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13378860 No.13378860 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good anti-nature, pro-technology texts? Seriously, we escaped that shit for a reason.

>> No.13378866


>> No.13378882

>we escaped nature


>> No.13378899

Start with The Lord of the Rings. Then read Kaczynski's manifesto. After that, read Ellul's The Technological Society.

>> No.13378904

Every pseud either tards out or chimps out at this line. None of them want to confront the obvious fact that "we're outside of the food chain" and all of them will resort to some esoteric and ephemerally wistful bullshit or some irrelevant context where humans are reduced to primeval roles.

>> No.13378949

is that seriously a vidya?

>> No.13379053
File: 2.11 MB, 2985x1966, TheAutonomaticapiton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Amazon Production Team Manual to the Soul

>> No.13379092

We didn't escape our own nature though. We are still animals obsessed with sex.

>> No.13379298

>Nature = Human Nature.
Smfh fammo

>> No.13380072
File: 597 KB, 990x863, Nick Land the Accelerationist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanged Noumena?

>> No.13380405

How can you escape nature? It's impossible. That fake city is a big human hive.

>> No.13380480
File: 514 KB, 607x609, 1550405213174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST POst clown pepes :)))

>> No.13380932

The Anti-Industrial Revolution by Ayn Rand.

>> No.13381131

This, OP. You owe it to your posterity.

>> No.13381136

>we escaped
we’re one food shortage away from collapse. We haven’t escaped.

>> No.13381155

Why not two?
Why a collapse?
What is a collapse?
What is a food shortage?
How big is a food shortage?
Is a food shortage possible?
Food shortages were not that rare in countries like the early USSR (the last famine happened in 1947), and it was an industrialised and urbanised country, yet no collapse happened. Why?

>> No.13381258

They didn’t depend on industrial farming as much as we do today, they still had nature in their memories. It just takes takes a few big food companies to go down and most people wouldn’t know what to do.

>> No.13382511


>> No.13382551


>> No.13382563

this is far more powerful if you are aware that those lines are about Samsung workers and it being true.

>> No.13382564

>top of the food chain means we’re outside of it
We’re literally the most vulnerable animal with the least chance to survive change

>> No.13382649

Based trad environmentalist.

>> No.13382712

Our nature is based in and part of Nature though. Rejecting Nature is tantamount to rejecting any balance and understanding in ourselves. Not to mention our existence is dependent on the biosphere.

I have technophile and totalitarian inclinations because I like the aesthetic of deeprooted societal suffering. And in my childhood I would strive to meet the approval of others as I was met with violence and abuse, often this approval was unattainable, damned if I do damned if I don't type of thing. So the control given by quantitation and the designed is reassuring for me. I don't trust anyone. You are probably similar or braindead.

>> No.13382760

Maybe try What Technology Wants or The Inevitable by Kevin Kelly. Or his very good blog.


Or perhaps L'homme Machine by Julien Offray de La Mettrie, which was one of the first philosophical texts to describe the inner workings of man as machinelike, dissolving the boundary between "natural and artificial" and opening the way towards a materialist/mechanistic philosophy.