB, 580x528, van_gogh_saemann.1200x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it has been for literally the entire time humanity has been self conscious. the only thing that has changed is the expected length of life. and the given meaning an individual prescribes themselves

>> No.13384259
File: 59 KB, 641x482, 1558254539869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13384265


"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race."

>> No.13384273

>This faggot thinks he knows there will be nothing after death
Some idealists would call that optimistic. Enjoy your reincarnation.
[Spoiler] this will keep happening to you until you reach enlightenment.

>> No.13384277


>> No.13384292 [DELETED] 

There's nothing after death because if there was what would be the point of life? Why not just skip straight to death? Is your sole belief in something after death simply that no one has proved there isn't nothing? That's as dumb as believing before you're born you exist in some other way.

>> No.13384311

un fucking believable.
I have completely lost control of my appetite.
I'm like a goddamn b-m

>> No.13384334

>That filename
Did you take that picture? I want to move to a place like that, fuck.

>> No.13384372

Finally... the face of evil...

>> No.13384391

>that fucking ugly greenscreen in the background

>> No.13384397

write it

>> No.13384400

There's got to be a way to find books by trope.

>> No.13384409

TV tropes maybe?

>> No.13384437
File: 6 KB, 1012x51, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly fell out of my chair this morning.

>> No.13384452 [DELETED] 

fuck niggers
fuck jannies
fuck jews
fuck trannies
fuck faggots
fuck women
fuck maxists
fuck christcucks
fuck paganlarpers
fuck spics
fuck indians
fuck muslims
fuck pakis
fuck the french
and fuck the cops

>> No.13384476

that's where I got the idea of course, but it's absolute shit at finding new stuff.
Oh, you want a story about a guy coming back traumatized from a war? This sort of happens once to this side character in book three.
Great job, thank's tv tropes. How fucking useless. Why even bother? Why would people be looking for a trope if not to actually read/see it?

>> No.13384482

Konigsee Bavaria brother. Go there before it’s gone.

>> No.13384487

wtf biz was right for once

>> No.13384497

Thank you. I feel I truly belong to a place like that.

>> No.13384504

Been thinking about thos beans

>> No.13384513

Contemplaining unconsciously word 'paradigm'

>> No.13384521

O yea

>> No.13384525

can you give me a quick rundown?

>> No.13384588
File: 770 KB, 1000x1313, tumblr_oxb5wnwJ741qlou90o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The popularity of "slice of life" media is an indicator of the increasing atomization and loneliness of society. For a large number of people something as seemingly mundane as cooking and sharing a meal with companions is felt as so out of reach that media depicting it can be used as comfy escapist fantasy.

pretty fucked up desu

>> No.13385228

why tho

>> No.13385285

butterfly is based????

>> No.13385378
File: 573 KB, 639x396, 1557899449060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who sings One Week looks like Papa Franku

>> No.13385388

American hours on this board are utter shit. I feel bad for Brazilians and others who have to share a landmass. It's fucking hot enough here at night now that it could be Brazil. I wonder if people in hot countries bake cakes at night. I started baking at one in the morning, and now I have a chocolate covered sponge cake filled with strawberries and cream to wait with while the air cools off or condenses well enough to sleep.

>> No.13385402

God, everything sucks. No one wants to hear about it though and they'll distance themselves from you (rightly) if you mope around.

>> No.13385492

All ive been doing for the past 5 days was eat and masturbate
today is going to be just another day

>> No.13385510

that's not butterfly you chucklefuck

>> No.13385513

Did you drink and sleep too?

>> No.13385523

I should stop allowing females to talk about their relationships when I don't really want to hear it. My kindness gets in the way of a lot things it seems. Also fuck emotionally manipulative females, I seem to fall prey to them without even knowing.

>> No.13385534

I’ve mentioned it a few times.
Help slay the monstrous system that enslaves us, set its captives free, avert our nearly certain extinction, etc.

That’s not based, anon.

You need some goals

>> No.13385540
File: 390 KB, 1730x970, 2-historic-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will the japanese demographic crisis escalate to the point where they'll let me move there?

>> No.13385542

hardly slept and didnt drink

>> No.13385547

I really, really want to be a writer, but my ability to write seems to be entirely dependent on a specific kind of mood swing that hits me maybe 2-5 times a year and doesn't always result in writing

It's possible I'd be able to do more if I could overcome my anxiety and insecurity through therapy, but sometimes I just get writer's block and can't make progress.

>> No.13385548
File: 64 KB, 320x276, jesus christ denton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfag namefag giving advice
oh im laffin

>> No.13385551

>didn't drink for 5 days
a-are you a ghost anon?

>> No.13385555

A hundred years. They need less people like the rest of the world.
Another crisis is going to hit anyway

>> No.13385575

I shouldn't have eaten that whole chicken parm and I shouldn't have drank that whole beer. I'm going to spend an hour on the toilet tomorrow morning.

>> No.13385576

This post again shows your lack of intellectual rigor.

Commercial democracy suffers from a crisis of stagnation, if anything. This was an observation by Alexis De Tocqueville. A torpid lack of action. :3

>> No.13385581

Escaped the prison that is ERP my friend.

>> No.13385626

I wonder why my family is so full of idiots wasting their lives drinking and talking about sports and celebrities if not to gossip about other family members. For an hour my grandpa and brother talked about how the ceremony for their late father was fucked up last weekend. When talking about politics for a brief moment, it was only to regurgitate the same trite positions their beloved politics-as-entertainment station spewed into their mouths. "Police are bad, Trump is bad because he's a racist, I still don't have enough free money and deserve more, Trump taxes are taking so much of my paycheck now, I hardly got anything on my tax return, can you believe it?"

I don't know where my love for ideas came from, but I know exactly where my disdain for talk of people came from. I don't care that uncle Rob had a heart attack and how he deserves it, I don't care that you went fishing at that one place 15 years ago, or was it 18? I don't care to hear your internal monologue as you try to figure out if it was 15 or 18 years ago. I don't understand why that makes such a difference. I don't understand the constant need to "win" in conversations. I don't understand talking over each other, interrupting each other's sentences just to be more right about the mundane details of a trip you took before I saw light. I don't understand why it seems like I'm the only one in my family who has any interest in ideas, concepts, and solutions. I feel so ostracized by my own blood. Then they try to shame me for not participating in the retard's bread and circuses, claiming how insensitive I am for not concerning myself with the interactions of a woman who is shit talking the man who left the room 5 seconds ago. I feel so lost regarding my future because the only thing my family taught me how were all the different ways to fuck up. Payday loans, binge eating, binge drinking, buying a car "$1000 off the lot right this second, I got a lot of people lined up to get this, but I like you", staying at the first job that gave you full time and benefits, stare at screens every hour you aren't at work, never improve because then you would show up your father, doing everything to be a bucket of crabs when someone is trying to be better, talk shit about my dead cousin then saying "well, at least he was a great actor, always acting like he didn't have an addiction to pulling glass. He would have been great in home repair if he could keep a job."

I feel entirely disconnected from my family and the gap is only getting larger as I pursue my passions. I don't know how to get over this desire to "fix them", if even such a thing were possible.

>> No.13385695

I'm bored, depressed, I suck at everything and the more time I spend on the internet the more time I realize that the average person is a horrible excuse for a human being

>> No.13385741

>tfw no cute dragon girl to take care of you
anime consumption is detrimental to health

>> No.13385791

Why do I only like people when they are physically in the same room as me? I can gush about a girl after being around her for five minutes, but the second we are physically separated I hate her and never want to see her again. Same with family and friends, coworkers.

>> No.13385797 [DELETED] 

>Miyazaki was riiiight

>> No.13385803
File: 76 KB, 1024x819, 4FB66FF5-9E09-4FAF-817C-BDB9F56F8A87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miyazaki was riiiight.

>> No.13386371

All I want out of life is to feel happy with myself, but that's something I don't think I'm ever going to have for more than a brief span of time. The fact of the matter is insecurity, depression and bitterness are always going to be a part of me, and I'm going to have to struggle with for the rest of my life unless I build up the courage to cut it short

>> No.13386651

I felt the same way when i was in my twenties.
With age, you mellow out.


>> No.13386749

For the first time in quite a long time, I have encountered a struggle to fit in. I had been living in a college town and became engrossed in that environment. The hedonistic party party party mentality. I can be a hedonist, but I've exhausted that trait so much that now I'm much more temperate. That and I picked up weed again, so now I'm not an acloholic,yay.
I arrived at a commune on the eighteenth and jumped into it with the same enthusiasm as I do any situation, young and spry, bright eyed and bushy tailed, whichever you prefer, pick your poison. I wanted to find my self, not myself, but my self when coming to the commune because I felt it was a good intermission from life. And from an outward looking in, I put myself into shitty situation, but in actuality I tend to learn the most and further become the best that I can be because of the situations I've put myself in. People live vicariously through me. It's fucking wild, but as I type with the pacemaker in my chest, and the short 21 years I've had on this earth, just making the most out of everything. I like to take my time, there's plenty of it

>> No.13386768

Compose when you feel inspired. Outline, plot, revise, edit, copyedit etc when you don't. Having a good outline will give you something to compose off of even if you aren't inspired.

>> No.13387236

I’m taking Ritalin daily and my girlfriend, who doesn’t want me taking it, is completely unaware of it. It was given to me because of my tendencies to procrastinate and deficit in attention. I had a horrific painkiller addiction when I was in my early 20’s, 7 years ago, and this was given to me by someone who knows my history yet prescribed it aprehensively knowing I’m now steady. That being said, it’s working in beneficial ways I hadn’t anticipated across the full panoply of my work and study career. I don’t like how agitated and irritable it makes me feel and I feel like it’s compromised my ability to be truly creative.

Also, I hate the fact that i’m lying to her and to myself about how prolifically I’m taking this. I hate myself. I’ve hated myself for so long I don’t know any other mode of thinking.

>> No.13387261

i have given up on finding interpersonal relationships as i am most likely schizoid, and too neurotic and lazy to find a girlfriend in the first place. in hopes of using casual sex as a muse for my writing, i have been trawling dating apps like tinder for hook-ups, being rather blunt about it, but this works since i am fairly attractive. i have got quite a few positive responses. the problem is that i have no idea what to do next. i assume common procedure is to invite the girl over to my place to fuck, or to ask her if she wants to go to a hotel: the problem is that i've only recently turned 18; i still live in my parents' house and i am quite broke. what do i do? it is rather awkward to ask if i could come over---i have no idea how normal people would arrange for no-strings-attached sex on dating apps, that is, if they would at all.

>> No.13387271

All we are is dust in the wind, dude

>> No.13387308

Onto week three of nofap noporn, and I'm feeling pretty good. Confident, strong, focused, overall good. The downside is I find myself obsessing over things for days at a time. Most recently it's an image of an Asian girl in a once piece swimsuit and stripper heels taking a selfie. I've been in love with image for three days now and last night it inspired me to write a story, so today I wrote 6,000 words for a story about a Taiwanese woman falling in love with her business partner, told from the perspective of her son who's only catching glimpses and hints of their budding relationship. I'm considering writing the whole thing again once it's finished, from the perspective of the mother.

>> No.13387313


>> No.13387325
File: 179 KB, 750x1334, 2F21688C-8F04-4B16-9A04-A202532FF5E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m taking Citalopram. I have social anxiety. Not really depression. The anxieties gone now. With it, my imagination. I am guessing that my anxiety made me brain move faster, think more critically, I don’t know. I could be genuinely charming and witty back then. Now I’m ok socially, but I’m not there. No wit, no soul, nothing. I don’t know what to do. Help me please.

>> No.13387330

Once, when I shed bitter tears —
The longing for death. It sucks me in.
Xstus. He lifts the stone from the grave.
Old world. Death. Xstus — new world, the world of the future — his sorrows — youth —message.
Resurrection. With the people the world changes itself. End — calling.

>> No.13387371

I enjoy writing short stories and I have no intention of ever publishing any of it. Its for my personal amusement and sometimes I allow people to read them, but whenever I get the recommendation to "seek out a literary agent" or "contact a publisher", thats for me a sign those people don't understand any of it. I don't want fame, and especially not literary fame. I've seen too much of that world to know I'm going to hate being part of that clique... And I am sure I'll resent the decision to have any of my work published - if it gets published, but that's a risk I'm not going to take.

Whatever work I finish, if it ever gets finished because when it comes to my work I'm quite the perfectionist and a very slow writer, on average 20 to 30 sentences a day, goes to an editor. Usually a waste of money, because I rarely let a typo slip. Where it goes? I rent a safety desposit box, and when I get back the paperwork, off it goes straight into the vault.

>> No.13387560
File: 121 KB, 1024x703, 1561440012217m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else noticed all of the sanctimonious Christian normies coming out in favor of left wing ideals? People like that used to be pretty fringe in political debates but now it seems like they are everywhere. A lot of the democratic canidates for president are couching their position in religious language which I never thought I would see. It's kind of ironic that buttiegieg, a practicing degenerate homosexual, feels like he scold religious conservatives for not being Christian enough. I don't have a dog in this fight, but I have the feeling this approach won't be very effective. It's also very annoying, as all sanctimonious normies are

>> No.13387564

Stop taking that shit asap

>> No.13387590

That drug turns you into a zombie.

>> No.13387668
File: 28 KB, 346x346, 1552939023734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somehow convience a girl to have sex with me (a pity fuck really)
>the day comes, and I am nerveous as fuck
>get inside of her
>can't feel a thing except some warm in the dick
>Fuck her for 40 minutes straight
>she screams like crazy, its all sweaty and said to me that no one made her cum like that
>only thing that I feel was her weight over me, didn't cum at all

What kind of curse is this

>> No.13387678

It's because the new testament is good and leftist while the old testament is retarded and commands you to stone yourself for putting on your pants before your shirt

>> No.13387679

Were you wearing a condom?

>> No.13387707

Some Democrats have insisted on pretending to be Christian since they mass apostatized back in the 1960s. They've even set up entire "churches" where they play gay porn to children as part of "Sunday school" and stuff like that. That cult that killed themselves at Jonestown started out as an operation like that. Christianity definitely isn't tied to capitalism, especially neoliberal/neocon style, but it sure isn't "socially progressive" by what that term means in the west in 2019, so true Christians smell Democrat posturing from a mile away.

>> No.13388327

I thought it was a neat word choice, like it harkens to umber, and also seems to me to match up with penumbra, so its a brown thing casting shadow. Idk, i like it.

>> No.13388353

i think the last sentence kinda makes this thing too cheesy and makes me less inclined to be compelled by the whole thing, esp if thats the ending point. like the comparison to silly animals, and using lupine and wolf-like in the same sentence

>> No.13388410

Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless.

>> No.13388541
File: 260 KB, 800x1040, 286FC976-B275-4244-8011-EC97835BA92F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys know? My anxiety really is gone. I can look people in the eyes and converse fine now.

>> No.13388576

I want to live like this and 100% have no internet connection

>> No.13388583

Well today I'll hopefully finish the shitty summer class that I've been taking. Fucking Women Across Cultures. Shit makes me want to kill myself, but once it's done I'll have all the free time in the world to read, so I'm hoping I can contribute more here too.

>> No.13388646

Keep thinking that I made a mistake in moving in with my girlfriend. She is 6 and a half years older than me, has no interest in ideas and we stopped having sex about a year ago. The problem is she is the best person I’ve ever met, would be an unbelievably good mother, and loves me very much. I once broke up with a girl my age, who was my intellectual equal - superior actually - simply because she was fat. Sometimes I regret that as well, but she really was quite fat and I couldn’t let my Dad see me with a fatty.

Also very confused about what to do with my life. My job is a 6/10 and allows me to write, but I would like do something meaningful. I’m beginning to think I will have to make a decision between my gf and an interesting career - probably in another country. Probably wouldn’t be having these thoughts if she sucked my dick every once in a while lol.

This your brain on nofap btw.

>> No.13388723
File: 44 KB, 717x508, 1548552941173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhh. You hear that? Thats the sound of "you" escaing from "yourself". Now keep listening.

>> No.13388795

You're retarded and would die within weeks or crawl back to the hole whence you came

>> No.13388926

Wait until he figures out he has nothing at all.
Schopenhauer fan boy doesn't realise every moment is vibration in a meta universal Symphony. Just gotta get on the right side of the wave length anon.
Fuckin love old school.
Mmm. Opportunity though desu.
Same as that feel when I'm not born king of mars or a renaissance painter. These posts are so silly.
Happiness is the absence of th desire for happiness - Zhuang Zhi
How did you find it impacted your goal setting and such? I have no goals and i wonder if they'd emerge if i did this stuff.
Mmm does look comfy. People who've smoked weed for a long time, what was it like when you stopped? I'm thinking aboit stopping just so i can see what its like to be clean. Also op, daoism.

>> No.13388963

Realised last year that the universe is entirely mental in nature, which means God exists and truth is relative. I want to explore the metaethical implications of an idealist ontology but I don’t know where to start.

Does relativity imply subjectivity?

>> No.13388965

I should be putting more effort into finding a job, but all I really want to do is read and write. At least, that’s what I tell myself.

>> No.13388975

Start a patreon. Get published in obscure places like https://aberrator.info/.. Become an online intellectual. Are you at least well read and good with something to offer? Because if not you should probably get a job until you are.

>> No.13389027

Keep the girl and build a strong family, don't squander the very favorable position you're in. Jobs can come and go, but better to secure your standing first.

>> No.13389030

don't worry about it man, had that for my whole first week of sex, for me, i just had to get used to it - was too weird at first to feel comfortable with having an orgasm

>> No.13389069

I love that it is raining heavy. Good weather to be miserable.

>> No.13389077
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>> No.13389316

Hmm, it's raining pretty hard here too. Midwest?

>> No.13389335

wtf are you talking about dude your perspective on the picture is all off, that tree is far away and even if it fell straight on to the house, it probably wouldn't even reach it. Not to mention it likely wouldn't even fall in that direction.

>> No.13389388
File: 53 KB, 504x379, 1449306718934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever noticed that the easiest way to make a retarded tranny tripfag really mad is to reference them in a thread without actually giving them a (you)?

>> No.13389429

I want to build a cabin in the side of a hill in a forest

>> No.13389445

I am trying my hand at poetry. The recommendations in the sticky were a great start and I genuinely like some of what I have written. However, I am pushing to get better. Are there any tricks or practices that poets use to hone in their skill?

>inb4 read and write more poetry
Already doing this.

>> No.13389607

AHHHHHHHH why can't normies stop being so obsessed with sex? It's all the think about, it's all they joke about, it' maddening. It's obviously fucking unhealthy to obsess over something to the degree the average person obsesses over sex, I'm not even a buddhist but it's clear to me that desires of this degree and destructive and need to be stamped out.

What's even worse is that weird online people are often even *more* sex-obessive than normies, you have incels constantly angry that they don't have sex, no-fap morons constantly wanting sexual release but denying themselves, fascist retards that are mad people have sex in a non-traditional way, weebs that want to have sex with drawings, it's madness.

Just stop it! Let go of your desires!

>> No.13389620

I'm in agreement my man :3

Love you

>> No.13389677

I can see a pattern between the generation born in the 90s (as I think you are part of). We can say everything about nothing and mean nothing out of everything.

>> No.13389852

does anyone know where Q from the Book Club went to school?

>> No.13390256

FUCK why does fiction show me so many things I'll never get to experience? It's not fair!

>> No.13390261

There’s a been a lump in my throat for 3 years straight now. If my anxiety doesn’t get better suicide is literally my only option.

>> No.13390266

He was homeschooled by Nick Land, Pentti Linkola and john Green.

>> No.13390285
File: 186 KB, 1781x1021, 1561762772582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid a cute girl fifteen dollars to take a picture with me to convince my coworkers I have a girlfriend. I've also spent around five hundred dollars on custom girlfriend audios to simulate the experience because I'm terrified of talking to girls after years of humiliating experiences
I'm also writing a fantasy romance novel about a young knight and a tsundere warrior princess. It's currently around 30k words. I don't anticipate any measure of success.

>> No.13390286

It's quite something how much books rely on sheer, raw promotion these days. Back in the day the title of a book, coupled with its cover, gave you a fairly accurate representation of what the book was about. The book was called Sense and Sensibility and had pretty girls in Victorian garb on the cover, and that was what the book was about, pretty Victorian girls getting their hearts broken, you knew immediately what you were buying. Nowadays you get something like "Bless" typed in S U N B A T H E R font over some colorful abstract lines and you would never guess what the book was about if the internet didn't tell you about it.

>> No.13390332
File: 50 KB, 312x500, jed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zen, Advaita Vedanta, Meister Eckhart, Jed Mckenna. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.13390398

thinking about giving myself a nickname to symbolize a complete break from my old life

>> No.13390422

>a nickname
anything but FAGGOT is the wrong nickname for you. get your full name legally changed or GTFO

>> No.13390445

that's a lot of work, you have to petition a court and stuff

>> No.13390852
File: 55 KB, 853x480, deepthroat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dream of mine that one day when I am much older, and nearer to death that I might be swept away from my bed and dragged at gunpoint to the office of one of the few point who *actually* know what's going on, in general, and have them do their villianous monologue to tell me the master plan and so on about all the bad things that are going on. Kind of like the end of "Brave New World" when the protagonist talks to the world controller and had his every suggestion for improving the system shot down. Already tried, experiment failed, impossible to fix. It's not so much that the plan is a good one, but that there would be an overarching plan in the first place. I want to believe that all of the pain and suffering we go through has a purpose. At least then you could rationalize it, I can't deal with senseless suffering. Even if they were completely malicious it would be a rare and small comfort to know that at least someone is in charge

>> No.13390858

pee pee poo poo

>> No.13390862

Pronouncing what as wat is the same as pronouncing who as woo.

>> No.13390865

I have no clue what I'm doing with my life. I'm deep in debt, I have no skills or passions, I'm a socially anxious wreck. I'm just a waste of space. I'm really starting to think I should just kill myself.

>> No.13390927
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 7E41AD86-ADA9-4830-AA21-6DA163C242DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be “hoo”

>> No.13390929

I can't tell what's going on but it hurts a lot and I am angry

>> No.13390940



>> No.13390966

We've been over this you schizo

>> No.13390976
File: 118 KB, 706x986, 1547937687378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13391015

Oh no

>> No.13391067

this message approved by TULSI GANG

>> No.13391096

I'm slowly reaching the conclusion that video games are a waste of time and it really bothers me. It feels like I've wasted half of my life.

>> No.13391100

I thought I was good at writing but I've been trying a lot lately but nothing is good.

>> No.13391113
File: 62 KB, 645x665, 1547176205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest thing I have to friends are some people I occasionally chat with on an anime discord server.
Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.13391116

I'm going to die because of a series of accidents I couldn't get out from underneath in 30 years.

>> No.13391126

I remember being fourteen. Imagine unironically making the assumption that nothing matters because you watched some Dawkins and Degrasse Tyson... I almost envy the blind, idiotic faith you have in your solipsism. Must be comfortable.

>> No.13391129

The fact that you recognize your writing is shit means you have potential. It's the selfpublished retards that think their writing is great when it's shit that are hopeless.

>> No.13391142

It is a shop sign in an episode. under it, it says "Formerly owned by Buck."
Google it, there's a clip somewhere.

>> No.13391216

I'm still looking for a therapist to help me overcome my issues and get back to writing. I don't think I'll find one any time soon, but it consoles me to think that today I wrote out my idea on paper thinking it was too complicated and needed to be cut, and found out that all the disparate moving parts actually fit together seamlessly into a story about how it's okay to not be extraordinary

>> No.13391226

I don't think it's within my power to forgive anyone

>> No.13391287

Yes, Sneed is a code word that references Hitler

>> No.13391296

Forgiveness is not for them, it's for you. It's to finally let go of what happened and accept that all you agree going to get out from this person is an I'm sorry.

>> No.13391306

That doesn't sound like actual forgiveness

>> No.13391315

Find a new hobby friend

>> No.13391343

It was worth a try I guess

>> No.13391355

What was worth a try? Forgiveness?

>> No.13391357
File: 258 KB, 640x827, ian sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was called "Chuck's.... You fill in the rest" according to the writer for the episode.

>> No.13391361
File: 66 KB, 837x412, weltherrschaft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneed's Krieg and Sieg

>> No.13391468

Whatever it was they did to me. I'm not exactly sure myself.

>> No.13391473

When I rap it's the opposite of crap, talk shit and I snap, crackle pop fools, they drop, maybe they call a cop, but it won't get me to stop; you can't get me to flop, this is your summer blockbuster leave you surrounded you colonel custer, you're history, you musta missed the memo see i get the cash like venmo now you know cuz I said so, bro, see me with three hoes like santa, you funny looking like a panda, but I bring the present you must resent my presence because I shine resplendent, I set a precedent when I take residence in your ass, because that's where I blast, slow or fast the rest is in the past, if you think you can become better than me, that ship has sailed like a mast, I'm of a different cast, so give it a rast, I mean rest, it must annoy you like a pest that I'm the best, so run away find your nest because I can't help but stress, so sorry for the anxiety that's what you get for trying me

>> No.13391541

I am too far gone to even get into discord, consider yourself lucky.

>> No.13391580

It's kind of sadly ironic how the people who become depressed are typically the same people who take shelter in their minds. Your one shelter from the outside world when everything goes to shit, that fortified, complex yet familiar, shelter becomes the very source of your suffering.

I don't fully understand how I was able to deal with that for a year, and I wish anyone who is currently suffering from depression the absolute best.

>> No.13391663

What who did to you? What happened?
Loneliness is worse than anything else.

>> No.13391681

dear 3 poster: you are just as dumb as your waifu.

>> No.13391714

last night i ruined a couple of old friendships i had by getting cross faded with them and breaking down in front of them. thankfully one of them babysat me through the night, but i dont think they'll talk to me again. theyve got their own problems and i just unloaded after not seeing them for so long. not to mention i got super paranoid. i guess it's time we all moved on

>> No.13391931

they sound lame then. you can do better.

>> No.13391954

I'm tired of the Academy and I'm tired of writers and thinkers wanking over Kafka, Blanchot, Dante , Shakespeare and many other retards. IT'S ALWAYS THE SAME, IT'S ALWAYS THE SAME DAMN THING AND IT'S BORING,

The whole world does not END in England, Spain, Italy, France and Germany, there is more wisdom out there, dark wisdom, dark knowledge, interesting perspectives but these wankers can only talk about the crossed eyes of Sartre and Foucalt's baldness.


>> No.13392014

I stopped putting the date on the pages of my diary desu. I've also stopped following the lines when I feel like it. Writing only horizontally and following the rules got a bit lame so now I just do as I want. Next journal I get may not have lines. I don't know. They're restricting.

>> No.13392063

this is the most blupilled shit I’ve read all year

>> No.13392064

Art is the only way to derive truth, to make sense of our existence

>> No.13392128
File: 234 KB, 1224x1505, B3A07DB7-D9BA-417D-8D91-A765DED4D90D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel entirely disconnected from my family and the gap is only getting larger as I pursue my passions
This. So much this. Family has become such a devastatingly hard topic for me, especially after we moved to a different place due to war. The more I think about my family, the more it puzzles me. All I see is a history of sickness, a disease which is passed to future generations. And the hardest thing for me is to realize how shallow my family is. Never aspiring to anything of value, well, maybe expect for my mom. I don’t want it to look like a fucking blogpost so I’ll just stop here. But I feel you bruh. I guess we don’t get to choose our families after all

>> No.13392153


Your grandpa and brother are unironically right.

>> No.13393278

if they where to just direct that attention 1 foot downwards into the body they'd be a lot less sad.

>> No.13393290

Man, it takes a special type of autism for a post on 4chan to actually make me feel bad.


>> No.13393506

With hands warm as her slender silken waist,
my eyes buried in a gaze too green to bear,
lips unquenched, yet seeping with her taste,
thus I sprang awake.

For my comely girl was never, ever truly there.

>> No.13393825
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600 pages just to say that politics is inherently corrupt until people decide they don't want it to be so. Conveniently omitted is the fact that only high IQ societies have managed to transcend clientelism and patronage and to build capable, functional, and impersonal states.

>> No.13393833

Politics is the decision of who gets power over others and how it is used. Only the altruistic use the power for the good of others, but no one is really altruistic because people are fucking garbage.

>> No.13393846

Started studying japanese, FUCK are there a lot of kanji

>> No.13393864


>> No.13393927

Me too, making steady progress through the Kanji Master decks on the Memrise website. The cards are not the actual kanji, but vocab using them. I do about 20 a day and retention is crazy, I make a mistake or two a day. Should be done with N5 kanji by the end of the month.

>> No.13393935
File: 52 KB, 700x400, 1515345114079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are we going to do about all the off-topic bullshit on /lit/ these days? It seems to be particularly bad in the last few weeks.

>> No.13393954

They talked about "hey, remember when they tried to spread the ashes and it didn't all come out so they had to shake the urn and dropped it? Rember aunt Jennifer getting shitfaced and throwing up all over the grass? Remember when the Jones' showed up like an hour late and almost missed the speeches?" like anyone didn't see or know what happened, like it doesn't bug the fuck out of everyone how shit didn't go right for that kind of a ceremony. Just keep bringing up all the negative shit, drink, talk shit about family, drink, blackout, drive home, then go to work the next day, come home and stare at the screen for 5 hours, sleep, then bitch at the next family gathering how you never have time to fix shit at home, pay someone to do it, butch about money, bitch about how your body is always aching even though you sit at a computer for work, bitch about how you deserve more money but can't even justify getting what you make now, that shit is toxic and I'm the asshole for pretending like they ever made any wrong decisions in their life.

>> No.13393977

Where is my mind and what's on top of it?

>> No.13393985

My goal is to finish the 1006 kyouiku by the end of the year. Should be possible as long as I keep disciplined about it.

>> No.13394010

See you here in two years, let's discuss some Japanese literary fiction.

>> No.13394137

I'm eating lettuce from a plastic bag, waiting for my laptop to cool down enough that I can play HoI4: Horsefucker edition.

>> No.13394440

being vulnerable in front of people isn't a deal breaker. Yes they do have their own lives and their own problems but that's why you must talk to people soberly and sincerely as often as possible. I'm not saying you havent tried this before but try and reach out as often as possible without feeling shame

>> No.13395206

life is an open door

>> No.13395433

my nightmare recurred last night. by the time my consciousness is in twilight (previously in sleep) i am standing in my very small room pushing things off of my desk because in the pitch black my room feels smaller than it is. i am very claustrophobic and in my frenzy of trying to escape whatever coffin sized chamber i imagine myself in i desperately make for an exit where my mind created one. the time it takes for me to realize that i am in my room and not trapped in a cell varies. last night it was not long. i found my lightswitch sleepwalking and when i came to i was lying on my floor sweating and hyperventilating. my desk is in disarray and books and clothes are strewn around my room. nothing is broken. i remember having yelled and cowered and whimpered. every time i realize that i stand facing the wall over my desk in the exact same place in my search for an exit. i have never had a nightmare or been afraid in my dreams before these episodes.

>> No.13395585

I don't know, ok? I'm schizoaffective, I have no idea what's even going on desu

>> No.13395712

>Go to some art show
>All the girls shit is just straight up vaginas or subtle vaginas

Are women creatively bankrupt already?

>> No.13395729

Dan Schneider clearly has a foot fetish that he incorporates into all of his shows. Someone should really call him out about it on camera.

>> No.13395735

a lot of people take drugs because it's the only way for them to keep their mind from torturing itself. it's a shame mental health isn't treated better in the US.
we should have a debate on the merits of capitalism vs communism in terms of human happiness.
as if women ever had any talent to begin with

>> No.13395738

I just want a qt gf to hang out with me and do chores with, why is this too much to ask?

>> No.13395972

as long as there's retarded misogynists and incels around you'll keep seeing vaginas in art, it's gonna be a long ride my friend

>> No.13395989

All of the creativity in their body goes to their wombs. Women are extremely artistic and creative, just not in arts and crafts

>> No.13396142

asked my gf if she's slept with a black guy and she said yes. I'm disgusted and now and trying to wrestle with this shit. fuck

>> No.13396146

god I need a friend. I didn't have friends in college, but I had professors and classmates I interacted with regularly at it counted for *something*. Ever since I graduated though the only people I've talked to irl are my parents and my boss. It's starting to drive me mad. No idea how to make friends though, maybe I should join a team sport or some shit.

>> No.13396177

It's gotten so bad I can't even look at a woman and not feel shame. I'm 30, kissless virgin, not overweight but not in any kind of shape. Formless in thought, deed, and appearance. I'm no kind of person. I would like to meet someone. I would like to be intimate. When I think of interacting with a woman, though, I just feel embarrassed. What wooing qualities do I possess? I don't know how to fix anything. I don't know very much. I can't build anything. What would I be for her?

>> No.13396182
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>> No.13396193

Same, here...

>> No.13396435

I wish there was a magical book that contained short biographies of all my fathers in my single patrilineal line. I want to know what my great grandfather was doing around 250 AD.

>> No.13396515

Anyone else notice that on social media they've changed it from Private Message to Direct Message and aren't even giving a facade of privacy yet people are okay with it? Newspeak in action or no? Am I going insane?

>> No.13396539

you're overthinking it, it's just a more normie-friendly term. PM's weren't "private" in any real sense anyway

>> No.13396559

unironically becoming a weeb; japanese culture seems pretty cool lads

>> No.13396578
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The more we discover more about the Universe, the more it starts getting too complicated to explain it from an absolutely logical or rational standpoint.
It'll be fun if we just end with Deus Ex Machina as explanation one day after thousands of years of trying to explain the situation logically.

>> No.13396819

As an AA fag, I'd say just keep doing it. It works. I know that sounds lame but it's true. Hang in there, bro.

>> No.13396833

Yup. Pretty much the same, here. Though I am an alcoholic. Shit, I'm drinking vodka out of the bottle right now and swishing it down with Gatorade. But I'd never do it when I had something to do tomorrow... Overbearing mother is right.

>> No.13396904
File: 9 KB, 768x768, Esoteric_Taijitu-5c85cc7b46e0fb00014319cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muscle is inherently masculine. Fat is inherently feminine. One can find this if one merely looks at the two sex hormones. Testosterone encourages muscle growth, while estrogen encourages fat retention. Maleness is defined by muscle while femaleness is defined by fat.

This naturally leads one to the inevitable conclusion that a fully realized man should be muscular while a fully realized female should be fat. Obviously, of course, it's possible to go too far in either direction. Excess testosterone leads to the over-roided bodybuilders that populate bodybuilding contests; men who are not attractive to anyone but contest judges. Excess estrogen is generated by women becoming TOO fat, becoming huge hog beasts that become so fat that they even become incapable of pregnancy--in other words, they lose the ability to do what all women should be capable of.

Nonetheless, when we analyze biology, as well as the long traditions of cultures all around the world, we are left with the inevitable conclusion that to be masculine is to be muscular, and physically powerful, while to be feminine is to be fat, and physically weak. One might filter this through the Tao. Man is Yang, and Yang is muscle: it has the power to push, to change, to destroy. Woman is Yin, and Yin is fat: it's soft, supple, yielding, more likely to flex and change its shape according to circumstances.

We see that when this natural order is distorted, chaos reigns. Women who take testosterone to build muscle become more man than woman, aggressive and threatening just like men. Men who become too fat become more woman than man, weak and submissive just like women. Both sexes, when they indulge in their naturally opposite body type, become faulty imitations of the other sex.

But the proper, God-ordained order of things is for muscular men to unite with fat women. Not TOO muscular, for the men, and not TOO fat, for the women. But this is the basic principle.

>> No.13396946


I overthink everything it's just what I do

>> No.13396947

When I am in a deep contemplative state, and the universe divulges its secrets and truths are wrested from the gnarled tangle of earthly lies, heaven levels itself before my eyes.

And yet I've failed so terribly. It isn't healthy. So much more could be discovered, I fritter away my time, never to be recovered. Lust, or laziness, the craving for mindless stimulation, these are the myriad demons (Mara) and devils that beset Siddhārtha as he sat under the Bodhi tree. Bringers of damnation.The seductive power of poison can corrode anyone under the sun.

I don't want enlightenment in the eastern sense, I want knowledge in the western sense. Quantity over quality. An empire of facts. Not a single, looming, luminous state, but catalogues of truths, dissection notes, blueprints of mechanism. I will die never knowing enough. Even if I tried one thousand times more than I do.

>> No.13397421

off the grid means having no internet connection fgt

>> No.13397422

what a gay pretentious looking cabin

>> No.13397453

>posts taijitu
>still believes that men are wholly masculine and women feminine, doesn't realise that these energies are in constant flux and that harmony can be achieve in ones own body
I bet you only found out about the symbol from Peterson

>> No.13397515

That drug turned me into a zombie.
With supervision my doctor got me off of it.
It worked for what it supposed to do for the time but it's not a long-term solution. Acute anxiety. When I got that under control, quit the drugs. It's time, Anon. Those things are not good in the long-term. Fucked with my brain...

>> No.13397526

It does work but it turns you kind of mindless.

>> No.13397609

You only really get old when you stop growing. When you get tired with age and want to settle down to take things easy for the rest of your life, I think that's just the worst thing. Questioning life, changing yourself for the better, I think that's what being young is all about. And Me? I'm growing and learning at my own slow pace. At least, that's what I always tell myself.

>> No.13397655
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Mybrain:Slug a just shelless snail.

>> No.13398091

I don't know if people actually hate me and think I'm an annoying piece of shit or if I'm alienating everyone due to having a victim complex. I hate talking to others but I'm afraid of dying alone.

>> No.13398130

Butterfly, you waste quads like other men waste time.

If you're not aware of the population crisis in developed western cultures (hint - populations are declining, not exploding), you only expose your ignorance with posts like this.

>> No.13398141

How did you beat the anxiety?

>> No.13398203

Experience defines a personality and it is seldom remembered how different these experiences are from person to person and how much larger reality is compared to the world as any of us see it. Large texts inevitably become conversion attempts intent on closing this gap by building a framework which ultimately belongs to no one else than the writer. For fiction this is fine and intentional, but when attempting serious discourse it becomes a hindrance and the ideas closest to truth are expressed briefly and only need the framework of anyone's everyday experience.

>> No.13398216

Is this women logic in action?

>> No.13398217

In my country we call slugs "puž golać" which literally translates to naked snail.

>> No.13398465

It's another one of those days: My birthday. I feel so old. I simultaneously feel I could have achieved more in life, and that overall I'm where I'd like to be. It's an abstract kind of feel. I feel my age is part of a new 'age group' where I should have different goals and maybe priorities than I did in my prior age group. I finally have friends to celebrate with but I'm still too autistic to do anything. In my ideal life I would invite them all over, merge the different groups of friends, and have a bunch of a fun. I'm not doing that. But I'm trying to change myself for the better. It was my friend's birthday yesterday, I'm preparing to bring dessert around and celebrate with him. We're gonna go out for dinner and do a little drive to the coast on the weekend. In that sense I don't feel as bad today as I used to. It's still painful to look at the calendar. I used to feel exuberant joy when I was a kid and it was my birthday, which seems so fucking far away now. I get an urge to feel special and wondrous, but I don't. I want to ditch my old life's philosophy and become the warm, wholesome person I'd like to be. I need to get over myself and be more direct with people to become their friend. I want people to feel comfortable and safe around me. I want to make them happy. I dreamt of my ex-girlfriend yesterday, whose birthday is in a week, who's my friend's neighbour and whom I celebrated it with a few years back, around the time we started dating. We stayed friends after the break-up but she kinda backed away from IM programmes so we hardly chat anymore. All I'd really want to do is re-establish contact and hang with her. Maybe I'll drive up to see my best friend from Highschool during the weekend. She always inspires the most joy.

>> No.13398476

god damn everyone on this board is an actual retard aren't they. myself included

>> No.13399505

Guess I'll start engaging in semi-anonymous sex with strangers I meet through apps/the internet. LIfe surely takes some strange turns.

>> No.13399652
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>read the tartar steppe
i want to go back

>> No.13399849

You don't have attachment issues, you have detachment issues. If you believe otherwise to be true you are an incel who fell for the Jordan Peterson meme. Prove me wrong.

>> No.13399859

I'm hoping England go out of the women's world cup so I don't have to keep hearing about the "lionesses" and fucking Phil Neville.

English btw.

>> No.13399896

Well, I have a BA in English, just got it a few weeks ago... will probably go to grad school at some point. We'll see.

>> No.13400055

Started going down another blackpill rabbit hole, the blood libel of Leo Frank this time, it's true of course but probably healthier to just ignore. Can't really do much about it.

>> No.13400088
File: 293 KB, 822x590, The Dog Dabs at Noon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I write raps and I've completely run out of ideas. Here's some of my older songs:


And here's what I have been making lately:


I went from a lyrically driven rapper to a melody based one. I wish I could combine them somehow but I'm completely out of ideas for what to write about.

>> No.13400102


>> No.13400128

Do I legitimately keep forgetting to take my pills, or do I subconsciously want to just feel sad again? I feel sad now and I hate it, but at the same time there’s a calmness in it; a comfort. And then there’s the underlying fear that this whole time, it hasnt really worked, it’s just some fucked up placebo effect and my mind and body are just now coming to that realization after 4 years. Maybe I was naïve and unaware and I’m paying the price now.

>> No.13400144

Sadness is a natural mechanism that indicates you need some sort of a change in your life.

>> No.13400181

So recently I've been happier than usual, mostly because I've started to get out of the house. Basically, I've been hanging out at the guard shack at work and one of guards there is a big switch-having-capeshit-fan-basedboy, and while I'll admit that I honestly enjoy his company and j appreciate that he even invited me out somewhere. It feels good to have someone understand me, or at least pretend to understand. despite this all there is still all these doubts in my head. Does he actually like me? will he hate me? How long could this last? I hate these thoughts. Why is so fucking difficult for me to be happy

>> No.13400211

Because you keep thinking of the future and the past, while in reality there is only the present moment and nothing else.

>> No.13400264

How can I do that? It sound difficult to just forget the future and past, as we need those to contextualize the present. It is what seperates us from the animals

>> No.13400269

There general consensus surrounding a NEETs unhappiness is his unwillingness to form productive hobbies and be independent. Moreso the latter, i.e. many NEETs seek out love interests until they are literally crippled by their out of whack value systems, putting pussy above literally everything including themselves. Learn to need no one, or at the very least need others less.

>> No.13400276

Focus on your senses

>> No.13400425

I've picked up reading as a hobby a few months back and it's making me feel so insecure how little I get from books in terms of themes or messages. I can usually identify what general themes a book has but I have trouble really expanding on them further than "the themes are depression/drugs/etc". It's a mix between lack of critical thinking and getting all jammed up when I do try to think hard about what I read. Like, I don't know where to even begin so these ideas and memories and themes get displayed in my head like simple projections and never become anything more than a 2D projection.
What I think it really boils down to is that I'm so self centered that I cannot spend any time thinking about things outside the scope of myself. Ideas get filtered through some meta thought process where I think about how I should think about these ideas. That is, if i'm not daydreaming of trying to scam my brain for some extra dopamine or emotion or whatever by having some self centered scenario play out in my head.
To sum it up, I should probably kill myself if I can't make some serious changes and become more of a real 3d person that can feel and think and frame things outside of my own disorganized stream of mental self servitude.

>> No.13400557

>transcend clientelism and patronage
Where has this been transcended?

>> No.13400571

This is good in a way that i reckon most will feel too awkward to appreciate it.

>> No.13400593

yea but in a good way

>> No.13400909

How do I tell if I'm insane or not?

>> No.13401006

The title of the novella I'm writing is "a dumb quote from a stupid movie" but I don't like the aesthetic of the word dumb, but I don't want to use the word stupid twice. what now?

>> No.13401010

Try writing notes or small summaries. You'll get better with practice.

>> No.13401448
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God fucking damnit you degenerate fucking niggers.
Why the fuck in the past decade or so that I've been on hear hearing you fucking niggers talk about weed didn't any of you mention of fucking delicate the planets are.
How the fuck can in 10 years of constant presence and the conversation of weed being accfuckingeptable can none of you care to mention how fucking weak and delicate these fucking things are.
God damn you you fucking nigger sons of bitches why, fuck fuck niggers nigger fuck fuck you.
If any of you live in my area I want you to come meet me so I can try to fucking demolish your physical form. I want to unleash upon some nigger who hasn't mentioned what is apparently common sense in ten fucking nigger years on this nigger site on this nigger Earth. Fuck you.
Also beat the shit out of me in return for letting this happen, nigger. Fucking nigger do it nigger, fuck you pot retarded nigger asshole. Fuck.
Why. Fuck you. I'll use your windpipe as chewing gum nigger pot nigger.

>> No.13401592

my neighbor on the first floor of the building next door is a repulsive fuck
every minute (and I'm only being slightly hyperbolic) he's yelling- at the top of his damn lungs, and always at someone
yelling at the soccer game on TV, yelling at his wife for being a stupid lazy bitch, yelling at some other indiscernable shit. what gets to me- would hopefully get to anyone is how much he yells at his kids
not reinforcing, not discipling, simply degrading, demeaning and humiliating.
"what the fuck's your problem you retarded fucker?" "fucking get your shit out of my god damn way or I'll beat your stupid ass!" *mimicking a child* oh you're so mean dad! stop!- FUCK YOU!" "look at me again like that and I'll fucking whoop you boy" the oldest child is six, the youngest is still an infant- and yes, he yells at her too
>tfw can't believe if it's horrifiying or embarassing that a full grown man regularly yells at a baby to "stop crying you fucking bitch I'll fucking kill you!"
I should say Ive never heard actual violence; I'm sure he and his wife have some gross 'understanding:' something like 'I have to express my feelings babe, but you know I'd never act on them"
so who cares then? they're just words. Id call social services if I had any doubt they'd get right to the point- "yes, but has he hit the children?"
so I sit here, impotently fantasizing about writing a scathing letter, hand delivered to their porch once I move out, written in a vernacular too complex for a neanderthal like him to even pronounce
I'm useless, the kids next door are doomed, and this fat horrendous wretch keeps cranking the volume on his game
did you know mexican sport broadcasters are still doing the "GOOOOOOOOOOAL" thing? this is my fucking life

>> No.13401605

Goddamnit. Even the girls from conservative religious families are still slurs when they let their guard down. The more I learn about the life of each woman, the less I respect their entire sex

>> No.13401650

Is it possible to be incapable of making friends? I feel like every time I make one, or think I do, I hit some sort of wall where it's impossible to talk with them normally or just hang out, to the point where they stop inviting me to stuff or ignore me.
Can you tell the difference between an insane person and a rational one? If so then you're not "insane".
>even the girls from conservative religious families are still sluts
They're either the biggest sluts of them all or so socially awkward you'd think they're autistic.

>> No.13401754
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I just want some books or any other media recommendation that can make me believe that retreating into wilderness will make my life better. Fictional or real stories about people living inna woods, guides on autosustaintability, etc

>> No.13401824

News from nowhere

>> No.13401853

I’m sorry to hear brofriend, but isn’t schizoeffective just a blanket term for ‘something wrong’? Don’t identify with it that could be a big part of your confusion

>> No.13401858

That's fair

>> No.13401879

They aren't even the good kind of autistic either.

>> No.13401917

My mum was diagnosed with it and one of the doctors told us it was just a label, and that where I’m from here in Australia they dish it out to every second person. Mums issues stemmed from her trauma and were unique to her, and I think bunching her in that catagory was really detrimental to her recovery. I wish you the best of luck my man, you know yourself better than they do so don’t fully take on everything they say

>> No.13401972
File: 81 KB, 470x595, Devilish_4a1cb5_6238404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, my multi-year infiltration of online communist spaces is finally bearing fruit. I've been finally accepted on to the approved poster lists of one of the biggest forums. Going to really ratchet up the chaos in the next few weeks. Feels just like one of my animes

>> No.13401980

Imagine thinking communists are anything other than red fascists

>> No.13401990
File: 89 KB, 762x1188, 1561854508072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascists, communists, liberals, they're all the modernist scum. Gimme some of that neotraditionalism. Mmmhhhhmmmm

>> No.13402021

Using stupid twice would probably be acceptable in a title like that, mang.

>> No.13402022

a couplet of haikus

where did they grow you?
what soil bore such divine fruit?
I must travel there

to know the secrets
my favorite recipe
stay in my cupboard

>> No.13402760

Look up zen practices, takes about a month to turn it into a habit and get into it

>> No.13403175

I'm going to a July 4th party thing tomorrow and the host is making cheeseburgers. I am a pescatarian and don't want to eat cow but do want to engage in revelry. Would it be rude to take my own food and ask to throw it in with the stuff? If so I was just going to take ale and drink my calories. Which I'll probably do anyway.

>> No.13403518

just eat it anon, nobody likes the guy who's prissy about what they "don't eat" at a party. nothing's going to happen if you eat a few burgers and you know it

>> No.13403520

on the other hand, of course you can do whatever the fuck you like if you feel strongly about it.
i'm just personally annoyed by people who don't eat things for no good reason and have to flaunt it everywhere they go, i have to admit

>> No.13403825

Shoot the host a text and ask if it's cool to bring a fish. Otherwise show up with a fillet o fish from maccas or something