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/lit/ - Literature

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13378741 No.13378741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are we a Marxist board frens?

>> No.13378746

What would be nice is if more than 10% of /lit/ had read Marx

>> No.13378752

Nope. I kind of hate marxists.

>> No.13378762
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Um no sweetie. /lit/ is a monarchist board.

>> No.13378763

What would be nice is if 99% of members here read books

>> No.13378765
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>> No.13378773
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>hello fellow frens

>> No.13378776
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It is kind of interesting how 4chan's smartest board is its most left-wing

>> No.13378783

Hey Poltard

>> No.13378796
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Reminder that the left has all the intellectuals and all of the talent

>> No.13378823

Since the Frankfurt school there has been a lot of Marxist readings of art and mainly literature. Of course these optics are welcome in some cases but it's really empovereshing for art if there's ONLY marxist interpretations, since there's so many different visions aspects to it, and literature doesn't have a fixed purpose. So no.

>> No.13378852

This isn't a Marxist board but we'll let you in because it is a big cock in your ass board and you have that covered.

>> No.13378856


About 5 years ago this board was at least half, if not more, strongly leftist. During gamergate when cripplechan got a lot more traffic /lit/ leftists migrated to /leftypol/, basically founding the place. /leftypol/ was originally a left/lit/ colony, and you can still see the similarities. Since then however /lit/ has cultivated many religious, occultist, traditionalist, and fascist elements, and all combinations therein. Tho this board was better when it was Marxist, there's some good occult traditionalist and religious effortposters around and I'd like them to stay.

>> No.13378886

oh also Stirner was born from left/lit/ seeing Engels' doodles of course, idk if newfriends are even aware of that

>> No.13378916

Did the lefties get btfo in another thread and have to make another retcon thread?

>> No.13378918

For a good two years /lit/ was a whatever-girardfag-believes-in board

>> No.13378930

Surprisingly, no. Though discord trannies and /leftypol/ try their hardest to make it so.

>> No.13379077

uhhh what

>> No.13379216
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This board is high IQ and therefore it is left.
The right is dumb and everything about them is stupid. Search idiot on Google and you'll find Donald trump's picture because he's a fucking idiot. Sometimes we let low IQ people like you play around and feel like you're in charge while we move the world more left. The world has only gotten more left since its entire inception. We rule this planet you're just living in it.

>> No.13379228

I disagree with this worldview that right-wing people are inherently dumb, but seeing you, an obvious right-wing troll trying to impersonate a smug leftist and failing pathetically, is making me reconsider it, at least regarding the American right.

>> No.13379239

this some low IQ shit right here briuh bruh

>> No.13379258

Very conservative people are, in most cases, too dumb to fall for Progressivism (and that's a good thing). It's the people in the 115-130 area that you've got to watch out for.

>> No.13379267

uhh anon

>> No.13379280

>No you
The data says the right wing is fucking stupid.

>> No.13379286

>High IQ bad
Typical stupid right winger. There's nothing to discuss when dealing with a right winger because he's fucking stupid.
People with higher IQ should be the only ones with weapons in this world so we can defend against low IQ right wingers

>> No.13379295

115-130 is the range where you're just smart enough to convince yourself of stupid things through mental gymnastics. Very dangerous indeed.

>> No.13379307

That's actually the best IQ range and most doctors, engineers and STEM university professors fall in that range.

>> No.13379318

Most doctors are kind of terrible.
Not that intellectually intensive really, and the ones making the real advancements are probably above 130
only in Biology are they that low. In physics or math the average among people producing research of note is probably around 160.

>> No.13379323

>all these continental brainlets

>> No.13379327

>best iq range
>working jobs

>> No.13379341

You're grasping for straws. First set of Keywords: real advancements. Second set of keywords :research of note.

Textbook nazi talking points of assuming you and I have already agreed on the fact that most doctors, engineers and scientists are useless. And that is wrong. We agreed to no such thing.

>> No.13379344

It's called building a civilization. It's not billionaires that created the modern world. It was actually people that aren't leeches.

>> No.13379346
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The smartest and most Marxist board is /biz/. Chainlink is mooning and it's business proposition is to reduce the capitalist profits even more by disseminating information to enable invidualized means of production.

>> No.13379349

Holy shit I just refreshed and link keeps going up. I'm fucking rich. What's happening.

>> No.13379351

Leftism is just another way for the smart to control the stupid. Power structure is inherent and inescapable. Hierarchy is inherent, communism is impossible, stop being retarded.

>> No.13379352

I'm talking about physicists with a high h-index, for example. Most people with an IQ of 130 probably couldn't even finish the first-year graduate student curriculum in physics, and would get BTFO by something not so hard like Jackson's Electrodynamics.

>> No.13379356

The neoliberals are jumping the shop for crypto-marxism.

>> No.13379364

I'm still below my all time high from 2017 but link is going to 1000 so I don't mind. It's nice to meet a fellow communist owning link.

>> No.13379382

I doubt that. Merkel is probably under 130 and she's a PhD in physics

>> No.13379393

Physical Chemistry. BIG difference. Biology and Chemistry (more so Chemistry nowadays) drag down the average IQ in STEM.

>> No.13379426

Same. I sold at 2017 ath to pay off two semesters worth of debt. I'm overwhelmingly in green thanks to my Marxist understanding of economy and exploiting it in CryptoCurrency markets.

>> No.13379436
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>> No.13379452
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We are certainly left sympathetic

>> No.13379471

>tfw 135let
is there a feel worse than this?

>> No.13379475


No "marxist" would use or identify with the term "marxist".

>> No.13379479

135 is fine.

>> No.13379482

It's like using the term "darwinist". Only disingenuous or simple minded people would use it.

>> No.13379508

Well that's great. All I have is 1k because I just wanted a million.

Idiot. It was cheap. You could have bought just 1k incase it became something. I dunno what to say to you. We told you to buy it for 2 years.

>> No.13379545

Reminder that if you are white and in any way interested in leftist politics your first and foremost priority is to come to terms with your own whiteness and heal from your own internalised prejudices. People of colour, trans people and queers wont take abstract rambling about muh spectacle muh capitalism consumerism and muh culture industry seriously. Why? Because they have real issues to worry about like not getting fucking murdered by people who look like you.thats why I'm really wary of 4chan white straight guy 'marxists' most of the time the 'marxism' just seems like a rationalisation for their actual shitty reactionary opinions

>> No.13379548

I remember when it was like $0.2, oh well

>> No.13379553
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/lit/ and /mu/ are easily the most leftist boards I know of. Of course there are a ton of different posters though

>> No.13379561

5/9 committed suicide
4/9 jewish
None made any falsifiable empirically testable statements ever

The absolute state of the left

>> No.13379577

Holding is the best policy.

>> No.13379591
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What about reactionaries? They tend to be pretty smart.

>> No.13379623

I'm writing my doctoral thesis on 'poptimism as a queer utopian imaginary' spoiler: Adorno gets called out for his obvious racism and queerphobia, turns out the grammies are more radical than schoenberg and beyonce more 'punk' than any given set of white guys with guitars putting into question the last 100 years of leftist cultural criticism as crypto reactionary white supremacist and exposing 'consumerism' as a gendered and racialised concept. Theres nothing more exhilarating than taking on

>> No.13379730

Both marxists and reactionaries tend to be antisocial white guys who might be clever but far less than they think they are. The real galaxy brains dont do extremism or fall for obvious russian psyops. I'm a progresive JFK democrat: a believer in global markets, inclusive sustainable growth, intersectional feminism and a muscular foreign policy that stands up for democracy and liberal values, i believe the CIA is a force for good along with Google the FBI, NYT, Goldman Sachs, etc. i also think political correctness is actually good. I went to an ivy league school, i have had constructive discussions about microloan women empowerment in africa with bono and christine lagarde over a bottle of swiss schnapps at davos. I can assure you the system works, we just have to get the machine learning algorithms up and running, achieve 50/50 gender parity in our boardrooms, and get china to embrace democracy and we will get there.

>> No.13379756

based but bluepilled

>> No.13379760

c r i n g e

>> No.13379799
File: 185 KB, 826x1024, A7DBC716-5D74-4C19-90C7-E2B577EE96DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else catch the latest chapo episode XD? OwO :P

>> No.13379809

Broke 'antimperialist' teenage edgelord who makes excuses for dictatorship and terrorism, somehow thinks china and russia are still communist and not right wing oligarchies lowkey antisemitism and contempt for democracy, geopolitics indistinguishable from the duginist far right, minimises or outright denies russian interference, unironically gets news from fake news propaganda outlets like rt or telesur

Woke liberal interventionist adult. Knows democracy is a force for good and american power is to be wielded responsibly and for progressive ends is beyond simplistic cold war narratives gets news only from trusted outlets like the new york times or the economist. Understands the iraq war was justified

>> No.13379814
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>> No.13379825

Liberals don't understand diminishing returns and 'sola dosis facit venenum'. This is why they will doom us in the end.

>> No.13379828

The Republic is sacred, you filthy tankie

>> No.13379844

Voting center is dumb though. If you want influence you should always vote fringe.

>> No.13379847

As soon as you read ten percent of Marx. That dude wrote too much. I'd of preferred aphorism and jokes. Dude's got too much science on the mind to convince me that his system of thought is anything to ascribe to the actual day to day world.

>> No.13379848

Do you go to chapotraphouse too?
A fellow chapofag

>> No.13379854

Today I read three poems and a lot of comments. I feel I'm at par.

>> No.13379861

fuck off back to pol, Ivan

>> No.13379862
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And the right all the guns, money, and women.

>> No.13379864

Agreed. How do we make liberals see the light of socialism?

>> No.13379877

Arrange a raid team from chapotraphouse to pink pill boards like /his/ that still have a /pol/ presence. The counter offence will begin. The Nazis have expanded far enough

>> No.13379882

More like the definition of nazis have expanded far enough.

>> No.13379884

Why would anyone want to do such a thing? Marx is like Freud to psychology ptolomeus to astronomy, or Lamarck to evolutionary biology. Fine for its time but superseeded a long time ago. Why read das kapital instead of 21st century economics? There is a particular set of leftists dogmatically obsessed with marx and freud, why not lamarck and ptolomeus and aristotelian physics? The divide is between those who are for rigor and empirically testable statements and those who are for bullshit and dogmas

>> No.13379893

Ever the victim I see.

>> No.13379898
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Absolutely based

>> No.13379902

Lamarck was wrong. Germline mutations are spread to the next generation

>> No.13379937
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>4chan's smartest board

>> No.13379940

Can my fellow neo-keynesians give a hallelujah?

>> No.13379949

Socialism is just one of many tools, and can't be the primary one. It's meaningless without an understanding of what behaviours are healthy in the long run for a civilization, and it's volatile when applied to non-homogenous populations. Lolbertarians are also correct about many of the advantages of markets... That may chage -- technology may make planning vastly more appealing at some point -- but that is not yet our reality.

Now, assuming you weren't just baiting, the answer is:
We don't. Only the sledgehammer of reality can reckon with them.

>> No.13379956
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The only school that is close to Keynes is the Post-Keynesian school.

>> No.13379989

Socialists are liberals who understand at some level the telos of liberalism leads to total atomisation, but insist on pursuing liberal ideas such as materialism, feminism, lgbt rights transgenderism, secularism, democracy, individualism, criticism of the monarchy and the papacy etc.

>> No.13380008

>Are we a Marxist board frens?

Let's hope not. Inhuman dogma is the implacable enemy of art

>> No.13380020

>Understands the iraq war was justified

Begone, neo-con/Zionist shill

>> No.13380039

back to pol antisemite

>> No.13380045

I’m antisimetic and have never browsed /pol/

>> No.13380053

Can anyone recommend me a system of politics and economics which has the following components:
-everyone matters equally, sharing is the prime directive to be followed
-kindness and compassion function as currencies within the society, being seen as more meaningful than material resources
-spirituality is central, everyone has to honor the Divine and is expected to dedicate their lives to self-enlightenment.
-even the worst of political rivals treat eachother with tremendous compassion, everyone in government wears Buddhist robes and meditates together before their discourses

Anything like this? I want to be a Marxist because I want equality and to share with everyone else and for there to be no wealth disparity, but Marxism is also very violent and strictly materialistic without any spirituality. What do I do?

>> No.13380061

Democratic confederalism, or maybe tolstoyan anarchism

>> No.13380065

Naw, we a communitarianism board.

>> No.13380070

See comment above. Anon knows.

>> No.13380081

>back to pol antisemite

How do you intellectually justify to yourself the falsehood that anti-Zionism is somehow the same as anti-Semitism? I'm not complaining about the fact that a subset of Jews stole part of the Middle East for themselves and have oppressed the native population -- many other peoples throughout history have done the same thing; what I resent is that they would then hijack the government of a completely different country (the United States) in order to achieve their imperialist foreign policy goals. If you disagree, please explain rationally why, but spare us the scare-labels thanks

>> No.13380089


It's impossible to have such a system without a set of shared values and (ideally) some kind of shared kinship as well, in which case you're looking at a small-scale commune at best

>> No.13380093

>Jews stole part of the Middle East for themselves and have oppressed the native population
And are causing all the war in the middle east and terrorists

>> No.13380111
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Yeah, of course, comrade. These edgy chuds can’t handle our epic maymays and dank communism. Dirtbag left for the win. We’re radicals, we’re the resistance. Remember to support Chapo oh Patreon (TM), guys XD OwO :P

>> No.13380120

socialists are not liberals, socialists stand for socialism which is

>The complete nationalization / collectivization of the MOP and industry / infrastructure

>The complete abolition of usury / fiat / rent and all forms of renumeration

>The total Democratization of the workplace and workers' self-management

you'd be hardpressed to find a liberal who stands for this and if you did, well you didn't find yourself a liberal

>> No.13380151
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>> No.13380199

Tolstoyan anarchism sounds pretty neat, from the outside.

>> No.13380209

Socialism and liberalism are both spawns of the same retarded whig thinking that wants to divide power into ever smaller pieces, much to everyone's detriment. They just disagree slightly with how fine the division should be.

>> No.13380215


Especially if you still get to roger the peasant girls on your estate, as Tolstoy did (even if he did feel bad about it afterwards)

>> No.13380221

>spawns of the same retarded whig thinking that wants to divide power into ever smaller pieces

I don't understand. Isn't highly localized self-government, i.e. that in which people sharing common values and interests delegate power to others whom they know and can hold personally accountable, the ultimate ideal?

>> No.13380242

Yes, and that is why we should return to feudalism.

>> No.13380279


Wait, but isn't feudalism the rule by a class of landed aristocrats who *claim* that they've got your best interests at heart, but who every year skim off a huge amount of the crops you've grown by the sweat of your brow without ever making any kind of fucking effort themselves to help you out?

>> No.13380297
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>socialists are not liberals
>believing this in 2019

>> No.13380299

06/29/19(Sat)11:55:17 No.13380279

>> No.13380300

That's just whig "history" talking.

>> No.13380317

>That's just whig "history" talking

Could you rationally explain why I'm wrong, please? Scare-labels such as "whig" are no more meaningful to me than others such as "racist" or "sexist"

>> No.13380328

Ok, knee peasant and show point me to your bride!

>> No.13380341
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>> No.13380356

Mild socialism can just be a form of risk dispersion, it doesn't have to define the whole paradigm. Liberalism is different... It's not just some discrete theory or plan, it's a fundmanetal trend -- an element of human psychology. When humans get soft and spoiled (relatively speaking), they're always looking for the greener grass... It's never enough, and they'll throw all prudent caution to the wind in search of the next progressive milestone, the next 'freedom' (even if it involves destroying some other freedom).

Now, liberal ideas can confer some powerful advantages in the early and possibly middle stages, but the problem is that it just...doesn't...know...when...to...stop.

Sola dosis facit venenum