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File: 14 KB, 220x309, 220px-Jordan_Peterson_June_2018[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13378324 No.13378324 [Reply] [Original]

Depression and anger runs in both sides of my family but for some reason me and my sister caught the worst of it. I petitioned to leave a fairly prestigious university to pursue a life of crime and violence. I had no regard for the feelings of others particularly the women in my life. Everything I did was dangerous, the fights I picked, the amount of drugs I did, the people I hung around, the sex I had, the connections I ended. I'd like to share with you some of my most shameful experiences.

I contracted a sexually transmitted disease (luckily curable), I almost killed someone, I caused my mother to develop a heart problem, I got kicked out of my home, I betrayed some of my closest friends for things like drugs or money, and I brought immense shame to my parents and my family.

One day I began to feel a deep anxiety after watching a random video of UofT psychologist giving a lecture. I had never really stopped and considered why I acted out the way I did, why I put myself in the situations I put myself in, why I tried to prove my worth/masculinity/ability in the ways that I did. I hated listening to Dr. Peterson he seemed like he was just saying what old men who think their wise or sophisticated ramble about. I hated him.Day after day I would go back to his videos leaving hateful comments because I was hearing what he was saying but I wasn't listening.

The girl I was with at the time asked me why I spend so much time watching university lectures if I hate the guy. She was right wasn't she? Why didn't I just ignore him? Why couldn't I just ignore him? I snapped at her. I didn't hate him. I hated myself and for once in my life someone was telling me why. I genuinely believed I loved myself (I was such a narcissist after all) so the only way I could integrate the information entering my brain was to convince myself that I hate the source of this anger. It wasn't the man on the screen that was the source of the anger, it was the fact that I was so naive to believe that I had anything to be proud about and that I refused to listen to everyone in my life because I was a nihilistic, coddled, violent, needy piece of shit.

It's been almost a year and I've successfully completed a year and half of courses at university (really good marks too), me and my family have a great relationship, I've been in a faithful relationship with beautiful hard-working girlfriend and for the first time in a long time I really love myself and my life. I can tear up on demand just by thinking about my hero. I never bothered to write him a letter because I knew he wouldn't have time to read it but I spoke to a colleague of his (one of my profs) and she told me I should do it anyways so here I am.


A Grateful Lobster

>> No.13378338


Great. Now that you got the basics of your shit together, drop Peterson entirely.

>> No.13378353

...didn't someone post this on Reddit?

>> No.13378365

how would you know?

>> No.13378367

Ignoring the reddit spacing; Peterson is pretty solid if you want to change your habits and become a function member of society again. When it was just videos of his lectures on youtube and some sincere anecdotes of his clinical work, Peterson wasn't all that bad. But he's bought his own hype. Get off the train as soon as you are able.

>> No.13378376


>Ignoring reddit spacing
>On a post with a single fucking sentence

No, really- what the fuck are you on about? I've been on 4chan for 13 years and I still do not understand this obsession with calling out 'reddit spacing' on posts you don't agree with. What you took to say in several sentences I said in one. You actually agreed with me. What was the purpose in stating that? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.13378414

I mean really just take what you can from him that helps you in life and just move forward from there.

>> No.13379783

Reddit spacing is "called out" so inconsistently too. I've had it leveled at my own posts for putting in enough breaks to make the paragraphs readable.

i.e. What I've just done has been called reddit spacing. There's no point having an argument about it.

>> No.13379800

ITT: Redditors explaining why 4channel should be more like reddit

>> No.13379808

Stool Brory Co.

>> No.13379813


good copy you'll be out of the CAA mailroom in another week

>> No.13380366

That's it no more shitposting until you finished your lobsters bucko

>> No.13380398
File: 152 KB, 1259x512, virginchadpetersonchild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13380410


>> No.13380455

I keked

>> No.13380493
File: 517 KB, 1872x604, projected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13380503

but correct the text texture sweaty

>> No.13380520

I would prefer not to

>> No.13380724

Hopefully your girlfriend will cheat on you, your life falls apart and you kill yourself

>> No.13380755

I just listened to this part on audiobook. Nice meme.

>> No.13380960

Reddit spacing is pushing the return key twice every time you type a full stop. I'm not sure why this is lost on anyone.

>> No.13381054

This is a literature board not your diary faggot

>> No.13381111


>A Grateful Lobster

I'm using this.


A Grateful Lobster

>> No.13381128

how would you know?

>> No.13381268

Exactly, get introduced to the real masculine paternal figure : Elliott Hulse

>> No.13381270

>breathe to your balls

>> No.13381298

>I petitioned to leave a fairly prestigious university to pursue a life of crime and violence
Do people really do this?

>> No.13381311

What happened to Elliot?

>> No.13381815

Peterson is an alienated cuck. Good bot for the Capital.

>> No.13382063

Peterson is a gay that is diverting vulnerable men from Christianity and nationalism.