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/lit/ - Literature

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13376697 No.13376697 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about 200 pages in and am really struggling with this. The simplistic moralism is bothering me and the writing it bland. I was expecting some BioShock type shit with Roark building cool shit. He's just an autist.

Does it get better?

>> No.13376888

Are you retarded? BioShock had anti Ayn Rand philosophy.

And no, the novel doesn't get better. There's no character grow in there. The first conversation between the main character and the director in the university exhausts Rand's entire philosophy. The rest of the book is basically repeating the same thing. Roark starts to get some stuff done, gets knocked down by muh society, and that cycle basically repeats until the last 10 pages.

The novel is only enjoyable for the plot, although it drags for way too long.

>> No.13376987


Their philosophies are in opposition, but their surface aesthetics are similar. Stop intentionally misunderstanding people

>> No.13377186

What? You mean the 20s-30s aesthetic? Rand didn't invent that.

>> No.13377340

>BioShock had anti Ayn Rand philosophy
Is there a source where the game creators say this or something? I get that the society collapses, but that is due to the plasmids. They also invented heaps of high tech stuff thanks to their philosophy.

>> No.13377371
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Most of Rand's work it's absolute garbage, but there's actually a reason for that. She took from Aristotle the epistemological hierarchy of the different fields of philosophy, so for her, the field of aesthetics was the final consequence of the rest of her philosophical framework.
So, according to Rand, the aesthetic consequence of an "objectivist" philosophical framework, at least in literature, was a style where the characters are defined with clear and non-ambiguous moralities (the character can either be good or bad, there's not in between), where there can not be such a thing as a "sad ending", and where the struggle of the "good guys" pays at the end.

So yeah, it's pure crap, and there's no reason you should read her work unless you're really interested in understanding the objectivist philosophy... and even if that was the case, you should have started with her collections of short essays instead of going right to the novels.

>> No.13377398

You know how in the end of Crime and Punishment Raskolnikov has a dream of some disease that sweeps the world, and everyone becomes self-centered, and motivated only by their own interests, so they start killing anyone who opposes them. So because everyone is "individualistic", only pursuing their own self good, society begins to collapse. Rapture is basically that.

>> No.13377401

>Rape me once and make me horny.
>Rape me twice and make me fall in love with you.

>> No.13378701

>but their surface aesthetics are similar
In what way?