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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 199 KB, 497x280, 65835450_318727422402590_8981564368772661248_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13381215 No.13381215 [Reply] [Original]

saw this theory on a lit thread. really makes you think

>> No.13381233

Makes perfect sense. From the side a book is like a lengthy phallic masterpiece.

>> No.13381236

Interesting observation. A typical hardcover book is the rough size and shape of an erect member.

>> No.13381239

Freud was right, but women will never acknowledge that pen envy is a legitimate thing. Booktubers are a good demonstration of it. The only thing is that because women don't actually own the phallus they have to treat it like an abstract commodity– the bigger or more impressive the "stack" of books, the less women feel like impotent/castrated men.

>> No.13381421

wish one of these booktubers was clever enough to make one of those big dong joi videos codified as a regular booktube video

>> No.13381432

We should meme this until some booktube ho feels compelled to respond to it, then it becomes a booktuber meme, then it becomes common booktube lore inseparable from booktubing itself, then we get pornhub booktube shelf-of-dick glory hole porn crossovers with the hottest booktubers.

>> No.13381434

>really makes you think
Took me about 5 seconds of thinking to realize exactly how retarded that theory is.

>> No.13381440

Not an argument

>> No.13381442

and what about when men do it?

>> No.13381452

its a penis extension

>> No.13381477

i just like the content guys :(

>> No.13381484

Op made the initial claim without presenting evidence. There's no need for an argument because without evidence OP is just talking shit.

>> No.13381492

t. literally the booktuber in the OP image, has a collection of dildos hidden inside of book-resembling dildo cases on her bookshelf

>> No.13381524

freud.... easy on the cocaine

>> No.13381647

Is this why I constantly have to see you fags making "post your stack" threads?

>> No.13381661

No, it's rather a conclusion.

>> No.13381765
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How many books do you think she can fit up her butt?

>> No.13381785
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The amount of books they're holding is also a symbol of the dick size they prefer

>> No.13381789
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Women demand big, GIRTHY books

>> No.13381812

This. Booktubers and shelf posters are both pathological eunuchs.

>> No.13381824

For fucks sake, this is why the fucking freud jew is wrong, because her morphs the prosaic into the sexual. freud's practice is a psyop, i can gurantee that cia and fbi glow niggers make use of his subliminal association complexes to turn everyone into sex fiends. drop the shit, and most importantly, stop posting jezebel booktubers you fucking peasants.

>> No.13381827

We should not do anything for the sake of pornography.
Please refine your proposal.

>> No.13381843

Where are the mods to ban these subhumans?

>> No.13381845

No no no men do it for genuine intellectual discourse

>> No.13381882

Most of this post is paranoiac garbage and has little basis in reality, however it’s well-known that Freudian ideas were implemented as advertising techniques. Definitely not the FBI or CIA however

>> No.13382079

The same methods/theory used in adverts are the same used in "social influencing." There is noting paranoid about this fact, and Freud's work was a tremendous contribution towards this end... Do you glow in the dark, anon?

>> No.13382136
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>> No.13382175
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Is it me or is Emmabooks fucking terrifying?

>> No.13382250

that applies with you all in your /stack/ threads too, right? some lovely bbc

>> No.13382444

The fuck is “social influencing?” Sorry I’m not initiated into your cultish understanding of American history, speak proper English please

>> No.13382456
File: 143 KB, 1073x1280, 1560580284040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did this shithole turned into moralfag central

>> No.13382463

>consuming a bunch of mindless chaff just to say you «read a lot»

>> No.13382469

Half these thots wouldnt read if they couldnt take selfies of themselves with the books for Instagram, they do not truly love knowledge.

>> No.13382689


>> No.13382763

That was proper english, you moron.

>> No.13382773
File: 69 KB, 700x500, Farmer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw girls surround themselves with books by Phillip K. Dick

>> No.13382779

When we discovered Kant and Islam

>> No.13382785

Why do so many of you poseurs watch booktube videos?

>> No.13382951
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Rule 34

>> No.13382957

It's like an expensive sports car

>> No.13382961

Women are stupid and I don't respect them.
That's right, I just have sex with them.

>> No.13382967
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>> No.13383273

yeah. me too.

>> No.13383275

No shit, sherlock.

>> No.13383280
File: 212 KB, 497x280, 65296270_386218088909467_8565930642552913920_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is she trying to say with this facial expression /lit/?

>> No.13383360

i don't know, but i do know i want to nest my head into her neck, where i belong. i'm a submissive male and it's just my nature to always want the girl to be motherly to me and myself the child. and there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.13384056


>> No.13384294

>self-evidence is invalid
OK Dr. Math

>> No.13384382
File: 222 KB, 497x280, spines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are all the spines turned away from us

>> No.13384417


so you click the video to see what she hauled

>> No.13384429

That's the same reason I bought my Lamborghini.

>> No.13384845

I hate this fucking bitch so much, literally the worst taste in books

>> No.13385504
File: 253 KB, 497x280, 65689620_438790143339812_8234723320398872576_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she almost cant handle such a big stack

>> No.13385997

How can you have sex with something you don't respect?

>> No.13386052
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 02DF6F6C-F3A8-4A8E-BCFF-A70AD9796955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these bitches only ever read YA/romance novels?

>> No.13386055

By putting your dick in it

>> No.13386080

why are there people here retarded enough to respond to such a stupid thread?


>> No.13386091

When women stick their tongues out in photos I want to uppercut them. Faux goth drag queen whore.

>> No.13386095

They're all shills for the publishing industry.

>> No.13386579


>> No.13386868

molyfags are literally the worst people to exist

>> No.13387095

Same reason why every youtuber plays the same crap all the time, it gets views

>> No.13387772

Bum P